PAGE SIX ywjLmm m mEmsmmssi m for remainder of the week Dr Alexander PHONE 57S IICSNCIt IILOCK DENTIST Prince Rupert Feed Co. Received fresh supply Bratts' Baby Chictf Food, Bulkley Valley Hay and grain, Robin Hood Flour. i Spratts' Dog and Bird Sup plies and COAL guaranteed to please you . PHONES 53 AND 558 1 Final Redactions Ml Hats 95c. Regardless of former prices every Hat in our store will be sold until the end of this week at this one low price. Beautiful straws and felts in the most adorable styles of the season. Ribbon and flower trimmed. All popular shades. ENSEMBLES The, balance of our whole stock, at regular valuos up to $49.50, now Going at $14.50 Richmond's Louvre THIRD AVENUE, I'ltlNC'E HUI'ERT, II. C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving., Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Au?u DELEGATES TO CONVENTION ENTERTAINED Number of Utile Events For VUltor rartlrularly tlic Luille There was quite gay scene at tbe railway station yesterday afternoon. tien great many pecple went out 'd greet tbe delegates to tbe flatteries onventlcn . About twenty of the party rrlved Including a number of ladle ird they were met by a epmmtttee and taken to tbe bote). A committee of local ladiea took .hare of the ladle of tbe party and. hey, along with other ladlaa connected vlth tbe convention, were entertained it tea In tbe Stirling Tea Room, veend Ave., tbe affair feeing In the hands of Ma. T. H. JoiUMoa and, Art- Fred Mathers. Some of tbe delegates were enter -diiud a- dinner by local people and i'er in the , erem- mrjt ol tbem c'hered a; tbe Pnr.ce Hupert Club. The executive of the Fisheries Ae-- ,-iation held a meeting to arrange r Li! lis fcr t convention today. All of the delegates who eared to go vers entertained at tbe Capitol Tbea-re where lce seaU ware plaeed at Melr disposal. Thu morning the ladiea rutted the herie Experimental station and at "on they joined the men for the of-clai photograph at the Ooeernmant luildipgs. An informal lunobeon wa eld at tbe Bis An Cafe and thkt af 1 "rnoon they are tbe gussai at a re-1 eption given at the borne of Mr. and frs. George Bushby. Week-End Specials WIFT S PURE LARD 10-lb. tin $2.20 XJGS Fresh seconds. 3 doz. 95c EGGS Freafa extras. 3 doz. $1.25 UBOB GREEN BEANS 2s. 2 tins . 36c 10YAL CITY TOMATOES 2'-.. 2 tins 8Cc lALKIN'S SLICED PINEAPPLES 2' ,s. Tin 36c .'ADOB RED PLUM JAM 4s. Tin -15c COLUMBIA J1ARTLBTT PEARS 2s. Ti 26c JROWN BRAND NORWEGIAN SARDINES 2 tina ,2c 5AANICH CLAMS 2 tins. . . .85c LIDBY'S ASPARAGUS TIPS' , Square tin, 36e 1 .'LARK'S CATCHUP 2 bottles , ?URE MAPLE SYRUP 2"i-ib. tin". i WALTER CLAYTON IS i MEMBER OF COflVENTION, ! LIVED HERE FORMERLY One of the interesting personalities of the fisheries convention is Walter Claytou of St. John's. Newfoundland, of the W. Clayton Construction Company, whose father designed the cold storage plant in Prince Rupert. He lived here until twelve years ago. He went to the war and on his return settled in Newfoundland and went into business for himself. Sir. Clayton is much pleased with Trince Rupert. He says he sees wonderful improvements. He is renewing old acquaintances nnd enjoying his visit immensely. He has been a member of the Fisheries Association for fourteen years. Local Items Mrs. O. T. Hibberd left on tbi morning's train fcr a two week holiday trip to Lake Kathlyn. Mr. and Mrs. George Letts and ln- fant daughter, arrived on .be Oamoeun, 90 years ago todaf. Mia Mar .1 Mclntyre of the- ataff of '.be Prince R-pert boaptui left on this nv ruing tratn for a three week holi day visit to bar home in Bml there Acropolis HUl baa bean given for the u:i it '.r Fisheries Conventlce tatters m Ssrurdry afternoon and the public