Thursday, -August IB, 1929 : et I No 1 A. Folding Kodaks From $12.25 No 2 C. Folding Kodaks From ..$18.50 KODAK ,.J1ME,.,, j Lrownies from $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks ....$5.00 For Boys No.l Folding Kodaks rtom 11. 25 Nov 3 A. Folding Kodaks From $34.00 Gine, Kpda (Movie), f, 3.5. inens $ibo.oo Kodak! Films, aij;&izes Jn ftockiDeveijhing.and.hlihting ftU"" for amateurs. DailyVrvice' Qijaltty finVsn. Qrmes Ll yfic Pioneer Drttqqists FUOUR C HILDREN'S PURE WOOL HOSE'" Fine rib, in white, tan and black, at less than cost. HOYS' COMBINATIONS in puro wool. Sizo8 22 to 82. Regular - 75 value. Clearing price . SI 25 value. Clearing price ,.75c ,? l'OYS' MERINO COMBINATIONS' -Short sleeve, knee length. Regular $1.50 value. Clearing price $1.00 HOYS' ALL-WOOL BLACK WOR- STED HOSESizeis 7 1-2 to 11. " Rpgular 90c va1uc. Clearing price i .tifiQfl v ; HOYS' BLUE AND KHAKI OVERALLS Sizes 22 to U2. Regular $1.25 value. C'caring price 75c THIRD AVE. SIX in ST TELEP110NF.S 8?, 200 Selicious wheat jiaCor is retained i.i-1, A Friend to Women Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound LYDlA E. P1NKHAM MEDICINE "O. Lvnn. Mas.. U.S.A no Csbourf, Ont , Cauda. LADIES' HEALTH BRAND SILK AND WOOL COMBINATIONS Short sleeve, knee length. Kegular $2.25. Clearing pric; 1.45 TOWELS Large range of colored Turkish towels. Engligh make. Clearing price from, each . . 25C : .... 65C ( TURKISH FACE CLOTHS-Regular 15c. Clearing price, 3 for 25C QUILTS-Krink'otte white, 72 Regular $2.75. Cloaring price 81.95 LADIES' PARASOLS Colors: red, blue, green and purple. Regular $4 values. Clearing price $2.50 CHEESECLOTH in 10-yard pacjeagos. Regular e. Clearing price . . . . v . J. . 5Qc Blankets A large range of English and Canadian Blankets at cost while they last FJ4ANjVI-;UI: BLANKETS tVliite and gray, 10i4. Clearing price $1.75 White and gray, 114. Clearing price $2.00 Gray only, 12 4. Clearing price $2. CO J. A. K1RKPATRICK Sisth Street, Prince Rupert nlng. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf ltfiriivarues!i'ihiier; da, Walla'deV r$5) Dr. Lawson speaks tonight in I.O.D..E. Hall on "The Miracle of Fopd." Friday, August 1G (to women only) at 3 p.m. Questions answered. (189) Q W. L. social tomorrow night at B;30 prompt in the Catholic School Hall. corner of Fifth Av- tntie and Fulton Street. Admls-plrdn 500i !f'l nr (89) Friday and Saturday are 95c days at Walace's. (190) Dentist Dr. . J. J. It. it. Gosse. uosse. Phone Phne Si; SWWallace' i e's windcWfc&K 95c days Friday and Saturday. , (190) Mrs. Lc Internals and children of Alice Arm wer' arrivals m the city from the north on the Prince Charles this morning. .' Csrl ! .."this morning from , the smelter town Sutter, well known 8attlfahd proceeded by train for a trip to cannery man, Is a risltor n te7 eltyJ jeswraay nitgrirjun; irom netoniaanM; Mr. and Mr. ' Frank Vlckers re turned heme on yesterday afternoon's train after a three weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver, Victoria and Calgary. ANNOUNCEMENTS t w-wwww V V )? b J. O Secretary, y, WILLIAMSON'. Bbihl 6f School Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes DowncastEyes Eyes tell Trustees. JANITOR UVTED Applications will be received by the undersigned (or the poH'n of janitor at High'S&ool. Applicants must be able to operate heating plant. Applications to be in by noon Saturday, August 17, 1929. J. O. WILLIAMSON. Secretary, Board of School Trustees. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnished houses. Apply 218 Fourth Avenue East. (tf) !'OR SALE Four-roomed modern housn with bath and pantry. Apply W. Stewart, Ninth Street and First Avenue. (192) FOR SALE Twenty-three-room apartment house, completely furnished. Apply Mrs. Geo. R. White. l::9 Fourth Avenue East. Phone 427. (191) FOR SALE Three-room house and two lots, corner Ambrose and Sixth Avenue. Apply Mrs. Geo. Ii. White, 139 Fourth Avenue. Plume 427. (194' Your Character Brown eyes for strength Blue for generoaity Gray eyei for jealousy Sparkling eyes indicate beauty, yei, and good health, too I Do your eyes parkJe? Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow indicating an out-of-iorts condition dua to constipation? If so, you need . period. YourtrtiwUl leu us story, (PM6 'A V,t,M, rrttfuct us Reti ahtut Clirtrler from He Eyet in luivrr Be: , ham Amttlhrmmi. Stltt J ft nil: 1 UroM t Kiuiii Jt Cu. Mrs. P. W. Anderson will leave on tomorrow' niomlng trafti "a spend a week or ten days visiting In 8mlthera. Mrs. George Dowllng and .child of Massett, arrived In the city on the Prince Charles (his morning from the! Calsarv. -. lurr iti a week in the. atlases Evelyn and Dorothy Macdon aid, who have been spending a week atJ Tlell, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning from the Island!. Mrs. J. E. Pamplln of -Anyox arrived In the city on the Prince Charles and Mr:' Fred Stephens re turned to the city on the Prince ! Charles this morning after having made the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet J. C. Brady M.P. returned to the Mr. and Mrs. E. p. Jenner re- ity on yesterday afternoon's train turned home on the Prince Charles from Smlthprs to which point he ac this morning after having made the comsanled Hon. R. B. Bennett, Con- round trip, to Stewart. Anyox and servatlve leader, on his speaking tour. Massett Inlet. I Amy aad entered the service of Mr ft , ' Mrs. H. B. Stiles. Miss Vivian Dodd, Oeorge Rlngstad, manager of Port M1m MarybeUe StUes and Master Edward cannery, wrlved la the city Jlmmy atlle. returned to the city on from the rim yesterday after. Prince Charles this morala after noons train, being here on a brief ,k. m,M trin to ft.rt. business visit. Anyox and Massett Inlet. K. w. vvsugn. manager 01 canaoian Mr B. Curtln. Mrs. J. B. Roerlg, .i.t.uu., returoeo w me . DouiIm stork and Mrs. O. A -iiy on yesterday afternoon's train Brymat returned to the slty on the .rum e w ne spent it Prlnt;e oharlei this morning after . 7Mvn Mr' wu having made the round trip to Stew - .nd daughter who are holidaying .rt Anvox Uutt inl.t. ph. A - ...J... D. II. 'he local As- a wwf hAn itimI I rv rf 4 iV Pa 1 r Hartness new principal of terms wtrt flnllly njgn acnooi. aoaressea the ttlH nn. with t. Prlnr. n.inert W...J, -i. . wreaiy uncneon Ba-.11 AMotatlon in connection with n im oommoaars oate today, on tbe komng of the Ocean FalU-Prlnoe 7 " "J- were m- Rupert baseball eerier here durlnj trumental numbers by Jimmy and pair Week Wlzner Bryant. Oeorge Bryant, presl- lent, occupied tbe,chalr. . I ..... . ' F. H. Mlddlemlss, Post Office In , . , . jpector, arrived In the city on yes. y dUBcpn AC ion oi ... frnm num. Wrangell. divisional commander of the , the C0trali n me cy mt trior on official bwlness and sailed from the north on the Prtncss Alio, aboard the steamw Princess Alice for yesterday afternoon to attend the Vancouver native congress whph will be held at ' Port Essington at e end of Um week. . . . . . He addressed a meeting of Too H het L. AfmL T tar h" "tMo bWe- b' last night and will be th speaksTat n " of the Salvation a Salvation Armj meetui toto ev.