August 1, 1929 LAND ACT ollre of Intuition to Apply to Lease Land prince Rupert Land Recording : prince Rupert, and situate , fv,nth West ooast or Wales It Boston Islands. ,-',ce that Anglo British Colum-, nK company Llznltd of Van-. ii ., occupation, Salmon Can. i . : ih to apply lor Mease .of thf ricvribed landa: foreshore: , hk at a pout planted on the V..-' Coast of Wales Island facing , : u extremity of Boston Islands; , ( hairw following high water i. inv'Bouth' one chain to Low in, ! k: thence West forty chains , low water mark; thence North :. post; and containing Ten . .- r leas , 111 TTI8II COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY. LIMITED. -W E. Walker." Agent. M:.v 82nd. 19C29. L.JD ACT Not I of Intention to' Apply to Leae Land .- T: nee Runert Land Recording : Prin co Rupert, and situate . k nth Bart of Spit Point on ,'.orf -it Portland Canal. , that Apglo British Colum t Company Limited of Van- ii . occupation, Salmon Can- "Mi.t to apply for a lease of the (' v Tioed lands: loreanore: ' ill it I post planted one . East of Spit Pot lnt on the ,f Portland Canal; hence East toilowtng High water mark; .. - n-h 5 chains to low water ' i- West 40 chains following r mark: thence North S chains :-.g post; and containing 29 t r leas. ' .. HHrriSH COLOMBIA PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED. "W. E. Walker." Agent. M y 32nd. 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l-raie Land a rnnoe Rupert Land Reoordlnf : Prince Rupert, and situate u uth East of Bartlett Point s, u.h West coast of Wales Is. in ,1 ice that Anglo Brltlah Colum-. Company Limited of Van : ' occupation, Balmon Can ds to apply for a lease of the :- v nbed lands: foreshore: ik nt a post planted one n iutt of Bartlett Pc'n on the '.' roast of Wales Island: forty chains following high r. thence South West five low water mark; thence West ' llowing low water mark; nil East fire chains to loca-a. (l containing 30 acres, more BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED. "W E. Walker," Agent. M.iv 22nd. 1929. :-Ki ' V LAND IU.COIUHSO DISTRICT NOTICE .AsBrW Co de ntn-ng oompanj, mrouver. B.C.. occUDatlon. : P'klng intends to apply 'f the following described s ".ite fronting on Lot i District: Oommeaetng ;H:i:ited at a point on the fimuUrjr j. Lot 2, Range t, nt is chains from the sontii-M.ence N (MX. to the pro-".-riv of the east boundary m i iior' mean high - :inr wjsisrly and sutfa- "i! niraiisbgh water mark. ' of rurmtuMemeat, and con -irrfB. rnorwjBT lees. !.' 'II COLUMBIA TiTSHtNa & PACKINO CO.. LTD. J It Buehnell. Agent. June 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l.eae land - Prince Ruperv Land Recording : Prince Rupert, and situate (.uth West eoat of Wales Is-.: mile South East of Bartlett e that Anglo British Colum-k' f ompany Limited of Van- ' rrupanon. saunon uan i to (tpply for a lease or the i-.'Mbe3 lands: foreshore: iut at a post planted on the craai o! of Wale h East of Bartlett poini; j u: E.t forty chains foUow-: ter mark; thence Boutn,ti, riv fi.hinir for mln- i-haina to low p water wster mark; man: . "it-th Wee forty chains follow-w r -r murk: thence North East ' t pt. and containing twenty ' 't leas. 1'KITtSH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. W. E. Walker." Agent. M t ?2nd. 1929-. ';Vr:i;SMt:NT PROPERTY FOR 8AI.K "-its will be received by the1 ' ii up to Monday, July 15th, iw purchase of tee rwuv launch No. 3, now located Uupert, B.O. ii, of Launch are as follows: 41' 5" 9" V y T 'J imii 'ue .i. .18 'i Tonnaee i.13 ' w th 20-34 H.P. Type PPP. ' FJnitlne:'- "iy be Inspected at Prince DC, on application to In. W Splller, B.O. Poftce, Prince 1! C ' '"it or any tender not neces- 