'trv r I I a i v Trrr ' THE DAILY NEWS ' ' rjlThursday, March 28, 1929 PA JE TWO y N ews and Views in The Woirld of Sport CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT . ATClMfWlTf" WAISE5FVSL0UGHRAN and Mickey Walker in Chicago. T rasii are both light-heavyweights and the winnei' will be ektltlcd h the title of llgbtsavy-weight champion. COAST BASEBALL Seattle 8, Los. Angeles 15. Portland I, San Francisco 3. Mission 1. Oakland 3. Hollvwood 4. Sacramento 5. ' 1 m TliU aiivti :i.-me:.f aot pub-H -hfi! ir .lisHax eu ty the ' : 1 ; :'..ir.l r by t'.e 'Vernment f British I IE I OH SKJfilli I Tl i adv.-rtiNemt n" nf pub' ,.,! or .Iim'IjvcI by the ; . -'ti i'i Si'..rd r by ;.;,. -r n;. n r Br tia Columbia SEATTLE ESKS This ia the night of the big enj Portland in Series and fight between Tommy Loaghran Should Give Vancouver Kun For Title SEATTLE, March 28: When the Seattle Eskimos turned in their fourth straight victory here last night defeating Portland 1 to nil to make their series total three goals to one, they found themselves with a lot of admirers who believe they have a chance to make things tough for Vancouver in the Pacific Coast Hoi-key League championship series wh:ch opens in Vancouver Friday night. The lone goal last night came in the third period when Daly, defense man, scored. BILLIARD STANDINGS First Division , ''It r- .TEAM STANDINGS PI. Ttl Av Canadian Legion . . 6 G857 1143 Grand Terminals . 6 6742 1122 Grotto 6 (5632 1105 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES W. E. Williscruft (0) 2 500 250 W. H. Long (GT) Dr. J. A. West CL) P. Tinker (CD . Hamilton (GT) . P. Balagna (GT) Andrews (CL) . Douaid (G) J. Nelson (GT) . McLachlaa (G) I. Andrew (Cld . . K G. Tyle iCL) Alex Murray, (CD . I" Stephens tG) ... A. A. Easson (G) . . . .1. McMordio (CL) F.vn Self. (GT) ...... I William. (GT) W. Mitchell II 1). rrovn Bert Morgan .(G) ,i Beesley (G . E. E. Fenolon Fenalon (GT) (GT) 12 2971 248 1 247 247 11 2641 240 S 718 23? 12 2860 238 11 2619 288 12 2883 234 12 2781 282 2 464 232 12 2707 226 8 1779 222 11 2414 219 12 2SS9 216 12 2695 216 . 6 1311 219 .2 4S5 218 . 2 426 213 ENGLAND'S CHAMPION IN THE MAKING K. M. N Tisriaii. Siiu-w.ibury frehraan. is hailed as tile coming champion English th!ejc. tye has-disUnguiaeved hinuflr as a! sprinter and" low hurdler. and, has cs(abliHied several new iarks. Sport Chat These are the dull dat's tween cnclus of aablr wm. be taken to ifjirhtw to fit Geae Tuna cated championship. N Luis Angel Firpo earn n -the Argentine has there; hA. nrt. idlseusaed foreign - since MAY SHIP BY AIR LINES. TO MANY PLACES WINNIPEG, Mitrch 28: An agreement was alipell . today between the CanadiaH .N'ujlonal Ex-uress and the Imperial' Airways, French Air Union rfnd other Important continental air lines, to provide daily air Service if or express packages passing between Canada and the United 'States and Europe. : "iT The new service ' links also. Gothenburg, Warsaw, CiJhstantin-ople. Madrid and othef European cities, and it will probably be' extended in the ,near future, through Imperial ' .Airways to Mesopotamia, Egypt iftd the Fat-East and throucb.iV French air lines to Tukl Algeria1, , Morocco ..nd West Africa. , . . An