nnndty- Aug""1. No 1 V Folding Kodaks F.-om $12.25 Ho 2 I Folding Kodaks Irom $18.50 do U Know Diamonds 1 ii,,.rrund should be clear and an ; if. m Hke water, with no nr or spots. lr uld be the proper shajw ifl ving. UV u 1 1 1 )u triad to show ran re liable ways to know a diamond. W'c have a beautiful diamond irjsRrmt nt ring with fine lterfect i'.m mrf in white geld setting ti fM. on. ( JOHNguifiEU- fllPWF.IJ.RRS SLim store with the clock MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIViJKY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. IN CANADA XHXaW' J rrom KODAK TIME . Brownies from $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodak ....$5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks rrom $11.25 No. 8 A. Folding Kodaks From $S4.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), f. 3.5. lens $100.00 Kodak Films, all sizes in stock. Developing and printing for amateurs. Daily service. Quality finish. lines 1 yfie Pioneer Druceists THIRD AVE L SIXTH ST ' TCLEPHONf S 8?f,20C PECIAL to clear Cheese Cloth In packages of 5 yards at, per pkg. 25C if L uid have rood brHlianey. 10 yards at, per pkg.. .5flp I W V w J. A. Kirkpatrick SIXTH STREET 'mtcmmm SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Surplus Wallpaper 33 1-3 DISCOUNT liFMXANT HOOM LOTS $l.liVlu$2.00 A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale and Retail Paint Distributors When do we eat? "A hundred miles from nowhere" you'll always" have pure, rich, delicious milk Tf you have Carnation. Great (or creaming coffee. Fine for cooking. And just as fine for everyday use when you get back home. Write for Mary SUle Cook Book 114 Abbs VaMouvtr, D.C Contented Cows n th!ahtlm,ant EVAPORATED MILK of highlit 'y Local Items 4 a Taxi Thone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dri J. R. Gosse. Phone 86. Mra. a. HarrUnn af Msnnrtt ar rived in the ftty on the Prince Charles. O. O. Metntyre of 'Port Clement arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Charles. Robt. Creech returned to the city this morning on the Prince Cbarl from a trip to Btewart. O. D. Beattle of Queen Charlotte City arrived In the city this moraine on the Prince Charles. A. L. Prttenard arrived In the city this morning on the Prince Charte from Port Clements. He will attend the Fisheries Convention . Mr Valentin of the Valentin Dairy was a pasoenger on the Prince Charles this mornlBf returning from the round trip to the Islands. Mm. M. Lawrence, wtfe of the. Government Telegraph operator In Stewart .arrived In ttie lty on the Prince Charles this morning. Miss A. D. Crulekahsnk Joosi lib rarian, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert on a holiday trip to Dawson and the Yukon Teerltory While she Is away the library Is Bios' ed. ATTENTION, EAGLES! Meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. Special business. ANNOUNCEMENTS Leif Erikson picnic August 11. Catholic Bazaar. October 2 and X 158 QUALITY GROCERIES AT RIGHT PWCES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FANCY SLICED SIDE BACON Swift's or Gainer's. Per lb. : .36c GAINER'S PURE LARD S-lb. pails SOc 5-lb. palls ....$1.00 10-lb. paUs ....$1.1)6 PULLET EXTRAS 8 dot. $1.00 CREAM ETTBB Qatek macaroni. Per pkg 10c VEGETIZED WAFKRS Be' lor health. Per pkg. SSc OVENKIBT OAT CAKES-Frls shipment. ,2 pkga 4Kc HEINZ COMBINATION SPECIALS OFFER NO. 1 1 Ut. cucumber pickle or rIiah 1 bottle catsup, large 1 tin crcanjof tomato aoufVAhft. All For 6,'c, Or'FHR NO. '2 1 bottle Heini vinegar, 1G tm. 1 jar sandwich relish 1 tin cooked spaghetti, sml. All For 65c OFFER NO. 8 1 jar peanut butter, medium 1 bottle tomato caUup, ge. 1 tin baked beans, sml. All For 65c PRESERVING APRICOTS Per crt $1.45 PRUNES 8 lbs. 29c REFLEX FLOOR WAX Per tin 25c LSAANICH CLAMS Per tin, IGo 1 Ll'BBY' CORNED BllEF-lif V 1 2 tins 45c Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 56 1 1 sosaftstfiWiTr.ffi THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE o ntat la vlaltini? In the eltw from Terrace ana Is gitm! at the Bavoy