Local and It. ' .x"v v ill (,' '' t A li , Y fVAW JVM i B "--.Tc. . Unotnv H rcrtn H Tit iW Here is an array every memher of parties. For This offer of our THIRD "AY.O Ttic Pidnctit Drtiyoists SIXTH ST. t-T ELEP11 ON ES tt?t,20Cu DEMAND "Rupert Kip KidM&all sizes of Easter candies and sweets that will delight your household, and please all guests of your Easter Week, we are making a special superior candies, in novelty customary, low.prjces foij JJ estjuajtjrj . .1 ,:.ri'i 4 .r, .... "THE DAINTIEST ItKEAKFAST FOOD.' ,W-l1tl w Smoked -Ml .'((."j"T( I t hi. i'. 'til t; if .'il r!..!iirl Brand" pers Canadian Fish & Cold Storages 0o.y Ltd: Prince Hupett B.U You are Not Old at Forty Improperly fitted glasses; use of two pairs of glasses when on? is better; unslghtW. "old appearing" pasted, 1A-focal lenses; "ducking" .ajid "peering" over the edgus of your "reading glasses"; trying to do withput glasses all make you look old and .prove that YOU .NEED ,. GLASSES The kind of glafcios that overcome these earmarks of age are our KRYPXOK LENSES They will do all that two pairs can do and do it better. They are really two pairs In one. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Daily by SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Culling. Workmanship and StyMNABOU JELLY .POWDERS All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED. ANII PRESSED i ' . 'ft c DllverfiAti Part of th JLing, the Tailor Phone 019 Or Alexander rilONK 575 IIF.RMEU HLOCK DENTIST and colors ideas, at J? iti.r: v.. 'TJiT Iayilj 'KWS Personal News O-.MDumV a 'ArfiAftlf-'""iiin: V'Jiess and courtesy. Phone num- Smelting Co!;111l'sail by, jKe V ' 74 ,- 'Prfnce G&rg'e tonffht for Van-.,, ,a' ...n 'couver.; liy will "meet ilrs. wlfZy Ifrom ,and ffemily' whb are coming tiere J' ?'S.1U"L frTvWM ? Rossland to Ue up resid- ZZ2S1& jmdp;!hiwbLStX ' ""!HflheCu! th? prLindpaI Toilet Soap: Deals i 3tIVRGB CAKES GLORY. HATH! SOAP. 1 FMCY FACE CLOTH , .lor ...S0i PREMIUM DACON Slab or half; slab, it. 45c; Sliced, lb; 60c f FRESH PULLET EXTRA EGGS D 80a D. C. FRESH FIRSTS Doz. 35c 8 doz. .- ,. 11.00 PINEAPPLE 2s. 3 tins ....40e! 4 lor k .Z6c NABOB TOMATO CATSUP 2 boUJea 45c READY CUT MACARONI-,. 2-lbs. ,,25c MARKET DAY RAISINS- ' 4-lb. pkts. .....COd MARKET DAY PRUNRS 4-!b. pkts 45c OniSCO Mb. tins ........ .30o 3-Hi. tlnn RKol GRANULATED SUGAR I 10 bs. .:. CScjjIall, Thursday, April 4. After- WEEf, : JUICY ORANGES i"oon from 3 t0 6- Social in eve- 4 doz .75c n,nK starting at 8:30. CHRISTIE'S ASSORTED BISCUITS lb. pkt 45c Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER 4 a Tajj JhonP 4, Jllg 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. J. It. Gosse. Phone m. i 1 Ewart Lyne, Pianist. Capitol I Theatre; Teacher of Piano. Hed ,701. 1 74 New Beauty Shop, expert mar celling. All work' guaranteed. !Mrs. Skinner, .Keefe's Barber ,Shop. Phone 46. 74 Cood Friday at B, "The King's : Herald," a delightful evening of .sacred song and thrilling story. Baptist Church. Refreshments. Admission 60c. Sirs. Jack Swanson and son of New Westminster arrived ..here W. tc.;holiday;oracouplefe'the Hrncg, George yesterday Rfitai;!)v th.I. ;TtteU. 