eoF uy. : i. = 74° ah cee wee. wall cd CANNERYMEN PROTEST 10 the. The Coupons Take Exception to Proposal to Use with each package are a Skeena Salmon Eggs for value in themselves, Fraser River. \SAY IT IS NEITHER FAIR NOR BRITISH The cannerymen of the Skeena River have sent the fellowing let- ter of protest to Hon. C. GC, Ballan- tyne, Minister of Fisheries: ‘We learn with alarm that it is proposed to stoek the Stewart Lake Hatchery this season with Gurneys commenced mak- sockeye spawn from Babine Lake ing stoves in 1843. Still in robably to the extent of 8,000,000 eges, and by this action imperil the Skeena River prospects in jfuture with the hope of recover- jing the Fraser River from its i ipresent state. ON SALE AT | “To us this seems an extremely 9 dangerous experiment. Fred Stork Ss | “The Fraser River, as you are aware, has been ruined by the Hardware lextravagant methods allowed in SECOND AVENUE | fishing, practically an unlimited Phone Black 114 | amount of gill nets, seines and ltraps being used wherever fish jare observed, and unless sufficient > REO A aa eaaamermaee Sa —————— | parent fish are allowed to reach ithe spawning grounds of the a ee ew me | Fraser, is it reasonable to en- R jc oach on the spawning grounds P lof the Skeena? Want Encouragement. P ] R ‘We have here, now, the prin- oo oom cipal salmon river on the Pacific moved to . $icoast, and we hope that instead of encroaching on our source of 721 Third Ave. supply, you will rather encourage : all methods of protection for the Opposite ‘ spawning fish. The proposal to ‘The Empress Hotel decimate a purely British Colum- the same line of business 1919. Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. bia river, for the purpose of stock. CIGARS | ‘SODA ing a river of which two thirds of the fish are being caught by Two per cent. Beer American interests is neither a business like one, nor does it JOHN PELLICANO leave us our national right to British fair play. We are hedged around with restrictions in fish- ing; cannery and gill net licences are restricted, and there are no purse s<*mes nor traps allowed jto operate, so that-to take our fish away and release them where P.R. FEED Co. PHONE 58 Hay, Grain, Feed - Seeds and Fertilizer | CHICKEN FEED a Specialty Mail Orders promptly attended to Best Interests of B. C. petition your most serious con. sideration and by refusing to al low this transfer of sockeye spawn, we believe you will be conserving the best interests of British Columbia. “The publication of this pro- posal in the Skeena district will, we are certain, be followed by an outcry from all classes affected. jand the lower Skeena district is j almost entirely dependent upon jthe success of the fishing in- Phone 586 Toot “We respectfully submit this ' : ’ j | petition, and bespeak for it your | a ;| favorable attention. P. ©. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. +} “Signed by, 216 6th Ave. W. ; “RK. G. JOHNSON, fnverness : Cannery, ‘JAMES LAMB, Cassiar Can- We want your business and nery, solicit a trial order. Buy ‘A. D. MATHESON, N. B. ©. from a reliable store: take Fisheries, Ltd., no chane*s on cheap‘ junk. M. K. DICKINSON, B. ©. a per % } Packers Association, Get VaLue For Your 'T. P. LAKE, Carlisle Can- MONEY ATe nery, . , q ‘A. M. KIPP, B. A. Cannery, Linzey’s Grocery ' “THOS, WALLACE, Claxton Cannery. d “A. W. CARTER, Oceanic Cannery. “J. E. LORD, N. P. Cannery. “T. H. JOHNSON, Prince Ru- pert Cannery, “F. W. RUDGE, Port Edward Cannery.” BEAR WAS FISHING AT SHAWATLANS FLATS Some visitors to Shawatlans Lake who were waiting for the tide to come in so that they might return home after a day up the She calls it Economy Butter and it is well named, consider- ing the quantity she gets, and the low cost of the extra butter. | To half a pound of butter ‘ , i, |lake were surprised to see a black ne SMALL tin of Pacifik ibear coming down to the tide uK, in Which has been dis-| nats to fish, One of the party solved a small pineh of baking Mad @ rifle so he and a friend set da. as . : joff to stalk bruin The bear hip ‘till the butter has A to ene. cose, tham ecm. been “ken up and allow to se! jing for he made off in the oppo- sradua.,, in a cool place. : : cee jsite direction and after crossing It makes .