'l"'U. .' V. A. ROLLINS, ..... M.ltftB.. (ISWIWi B.O., I I'll 1DQO in for receiving trnilrrs for the 1 launch has liren extended "to August iSth." A IIWDICAP "hiT was showing his puplll utters "ous" at the end of 1 ""'ii meant "full of," sueh u 'tin of fury, and malfelous, 1 niiiiice. sk,,d for a sentence Ulustrmtlng ": he wished to make clear, aifd 1 'i'K effort: '"v couldn't run because he i :ou '--out Reporter. iiiecnamcHiiy guaranteed, nurns and Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE Iron and wooden put ley, alao two pieces shafting. Apply Daily News, Box xx. (tf ) L,nI,0.It, " . ., . iF0"lAiE-Tr.y-threer Frlmc..i iiuuee, coiii,.ieij , furnished. Apply Mrs. White, 427 Fourth Avenue East. (180) FOR SALE Three-roomed house and lot, corner Ambrose Avenue , and Sixth. Apply Mrs. White, ; 139 Fourth Avenue East. 180 FOR SALE S sets adjustable' iron hangers for shafting,! Large size. $10 per set. Ap- ply Box 00 Daily News Office, j (tf ) TUB DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVa CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AM) OLD. Summer Resorts Where to spend an enjoy, able holiday boating, hath-lngJifhing, mountain climbing, etc. KITSUMGALLUM LAKE LODGE Terrace, II.C. J JSpend Your Vacation at ' Kalum Lake Good fishing, boating and bath. Ing; beautiful scenery; twenty miles from Terrace. - Stage 1 saves 1 Terrace 9 a.m., Monday, WeHnes-; day and Saturday, $2 return. Rates, $3.25 per day. Write for I special weekly rates. It. E. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, n.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows fof children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuslne. Parties can be mat at Skidegate or Port Clements, wireless for reservations. MRS. RAJOUT Tlell, Q. C. I. SIJMMER COTTAGE AT HEALTHFUL FRANCOIS LAKE For Rent Uy the .Week or Month Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Henkel Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Tort Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire ears and trucxs rrom YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegatc. H.C. L AKEI.SE LODGE AND HOT SPRINGS r. V . . C t i situated on the shore at Lakalte " - " bow trout. The hot springs contain Llthia which is fine for rheumatism. Cottages Jor rent. J. Bruce Johnston, Manager. WANTED of WANTED Heraatltching. Mra.' Chas. Edwards, nt Walluce's. 17!) 30 WANTED Two unfurnished rooms for living purposes, of heated .or with chimney in block, or two roomod house not I far from centro of city. Apply Box 214 Dally News. tf Daily News "Classified" adver- tjsing brings results. BRINGING UP FOR SALE FOR SALE Pedigreed police dog' FOR RENT Furnlnhcd flat. Ap-puppies, six weekg old. Phone! ply Mussallem Grocery, ' (tf) Black 469, JLi 777777. , "77 FOB RENT Four room Hat with FOR SALE Studebaker coach ' bath Furnished. Phone 547. FOR SALE Six II. P. 2-cyUndelPnr. RPNT Purniahw, fiVft.1I?T Boats u anoe.,, 'r hlre' z-cycie Wilson manne engine ir good conauion. A uargainii Apply Ilox 212 Dally New Oft flee. 2 n FOR SALE Fishing boat W. T,' 52 feet long; beam, 13 Vi feet 80 b.p. Frisco Standard engine; eight years old, in No. 1 condition. PhoneDlue 159. tf FOR SALE Heinttman piano, bedroom suite, library table, table lamp, kitchen set, bed. small rug, smoking cabinet, cooking utensils, etc. Phone Blue 505 or apply 339 Fifth Ave'. W. (tf) FOR SALE Salesman wanted to call on shoe and departmental stores. Newly invented shoe Uce. Easy to make $15.00 to $20.00 a day. North American mfttlltClriTltffgtlo . . Ltd . , 875 Broadway West, Vancouver, B.C, Canada (178) FOR SALE Chesterfield suite, dining room suite, Heintsman 'plaao, bdroom suite, French and English