'fte?n on p io .Stewart on t Eleventh Ave. - ' .Prpfess.onal .bttmeM. m II. G. Olsen. Smith mi9 "Iht th Hnnsnn TtmtU ' 'tV.-'k.. H'rt . . . . . . ' IM)., returned to the interior ves- eraay arter a brief business trip v 1 c,;,v-o town, ! . I j a iTit- V k .t... j (jicbiuciii. ui uie iiisperanza ,nn- ing Co. Ltd. subject to his ac- ceptance of the office. He is at present n a trip to Vancouver. Peter .Cbrdon of An.yox, who i urn a lmA "nifnmltnM At. L I meeting . of the Esperanza F "a Mlnine "'1JK Co. Ltd sailed bv th Prinrp George yesterday afternoon on his j return to . the smelter towp. J. M. Gibson of Forest Branch .... i, tri .... ""'"T" ,n Vc.l?"a.'. wno naa departmental business, will sail by the Prince George tontehf on ihia ratnrn in 4V nnUU J. Gurvich annotinces uw uuiikll ailKUUIltCa the lilt opening ofi his. new taxi business, 1 Win nluMiolnnnl... t. 04 i 1. f jstancl at the Exchange Blocfc le Lm .- 1...U 'with a brand new Hudson car uhici iiuiiiueia io ue Ten dered include the chorus. "Ra v,m t u X .j j ,, ,, '. . " .(.lie X4autu ui am Alpfift and pmegfii1 ..7. There V is a Green Hill Far Away." A col- lection will be taken in aid ,of the Organ Fund. ' I Fisheries Commission, has retur- ' - f ft 4 t ' t .4 ! ned irom a two weSM' trip "to t ANNOUNCEMENTS llULl' . ; I' " t f , . . . . . i resoyicrian easier aaie iiarcn 28i Good Friday evening Baptist Church Musical Lecture, "The King's Herald." Rpfreshrnents. Sacred Cantata "The Way of the Cross." St. Andrew's Pro- Cathedral (Augmented Choir, on Good Friday at 8 p.m. i Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Daffodil Dance, April 1. Royal Purple Bridge, Whist and Dance, Elks' Home, April 2. Anglican W. A. Easter Sale, April 3. United Church Easter Bazaar, April 4. C.W.I.. Snrine Sale in Catholic i Premier Orchestra Dance, April 5 .Moose Hall. Tickets obtainable at McCutcheon's Drug Store or from members. Get! yours now. .. 1 so I etarted taking them and I ran truth- Eagles Whist Drive and Dance, fully lay I am .a different, woman. AI-Thursday, April 11. j together I only took two boxes," Gyro Hocdown, April 19. Auditorium, stores wi ill close thiijl fahti& at six o'clock ck. Gordon's, G'rotery and Phillips Grocery. er Miss Alice Allen will sail to- net .of the Gyro .Club'a regular flight by the Prince George on a luncheon ruffle yesterday. holiday trip to Vancouver. 'i .r: r ! S. S. "Saliror" Jas arrived with For Alberta Beacon Hard-Soot- full cargo of Nanaimo .Wellington less coal, phone Albert & McCaf- Lump Gfial fQr Albert jfc jilcCaf-fery Ltd., 116 and 117. . tf fery Ltd. Phone 116 &117. tf This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was repor- ted this morning to be on time, Specials for Easter. Ladle' Dresses,' regular values to $10.50 for $8.05 at Annette Ready to Wear. .Wni, n ni..: ii n i o ..-. f- A- nton, ,who has beeit Business lP IO Vancouver, is IttnoMbAn f-frflirn tn V,o of' r. ' vrr v 'r'"'" uwmg to nexi iuonoay neing a ; ' legal holiday, the" regular fort - ' nlehtlv eitv council .marfimr will , . , T, . be heId instead on Tueeday eve" ving' ; Mrs. O, ,. . . jiiit win sail buiiiui iu w n'gnt on tne Princess Royal for Vancouver enroute to her home! wh iuuB , ...... l .i ti- l nere wnn ner motner. Jirs, ,r nan- son' ) JJax Marx, whp has been home stead i 1' "ft r?.,!':. '.jaiaiiun, w.lll MU, UJ lIievrriiMISHSf " Royal tomorrow niirht -Sot , Vn - couver enroute e"uie To lo his n,sn?rat :. homa-In ? I -Haniburgermany ...... ,f7 I '.'i ' .' I if '.Wallace . OVchflrf!... . ,irinmt JIj,' a:-, ni..... ,v. v..Sk'-1 V- .U. UVCII ,lffl brief business trip to Vancouver, . K'Vt f" '1 aboard the Princess P Mary.