extension tb the Qrtent Is. also being conalderffl. Til9 er-, vice mean a tavlgfffm 5 to several days In the delivery of Canadian goods tb Europe. The Canadian NdtftfDarBxpiS' agrees to accept pottage at Canadian and U. S. iJoirita for delivery by European aty lines which perform a similar service' In Europe for the Canadian National Express. HALIBUT BIDS SATISFACTORY Total of 130.50; P6urld1Sold a With 15.7c wdcfHIiiii i va m. Price bfnhra. VV Mt of .tUfutMrv nrWt'tvWVe irald for halibut on the local Fish Ex- igater. rhaaee this morning when a total ... V. 1L Jaraun tttT) .2 ht h abaonF ' ring tern- to-put-the Clevelander away for hM lt for 88JO pounds while aspects J. Bnteer (GT 1 fcya(e bis wtolaiat- SchmeliBg leaped similar number of jCanadian weki C. L. oungraan tOT) 1 103 108 Jhi U Uxi baal.. right jnio the first rank of boat received 14c and 6c to H.2e their seci (Second Division) nW, The tall end of the bad- heavyweight contenders. Many and 6c for 42.200 podnds G. T. A v. roiriton season is all that is going eritica weat into eestacftta Arrivals and sales were as fo! Cold Storage 6 5574 928 to doing for a little while just i German's ring work and OWs: Groto b &a etw nOW with a activity in bil- emirnea tne uite w mm rrgm Grand Terminal .... 6 4820 8 ,iftnjg and carptt howling. Soon off. Bot since first pffssfotw , .. ... . , n MwtW a Mt. thMr haw been hed- Walker GT) .... 1 83 83 SCOTTISH FOOTBALL GLASGOW, March 23 Rangers suffered their first defeat of the treason yostorday when they lost to Hamilton Academicals three to one. Rangers have already worn rague championship of Scottish first division. GRAF ZEPPELIN FINISHES TRIP Back in German Hanger After 5.000 Mile Fllcht to Holy Ijind FREHDRICKS,HAFEN, March 28: The dirigible Graf Zeppelin returned to her base this morning after completing the voyage UhAtOyiftlylgl IfMlpTW U ht Nobody will be'rTU'MC' . . eath in the rush to tween IJeaeh aid Coaeeatrator see Sharkey. Uscudun.Schme.lng. .w J"tpott.1e fl t?l .M.loney and that Ilk. pummel ? ?h w.B,h each other at forty dollar tops. Mine won from High School by a score of IS to 6. American Coolldge, 22.000 pwinds. Booth iooToau ana oasemu wtshio- - -- 7 " t?ukrt r,A Tie Individual Averages tions should be getting under giK more or Is in their Ulk , of , f Ln..!?. J. Slay (CS 2 400 200 war. U ig known as yet the Gorman great. A. Maedoaald (CS) .. 8 162 191 whether or not the first soccer J. Campbell (CS) ...10 1916 192 0f the season will, aa usual. Whoa Sckmoiiag returns, he W. Williecroft (G) ..11 2102 191 w Victoria Day. wiR be paired with Paulino Uicu- M MeUchlan (G) ..12 2214 1S d, the winner to meet Jack Hirtman (CS) ....12 2217 18 sharke, in the finals for the l Bairtle tCS) iz w ih crown. Just how the German Pioneer. 22.000 ppands. Atlln Fisheries, l&-4c and 6e. Franklin. 