fJLGE FOUR THE DALLI HEWS Thursday, March 28, 1929 Famous for Economy and Hcalthfulncss The Letter Box IS PROMOTED RADIO KEY TAPS raiiio SlHHl' .1 DAILY RIOnI 1 5 For aamnv ie: the VniA StX protect iB of 4 rougtgfLme tr. Tm- nanBr mm ion raWqaWWUml awl 111 terv few ioms irits cH;. r for Pf QT Full 7c hUruiis ihnrnutfhlv baked paia waaTian tar yeany, Transient spla.s&AdvertJsinff. per inch. Transient J&rrertfting oeu Breed toga. Local Reader, per in lion, par line Managing Editor. SUHSCHUTION 1UTEJ City Peitvtj, by mail or carrier, yearly pertaO. For lesser Period. d1e. By mail tajjdl par of Northers and Ceaual esH ttt Classified Kdrenaicg. per insertion, par word Legal NetNbe, ae Inserts per teste Hae Or four month fr . .- 87 mall to all ether parts or British Colombia, the British Empire and Uniutc Sue, paid in advance par sr .... 8j bmU to al! otter couHries. per yeat . . Contract Rates en fciipUcaUo AdverUta and Ctrt-a.aUon filevbooc 9? Baier and Reporters TWcpOeni - - - Si tfsmeer of A adit Bre of Ch?eMittea. Thnrsda.r1, iy Se reaunns for the salmon not headwatetm. but mosi of tJm flk ireac.thernsvir. .... m. ; w i 1. - . 1 - , ho .-pecu stocks a 0 eonie KA1 o. i.cjl of? 'u r of ti has citv nr aa! MM js.eo a, per fttea .J... Jl. Fr,iaha.;.w...l ...,Vti 4t 6 2! SCOi' do not seem to be the same tes. k fiever leifitRson vancea in pntwrufiev are rapfty. $T In recftrd to Ue wheat shipiunts through Prince Rup I 1gWa n tw ai R mv&tt SALMON -MtiXTY 1 erh on tributaries of the rnser. Mcrffio dSB o'e cmafjmAHBsr are spare ,ev lines tefiair a 'JTiev : a a 1 a;v. a radio faa, one of, several hjr.dreds in the city, and most of authoriiiw to lo.lreaW $W:t!a$, e aumor. of toe 1 ra-t river, nlule the Canadian wafers tot fiph masth pvas 1 can or international waters to reach the "! chanaeis between the islands, where they a verg targe numoers, nkMLly in tr Tlfc following is an tmtract from, n mt of congress, amending thr andSe pproved March 4. 19: as whs hgv been arreste ported in pursuance of law are asaada misSoa wheRher srefor itorilv excluded from ad- t6 the rmted Stat' deportation touk plce be- after the ccacliDen: o: the TSe grounds upon de;orud. fr es- rmaneitly Car.ed St.des -sU Sac be contnied as giving them a territorial interest in 4-idVrd to ba denned Untr . It is tn ho unmsd that tKs nMBM pursuance 01 iaw irrepec.;e iu overcome uiau 2T- ans. Uwemf MmawTjaBswHaVli the source from which wh ch the temporary visi;. r w.ku hav their visits ir.d have , THE STOCK LVRKBT he departed. This bring within nodically the price of stocks advance aad there seem mandatohiy excluded c m always buyers for them. Then comes a slump and pMiMi in paragrar h one aliens who have been ordered de- pvmicc nanr vahtsxi am u-iiwwl t TV .--:. ol U:t v ha preit;. stfle n? values. ers of the SmmamammwTi aaamBBBBBBBBammKaaw 1 kaamam mar w--w 'vsuBMaa i&xuajkA rCe.gjiB- ported and permmed to depart oluc;r:!y m lieu of dt ;-rtio . Persor excluded from admis sion at port' of entry and deport- date of depdrtatioB aatess the ses-- rejary of labor has ron.ected ia ' their reapptrftgf-' for admission . C$f DaCked UP the thh United Stataa of ..lion Cingf.ftir a raHln in. under runtni .in aftr northern part Of the Dromlca. This shnuld expiration of W day after the rn- nol lie . Ml M. "4 ... -.oh t J ask. I'. tliw not m tn na that actmentof thaact u made a fe.or.y is any utXH! v;.jor, lorihesoui.n siting even-thing when t"'J" JWIU,K not more than two we PRV the bill year or by a b I . . fine of not mare than 1100 or bv Km r.t: a radio irspx-. or svr.t a few days in the city, both fire and imprinment. a few hov: :it Any X an 1 a m made Calls at interior Hereafter illegal entry or entry poin'.s. Ti;. Imc spt nt a not long enough to do any oh!'D1 wilfully f3ie or rest work. What is needed is a man who wiU star on the miin the wilful K .-irk v. ui rrTrL concealment of a material fact i n 1. i-.ii inr m.ijnii'n 1 ! "' "''iilT IITiiH Wiry nTT soivc-i. I: and li '.od that '.lu- c ity pouivil rid bftttrd of trade here vim tn d to en(!i:e tlie movement mwi dmihflriai thev ey u u iiPton.,).v. iiomi).y. . 1 1 wi a raisdeameaaor Baaishahle by imprisonm'-nt for not more than one year or by foe of aot taaa't.000 or by I fine aad im- prisonment . Excluding provistens if the act' are effecUwat once. 1 ah rcsiuenis pi u rmajce Kap ert rsn mt aisUsct ert someoouy is lying, a railway official says Prince Kup- r'a'e going u the I'nited Sutes ert and Vancouver are unable to hindk? theVrain that can rv reBtp wry la the be carried durinc the bnsv season, yet every one here merK'B CB""U,' PrtB sun. i if and will felt. . ..? ...... . - . . v.