Vonday August 25. 1919 — NO MORE KIDHEY TROUBLE since He Commenced fo Take “Frult-a-tives ” Le Avenve, Orrawa, On vears ago, I began to feel ' vn and tired, and suffered eh fr Liver and Kidney Havirfe read of ‘Fruit-a it I would try them urprising. had an hour's sickn ete NOW OPEN P.R.CAFE Best in Town Second Avenue, Near Empress Theatre j WOSS eneed using ‘lruit-a w now what I have ra good ma ‘ears blessing of a althy king brain’’, ER J. MARRIOTT or $2 50, trial sive Qe sent postpaid on by Fruit-a-tives Phon® Green 5607 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS t and Heavy Con rs and Alterations Work and hepa s Staircase I nishing Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS E. Hl. SHOCKLEY GEnena L CONTRACTOR Mee and Sh a St ildings and sh lumber al- stock. J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood Estinates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. Bowling Alley THIRD AVENUE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT I ealthy Exercise Keep You Fit Cigars and Tobaccos TOM LEE CO. | Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and- Retail “eneral Contractors and Labor Exchange. Rupert, Prince B.C, 47 Box 725 POO P.O, Hotel Prince Rupert TUNOPEAN PLAN 50 per day and up. FIRST-OLASS CAFE A Le Oarte. TIMBER SALE x 1810. Will be ‘O08 NOt Later “plomber, 1949, ee & S8is to cut ' Hemlo Piling Massett Distriet with be Kiowed for ar T the I Distriet TIMBER SALE X 1805, received by the than noon on for the ck and Cedar on @0 area inlet Chief Forest Porester belived by the tl noon on 10 Mas ; ‘ han oo 1V10, for to cut : “kK and Cedar Tw Hannon Bay . a w : and Distriet , i ; ” alowed for re . j he Chief Porest AUpert, » District Po rester, FISH OFFAL PLANT HERE Vice-Consul David Donaldson tells in U. 8. Commerce Report of Local Industry. A comparatively new industry has been established at Pucks InJet, across the bay from Prince Rupert, in Osborne Cove, says Viee-Consul David Donaldson in the U. 8. Commerce Report. The company which established this industry is known as the Tucks Inlet By-Products Go., a Canadiat organization capitalized’ at $125 000 and with head offices in Van couver, The products of obtained The meal, fertilizing oul, whieh this entirely company which concern from fish manufactures valuab! fish are offal fish is a and in the manu- facture of soap. In the opinion of the company's manager this oil can be used in the manufacture of glycerin The offal obtained from the various Skeena ingredient, used also. is Kiver canneries and from the Prince Rupert fish packing com panies. This plant in reality serves a double purpose, inas much as it provides a marketabk product of very considerable value fron therwise worthless raw material, and at the same time disposes of offal that would be a nuisance in a community such as this, where fishing is th most important canneries are Method of Manufacture. rhe offal is collected from the arious canneries and packing houses and conveyed to the ferti- lizer plant in seows towed by a gas power Upon arrival the offal is hoisted to the top of the to the storage hopper, which it descends through sus Cooking and crushing the This operation repeated, and after the oil and mojsturs extracted the residue constitutes meal ready to be used in fertilizers. As the offal fats oil or tissues heated up sture industry and 80 numerous. buat factory from the machines to Varik basement. is are contained the offal cooked cells il are and are cells for in order Then the pressed out the in oil is to break these mol and « and separated oil refined Fertilizer and Oil. The oil is placed in storage tanks at Prince Rupert and ship- ped in tank cars via the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Fish mea! FERTILIZER THE DAILY NEWB. wanes. WANTI I> Woman cook, Wages $75 a month, with board and room. Apply to matron, P. R. General Hospital, tf WANTED Blac k Phone tf Small 202 ven sALe launch. FOR SALE—C shina cabinet, deck, mirrors, library table, one white enamel satin finish bedroom suite, one mahogany bedroom suite, and odd pieces. Appoint- ment by phone. Mrs. M. Aivazoff, Phone 133. 197 MONI Y AT 8 PER CENT on build- ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W. Nickerson, Secretary. tf FOR SALE—One Columbia gram- ophone, with twenty-one ords. Can be seen at Klondike lote 1, 722 Fulton Street. 201 URNITURE FOR SALE with privilege of renting seven- roomed modern house, if agree- able. 452 Eighth Ave. East. NEW FORM OF GOVERNMENT NOT EFFECTIVE This is Expedient of Despair Says Speaker for Bahai rec- $125, Movement. The special message of the Bahai Movement to labor is that labor's grievances cannot be righted by any new form of gov- ernment whether established peacefully or by force, said Mrs Allen in a lecture on “Labor and the Bahai Movement” in Carpen- ers’ Hall Friday These are the expedients of despair, and despair was never more unnecessary than now Justice will surely prevai! when all men are just and this time is rapidly coming. Do not place men in classes, but treat them as individual men, for as such they were created. This will is shipped by steamer direct from the plant shipped principally to the Both oil and meal are | coneciously United|is the make for progress. The Bahai Movement includes all the forces of justice, which are mecreasing cumulatively. It is the spirit of the age. Many men are Bahais who never heard the nam<« It is not an organization or a sect or a new religion. It is an ideal, entertained more or less vaguely by many, but soon to be practiced by all. It Message of God to man +e a tt ot a a ee iC, P BOAT FOR SALI et Ot Ot Ot Ht ts lt i | Daily News Classified Advertising A A Fully equipped out board. FOR RENT—Room, Phone Red 589 for salmon trolling, 27 ¢t. long, 8-ft. beam; 8 h.p. Palmer En- fine, Guaranteed in first clase shape in every way. Owner leaving for the south. Sacrifice. See boat at Cow Bay between 10 and 12 12 noon tf FOR SALE One 36-foot seine boat, with 16 h p. Standard en- gine; one 32-foot boat with 12 h.p htomatic engine; one scowW 24 x 70 x 5%; also ten. ton cold storage plant. Apply Wales Island Cannery, via Prince tupert, B. C, 198 FOR SALI One three - oven French range for sale, 835 2nd Avenue. Phone 557. 