- and Mrs. P. a. Dawson. She Is wooteded on the tooal staff of the Army toy Cant. E. Warren ot-Rowland who arrived in the city a few days ago. 9. W. KUpatrlek will leave on Sat' a-ilhnlli. naTjt nK- o ..i 1' f t Kath. v ., vv.wct - ' lyn where be will spend the week-end d loo On his return to the cltf early next . 1 we h. wlU be .sewnHtfed. bj Mrs. ' "NOTICE. PUl'irS! 'Kllpattlck and lltte- Idaugnter who Will pupils who Intend taking Grade XII Senior Jllatrlc. Prince Rupert High School, please notify ' secrerary at once. nave oeen spending a coupie 01 months In the Interior. Reprrtinf having been given a fine reception at the smeller tewn. ' (he Elks' baseball team and party of sup-I porters hadd jr Exalted Baler and I Mrs. O. E Oullck. the excursion num-. berlng about 25 persons, returned home on the Prince Charles this morning after a two day visit to Anyox. Two ball games were played and honors were dl vl led . M!xs Irene Mcintosh of Vancouver, daughter of Duncan Mcintosh, owner of the famous Bell mine at Beaferdell In tr Kettle Valley, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert yesterday going north to make the round trip to Skr-gway. She Is aocomoanylng Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and Miss Hsnson of Saskatoon. There were 353 passengers mutl' tourists, going south aboard the steamer Prtneess Alice which was In port yaNlay afternoon. Included among the passengers disembarking here were: John Ersklne. Keno laborer: Oorge Oraham. Mayo miner; Thomas Savage, Wince Rupert . contractor: Alfred Juneau. Dawson dfedgeman: Paul Cote. Vancouver cannery man; Joseph Acton. Salvation Army officer, Winnipeg, and Carl Sutter. Seattle ei-neryman. Besides thee, several tourists left the vessel here. On s visit to Northern British Columbia branches cf 'he Canad'an legion. Robert Macnlool, exTuttve sec-returv of the Legion for British Columbia, will arrive here from Vancouver aboard the Prince Oeorge tetnor-rcw morning and oreoeeded through to Anyoa and Stewart. He will be back here next Thursday morning aboard he Prince Charles and hold a meeting in the city Friday night before proceeding the next day to Terrace, Smlthen. Bums Lake. Vanderhoof. 'Prince Oeorge and Quesnel. Lieut. Col W W. Foster D.8.O.. provincial irrildent. and Lieut. Col. W. 8.1 Buell C B E. will come north to ac-' company Mr. Ma en too! on the most Of his trip through the Interior. BAFEBALL Tonight at 6:45. S. O. C. vs. Elks. Backache! Bladder Trouble I Sleepless Nights! "Fruit-a.tives" Attack the Cause Braces the System If you suffer from back-pains, waktful nights, improper bladder and bowel action mulling (rom kidney trouble, try "Fruit-a-tlvts". This wonderful medicine made of intensified fresh fruit Juices and the finest medicinal inrrrdientt restores normal action naturally ... and quickly. Find relief yourself. It has helped thousands I fitt. rrr4jU,tive" to-dy at, your f11 All the Goodness of the Wheat In a Tasty, Digestible Form SHREDDED Mies E. M. Macksi' of the Forest) Branch offices Is sailing this