Wilton rugs, floor lamp, end tables, kitchen set, bed Idreastrs. Singer Sewing maBifie, etc? Apply J. J. Mui-doon. 339 51b. .Avenue W. (tf ) WANTED MEN, And Women make $50 weekly selling Doponta Cinderella Damask hemstitched, fiannelback tablecloths, stainless, no laundering, looks and wears like linen. Write II. S. Campbell, Empire Hotel, Winnipeg, for information. ROARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $85 per month. Phone Green 21 G. tf LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l,nMie land In the Quean Cnartotte Land Dvwrlot, Land Reoordln District of Prince Rupert, and situate near Klashwun Point, Orahani Island. Take notloe that Sucene II. 81mpson Massett. B.C., oecupsUon, cannery-man. Intends to apply for a lease of the followliiK deacneea is landa: Foreahore. Commencing at a post planted about 1 oh sins southeasterly irooi tne n. w. oorner of Lot No. 3741. Oralnm Island; thence west 10 chains; thence north 9 chalna to low water; thence est 10 ahklna: the-ic south S chains to point oommenoement, and containing s ' acres, more or leas. 100810! HUMPHRY SIMPSON. ' Henry White. Agent. Dated May Uth. 1929. A Daily News want-ad will hring results. FATHER I I ( i I vyr- V6 s.rrr OCT a A cood GOOD ioila- IOU- I IU LLAK AbK 1 .iollv joluy m,-c- kjice or I ; dHiIiel!l IIcanadiam PACincf SIlWSTif 3rd Ave. Victoria every Friday 19 pjn. At-nU for all Steammlp Lines W. r ORCHARD. GENERAL AGENT Prince Rupert. II.C riione 31 Ran ad ian National ctht Largeft Hallway SyJlem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE filling, from PRINCF. RUPERT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. HRATTI.K. and Intrrmeulate poInU, Monday. Thursdays, 4 p.m.; Bafurdays, 7 p.m. For ANYO.V and STEWART. Mondays, 8 p.m.; Fridays. 4 p.m. For MASSETT INLET PORTS. Mondays, 8 p.m. For hOl'TIl qiEEN CHARLOTTE INLANDS, fortnightly For SHAG WAY, Wednesdays, 4 p.m. PASKENCIER TRAINS 1AVE PRINCE LIEUT DAILY EXCEPT SIM1AY at 11:30 a m for PRINCE (lEOHOE, EDMONTON, WINNTPEU, all points Eatrrn Canada, Inlted Ktates. AflEN'CY ALL Of KAN City Ticket Office, 528 Third FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Room Suites, Chesterfield Suites, Simmons Beds and i Bedding, ' Linoleum and Linoleum ... n , .... . Hardware. We invite you to call. MacKENZIE FURNITURE PHONE 773 S KEEN A LAND KLCOKDINU DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the BrlUsh Co - lumhia Ftahlng it Packing Company, Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C.. oceupaHoa. fishing and packing, intends to apply for a lease of the following described forenhore, sltustt fronting on Lot 10. Range 8, Coast District: Commencing at a post planted at the sou kh west oorner of Lot 10. Range 5. Coast District; thence outb 8 chains; thence la a southeasterly direction IS ohalua; thence In a south-easterly direction 33 chains, more or leas, to man water man at a pom B.O.. occupation, aaimon carmen, in-distant 10 chains, more or leas, westerly tends to apply for a lease of the follow, from the southeast comer of Lot 10: !n. dMrrihad lands: I thence northwesterly, following hign water mark, to the point of commence- 'went, and containing IS acres, more or leu. . BRITISH COLOMBIA ftWITNa tt PACKINO CO., LTD. J. H. BuahncU. Agent. Dated 20th June, 1999. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I-aiid In The Stlklne UM Beoardlng Dls-trtet of BrttWi OolumMa. and situate about one halt an Easterly from the mouth of the Tulsequah River, whloh htto the Taku River about all miles up -stream from the Alaska Boundary Line. Take notice that I, James B. Stapler of Los Angelea, occupation, mining an. rSurSaT 1 "KlX to purchase the foJ lowing denertbed ' Ids uuounencing ai a poss pianwa one ; naif mile Basterly from the mouth of itrr i in, TUleequah luMRnunn River, ifivpr u ttience i nrp Bast Ban 20 xi " T . r . 