98 FOR SALE—Old newspapers, ten | cents a bundle. FURNITURE FOR SALE Apply 452 Eighth Avenue East. 96 LosT LOST — Small alligator pocket- | book, containing two keys and/ small change, between Third and Fifth Avenues, by Borden Street School. Finder please return to Daily News Office. 99 LOST Yellow canary. F inder phone 546. Reward. -00 FOR RENT FOR RENT Sewing machines, pianos, Gerhard Heintzman phonographs—Singer Shop, the home of the Gerhard Heintz. man piano. 329 Second Ave. with or with- tf FOR RENT- FOUND—Key ring post office box ke News office. Offices- with Yale and Apply Daily ys. MISCELLANEOUS SEE MeGOWAN, t for new and cycles, repairs a terms. All kine pair work, Secon McBride. THE shampoo. treatment. 210 Upen 10 a.m, ment. NORTON—T second-hand Phone Blue Hairdressing or Phone 493. he Cycle man, bi- nd parts. Easy is of light re- d Avenue, near 421. for Scalp Fourth Street by appoint- he place a R. farms in well twenty years to lands in Sunny berta, with loar settlers. Act States, the former to Chicago and | given again and again, and now vicinity and the latter to Pacific lonce mere proclaimed by these coast ports. The meal is used/three wise men of the east, th: principally in California andj, prop yhets of the Bahai Revelation Hawai) ee rhe company contemplates LAND ACT erecting another plant on the SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF Skeena River in close proximity | COAST, RANGE 4 } to the canneries This will save | TAKE NOTICE that Mark Smaby, of | : font . . . _ | Ocean Falls, B. C., cecupation logger, in a great portion of the very con }tends to apply for permission to lease the | siderable cost of transportation | following described lands ; . t| Commencing at @ post planted at the from the Skeena to the present) yecr ena of a small bay on the sou ; 1d enable ¢ ompany to/| shore of Swindle Island, and directly north plant and enabl the compan) f Sandstone Reefs; thence east 40 chains extend its collecting operations | thence south 40 chains; thence west 40 Rade . | which | chains; thence north 40 chains to point of to the north fi supplies j Commencement, and containing 160 acres, | > prese -apacity will not wal more or less the present capac i MARK SMABY rant. Date, July 24th, 1919 On going fast. and full G La agent, Vancouver, sughran, Hast a: C. 744 SKEENA LAND ISLA TAKE NOTICE that William Traeger, of Anyox, B. C., occupation machinist, intends to apply for permission to prospect for coal and petroleum on seribed lands on the west coast of Graham the vicinity of West river; cul Island, in mencing @t @ post planted at the south east corner of C.L. 10312; thence west 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence point of commencement. WILLI Per Austin Brown, Agent ' paved May 18, 1019. FARMS FOR GALE FARM L settled in Western Canada; low prices; improvements to now For information write H. RECORDING DISTRICT OF QI = ND AND Choice districts pay; irrigated Southern Al- 1 of $2,000 in assist new —they are free booklet Land West, General ings St. DIVISIO N CHARLOT TE Ss. the following de north 80 chains to AM_ TRAEGER, Page 5 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF CANADA The Department of Labour and the Provincial Governments have organized a System of Employment Offices from Coast to Coast for Returned Soldiers and all classes of workers—-Men and Women —trained and untrained. A Special Section exists for Pro- fessional and Business workers. To look after the special needs of the RETURNED SOLDIER there is in each of these offices, a representative of the INFORMATION AND SERVICE BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF SOLDIERS’ CIVIL RE-ESTABLISHMENT NEAREST OFFICES 10 Baker Street 162 Victoria Ave, 246 Victoria St. Windsor Block Royal Bank Bidg., Baker St. Board of Trade Bidg. é Shatford Block, Main Street P. O. Drawer 1674 First St. W. 140 Cordova Street Alcazar Hotel, Dunsmuir St. Langley and Broughton Sts. 235 Barnard Ave. E. See ALBERT & McCAFFERY before you purchase | Anything in the Building Line We handle Prince ~~ Spruce Co.’s Lumber C. Mill’s Fir Lime Cement Plaster Brick Shingles Laths Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. | | David H. Hays General Real Estate|Agent Cor. Secdnd Avenue and Second Street. Royal insurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Fire insurance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Accident Co. Fidelity-Phenix Fire insurance Go. The Smeeton Tea Rooms 309 SECOND AVENUE The Business Man’s Restauran* REAL HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH Home Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. Gene Byrnes Says:—“Thanks for the Advice.” — ILL OST HAVE TIME TO MAKE iy wt RS wry 01 ee YoU POOR WAIT FOR TRE AUTOMOCBLLE WO PASS AND THIS WOULD NEVER RAY Boose DNTCHA ¥ ;