afternoon on the Prince Charles for a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In th south. Miss Dorothy Barnum. who Is en-1 gaged In private teaching at Sewell near Buckley Bay, arrived -in the 'city rn the Prince Charlea this monung and will spend until next week here. I E . Sharps. j.ho Is- Identified -vatb I A: P. Allison In the legglag business I on the Queen Charlotte Islands, (s a j passenger aboard the Prince Charles today bound for a trip to Vancouver. r. M. Hicks and O. J. Wlnslow, who have been working the black) sands near Massett for thetr gold: content, arrived In the city on the; Prince Charles this morning from the latsnds. Economy Store Cash & Carry 319 3RD AVE , PHONE 3G0 Our Week-End Specials FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND, MONDAY SLICED PINEAPPLE 2s. 3 tins 35c 1 lh 7Bc FRESH DATES 3 lbs 25c SWEET. JUICY ORANGES 3 doz 55 HEAT With all the bran of the whole wheat .oven eat it crumbled up or in biscuit form. Cover' It with cooling cream or milk. Rich in all the food elements you need vitamin and salts delicious for anv -eaL. Albert & McCaffery Limited Fifteen hundred tons NANAIMO-WELLINGTON coal arriving during August. On account of lack of space we will sell this c'pal at the following prices to those taking five tons or more: SCREENED! LUMP-Sacked, per ton $14.00 MINE RUN-Sacked, per ton' 12.75 LUMP Loose, per ton 12.75 MINE RUN Loose, per ton .' .11.50 PHONES 116 AND 117 R. Brealy of the Laminated Materials Ltd. wUl sail by toe Prince Charles this afternoon on his return to Vancouver on his return to Vancouver after having spent a few days In the city and district on business n connection with the shipping of cotton-wood logs to the veneer mill at New Westminster. Preserving Time Is Here G YOUIl REQUIREMENTS Mr. .nd Mr. Jack Jeffrey and family cf Anyox arrived In U city on ( FROM US AT LOWEST PRICES the Prince Charles" from the smelter town and will spend the week here. SUGAR 100s. Per Back ..$G.G5 (Mr. Jeffrey is a member of the staff, of the Oranby store st Anyox. 'SUGAR 50a. Per sack ...$3.40 'BULK SUGAR 15 lbs. . SAFETY SEAL JARS 'i ,$1.00 Pinta, doz $1.25 Quarts, dez $1.50 RUI1BER RINGS 8 doz. ....22c CERTO 3 bottles 95c RED AND BLACK CURRANTS Leave your orders here for fresk-picked Red and Black Cur-rants. Prices reasonable. APRICOTS The season la about over on this fruit. Crate $1.45 HEINZ PICKLING VINEGAR Gal 95c SEEDLBSS RAISINS , 15-oz. pkg 10c IIEIlsZ t,,x TOMATO SOUP onn Made ,tJ in Canada. 3 tins 35c STROII'S MALT SYRUP Hop flavor $1.00 McCORMICKS PAIL SODAS 1ail 50c ' " ' UNO'S FRUIT SALT i Large bottle 92c CLASSIC CLEANSER McLAREN'S JELLY POWDER Vor tln ; 8c special I Hli W,'h WedKWOod $l.Gp ilA DEL1CO FRESH SLICED BACON .4Gc a is i CROWN BRAND. SARDINES imt,i;nnp knrttvvv HORSESHOb SOCKIAL qt SAL- pure olive oil. ;2 tins 251 '" ? MON Is. This season's pack. CLARK'S VEGETABLE SOUP tin . 44o Per tin 12c OOLDW-Ur,. pkgs. BRAID'S BEST. TEA 1 lb., SEE US FOR YOUR FRUIT ND VEGETABLES Hothouse Xomntoes, 2 lbs. ...35c Corn on the Cob, per doz. . . ,50c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at New Potatoes, 8 lbs 25c Lowest Prices Arriving Every Boat Seedless Grapes, per lb 20c Remo Fresh Peas, per lb 10c Mussallem Limited Grocery Co. Watts' Grocery QuaUy jj,sntFr,CC3 HlRht 417-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&8 I P.O. Box 675. PHONE 55 PHONE 56