‘“ost a pound of 9 streteh of saud Sete tock to tha butter—good bu. -*, too. 4 woods, f we = thank bs. . fos bes | It is reported that a bear comes or her ndness, as we « ldown to fish regularly now that ——————— ‘the salmon are running at Shaw- Pacific Milk Co. *\.." Limited FACTORY AT LADNER, B. oc. N\ ver forget to look through renee te © “sified list on Page 6. {poi may 19, THE MINISTER uta this Department tending bidder RANKINE omfice application to coal and. petroleum) , "Engineer No. 1,” Partuership No. dred and eighteen (918), “Northern ,’ one hundred and six 4 Fractional, 972 968), these conditions are not under our own government control is to us a Lost iniquitous proposition. “We trust you will grant our DIVISION DISTRICT OF e, May 29, 1919 Mining located Creek, TAKE NOTICE that 1, i city of Duncan, B. C., ecting as agent the Granby Consolidated Mming Power Company Certificate No s32188-C, from the date hereof Recorder for Improvements, for the purpose taining a Crown Grant of the above \oad further take notice that action section 85, must be commenced before such certificate flows east The water will The date of the fir June 23, 1049 TAKE NOTICE that +» Occupation tends to apply for permission to prospect etroleum On the West Cor of Graham Island, im the vicinity of West commencing at the southeast thence @a»t 80 chains thence west 80 60 chains to point of OLIVER BROWN Per Austin Brown, 1019. TENDERS and endorsed Stewart, B. ¢ w ’ Wharf at Stewart pms of contract can be ™ and forms Department District Engineer at Prince Post Office, Vancouver Post Offices, Stewart, B.C. not be considered printed forms supplied in accordance ntained therein must be accompanied cheque on a chartered order of the equal to 10 tender War Dominion will also be epte a security, or War Bonds and cheques if make up an odd prints can be by depositing the sum of of the Minister will be returnesc submit a regul order, R. C. DESRO Public §Vorks, Ottawa, uly 17, 1919 742, 1919 SUPREME COURT MATTEB OF T. A. Kéj.LEY COLUMBIA LUMBER COMPANY DUNCAN, 1 LOGGING AND LUMBER LIMITED and MACRAE, holder Stock of the ro BE SOLD by private Tender pur Order of the Morrison, made the the above action, effects of the above donkey engines, logging supplies and materiais, gasoline launch Queen Charlotte ‘ TENDERS are to be sent to W Hodges, the Receiver appointed in the said 209 Bank Hastings St., West, . hot later than noon on the 20th day 1919 particulars and conditions of sak of Tender may the said W Macrae & Co, Ottawa Bidg., Vancouver, B. ¢ NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an apylication for of a fresh Parwmership No 209), Northern nine hereby siven intention 6 issue after the from the first certificate of Mentioned mineral Alexander, dated 3rd July 78-R Hi. F. MACLE District OMce, Prince This 22nd day of July, 1919 TAKE NOTICE that 1, Robert Hyland, of B.C., oreupation to apply for permissi described oipmencing at & post planted corner, about 250 yards below miles westerly from the Stikine chains; thence east » chains; thence chains to the point of commencement vlaining fifteen (15) acres, ROBERT NOTICE Blue Jay, John John Bull No. Fraction Mineral Claims, Division Dated this 3rd day of July Soon _CLAGUE, 8 WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE NOTICE that M. R whose address B. C., will and use four er second of water out of Spruce Creek, to West and drains into ine Creek, about two and one half miles and w the filed in the Water Recorder at Atlin, B.C the application fied with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Hights, Partia- Vietoria, thirty days after the first appearance of loca) newspaper LILLICO, Appheant, Ottawa, Ont. Hood, Atlin, B.C. A st publication of this 1 RECORDING DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ° ISLANDS THR OAILY NEwe addressed 12 o'clock noon, W 1919 highest in Defendant Com Honourable CHARLOTTE LAND BISTRICT OF SKEENA, Vicinity of District. Lot Massett Inlet, Queen