14.000 poo wis. Booth Nuba. 1.700 pounds; Royal Fish teVn-H that aam from direct SUdiur June 27. the Co. 14 .nd 6c. Hag tarnfnga. John L. may have " ""i ITST 1S- ter gatheml half a million in hia .. Hme. bat be spent it much faster ""'"V "' Vaw' rPTrw" than it came to him. Jim Cor- J0" beU. much thriftier, lived too McAldl "tehnJr- soon to got into the important f,1" nnct th; money, and the Same is irtte of ?.L ... TSi, 7 thereat Jhem all. Bob "LtCSf Fitsstmmona. JadTjohnaon was of both Schmeliag and nd the thampion- won Never aUovod Jo make much money and Jes Willard's entire h,p- cut wouldn't pass the half mil- , .. ... , J. A. Ba-Wl ivity which ha. lion. Jim Jaffriea got I101.000 tor his fitful showing again.t n "tL"" Johnson and that is. more than An JZ? boat 0 any of the remaining bnma will - surround this year.' or any other to f'ffern,f l f? Mutr MONEY PANIC DANGER PAST NEW YORK. Match 28: The danger of the money panic having passed, Wall Street today resumed the task of rebuilding the shattered stock market structure. Large baying orders seat prices of scores of the Issues up $1 to nearly $16 a share. In the early trading a brisk demand 'developed I GLASOAW. Marsh 28: In the , , , Scottish first division football Within a few weeks interest in Thirty players took part In a yosterUy Celtic defeated Clyde heavyweight fighters should be recent mixed double badminton t0 n renewed. A soon as Max Schmel-. touraaraent at Aajsox. There 1 'ing, German sensation returns were two groups and the winners ! it 5.CHK1 miles over tne lajtern irom nis ratnenand. wnere at in one were Mrs. Munro and .Mr. nay mr cups in laaies and men a Mediterranesn to the Holy Land present he is the object of much Cloke whik- Mrs. Roy and Mr. double will take place on Thurs-nd return in three and half days, stein clinking, further steps pro- Field wn honors in the, others day ol next week. Cigars and Autos CUtfrr M bint cf 2550. AttoU In btmjj ftekti cf i ttfru "I remember buying Marguerite cigars be fore there was an auta in ClnaJa. Think o how the auto his changed! But the Marguerite is the tame old reliable, fragrant, smooth smoke. Now it's wrapped in tin-foil to keep it fragrant. Snd factory-fresh. Tucketts decided that ai they couldn't improve the cigar thej would improve the packing." And ipeaking of autot--he Marguerite it a great favorite with robtoriitt. Tboutandl of Margutritei are bought in pocket packi of 5. Many motoriitt . always keep a biadf pack in the pocket of their' car. TUCKETTS MARGUERITE FOIL-TTRAFPED STILL 10 CENTS pouticsin britain are mystifying . .11 WW M vim ular be be ppiiyon,.Jer seems to -1 - securing a large enongn reoreseaUtion to form a govern- CANADA FIGURES IN BRITISH ELECTIONS AS GOOD EXAMPLE LONDON. March 28 Canada is becoming a factor in the elec-1 lion campaign here. Labor is pointing to the operation of the National Railways as an example of successful government owner- j ship. The opposition point to the j failure of the Canadian govern-, ment merchant marine as an ex-j ample of failure of state ownership and operation. District News STEWART The Government Tokgrsphe established a new record' la tt woek for speed of transmission between here and .Vaneeover. A tnMu mi im) fenrii PrMiifar In the oil share. (Ml-moWlwl a-Tfply-ttTtftTq, l" exactly opened at 16 per cent Uixteen minutea. CELTIC BEAT CLYDE II. M. Blake, Prince Rupert restaurant man. is a businoos visiter In Stewart. The Stewart Temperance j League has been organised here, with officers as follow.: prosid-i ent. H. D. Roc h fort ; vtce-prosld-; ent, W. J. Crawford ; secretary ( treasurer. W. T. Esselmont : exe-' ' cutlve committee. T. R. Whiteley. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hhttn .eft last vsmk for n conver, Mr. Xeffert U-.n neaa. Government irjlt be defeated atf' Sawich the general election which is im minent here. The only hope for winter, iDM Uer ta.W,, WBO HK lle waCK nf 1S0.60 DO U mis WIS BOId. prae- th nvrnmnt U that Prmtr (GT) . 9 1893 210 stK)rts ' anof sumpier outdoorxn!py. has been m the lips of tialljr all o3Jilbas-dejpaWh.ruWwlUk.a-fwad tp a.B&-iISt- . . (G) X -t activity. A boat "all the fansiiav Hry figfct fin rince th-Tirght Mst by a special express re-,innounc a strong poller to deal but there ia little hope of raoU earlier tr... raent The prosent outlook ia aortbern proapert that Itanuav Maadonald will have Campbell, Doom the dominant oppoaiUoa group ' ' we,k and that if the Liberals vote, ""a- trip into th. against the Government they will ' via Dowser Lake pet Baldwin oat in order to put. Maedonald In. I Armour It is quite poaafble that a Lib- store staff ret., oral-Labor coalition will be for-' 'ram a holiday tr Inger. 7.000 pounds. Booth . L" "th Fuheries. Iftc aadGc. i ,3bW V"7r uBfMw?" Peggy. 7.806 ponBdr,' CarUnd,)."1 mf.,'?tjr.- !! U "'i. U . " J PS iff JBfliSd.? life i'!' Vrtually control the prfWo F. Williams (GT) ... 6 1098 18S dolUr tioj, ,7 idlupMthe CM 7 W. Mitchell (GT) . 5 8to 182 Andy I4J of th. V0? form he displayed against Risko Canadian gterK J Beesle, (G) , 81 J Posjbly that Sock ISfX B,oe. theyll Johanna. 14.000 pounds, and G How (G) . ..... 2 20 75 .L. .JI ,W- h the beer stem. Je Baker. 8,000 pofin'ds. Atlln MacdonaM tG) 11 884 71 S. D. Ur" i tne Rhinolami. AUo Fisheries. 14.1c and. E Fenelon (GT) ... 7 187 70 of Jouatmg Jack jkromh from the the too poMoh up Toodle. SOO pot.ndSNtulIus. HmanYGTV S SSnS 'St 2 a-e of 1 5'0WHI!f; i iiLghem "o r. .. I 459 53 champions who have amaaaed , w,iA$ "d JIR,ni"d 6 'fterM organ (G . . ! 1 2 0. 1 their "millton, but you can writ. Mt11' & C. Yoongman (GT) .12 1T99 160 Tnnney and Demneey oft in hi- "2 , ZJT at the ! ,Z'T.. ro I Il 11C tjuw mA IIU nnt, Mir in I MA MB HA iranf vvoi .... ...v A i Allan Carolan ami W wards. The eresinr wn. Mark s Chttrch htr-was rood acted by :.. ar tXl to de bow is taj of p5ospect-nQ wgKea wonnny im i grigerstor train early Uila.altr.iwrtrr-flneirrplejTtTeTit!--lf he tand "'r- boxriightianKOv-io New York not so toag Seven Amerteaa Teasels, erljr spring her, ; , There ia nt 'even a, noon. p,t on his record, he is lost. J fl. ib sirht. IXdo ffldp Gurvich Gnrjica stating stating that that Being Wng the the first first fighter fighter erer erer were were paid p,jd 15c 16c and ani M t0 to i6.7c 16.7c. Ubtni Liberals htwi Aiivii Ulrt Is aapected th.f i -. dJriAg IbMrMt IwUtbe WUa can be start..! I i'fer N l-v in m.i.f Li bought the south .si -" will move bis Golum i.ate ' I: ,r Jit 1-1 ns -. 1 .!?. m ftp nnbrniJ i EVERYONE ... I r.K,rr; 1 Dinner . . . everyone f. catches the liththtaried pirh of camrJ"e 1 Coloured lights, and K buhtert strtamen w 1 rpentln.i,bl'' hrtmrt, and the of rouik nJ dir.- ' nentTofrecrtatua CunarJr. SoilCuiur Skip CUmiiU. t.-r X' st. n rwf ' i- -1 CUNARP . . M ( r 1