Thursday, March 28, 1929 THE DAILY NEWS PAGR SEVE5 Man in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE. FOR RENT. LOST & FOUND lake says not even a wife is i-ij'ht all the time. THIS IS THE .PAGE, WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD he'fiWs' c4p'tltiop was on hk"- atid this a what erne, bov u rote : The I lie rn most tjowerful kinc h.i kintc; oi.o f the worst ' BOARD AND ROOM -mo-Kimr; thu wittiest, Jo-king; nn a i?n m 1 1 ; 1 Miiifti'si. Thiu-kinir: the thirs. si I, t, T)riri'i(!n.L'; the slyest, ana" the nodical, Tal-king. One of the speaker's chief i. :n's . s connrnen- the modern;t ' rnmon-s nsi. stylo of women's (I htlKS - llV in. : his , ' '. - I fl!C," why not i altogether '. A store ol' t lc iiun. )! 'S ; III)' -.-. use the nriv at least fiftv a used to If a man is erronp ted by .aes;npa;i ti.-- Of: -! :tl ,i-n i- to p m. Tc T fell vou uliifii iisW T TT III 21G. ........ "Ii. ..u- . c.j I I i MHI il llHWli tht I r i : 1 1 rfilumn aottSrive In -t- -tali. ii i' M; n ,,iii th Moon all . . i.i li'TiTf4 rnoxt Y'-n ti:.ln-. & (' IMtat. Wia-at-omcp 7 ivaBaEaBntuir sfflHSMneB. i ifoirias, fort ww! ti ': 0SUnAVli as any mVtVandl n J.i&?lt WATER NOTICE Dlvrrslon and I'Ke 1 atream at a Doint about thrm-auarteri let this of a mile from Daaae Creek and will be mn. ., hriuht ,,.... UMa tm nyaraullc mlnuw purpose upon a DtlKht yountf the mine described aa Itesdv Montr Iaae. aunrlae Leaae No. 103 and Creek 1 .Mjrtnuitv "You'll ' u " l t'- x CSalma Dalay and Maj Blowwm te SflW, politely, "but water to br diverted from Bock Oulch a Wr with accidents at point at lowjar end of cajwon of aald tore it may be be- f looks are h tJfrflT ever bnMiea to point ol use . Thla nottoe waa posted on the (round i tne xutr or tie sad because , A qopr X: tw Creek rrxowaibtr. ins., to the aimlKatlOB imy be filed wftb the aald Water Recorder ar the Oomotroller of (Water Rich is. lament Bundlmrs. etoriS. B.C.. In thlrW daya after! the, flret ap- nee of thla notice In a local newt- TVi date of the first mjblleatloti of this notice is March 11. ib. ALTHETJ H. BRYANT. 'I'., have April Fool Day and - - - i-r Mo". lay come on the same is ii:oii.te i- bad What's the use of '. '' a ;rson who is havrng H'e supreme rourt f nritlh Oolam- i , ,. Ma, In the nuttrr f the Ailmlnl'lm- J-- tlon Art. and In the matter of the IJhtate of Kan MrVrlll, dri-eawd. kTm ffolatr to spend TAKE NOTICE that by order of His T Tjr 1 i am am u flenvinar nying my- mv. ttonor. r. MeB. Youns. th aiat it of ninjr 1-ent. rKnbex, 4b ; JgW appointed CaitAxf tale of Dan Mc- oeinia. nrrcr an -You claims aaalnst ihe said mruireo u lurnuneiXf 11 Ui Diir fiefo: riasji Uh RJaand DO me t tawr oartiM 'having tate r henrb properly eri- e Bth'dav r 1 Dartlaa Id l ;iref,W pa;' tedneas-,40 m JAMEE McNtTtTY. ! i' a i I'.' u , OT is h ' .'?a.'L'K owing 1 fvmr.. like 'i t all SM, PsVd.theHHh.drr'H Prince Mer-A.Drl)W Hupen. B.C. th.- '.. !cr I Icijif you II take that I'll iMi. about tin- man taking- .the . 1 r 1 ''i tf, tim- of stress. No mere . . Mi tt ,!) take any hehn. ; -i n s in Mi. use of sex PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ! -nd of voinit to sea: 1 14:82 n.m. 19.1 ft h tluiii'l.'i-o msy pesl. she is the woman for rae. Ten Years Ago 1 In PHnce Rupert Mareh 2ft. 1919 A ('.inipaiirn 'tuts been started t o s.le of bwdJn the Iirieet-, l. ii it hoy.-ing sonerafJhe oW 1 in- i !H'rr- is TiresidenL IBM deW Weak and Run Down Didn't Want to Eat Could Not Sleep c Mrs. D. Tone, fault Pte, Marie, Ont., Trrits:- "I was eak and run down; did not want to eat, and could l)ot ulrrp. 