-- on "Saturday." Mrs. Theo. CoKart ' Uilnn ;..m- .jit-v. u...u. l'rlpce George for Vancouver.: where they will meet Aid. Col- ,ar who W a" busk nes8 lriP to New York and other the la8t hG- rmlri -r from Vancouver in the course of will w' proceed proceed east east by by train train on Saturday morning. He is a guest . i 1 e xr.i.i jresentative oflthe International vT. I u ..1. "ii fo7 Commissi: hdaHe 7 n c.iti. cnic. Inaugurating the Union Steamships summer schedule to points on the north coast, the steamer Cardena, Capt. A. Johnstone, is due in port from the south late tonight or early tomorrow morn inc and will sail for Port Simn son and Wales Island, returnintr here tomorrow evening and sail ing south at 12 midnight. Could Not Sleep Heart Would Start Pumping and Pounding Mrs. Fred P. Averill, 13042th Ave., tCtUg&ry. Alta., writw: "I was bothered so much with my heart I could not loop. I would alien up in the nfcht creaming, and my heart would lUrt pumping and pounding, A -neighbor lady told me to tiy. rice ova a dox ai an uruggun ana dxaleri, or mailed direct on recoipt of price by The T. MUbura Co., Ltd., , Toronto, Oat. t Pfyf&ibfo at Rink tonight" at ' 'M t:30.' Stoirffij? to 10. ! Dr. Joseph Gosse was jthe .win- Elder Rodney B. Ashby, the Mormonite missionary who re- cently spent three months in the city trying to start a Mormon Church, has been telling the people of Victoria about the mild climate of Prince Rupert. ! Dave Paton was dismissed with u iw UiUblDlt 1 LC 111 V.V- . moat , j. icf court thin mmi 0oha rge of'irespas- on rtnwiiv -rge yixi brought by- C.N.R. iSfaBIe'E.' Martin. ENTERTAINMENT HirtAnn i Anon VII II IVh I I II illV VUli liVlAJli Happy Evening Spent After Reg ,ular Ceremony and Presentation Made The regular meeting last night - - oy hv Jl a anlonriirl splendid mnaiVnl musical entertain- entertain ment provided by the following i&lented artists: Al Smaille, piano solo; Walter Howard, solo; George Brocllll. violin nln. arromnnnfp W No lUnfcou eIM r. man -. . , .. . '.-S,' . " 'H' ( ATrydx), solo; Bob Phil- "P9- r'tarion ; series or seiectigns by the Showiski Paluski Gmported cornediaris elliwry and Louiski ' . UlA ...11. T nt. Ik... - J1eetionsjby Ronald BartHtt.'Nori man Wilson and Bert Cameron. graph of the silver wedding oft Jack and Mrs. Preece, esteemedt members 'of the bfder, .wSmadek'tt to the'diKtator' by ergnfMy vi ma ym. ;lCLauum. iJ.iLKyftCDU- bert, dictator of the lodg?ae? ceptlng the present on behalf' Off the lodge feplied Suitably. ''Nextweek Rt. Rev. Bishop Rix will address the lodge and chap ter, taking as his subject "Child Welfare." The Eleventh Avenue Juvenile orchestra under the direction of W. H. Derry will provide musi cal entertainment RESBYTERIAN LADIES ARE HOLDING EASIER TEA AND S. iii ji)AY In the Church Hall which is astefully