Hotel. Rev. IsbOJP Pfttao returned to the city thto niotons on tlie Prince Oharlee from tftewart. Mrs. Long. J, Mrs. Weir and family ftoM Anyox are visitors In the city and iM regntered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. NERVES CONE CAN T SLEEP? "Fruit-a-tive" restores good health Are you tired? Downcast most of the timer Worried at trifles? Can't sleep? Mr. J. 0. Rlngbeim, WydnoAl, B.C., writes: "Mr ntmt onalrwlr f- I mf ptmt food buhb te ttukiwm'. "FruU-a-trvea" is s eembrnatioo of in. tensified rresh fruit juut- ami the most deotiBc medicinal ingredient! In a natural, gentle way it stirs la', liver, bowels and kidneys, into normal. Iitalthy action, soothes the dierstivt tract, ani! calms the troubled nerves. 2Sc or 50i buxos at all drucsitU. I Moose picnic Sunday, leave Paul Armour's float. Boats (178) Dave Wilton of Sunnyside Is In for the convention which is In pro-grew today. Joe Besslnger of Oarcroas Is a vis- were Itor In the city registered at the sound trip psMKBvr returning this! Prince Rupert Hotel. morning ell the Prince Charles Mrs. 0. ti TlvaU In the city Oil the Pnuce Charles today to spena S holiday here Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Rice returned W Mansett ar-l to the elty this morning on the O. o. Maelqim and J. M. Ourney rrlnoe Charles from a visit at TleU A. J. Curaon was a passenger, aboard the Prince Charles this morning returning from the round trip to the Islands. Mr. and Mrs. II. Ward and child Arriving hat MStertUy from Alaska ' reiurnea w me eny on ne rrinee ho. he had been lnsixcUne can-1 msries xnis morning irom a nouaay oettss was ftr. Uy w; Clough. of the! vlK at TleU. Associated Pncifie Planer k with beadi office at Beattte. Mrs. E. Slse, wife of the dentist . at Port dements, arrived In the elty Mr. and Mrs J. 8 Nelson and! thl morning on the Prince Charles Xor ohild arrived an yesterday afternoon's holiday visit hers. train from the Sabine and are sailing south on the Prfnoe Charles today on Pleading guilty to a charge of hav- a holiday trip to Vancouver trig liquor tor sale, Mrs. Alice Scad- den was this morning fined 300 by Amons the totemtlng visitors to Magistrate McClymont in the city the convention which opened here PUc court tcday was Herbert F. L. Paisley, dl- " rector of publicity of the fisheries Mr and Mrs. Gabr'el wbo nave branch at Ottawa, Mr. Paisley Is the seen vislt.ng at Port Clements, i first appointment to a new office returning to their home In Winnipeg. which he Is now organizing. ; via Vancouver on the Prince Charles this afternoon. The Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Louise - wiled yesterday for Vancouver at 5 p.m. Among these going south Irom Prince Rupert were- Mrs. A. D. Campbell, Mrs. J. L Hay. O. Hill. H. Helaier, A. Oswald and D. CampbeU. j J. A. Teng has received an Interesting letter from a recent vis.tor in the city residing at Ban Antonio telling btm he saw hlr name in ihe paper in . connection with softball while here and be states that one of his oldest friends la Julius Tengg of Ban Antonio, Texas, owner of the largest book store there. This man had often said he did not think there wat another penon on the continent wi-.h the same name. Mr. Teng has hu- address and wlU write to him. Strength for the Sultry Days SHRE WHEA! S4 h4 With all the bran of the whole wheat Mental buoyancy and physical alertness come from eating the crisp flavory shreds of whole wheat with milk. Delicious for luncheon with berries. Eh UioM Biead& Bettm'BiHiad. B Do you read the classified advertisements? A Summer Clearance i SALE cONLY A FEW LADIES' COATS LEFT Regular vahies up to $85. Now $19.59 Summer Hats to Clear at $1.95 LADIES' SILK AND GEORGETTE DRESSES Regular values to $15.00. Now $9.75 A FEW LADIES' DANCE FROCKS Regular values $26.00. Now 12.95 CELANESE AND SPUN SILK DRESSES Regular values to $16.00. Now ' 9.75 LADIES' WOOL SUITS Regular $25 value.' Now 19.50 .tMllSHWOOL SUITS-rllQLHilar $19.50 value. . SU .a W NdV $14. d Great Reductions on all Silk and Georgette Dresses