1 felt tired of living and often l. iKt-d for death to free me from my torn I. lo misery at I felt I would never ho strong atain, I thought I would try and rt..llv- I soon foil ELa estinc and linns;, und new life soamud to oome to ran t : iJaliififiturad rjitV V The T. MS. bun Co, LUL, Ttttmia, Oai, High High Ilitfh Thursday, March 28 2:59 a.m. 21.4 ft 21 :S3 p.m. 6.3 ft Fair Hoard, of Ich Aid.;:- w i'S .. ' . lei to pay more atteftn tfaabr. n ioukIt- to exhibits Ihis y.', i h aid of uil Kurmers'' Institutes i!i Ih to be eht. I he I'ri j( e liupert Swimming '..Ii has el.-L-tcd officers for the ,(s follows: jiresident, T. C. 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 -; ; n ; i e-president, J. C. it; ecieti.iy treasurer, E. R. I I. mm: exettttlve," Fred Ro-i i s. .!. Winsby, Sidney Baz-t lues, W. D. Vance and J. C. Friday, March 29 . SAO a.m. 20.7 ft 16:12 p.m. 17.8 ft Low 10:09 a.m. 4.5 ft 22:02 pjn. 7.7 ft Saturday, March 30 4:0S a.m. 19.7 ft 1G:$G p.m. 1G.4 ft. .10:48 a.m. 5.7 ft 2U'.m. 9.2 ft. ; . Sunday Urch 31 Hfgh :.-.t". .t 4:40 n.m. 18.5 ft A.17).m. 15.1ft . m n i a.m. i.u n. ;--'14j).m. 10.6 ft. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. FOR RENT-flat with FOR RENT Phone Green ; HOUSES For rent. 95, TAKE NOTICE that Alfred H. Bnaot. wboae wnuw aOdrea tu la SOB Bank of Nora, ""fPOtr KKNT Five room furnish- edflat'. Mdssallem Grocery, tf. FOR KENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. Bne tneu Bootla BttttdHw. Vancouver. B.C.. wUI ,,np t,PMT tr,thpl hom Avenue East. Phone lied 607. tf -Modern four roomed bath. Bank Block. Apply VYesienhaver Bros. FURNITURE tf. FOR RENT Seven room house with bath, near Auditorium. $20.00 a month. Phone 76 or 20G.. tf. FOR RENT Furnished modern Sf$teL"!n 'SP''?:! house. Harbor view. Monarch m won wwii umeiuuK in ii isin i. wj aaaau mi : van : ill I liu. u-uumuii nr it i.- th. rantr range, SSfiJX). Annlv 21i I'niirth m vtht neooroer at ai reieiiTapa FOR RENT Modern Flat, A bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Phone ISO or 045. 72 FOR RENT Building containing large workahop on ground floor with 7 room modern flat above at 177 Third Avenue East. Apply Hyde Transfer. tf LOST LOST Fox terrier pup, white with black spots. Finder please phone Red 271. Mackenzie Furniture, Phone 775 I .11 i.e.- c.. -tK r.,uw ?..!!fte. i kwpinir rooms by the day, week,! ' - " " p. LiTvut Vi bbici uuitu o(k& uuitn wnici i v :. of M. :sil,!.. l,,ihin h.. ,.. rns nonnenr and drain into , , " oreek about eight miles from Deaae u ! accidents on trams, trains Lake. ! or month. EVERTIHNG FOR TlfE HOMEj ,,Cjieftterfiel.4 Suites, Dinjj.g SuiW . walnnt .and oak Beds, I iwub aini jjiiiiud. PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell; or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, musical! I&-struments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone' IJJack 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES. Federal Block. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Dtock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order' ou Winnipeg Stack Exchange. Representing Miller, Court ft Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue , Prince Rupert, aa Try a classified ad. in the News and get RESULTS! fiklNGING UP FATHER iffc RIOICULOOS roe YOO pro feiNO tooR wiCE to llAUV TO WUOY QiMGlMC. WE HAVE JOTA"i COOO . poutsPrKV- QJ DOfsl'T KNOW "THE MAt-r or it- V J I r .tib, FOR SALE F. W. Hart. FOU SALE Four roomed house 94 j and two lots. Apply 1040, lOtbJ Avenue tu. Jtt. HOUSEHOLD Furniture for ttle. N. W. Fringle, G4G Fourth Wve. East. Phone Green 150. if Red 339. FOR SALE Four H.P. Imperial; marine gas engine. f 175.00; Apply 'on board "Lion," Cow ; Bay Floats. 