- . - ooi aiiittars seem to nave t our to Ml the oort cct t lif the people hem do not nutke themmilves r.nnn vmu w a.a a aarKSA ...... . Tomorttm- is Good Friday, the most solemn festival of prW tof 1 the church. To many it is a holiday only, but the activities WM of the day arc affected to a larrre extent by the historic event which it commemorates. This year it is earlier than usual and tin weather conditions do not make for outdoor enjoy menu I m'.cr the Cotswort i: plan, which ineenut Irkety io lv accepted. Raster w ould be a fixotl date and not moveable as at jM-ent. YESTERDAY'S WMsUT YAM OrVEJL. atasvh .TV- wheat here yesterday VAI.I EI) AT Sli.o R (' Packer., whk-h was lost ia a storm in Hfte Stra-t -n Mvn d u .!uej a, f W. arcntete Receives Appointment as .Manager of Terrace Ilranch of ttank ofrIontreal us have been much annoyed of late by persistent key tappiafrj lfc Matentette. accountant of V e have been told that this tap- the oca, DrmBcn Df the Baak of ring is cured but we think the Montreal for nine years, has been cure must have been lifted di- Drmoied tn h rmdtinn of man- Xkftih linf milk a 'hiYtVlflll nf ?f& H"U of th brock, at Terrace, Made lc The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. Ltd. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBli FubHtbed Kvery Afternoon, except SuxUj, by Prince Rupert Daily Mews. Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLKN , to make to the Radio Association ;Let them decide definitely which leave the city within the next few days to assume his duties at telegraph office it is that is res- errace. a. n. r-r-poamble for this nuisance and ker- ho is trarwferred ejse-then "ere. Mr. Martatottes datios business turn any they may have to the one tht does not ia-jio the weal hranch will be talma termpt their pleasure. They can-'over G- Blaekahy. accountant realise what " Cloverdale branch, not an annoyance they are to those who are trying"' Mr. Marentette. who is very to listen to (rood music. It comes well known and popular here. in on the best wave lengths and will receive the hearty roagra-makes it impossible to liaVrn. lulatJons Of many .'friends o hm If vou will publish this the promotion and it sriU be gratify telerraph offices may take the ing- that he is reasaiiiag ia this hist. As. r&ay I do not know,dirieL Ifc n which is at fault but it should teemed in local Persons Wishing to Eater Uncle Sam's Domain Ma.-t Watch Their Step hest Colds ft mssfne much H Ik , ss csreMt i S- HrWp&sBBynj5i , Mil sociation to find oat. ia the affairs of the localTeanTs Trt for W rece-U m ! RAMO r.AN ".EMIGRATION TO UNITED STATES ur ism r uu mrvimi ua capacity. anions aeca acting mandrer at Terrace and Stewart, having .opened the Tor-race branch seVeral years ago. Mrs. Marentette aad family will not be leaving for Terrace until after Mr. Marentette. Rub well over rJJ throat sad cbest d.A..i.m..i.iiM-ni:ifcv.Tro r-f- slil dU of the ex- r nd of Our j mi r I rrtfcay This U your J Wj&Jg for the price i arrived and are yPy r D 'V Ladies' Sho la straps, slippers, tics and oxfords. f MForted sues. M SALE PRICE, PER PAIR SZ95 es A good range GQVERXMBNT OF TUB I'llOVINCB OP r ' URITISH COLUMBIA MARCH 31st Is the last day for filing Returns ofltimfr earned during the Calendar Y( imWaf aNipgl person. IliOQ 50 days after the data upon which the assessor mails a boticrs The pwWic are earnestly requested to obuin the necesaary tar 1928 Returns are required to be filed with the provincial assessor. Prince Rap. ert, from whom the Bccmmry forms and full information may be nMtinmt' Those required to make returns are as follows: 1. Every corporation or joint stock company (use Form No. 7). 2. Every partnership, and every person engaged in business of any kiad, or practicing any profession (use Form No. 7B. 3. Every other person in receipt of income from salary. sioa. teas, eon us, perquisites, intareat, divide ada, fML r OtheI source whatsoever, ia excess of ? . taj ia lae ease 01 a married pervaa, (UN. . PPMMtaaaWawsfMy (Is Pa- No. 1A . Iadiridaals whose total income from all soawvs is less- thdpihe specified aacd not fUa o retayn unless requested by the assessor to do at la the case of provincial returns the amount of aha tajt iEo(5paj retarns promptly in order to avoid penalties. Assistance in the maldac ap of returns will be gladly raadered where necessary by the staff of the aasaaaor's office. Department of Finance. Province of Uritish Colambia. C. II PETERSON. Commissioner of Income Tax. HTWi'b HM 1 1 Ti Big Forced Sale mt at - em wrr. ne wants a pair ew Shoes fcr Easter opportunity io secure TWO PAIKS of one .Our New Spring Shoes just included in this sale. o Not Delay ! Now is The Time ! Men's Shoes A We assortment of Men's Dress Shoes in black and ftro'n calf. Goodyear wclL A real buy. SALE PRICE, PER PAIR $3.95 . MacArthur, The Shoe REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT M THIRD AVENUE an