5, 1919. GUARD AGAINST al FIRE, THE DAILY NEWS. i THURSDAY SPECIAL PEACHES for PRESERVING Order Now, Do Not Delay! Per 20-lb. box, $1.75 - KUGAR HAS ADVANCED 50c. r hundred pounds, but we will sell :- 8-lb. sack, $2.10; 20-1b. sack, $2.40 after Thursday, when the price will go up u Phone us at once ULLERS, LTD. Phones 44, 45 and 534 wo Stores. fasta? BS Phone 573 0. Box 1664 D. W. MORRISSEY WILFRID KELLY P. Prince Rupert Grocery Company stock on hand than money tn bank value for takes this ng the pubiie high grad their cold es set forth below will be maintaned until ent is changed, when a further list of good These prices are absolutely for cash er. No C.O.D. or charging to a unt Ww e prices. Delivery will be made by auto on ling purchase, is Best, is 60c. 2s ..$1.15 5s ..$2.85 : DOG Tivts iack a iii ete eee sé» cidkiew ee 55c. » gc Oe ada UR kaw ¢ ¢os s CESS 2a 6 2 for 35c, nd Beans, tomato sauce a 2 for 25c Dosh eenes Ob caet 60iFe. ., 5 Ibs. for 60c. BGLIQM wcccevteses ccoeoebeeceeen gee .60c ull varieties, per Ib. ..........++.--, S08. y, 4s $1.26. Black Currant, 4s, $1.00. Red $1.00. Raspberry, 4s, $1.20. Strawberry and $1.60, een gage, 4s, $1.00. Ss, per case $4.50, per dozen $2.40, per can 2 for 45c. per case $3.75, per doz., $2, per can 2 for 35e. Wes a ee 30c. 400. 5 60c. PRR ha 6 oak his Sede 00d 4 00 5c. ; can 20c. 150. ... 38e. 2 for 26c. Domoleo 3a, . Manan; pt Sate ne Core eens ane hs Prince Rupert Grocery Co. ~ Prince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor ‘Everything in Music.” LATEST POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS uae a. 1irs to Phonographs, Violins te. Bows rehaired THE O89) KNOWN Te Woouwlnd instruments repa d and adjusted Same a een AL Prince fupert Academy of #usic in Connection Mh 2. With the 6tore. The Lar of Pianos and Organs os ‘orth of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano lhe Weber Piano Thomas Organs ade G W. J.P _pe-perpeem wn, lille laranteed Instruments itman, Piano Dept. E. L. VAUGHAN Expert Piano Tuning and Tepsiring, Pleyers a Specialty Prince Rupert Music Store COUNCIL TOLD _ THE ARCHDUKE ~ “NO HAPSBURG” Europe Had Suffered so Much | Under That Dynasty That no .+. 2m Confidence in Them. | Paris, Aug. 24-—The supreme jcouncil sent instructions to the [iter-Allied Mission at Budapest to he leave jovernment in ropean peace. inform must Archduke Joseph that the Hungarian the interests of Europe suffered the Hapsburgs | that there could be no confidence in a government with a Hapsburg of it. rhe report that the Archduke already : ally confirmed yet. much under a member jhas resigned is n 0 ‘ SH CHSC SESH SE SS SO! * IN THE LETTER BOX *| 7 +? ££ ee Re SESS WANTS THE SCHOOL i'To the Editor, | hear that there are a few) people canvassing against the! school that the people are to vote on this “kk. JT shou'd \like to ask, sir, if you know whether any of those people have children of their own? I am toid that they are being urged to work against it by a man who expected to get a job from the trustees and did not and now he bitter against them and _ especially against this work. If he had got the job he would have been try- new we is ine to get the people to vote for it so that he could have got his commission, If we are going to let people who have come in lately and who have no stake in the place upset our school plans and because they are jealous say that we shall 1 have a place to educate our that all the heads were one was Most of the fish are humpbacks and are not in very good cond tiot having lost thei bright eolo! BIRTH ' , son was born on Friday / Mr. and Mrs, Elmet Cavanaugh this ty at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, “LION AND MOUSE” by Publication in a daily neyspap« 4 children, it is time some of us|your attention is called to section 3¢ i the “Land Registry Act” with-amendm old timers came out strong and|ana to the folfowing extract therefrom ' ‘ae » . snd in default of @ caveat or cer did what we could to get this by tifleate of is pendens being filed be law passed. Most of us have! fore the registration as owner of the , ~] person entitied under such tax sal hildren and those what haven't all persons so served with notice . : > sae good . and those claiming through ? would like to - or under them, and all persons claim schools. ing any interest in the land by virtue . f any unregistered instrument, and I doen't happen to have any ul! persons claiming apy interest in . ave sel yut th land Dy descent Whose title is ehildren of school age myself | not registered under the provisions I knew a lot of people who have f tus Act, shall be for ever « . . i tupped and debarred from setting up ind I would like to see a goot any claim to or im respect of the . . 