PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Thunday, August ;x District News DiviflE. VANDEimOOF Cloke liffia$naiP Stan ootf ftedil facto: progress tottaTd reTdWry following it recent accident when A A, his shoulder and arm Vere fnT jured as a mult of a treefailing the on him road while between he wag Vanderhoof working and on r i gm m m Ml MIA S FortFraser. Miss Marjorie Warner ..of Smithers is visitint? here as, the Rueit of Mr. and Mrs. James: Silver. ,. ,, v J. H. Munroe, chief inspector for British Columbia of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, visited the local branch last week. He was accompanied to Prince George by auto by Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Laird. Miss B. Lamb is visiting with; friends In Vancouver and vi cinity. TERRACE O. T. Sundal left on Saturday for Vancouver. talsa Kemp of Kltwaa wu thai guwt ob Maody of Mrs. Araagn. Mis' IBM Ross of Havana. Cuba' ratted fmn t south on Monday on a vlait to her mother, Mri. Annie Rosa. Mr. and Mr. MacDooald and little child of Anyx are baJlday'ng at H1U Farm. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. 8prkea have gone to Vancouver. C. R. Olibert and J as. Nelson were in Prince Rupert on Monday night to hear Hon. R. B. Bennett speak at the public meeting there, and accompanied hi party bMk to Terrace on Tuesday. Mrs. MaeLmd and Mn. Cutler and two ehUdiw, Rytrts and Allan, of An-yox, are holidaying at Hill Farm. Mlas Bessie Moore, who . has been hoUdaytnc In Haysport and Prince Rupert, returned home at the beginning of the week. R. Brsaly of the Laminated Ma terlata Ltd.. Mew Westminster, left for U south, on Wednesday. ""MrirTenart antl'eorf "RAbMeT of' Prince Rupert are guests at mil Farm Week-End Specials BLUE RIBBON TEA Mb. pkg COc KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN Large pkg 20c CAMPBELL TOMATO SOUP 2 tins , .25c CAMPBELL VEGETABLE SOW Tin 15c PERFECT SEAL JARS Quarts. Vqz 1.60 EAGLE LOBSTER l-4s. Tin 25c LIBBY'S PREPARED MUSTARD Jar 15c HORSESHOE SAUION Vis. 2 tins 45c EMPRESS NEW STRAWBERRY JAM -l-lb. tin C5c ROSEDALB SLICED PEACHES 2!2s. Tin 30c MALKIN'S SLICED PINEAP PLE8 28. Tin 35c EMPRESS JELLY POWDER- 3pkgs . 20c CRISCO l-lb. tin ...30c HEINZ FRESH CUCUMBER PICKLE Large Jar ...... f',40c SOM-MOR CAKE FLOUR Pkg 30c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2-1 b. pkg 25c YELLOW SUGAR 1 lbs; U.25c GROUND SPICES 'All ttnds.. Tin 41.10c SHELLED WALNUTS Halves. lb 45c We Sell FreMi Fruits and Vege- tablcH at the Lowest Possible Prices Alberta Market P. fiAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 IS II Dry Goods FLANNELETTE Regular 25c per yard. Sale price, per yard CRETONNE Regular 40c per yard. Sale price, per yard .'. SCRIM- CURTAINING Regular 30c yard. Sale price 7 yards for Men's 50 PAIRS MEN'S PANTS Regular $5.50. To clear 2.95 MEN'S DRESS SHOES AND OXFORDS Regular up to $11.50. To clear 5.95 MEN'S FLEECE-LINED UNDERWEAR Sale price', per garment 75C 15c i ' 25c ; 'W si.oo 1 Ladies' Hats The latest in color and design. Regular $3 . 50 values. SaIe Vrke LADIES' FANCY TRIMMED HATS Rejjular $4.50 value. Sale price 2,95 LADIES' MODEL HATS Regular $8.50 values. Sale price f... 3.95 Men m lv The most startling prices of the season I Once again we're out to equal our record for offering low, rock bottom prices! Once again we've cut prices to wholesale cost and even less in many instances! If you ever heard of such values, you'll be even mor c surprised when you find out what our values will mean to you. SALE STARTS AUG. 16 and ENDS SEPT. 7 Boys BOYS' SUITS Regular price $6.95. Sizes 20 to 26. Sale price 3.79 BOYS' SUITS Regular price $15.50. Sizes 28 to 35. Sale price 8.95 BOYS' COLORED RAINCOATS Red, green and blue. Regular $4.75. Sale price 2.45 BOYS' SWEATERS Regular $2.50. Sale price . 95C BOYS' LONG PANTS Regular $3 . 00 . Sale price 1.95 BOYS' PANTS Regular $2.50. Sale price 1.25 BOYS' SHOES Sizes 11 to 13 1-2. Regular $4.00. Sale price . ... 2.95 BOYS"SHOES Sizes 1 to 5. Regular $5.50. Sale price 3,95 BOYS' RUBBER BOOTS-Sale price 2.95 mm Mm 1 Kit ".-wIllTU mm mm . 4 ,k MEN'S WORK BOOTS Leckie make. Regular $6.50 values. Sale price 4.95 MEN'S COVERALLS Khaki. Regular $4.75 value. Sale price 2.65 MEN'S COMBINATIONS Turnbull's make . Regular $4.75 value. ;Sale price 3.45 Ladies EXTRA SPECIAL! LADIES' R'AINCOATS Regular $7.50. To clear . .r .... .3,95 150 T.AniRS'SHOES-Oxfords. mlmns and Strang. Regular $6.50. Sale price' S3.75 LADIES' DRESS SHOES-Regular $8.50. Sale price 4,75 LADIES' COATS On sale as low as . . . 8.95 LADIES' SILK DRESSES Regular price to $20.00. Sale price 8.95 LADJEHG0L0RED RUBBER BOOTS-Regular ?ale price 2.75 Dry Goods WHITE AND GRAY COTTON Sale price, 7 yards for , j qq WOOL SWEATERDOWN Sale price, 6 balls for WOOL SHETLAND FLOSS Sale price, 8 skeins 1.00 1.00 Slickers for Ladies and Girls We have made a wonderful purchase of Colored Slickers for ladies and girls for fall and winter wear. These we can offer at a surprisingly low price. LADIES' SLICKERS in red, green and blue. All sizes. Regular $7.50 value. SALE PRICE 395 GIRLS' SLICKERS in red, green and blue. All si2es. Regular $-1 . 75 value SALE PRICE 2.45 Girls' GIRLS' DRESSES Sizes 7 to 14. Regular $2.25. Sa, Pricc 1.25 GIRLS' DRESSES Sizes 1 to 5. Sale price 95c CHILDREN'S HOSE-Regular 60c. Sale, 3 pairs f or . . '. We have added a New Department to our store, 5c. to 95c. In it you will find r i ai t i i rv r i i xt rocKery, Aluminum, naraware, uiy Vjooas ana INotions THIS IS THE BIGGEST SALE EVER PUT ON IN PRINCE RUPERT DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ! THIRD AVE. & SEVENTH STREET 95c JABOUR BROS. LTD. Phone 645