PAGE SIX FREAKISH WEATHER R3H Hilold F R;r.h;e Co. 1x4 Toronto ered with an inch of snow which K PPrnRHFn HFRF m:um:m. i n-rii- Id lUArUftUEU HLHL tft4tt pri,uo Rupert may have - (h white Efcater there was Snow Falls for Easter After JHgh gntjn Christmas. However, it Wind and Heavy Itainfall rath ufisetttadthfo morning Yesterday Vfternoon wJth the pog.jbHjty that rain - -might oi eome and make ottiek Rather unusual weather con- work of the snow. There haa terday afternoon toe low mai of wa recorded at the Dig- jumped up to 29.78. There was another rale waster- dav afternoon, a maximum vel- Kev oeity of ixty miles per hour from the southeast being recorded. dition which have been experien- been a very fluctuating barometer i There was aio ht;.vy rainfall to eed here of late culminated this during the past two or three days I add to the general unpleasantness morning in the ground being cov- with rapid raises and falls. Yes-' of conditions. W&efia you &&mls you drink Fluid SesS and gain ?esh energy iVeo; &ore JVoo; Ope? with the Newest in Women's Fashion Wear .Madame Annette has opened her new store an the Boston Cxfe comer. Here the ladies of the city will fnu the very newat in Dame Fashion's decrees for spring wearing at really moderate prices. With Long or Short Coats ,.. rom $25.00 up Thtre are a donen touches that set these ensemble apart a obviously "hifrh fashion." The frocks aft unusually new in styling. The coats are splendkfly Kofd and are made of Tweed, Kaxmir and 8Qk Capja. Choicest of spring shades to select from. f jlaia alao, and shoe. The Annette Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Company Limited 3 X Hhe flora for STYLE and ECONOMY NEW ADDKESS on the JIOSTONCQKGK THIHI) A ENUE w llic ' Store for qmuiy and SERVICE Prince Rupert Kj v;en Kr.ghino England untiy ti..,:;Uo: ther au. , cre a who livi $JIK PMLX ,!JfS Wiursd MTORSPEAKS RADIOPHONE ,id hl Iinir the .a m rvpn r jir nvmr. pi Aim ' -ure. Th T. Ivon Jones (live Thoughtful Address on Hi . uyra which waa "aervjt-e." Thxt aan old word which v. as beinx aamd in this centuo mi a new Those Languid Eyes TW7 aaitUf rtitct yor klch nayiical trtt iairif t&4 umnttmtm t th mmo. Waadi ia rrrt . . . w tkt tfew mkim rt bar idi a haa UaiA dnct. Th bimm a ft-low nag wwi ft Wmjrt wfy, daault fcrtr or bti-tamnin, M ottd a Uuu. Btiag bade yomr VTxsur, "ba, 1ulitr rr nM Ja V' FtPdttt K,M U C feat try ll J?Mt h , I Imlli. TiMWt f way by the aerviee club-ital. !ORHT IT IMKtfT I M nil k.i ti mm HI ----- . .. - , sswww. ..M mWUB iOM (he t roae and k had had al 111 an.i honorabla Watory sine Un -ewice" of today UmmM i not nc made a aoulleaa tHm by 'separating B frTnnUr ni(ihal source- The Gavtatiaa ClHlre rhoaM not he forgotten by th ho betame- active 4a the in-mnml ;ciana jpo ..acf. amaMamnj, rne apcawr aeMoiajbalna- r .itiriMe henafWa ntn Mt the rlararoands far the . iMMih which too iiyr Club baa' provided lor Prince Biwert '' At the canclMion of hii dnaa. Mr. Jaaed' tawafeff br HJWdeat WlllMiat GraarfahMat: wka ezpraaaal wab Haf he anrkt acab heard hi the ant distant future. TEA AND SALE BY - PYTHIAN SISTERS Event TaUnc Place Thi After! noon at Home of Mr T. J. SbofUao. Bff nth" Atenoe Weot i Aa glattr tea aad aaie of haaaa coofciaa beinc haM tali after- the hon the TatMaa 4a a .aCJIe. 1. J. Spatoa. 5tf fcurhta Areant Want r -k. '. - Mrs. saeataa U reeefraac tat Rueata aad tt of the taa ooa are Ml. tDhni Gllcaxiat and Mr. O W. iobaaUiae with Mrs. p. C. Milter. Mrs. J as Ratchford and Mra. P i. Ryan aetiac aa senriteura. Mrs. OaarM McColloeh is in charge of the home cooking table and Mrs. F. W. Hart is cashier. IN CANNERIES Impressions as New i comer Here ,!AlaWa lading the .Way In . i Mullattyn of This Modern A thoughtful address in the Convenience course of which be coavefed some of his impressions as a new-. vomer to Prince Kupert was Riven Alaska haa again beaten jl by Rev. T. ivon Jonea M. A. British Columbia. This tfrne it Oxon), pastor of f.r in reard to th installation of teriaa Church, in addressing the'Wdoaea. 