Chariot TAKE NOTICE that the Wallace of Vancouver, eccupalion be Certificate precious and base under Lots Sundog Fraction, Rob Roy, and Nephin Mineral Claums, situate in the Neas Mining Cassiar District located:—-On the west hear Anyox. NOTICE that I, H. N. Clague Duncan, B.C., acting as agen! Consolidated Mining, wer Company, Limited Certificate No. 32188-C, from the date hereof, Ming HKecorder for « linprovements, for the purpose taining a Crown Grant of the above clain take hotice that action, 5, must be commenced bef “Northern hundred and Mickey; nine “The Pilato,’ seventy 970), all in Gioup which « Registrar CASSIAR MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Approximately Granby The date of the notice is June 26, 1019 west 20 chains to EDITH be diverted from & point about 150 on Jas. Nedved's eed will be used for placer mining pur- Calder Bench Lease de- sribed a8 Hydraulic Placer Mining Lease rhis notice was posted on the ground on the 27th day of May, 1919 \ copy of this notice and an application irsuant thereto ‘ Oliver Machinist, & post corner of C eare of Mesers chains, PUBLIC NOTICE MATTER OF THE ES! FERGUSON, DECEA tenders will be received up to 12 o'clock nook 1919, for the purehase and nine v Rieck thirty Section five § nm the City ' in the Proviner f must be placed iv an e@fvelop sealed addressed t mr Tender Ferguson Estate by a marked cheque at Smithers for at least 2 of the tender C., 1919 WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USI TAKE NOTICE that W. R. Tonkin, whose 558 Empjre Building apply for a licence 50) feet per second water out of Clear Lake earwater Lake, which drains inte Kitzault four miles from its will be diverted from the strran ut 300 feet from the used Lake and will be pose upon the Last ed as the Last mineral claims was posted on the day of June, 1919 and an application pursuant the Water Act, in the office of the Water Prince Rupert, B. ¢ to the application said Water Recorder or upptroiier of Water Rights, Buildings Victoria, B.C., after the first appearance a local new spaper R. TONKIN, Applicant. By John Pedersen, The date of the first publication of this 12, 1019 LAND AOT - Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. DISTRICT Commencing at a post planted corner of the northwest 792, Queen Charlotte thence west 20 chains; chains; thence east 2.56 to the high water mark thence southeasterly mark ehains more or less to the point of com and containing twenty acres more or less THE WALLACE FISHERIES, LIMITED Per Fred. Nash, B.C. L. Ss Dated 3rd day of June, 1919 MINERAL AC said high water CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE. of such certificate Dated this 3rd day of July, A.D HL N. CLAGUE, B.C. L WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE TAKE NOTICE thaf M. P. Olsen, whese Alice Arm, B. ¢ will to take and use 10 second out of Tumble Creek, also Goat Creek, which flows west Grains mto the Kitseult about 17 miles from its mouth at of Alice Arm will be diverted from the stream #t a point about 20 chains easterly corner Lot _—, Cassiar Dis : used for mining pu Be upon the mine V8 J as the North Star Mioeral Claim, Lot 3684, Cassiar District This notice was posted on the ground om the 20th day of June, 1919. \ copy of this notice and an thereto and to the “Water Act be fled in the office Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C to tue application filed with the said Water Recorder or with Comptrotier of Water Rights, Pariia Buildings, Victoria, B.C. days after the first appearance & local newspape r M. P. OLSEN, Applicant first publication of this LAND ACT PRINCE RUPERT LAND QUEEN TAKE notice that E. M. Le occupation wacher, permission to purchase following described lands :-— Commencing at & post planted on the of Maude Island, about fect east of the S.E. corner post P. kK. Ko i284, thence north 20 chains; thence south 20 chains; thence 0Int of Commencement “ MAUD LAUDER Date June 14, 1949. : IN THE SUPREME COURT OF COLUMBIA. — IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTRA ~~ and 1’ THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GUDMUNDUR JOHANNSSON INTESTATE NOTICE that in order of His McB. Young, made the A.D. 101419, | was \dministrator to the estate of Gue deceased, and all Parties hay against the said estate required to furnish same me, on or before the ist da of September, A.D. 1919, and «|! 