7 y to let snd 80 sold for taxes, and the Kegis school on the hill, if onl; rE yh Fy gh te outsiders and newcomers see that | titied under such tax sale as owner : 1 tl | f ihe land so sold for taxes. we stand for education an wat) AND WHEREAS application has been hara as " racks @s|made for @ Certificate of Indefeasibie Title there is no mM on our Da the above-mentioned lands, in the name they sometimes say the Is of Jim Postolu, yp : ‘\U WHEKEAS on investigating the OLD TIMELK title it appears that prior to the 10th day ’ SS f October, 1017 (the date on which the j said lands were sold for overdue taxes), 1) were the assessed owner thereof! SA FURTHER TARE NOTICE that at Une lsame tame I shall effect registration in STREAM I ance of such application and issue 4 ertificate Of Indefeasible Tithe to the said lands in the name of Jim Vlostolu unless epee \ take and prosecute the proper jc na war . ij ceedings to establish your claim, If any hose who have never “yc a to the said lands, or to prevent such pro a wy ascending a stream should] posed action on my part, omen Soe 7 ,| DATED at the Land Registry Ofmice, not miss the chance to see then nee Rupert, B.C., this 19th day of 7 Pe ‘hile they ]|August, A.D, 1049, it Shawatlans falls. While HF. MACLEOD, ire not as numerous as they were District Registrar of Titles ’ " k they still ascet d ro Robert J, Abbott, Esq., a few weeks ago, ey © . Prince Rupert, B.C. . wre yesterday in large numbers and | , IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISI were so thick in some places that COLUMBIA ar je by | tN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA they touched each other side riON ACT | 1 , a can except and side like sardines In ¢ IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Of AT THE EMPRESS Dramatic and Intensely Human is Photoplay to Be Shown Tonight. If you wel ie at and most power! ul ' P vorld and you had hes wht to a point of humiliation by clever and beautiful girl, whom you had forbidden the doors of your home, and who ioved and was loved by} your only son, what would you do about it? What John Burkett Ryder did about it provides one of the most | tensely dramatic and intenss ty | human secenes it The Lion and the Mouse,” the Vitagraph super feature, which will be seen in the! Empress tonight Confronted in his library by the girl and his son, as the gi smiling her triumph, starts | leave the house the great m turns in his wrath on the youth and says this You damned fool wi her. If a girl like that | al me ” 2 | “MANTLE OF CHARITY” HUMAN AND HUMOROUS. Margarita Fisher in Odd Story at | Westhoime Theatre Tonight. | » alt As tanglements on as the wir No Man's Land’ | are the traps and meshes of ca price thrown out for a millionaire philanthropist by Norah McDoi -| ald, played by Margarita Fisher in “The Mantle of Charity.” In this production of the American Filn Company, the human and humor- ous appeal are instant; the humo: and the story is dangerous e en- is spontaneous odd. The fallacy of red tape, the drawbacks of long-winded meth- ods in charity work and the short sightedness of a young man, who means well but aecomplishes little, is satirized in a unique and interesting manner in “The Man tle of Charity” to be shown at the Westholme Theatre tonight. Mar garita Fisher is the star. Bulkley- Valley Fall Fair prize list has been issued and shows a goodly list of prizes. The event is to be held at Smithers on Sept 30 and specializes on agricultural! and horticultural products. A. J Kilpatrick is the president, J. G Wood, vice-president, and L. B Warner, secretary-treasurer. R. Davie, bookkeeper for Me- Caffery & Albert, returned to the city from the interior last ing, where he has been holidaying for the past few weeks. even- LAND REGISTRY AUC (Sections 36 and 134 Re Application No. 11,044-I File 6,198 & Ubat app! ication as Deel made to register Jim Postulu Prin Rupert, B. C., as owner in fee under a Tax sale Deed from the Collector of the City of Prince Rupert, bearing date thx lay of December, 1918 of ALI ANI SISGULAR that certain parcel wwact of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Prince Rupert, more pa ticularly known and described as i Seven (7), Block twenty-five (2 Section Seven (7 Map 923); You are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date of the §& vice Of tuis notice which may be effected ADALINE EDITH KILBURN, DEUEA rE INTESTATE rAkE NOTICE that in Order of His Honour 5 McBb. Young, made the 24ti iay of July, A.D, 1919, | Was appointed administrator of the estate of Adaline Edith Kilburn, deceased, and all partics having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, © me, on or before the tat day September, 1919, and all parties in jebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith ar Page y Se Vr: The longest — lasting benefit, the greatest satisfaction for your sweet QQ bj tooth. tj ty; ty TSG y WRIGLEYS tH In the sealed packages. Ailr-tight and Y impurity-proof. Bid ™, ZN IGL bison (| a ww ZA } SEALED TIGHT ae RFECT GUM ASTS 4A KEPT RIGAT WN) ppg eee TT "EZ Tie ry) 2 . i] Z| | . IZ FREY tN en ney ite | “—WRIGLE ) : Z| | Canets > SS. ahi 4 V4 Gj tpi Th é 7 Flavour Lasts . While our stock lasts we will . GIVE AWAY FREE--A BATHING CAP with every purchase of Rexall Preparations value One Dollar or over. Come early and take your choice Phones 82 and 200 Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street P.O. Box 1680 (¢ Yes - - its BETTER Domestic Bread Made by Machinery 717 Third Ave. PIES Pound Cake Phone 190 PASTRY & WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY Dated this $0th day of July, 191% J. H. MeMULLIN OMelal Administrator THE LA CASSE BAKERY $17.50 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR to be shown at omumumsumumuu—ae, tue Prince Rupert Exhibition. FIRST PRIZE $10.00, SECOND PRIZE $5.00, THIRD PRIZE $2.50. Wach exhibitor must present with entry, grocer’s sales for one 49-lb, sack Robin Hood Flour, purchased within thirty days of the opening of the Exhibi- ton. Offered by the Robin Hood Flour Mills, Ltd., for the best bread baked with For Further Information, Apply Secretary, Exhibition Association. Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery Prompt Attention