r mruested not to use tbe ground on tnat occasion. At PL-tXMKII Archie's finances worried his friends rather more than they did. him. One i day an acquaintance said to him: i "Gee here, Archie, you'll get Into an lawful hole buying ao many things on tick What do you do when tbem , deferred payment i come due?" ! "Oh. eay." aald Archie. "I defer paying them. "Montreal Star. Announcement!! TO THE PUI1LIC It affords us great pleasure to introduce you to our new manager, Mr. Victor Terrien, for our CASH & CARRY DEPT. Mr. Terrien has been manager of the Piggly Witfgly Branch Stop ft, Vancouver. He comes highly recommended and reiiiattLtdrltk. his Jprmer business vi will greatly appreciate your hearty support as be will be pleated to meet each and erery customer. We are confident that hi courteous and cheerful service will satisfy. SPECIALS I-OR FRIDAY. URDAY AND MONDAY jit pkta. MacLaren'a Jelly ders 4 otvl Fancy Edgewood Pelrs. Plats fahanedi. $2.50 EVAPORATED PRUNES 60-60. oU! e, 2 lbs 26c 1 VALENCIA ORANGES 5 doz. .." 05c Malklns Beat Coffee; la ...,G0c LUX Per pkg. 10c Malkina Beat Coffee, Sa ...?EJS PEARL WHITE NAPT1IA SOAP Dr. Mlddleton'a Macaroons G bars . 25c per pig 19c ROYAL CROWN SOAP POW- Dr. Middleton's Cookies, DER Pkg 20c per pkg. 5c CUMC CLEANER 3 .in. Cash mm mm. S W - Alberta Market! & Carry P. GAMULA. Proprietor phone 360, 319. Third Ave. Fifth Street, Phone 208 AUEN'TIGn! ATTENTION "Did you ever notice how wise our ABirrlcan visitors are? When they leave for home they always take along a new sweater or a knitted dreaa'and vorortlffiea a new golf Jacket too. They know a good thing when they see It. for there Isn't a better oreduct anywhere than those made In B. C. There are three firm here making knitted goods and their wares are world-famous. Their products are preferred In every country where quality and style are R C.rCODUCTS PLRrALi S.D.Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections 1 we can m;iVp nrnmnt rrpru. I tion of buying and sellinz ! orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronta stock exchanges. Closing prices from those exchanges posted on our stock board twice dally. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Co.Lld. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert. B.C. BBW&SX2K9 a WEI). &TIIUK Two Shows 7 and 9 p m Bewaaawa- WARNER BROS. 'SPECIAL, ON TRIAL" A WONDERFUL MOVING MYSTERY STORY Comedy, SHE'S A PUTIN-PARAMOUNT MWs ADDED ATTACTION AT 6:50 P M Sam Rrunier, Noted Musician, in Accordion S0I03. Admission, 15c and 50c Friday-Saturday "THE WINNIPEG KIDDIES' C. N. RAILWAY SUITS! SUITS! SOCCER CHAMP; BEAT WESTONS WINNIPEG. Aug. 1. The Canadian National Railways team of Montreal won the Dominion football championship yesterday by defeating the Winnipeg United Westons 6-0 and taking the eries 9-0. The Westons were champions ast year. BAGGAGE MADE TO OKDh'R ('uttintr. Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone R49 LUMBER Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S4S Dimen. i n. u Boards. KILN DRIED :e and and Cedar, Cedar, ; ; ijifBh ijijBh, Sitka Spruce Ceiling w Rustic. SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edpegrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3" and 4" Sitka Spruce Ceiling 1 x 4" and G" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. II. C. Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone. 3GI Retail Yard, Cow Ray, Telephone 423 FURNACE or STOVE WOOD Inside Spruce and Hemlock, Cut 11 and 1G-Inch $1.50 PER DOUBLE LOAD BOX CUTTINGS, $3.50 PER LOAD HYDETRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage DEMAND COAL "Rupert Brand" o ippers "T.1IE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C 1