decorated for the oc-asion and presents a very , attractive scene, the Ladies' Aid to . ... t. n i i t i i i nil i ivi leriau n u re n is noij, ing an Easter tea and sale of home cooking : and sewing this fternoon. Mrs. D. C. Stuart is president of the Aid and those in harge of various booths include: Plain Sewing Mrs. A. Berner, ilrs. Ben Dalgarno and Mrs. W. .V. C. O'Neill. Home Cooking Mrs. F. D. .lice, Mrs. B. R. Kice and Mrs. C. A. Kirkendall. Candy Mrs. E. N. Valentine and Mrs. W. L. Sandisln. Tea Room Mrs. W. D. IMoxley, convener; Mrs. Fred Stork and Mrs. P. W. Anderson, pouring, and Mrs. W. M. Brown, Mrs. H. B. Stiles, Mrs. R. J. D. Smith, Mrs. Alonso Haines, Miss Beulah McKinley, Mrs. W. 0. Hughes,' Airs. J. W. McKinley, Mrs. James Simpson and Mrs. L. M. Fuller, assisting, v . Cashier Mrs! Joseph Greer. ,Iri; Thomas Thomas M McMeekin and iH.fjIi'VnjMcKinl ley were rps-, oWule1 ! 6Y the det decorations. The musical program, arranged by Mrs. II. Macfie, Includes piano solos by Charles P. Balagno; violin solos by Frank Williams and Miss Nellie Lawrence and vocal woloa by Miss Peggy Wood, Mrs. J. A. Teng, Mrs. J. H. McLeod and Mrs. William Millar. Accompanists are Mrs. J. S. Black and Mrs. R. Wilson. Try a Daily News want-ad. Ft will bring results. I ill I 1 1 'J'l i I hi ui I ii 1 HI ij'llnll ib NOT THE SAME PERSON AT ALL Truit-a-tives" Stopped Pain and Terrible Dizziness Mm. CODIN It accms almost a mirpcle tha way ""Fniit-a-tivea" benefits women Buffering at the chaneo of We. ' "I wag obliged to 0 to bed because of the terruIe diznnesa, nain and weakness." writes 'Mme Onesime Godin f Paquetville, N.B. , "During this trying ' time i' - j i meand now I am in perfect health. Every woman should follow my example and take 'Fruit-a-tives and thej would surely get (he wonderful relief that I did. " TrviL Your dealer has this wonderful fruit medicine ax. and 60c. a box. . HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert William Miller, J. S. Gifford,, H. F. Wilson and D. Bartels, .ancouver; L. W. Hogan, city; Air. and Mrs. .1. Wood, Ocean,.. Falls: Mxs. M. K. Bates. Smith. ;.rs; Marjtin Johaq,$jn, MohtreaU Cent rain , JV. T. Pow, P. Ulfeon, J. RowvS lands and J. M. Laison, Vancoll 3 cetf Ingoald Hansen and II. Q iSeotg..,, Savoy' PCT nSyhm Watkips, Hyder; Claude ity. ; ' B" ,4 - jd' H. JV11, twinager of the ffnnt rni. - f f 5. k-.. ' McKay, Burnnby, . who has been spending a holiday at Telkwa, arrived in the city on this afternoon's train, being on his way south. BISCUITS A. nice a.-wortment, including M plain, creams, put ts and sandwich) per lb 55c !i lbs 11.00 DOLLAR SUPREME SODAS Per box COe WHOLE WHEAT FIG BARS 2 lbs. 4Sm VEGETIZED WAFERS Per pkg " 50 BLUE POINT OYSTERS Per tin 400 GLACIER SARDINES in pure olive oil. Fertln... 10c LIBBYS DEVILLED MEATS Small Una, 2 tins 15c OXO Small, 2 tins 25 FOR YOUR EASTER BREAKFAST GAINER'S FtNESTfeSIDE BACON"' , Machine sliced;. Per lb. 555 G0WICHAN BGGSwi-Extras. ." 2 doz , TfJO FKEESewlnc Thimble With .. Each Hacon Order NABOB JELLY POWDERS 4 for .25$ YAKIMAjPOTATOES Per saek , $205 NATURAL SMYRNA C00KINO. FIGS--3 lbs 25rJ SPANISH PIMENTOES 2 tins 25o Watts' Grocery Quality Right-JIONE -Prices Right 55 PHONE 56