77 aln: thence North 20 cnaina; thenca win m nains; menoe ouuwi w chalivt and eontalnlne 40 acres, more or lees. n., Dated June , 10th, l29. 320 HTF-AMSIIIP tl.XRS 1 THAT MR- MPt-K TO CALLAMA5K uiu'TOATAV ttW DltslKlSR'TVtKKl MAC CIS WOKlTMAKRMCSmCKTO I TH HIQHTEENJ OAT DI6T-5HBrt.l. WANTT ME TO EAT LIKE HC DOEft- VOO TO CALL Mfi, UPAr4D INVITE, CLAD - FOR RENT ' FOIt ItENT Famished suite, Summit Apartments. Phone-Blue 3-15. (tf) FOR, RENT Modern house near business section. $25.00. Apply 216 ,, Fourth -.,. Avenue A,.,..- E. V t FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. for RENT -. furnished house keeping rooms by the day, week. or month. Phone Red 607 tf FOR RENT Clean, well furnish ed modern two and three room ed suites. Palmer Apartments, Phlne Red 444. (tf) roomed bungalow with bath. Alfred Street, near Dry Dock. Phone Green 244. (179.) CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic ia reeognlzed in forty states of the anion. This recognition has been sought and gained by the people who have benefitted through chiropractic. It was not until 1916 that legal recognition was first accorded. For your health's sake consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Phones Black 233 Open EVenings CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments glveruftccoraing to our -new Splrml Indicator, 'reduce better results. Consul R. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR 023 Third Avenue Office Telephone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1924 EDUCATIONAL FORM BY HOUSE SCHOOL FOR BOYS Ganges Harbor, B.C. Sound Modern Education ALL GRADES TO JUNIOR MATRIC Boys taken for holidays Moderate Fees ProepoctuH on Application LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Rccordln District of Prince Run. ert. and situate near theTOOuth of Mas- sett Inlet. it. Or Oraham hum i si ana. Take notice) that Laagaxa Fishing to Poeklax Oompany. Limited, or Mascett, B.C.. occupation, salmon eanfiera, ln- tend to apply for a lease of the follow, Ing described lands: Foreshore. CommcncUig at a post planted near the southern end ', J 1 l5.d", .l"D.? itheno . . northerly . , 10 chains; thence . . east- t. ah n ,1. u. i tw 10 ,n wiy a uii.iiui. ui-uv iu'"ij C1UUUS, following low water; ti1nc1 wesatrfy to point of commencement, and containing 8 acres more or leas. LANOARA riSHINO Is PACKING CO.. LTD. Henry White,' Agent, Dated May 11th. 1929. - ' f 1 "S. 1 1 ai a- w-;t I TOO OP AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 anJ we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do if PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. , i ino 1WIVM .AGENTS, FOR VaV Rlerck. ' Easthope, Hicks Rrfllantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors s Coolidge Propellers Phone. Dav or Night, 564 P. O. Box IK'54 BUY SHRUBSALL'S SMOKED FISH PRODUCTS (Smoked Black Cod and Fillets) De Luxe Smoked Salmon-To cook, cut the salmon into small strips, place in pan, pour boiling water over the fish and stand away from fire for fifteen' minutes. It cooks itself . Sold by ; . Burns & Co., Ltd., Frlzreirs, Bulkley Market, Watts Grocery ' for husband or picnics. Paints, Wallpaper, Etc' SILVERSIDES.BR0S.",' Wallpapers, Taints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 SOME BARGAINS IN CERTIFIED USED .CARS CHEVROLET Sedan, $300 CHEVROLET Sedan $130 FORD Sedan $273 Good Terms and Sixty Days Service on All Used Cars ROSS & MOORE, LTD. Chevrolet Dealers LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to len iJind In the Queen Charlotte Land District. Land Recor4tBg District of Print Rupert, and situate at Arnlston Point. North Dundas Island. Take notice that Langara Plshli.g Packing Company. Limited, of Mtesett, B. C. occupation, caiinrra. .luiinds to apply for a lease of the follow- Ins described lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a poet planted at the .rtT,mit of una on Arnistnn Point. thence . westerly 20 chains; thence north- .hin. ta low waise: . tbenc. east, , j "r..