7 the said estate are pay the amount of their inde to me forthwith JOHN H. MeMULLIN OMcial Administrator Dated this 25th day of July, 1949 IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COUKT OF Bhitis COLUMBIA MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA _ -—— eng THL MATTER OF THE ESTATE «OF Aas CLARK, DECREASED, INV « x. NOTICE that i order McB. Young, made the 1 Was appointed Ads trator to the Estate of Willttam « —_ all parties hévine a@uinet the said estate are THOMAS MecROSTIE Dated this 23rd day of July, 1949 PPE PPOC CC OOOO es = ard Lipsett, Edward Cunningham, Vieo_p Lipsett-Cunningham & (), LIMITED : PISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT—maRine ,,, Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines @Nd Kocess Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cora PRINCE RUPERT, B. o. or any tender wil) be accepted cheques of all unsuccessful returned to them. Cash on acceptance of STEPHEN H. HOSKINS OMcial Administrator ila Li ; Or ieg age Section On | Lots for Sale THEO. COLLAR . NOTARY PUBLIC Ire REAL ESTATE Fire : WESTHOLME THEATRE 81 ocx anes OOPPPOPOD DD ODay As Assessed at $109 Asses ‘ 006 ASsessed a 1a Assessed a 2606 ASSO a Re at 1% NOTICE OF CANCELLATION , -Sssiar Distrix f which appeared in British « canning company, permission to lease the lowing described lands The Gurviel Transfer! Phone Green 543 | P.O. Box | fice, Fr ad “f We: Sell : Cod 15th July, 1919 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION on Porcher Island, Range Clark, umbia Gazette on the 26th Deputy Minister iSth July, 101° Certificate NOTICE OF CANCELLATION rererve existing over on Graham Island, Queen Charlotte District, notice of which appeared in the British Columbia Gazette 1908, and the 3rd July, 1943, is canceliea | FOR SALE | Seven-ro ae wit i bath and finished basemen } Newly paint Ave, W $2875.00 Very I as Terms DOUGLAS SUTHERLA 523 T! Ave Arthur Y. Thoma’ ORGANIST PIANIST Studio: First Avenue Phone lS Hours 46pm Deputy Minister Lands Deparunent, 15th July, 1019 app! ication NOTICE OF CANCELLATION ‘\OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the rve existing over . UNIVERSITY RETURNED SOLDIER STUDENTS Kitsuimgailum | British Columbia Gazetie on the 2nd J Lands Department, DISTARICT—DI8 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. ter, of Queen C., 15th July, reise NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for issue of a fresh thence east my imtention to issue, afer the expiration | lneconsccccccooococcossreerrn | Gated 2ist da wocceecooorerere reste Prince Rupert, THE MATTER of an application for the ihe Bast Half (4%) of Lot 032, Range NOTICE IS HEKEBY month from the date of the GIVEN that it ts my Hie to the above-mentioned lands in Young, which Certificate , ‘8 dated the sixth 181i, and is numbered 619-1 mame of Albert F. blednes. Land HKegistry 'rince Rupert, B POLE POOL OF TTER OF THE ADM AcT ; aud THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 18th das TAKE NOTICE that in order of His ark Administrator to hereby required same, properly verified Patmore'and Fulton + On or before the 5 A.D. 1919, and ati » the estate are required of their indebtedness required to furnish same OMcial Administrator Dated this sist The Univ = bia has j aa those stud 5 who enlis a eared vl tion year proceeding we their studies ' . months 7 made at th a Soldier stuce * of completing a8 were terruy that regula 7 tnued with _. | Poeccoocooccerercrccesessn, SMITH & MALLET A PLUMBING AND HEATIN ENGINEERS Estimates i shed e, heal Address aver of & Sire Phone 174 P. 0. Box a FOR ELECTRICAL WORK . Geo. Waddeli a BLACK 367 — GREEN Save Money in Lams __spocena eed orrice HOU 90 o” eam to 12; 4:90 p.m 10 OF Office: Smith Bloc ' Phone 454 et _ eon rn rer se Eas! The “Gartlant’” Boarding a! 416 Bixth A Near /! ” Board by Month o Yer*