0n MW '-Cyro Cluh at hiacheon yetarday. f,111 Lat Cannajr. He h-d ...m- to -he ftn.u,u q iw f Ywt h, said, tfiat people of this city &ir R. B. Weie and a I .1 T a 1 ! - . . umravm nam au'inMni za re iifas n iris' .... .k . I i: that radio tejephone eqaipmeat alao would be installed at Port AHhrop. Kake and Fuater Bar ' ' for Skinner and Bfldv. ! GULLS KILLED CAT LOtfDON. March 38: During he cold weather at Skegneaa, on Snne?. r 'i-. s ait- coast, seagulls scraps oa Ute cat sprang at The faniahed gall at-tte aarprtseli ' eat and n) minutes ' ft had been tofn limb from limb, and its fleshl Mrda. T..H'lj THEWEATHEr Prince light southeast S3. Rupert Part cloudy. wind; teQperHire Jiaysportftlear, alm, 34. yerfaeeWCjar. northeast wind, ilazelton Part cloudy, windy, in.4W. " o !.l m niii-crs ,yiar, cairn, so. liurns Uke Cleaf, falm, 30. jAtlin Part cloudy, 0-4. Whltehorse-tflar. Ifejit BOftfi wind, 15. " j Selkirk-Clear, rth Hind. 4. ! Dawson Orar, flam, XD J-' low. J layo CJear, acn, 5 boaw. j HOTAUV NOW I NATIONS ..ii if i... .. u, , kJi Wk, fnr permit haa beeji I i . ? 1 , granW and a w:,ve j,lth is to be' In connexion with .the jmiM- . Th ereLd to theUtion: for pfflce,. for Itr, " , imuo touay, jamea .Me, Mayor S. . . . ' .itr.ioxph. rv and surroundings of The equipment consists of re- . af-tAiu T K . W- . imi v- umw i saMUPvm hence h had just come. 1 which operates on a Jow wikve , Joi.ea ftu raitrht be a combinatioavf' nipped. iaaUlUUona Kill be of the v:u people not fortret-i mt canneries at CkooUey, iu! of th traditions and ideals of i J,cLw,n5 Ann. Rose Inlet. Hidden !tbe pafc. nr unmindful of what P"1 U"ioB tor Nakat Uht future mijrht hold in store. concern' n t"4 'or the Likewla. ionle romi.. tn . n.. 1 Northwest Fisheries Weias aaid rbBuaunity .should brinft with then something of the best of 4jttt jtl i t woiUm: thy taw whfle at the sane tine, embrac ing new modes and ideals. Mr. Jones alluded to the slogan iAf such clubs as UtiUry and I and Sid Johnaon was nominated 'for the .toed and living in cfnerie. to communiente with JlTl 2fd,W"D to ,.t tk ...a r. U..a-ar.k ntKair .kaM ka la! W" wi ,arc pMW. VU IUO v w'a . a aw 0iii)J va ifE maa- . the peojde of Canada kat Packing Co. have been ainv . vwiiw " --- UJ.I.. ,u .11 .. ..- i and tnoiixfct i tfr fM. in to FfU. wjw etoects thai loeal atutue, Jir.1 ne ouamj roim oiure gere Don Ffan for secretary .- nd George Woodland for trea-urer. Pfated officers will be iv V ... , ST. CHARLES MILK is "Made in British Columbia-It is pure, rich milk pro. duced by the herd! cf i,qur own fertile Frtse Valley, with part oftbj water removed. It j, paoked in anitar sealed cam for y0J convenience of "Support BrltUh Columbia Industrie' it Quick The breakfast you never tire ol Quaker Oats Cooks in 2V4 to 5 minutes why put jup witJi dull floors when a modriutc ouUay blip's sucli lasting Iirauiy aiinna.wnip. a ay Tjfi Jc c aX IPlPlvMaLMmFiVx iTai it Give your home the Jtind of floors you have always want ed . . . artittk. colourful, different . . '. the kind that put character in each jooin . . . the kind your friends will want to copy. Dominion Inlaid linoleum offers endless scope. Inipir-ed designs ; soft or brilliant colours to your taste; and the mellowing touch of the DoraoUc finish . . . these axe but a few of the features behind the Dominion Inlaid vogue. XUd la CtmJs ? tktmiu Dmmlml This wonderful Ucottcr Rnith it ifjbae'd to all De minion Inlaid Linoleum addiiif a Jovely soft lustre to aa alrtsdf beaatlful floor. Sum proof, wtir-prool. pollibtt with scarce anet Itxt," AUo awl-ableintins lor rotation to your pt esent Donuakm (loots. IKVOIEOI TWs modem flo r: hours of work. It i to the tread, odourif ' 7 and esy to lay. l 'Domolac room ... at suq finish mftdm,e P"- Other Beautlfol Ikmim Floors WWer choke than eve? & offered to Dominion leoro Rags and D ' Printsd Linoleum wearing, beautiful, e dean . . . priced even ikln vnil rXDCCt " i" 13 .,vrtr f . ber makes an4deal floor far any rcdtn. At House Furnhhtni cad Departmental St If your News does not arrive before 6 o'clock Phn i