-.. .vJ' J.l.ri. , eri erly - 20 20 chains; chalna; thence thence southerly to Doin Doint of commencement, and oontalnlng 20 acres, more or less LANOARA FISHINQ At PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Its Agent. John William MoorehouM. Dated June 7lh. 1929. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings From Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanson Bay, llutedale. Alert Hay, etc Tnes. day, 2:30 p.m. For V.VXt OIVEK. VICTORIA, llutedale. Alert Bay. etc.. Friday midnight For ALICE ARM, ANYUX, STEWART, Nans Rlver Port Simpson, Min- . lr, 8:W p.m. For POUT KIMPSO.VJi.ND WALES ISLAND. Tnnrsflah p.m. f 123 2nd Atrnue 1 It M SMITH Agent Prince Rupert, n.C. Tt rough tickets sold to Victoria and Seattle .and buggate checked through to ilrhtlnatlon. B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINOH FKOM PRIME Kt PERT To Ketchikan, Wran(HI, Juneau sad Kkagway August 3. , It. IS. 19. tl. SS. T Vanrouver, VItorU and Seattle August 3. in. II, 17. 21, It. !H PRINf'EHA Sl.tKV Ocean FaUs. nr.. Vancouver and Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 260 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate near the mouth of Na-deci Harbor, on Maaorredo Island. Take Deuce tut x. Author Robertson. of mssett. B.C.. occupation, mm owner. Intends to ely for a lease of the Oaanmeneme' at a mat near ' the south east oorner of Lot : 2719 : redo Island; tnanoe northly 10 chains: I thence aaterly & chains to low water; thence foUownvc low water southerly 10 chains: these wasteaty to colnt of com i aae emant. and. containing four acres, 'shorter leas. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. By Henry White. Agent. Dated May Utb. 1929. , LAND ACT ' Notice of Intention to Apply to. Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land IleoanUajr District of Prince Rupert, aad situate near the mouth of Mas. sett Dklet at Seven fue Point. Take aotfce that Langara Ptahlnc Si Packing Ooatpany, Limited, of Maaawtt. Commencing at a post planted the northeast corner oi Lot Oraham laland; thence westerly III! I T1H1 It. Jll I III ' " X III I - - I 10 ' ehalos; thence northerly 8 chains; thaact I easterly 10 charns fonowtng low water. tkene, southerly S ehslns to point of nammencrmenl and eonUlnlna S acres. aaore or leas. LAN O AHA PI&HINO St PACKINO CO.. LTD. Henry White. A sent. Oated Mar Utb 1989. L.VND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, 1 art. and srtuste at an unnamed point oa the northeast of Kayos laland, north of I tb eastern extremity -i i.v uamuaed ! lake on Zayes laland. Take notloe that xugene H. Simpson I and Author Robertson -of Massett. B.C. : SS?" s w!ngddeicn nMm. v,.hr. Commencing at a post planted 200 : nvi kjuui 01 aian wmcer a( mm esfcrvawir abovt -mentioned unnamed point; .hslni thence north 8 . . . cnams to low water: tnence weateny m , chalna: thence south to point of mvucimfc, ana oontalnlng mauiiiuaa m 30 ews. more or leas. ETJQENK UUMPRRtH SIMPSON, AUTHOR ROBERTO N n'B tie Agent. John WUUam Moorehouae. 1 Dated June Tth. 1939. By George MclVlanus iftisl'T T-AT NICE? MR-JICGo lt ON) IT, TOO- TMI'o i Wl NtEUBA. TCAW DW v.-. iiir-T y ii u ' i rmkVN.?!jii i rscjPM'iisiS . ' v ii "jwi-i1 . t iwmnA,iiirL -it i