73 j FOR SALE Well established hfitf riffia. two cars and best FOR SALE Cn line shaft 18 feet long and 1 inthes thick. rv On I 1- T T . t - .1 Inch hangers. Two lr?e Iron Pulleys, speed 15 to 12 inch, 2Vt Inch bdlt Two line shafts 8 feet lone, lMt inch thick. Three Iron Pulleys, three speeds 12int-l.ta 8 inchi. Two Wooden PaUeys. Applyt D.'iV1 New. m: : tf WANTED I Apply Prince Rupert Hotel. WANTEDt-CopBBIIInt glk!l for. general housework tf. H. Orme. Apply ars. i tf If BE AUTY . MISS MAIIY JIACFII3 E3ferieacd operator, madm methods in all lines-of Leauty culture and hair dress'ng. j Make appointment by phoning i SALVAGE AND TOWING stand in town. Snap. Phone F,1,,v Equipf"-.! foi Divin and 275 for particulars. FOR SALE Hatching eggs fro" Barred Hock ,aiid Wh'e lg- horn Hen with individual trqp-j. nest records of 200 to 2Q0 eggs'i in one year. These are mated to vigorous cockerels' I from dames with records of over 200 eggs. $2.00 per sitting of fifteen. Gua Vestrom, Prince George, D.C. 73 '.eneral aivafe work. iRoats and Scows of all-dfflcrpl- FOR SALE Philco radio. Con- tions for ( harter sole model, batteryless six fcdbe How Boats atid Canoes for hire. et. Snap for cash. Will -con- Bargains in . Can Fnirine. aider terms. Prince itufrtrt . AGRkTS FOtt ; Auction Mart 4U,V f tSathope,. Ulrica & Northern 3. . C. Dislributom CpoBdte Propel ters Sht,5,r.G4 P. O. Box 15G1 CHIUOritACTIC RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady very prevalent at tbts time we w,CI. i..Ker ruu. . a 1b symtom jf a deeper troable, jch as affections of the eyes,, liver. ki'Ineys. stomach, etc. It may le ulso due to the after ef-!!(fts of influenza. roiisnlt the Chiropractor in all 'aisps. RTTuaranteed. ' BR.'t ci ARPINAUJ G and 7 Baenange BJoc Springs and Mattresses, Curtain WANTED Experienced wiitress. ''"' z l JorhrT-i;jarK Open K ( k RB8ULTS co Ayr . Fain in the side. JajBgeslion. -.-.. i :u .-ar S 1- - . ml HospttaL Wanes $00.00 ;f,:t ,momnia: f per month. .ApylyMntrin. 73 w . Ij licved by our new forfc of diettt- flRADING, BjtesnUiiit, CfAicrete andv spinal treatirejt foundations. Kelt MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VAI1NTINDAIRY Telephone 657. If it's on or under ihe water we dp it PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. 1 LIMITED Rikkiar. "ur iMafonai , "AO a, in Room 9. 623 Third Avenue. Phone Red 023 or Black 700. 81 PETS We are Importers of canaries, parrots, foreign birds, goldfish, monkeys, ttegs, cats and rabbits. If you want a pet of any kind, write us and we will ship on ap-1 provsl. Money refunded if not satisfied. PET SHOP Largest Store of its kind in Canada 573 Broadway West. Vancouver the Liberty Majtazine every week, then consult DR. EYOLFR0N Phone Blue f5. or Red 589 Open Evenings RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We fell 8 kinds of CoaL Any kind of Wood" in any quantity CEMENT SAND 0RAVKI. Our price, wiriijhts and measures are richt So if our Service Phone ut sad ' Save Money and Time DAY & NH.MT SERVICE Day Plmne: 201. Night Pawn: Kd 317. r i ,i .fjijf.,) ,.;;.. SimondaCEh. $ 13. r.l.. s.r.ln, SrHali HftiU n-nti. 3 . f 3 Canadian National Steamship's Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AIM. SHIPYARD OpcrutiDK ti.T.I 211.000 Ton FlualiiiK Dry lUlti gtitinrvm. criachiniHtH. . mat maSTnL Foande akers, UlaeksmithH. I'pttern ,Vvodworkri. tc. KI.ETKI( AND AllETYLfiNE VEl.DlNJ. Our pjant IfirfQ MRINEJA? Quipped to handle all kinds ol ND COMMERCIAL V(RX. 'PHONES 43 and 3S5 'he most economical saws to use idi Sivr Co. Limited, St. Hemi St. and Acorn Ave. VaacoTgmy & EMBARRASSING MOMENTS I I V iw m r. lau aim, rw ' By George McManus OT OONT 1 lsTKFSii yiTM "YOUR I I l V . I "".J - .ii, . a