TOMORROW'S TIDES , Boston Grill Friday, August 16 , LARGE CAMAKF.T High 11:51 a.m. 15.5 ft. (Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays 23:09 p.m. 17.9 ft. . 4 Si Dancing Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall lor Hire Low 5:28 a.m. G.G ft. 17:23 p.m. 10.9 ft. Accommodation to'r Private Parties 'J NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER rilONE 437 Vol. XX., No. 189. PRINCE' RUl'ERT, B.C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS Pattullo Urges South Better Understanding Northern Problems VICTORIA, Aug. 15. T. D. Pattullo, M.L.A. for prince Rupert, leaves tonight for Prince Rupert and other northern points. While jad to note the continuous development of northern British Columbia, the opposition leader said: "Rightly or wrongly, the general feeling persists in the north that the southern portion of the province ha3 not been sufficiently sympathetic toward the problems and aspirations of the north. There is? no doubt that development which has been going on in the north has been .an important factor In the .pros NORTH BEACH ! IS ATTRACTION GRAHAM ISLAND yakiMiM-rnian Ha Mprnt Holidays UeU and Enjoyed It Very Much r.--,-ud with the poMlbtlltim cf Gn;..m Wand and much pleased at1 tit: decided to apend his holiday :r E Walter. one of the editor 't (he Vancouver Province arrived ' ta t (i ,m Maaaett this morning on 1 v hack, to Vanoouver. I Mi Walter drove tor 30 mile over) Se r.anl north beech In k ear and ist, 1 .-- one of the moat Interesting i'j .re lie know. It oen be reached (r m Ma'eett In about 20 minute , v.:- a v "1 road and li a most In- j If a" i : I'Uoe It Is frera this bee.h i !c i-onceotrate oame whMi wtre clipped to Prince Rupert thl Bi'Tr "n the steamer. ; Mr Walter flatted the Keemlas anTh. nstiorfrv farm wh hue there b.-."j,-f:T" back aomHmpiea of the fine lie uys Mr. KermiM wtu be !-,.! ig -ranberrtea this year, and scv there should be a larjV rrT five ivt irm Ly Uie school board last night at a cost of $990. Smith and Mai-Tear ttt's tender for the same work I' take aeveral yesra for the wa, jU(, $20 more, $1010. to mature but this look like a p i Andtrson reported on 'i! Tcnture. W n. r.- people do not take their ' f 'tie Queen Charlotte. Mr. Wi::ca aucut underaland. AERIAL SURVEY HIGHWAY ROUTE Final KrrniialManre Irom Air Made La.H Ktenlng lly I'uhlle Works Knglnrrr u i vantage of a brief break-i 'i rcoent cloudy weather. W district engineer 1or the i department of public of tr i ''ic air about an hour and niMiniea on a W extern Oanada ; une. piloted by W. E. Oil-i-' evening to complete the t:.dl rm.naiananc for a route for l! t Bkc in River Highway. The trip ' ":lc about AO mllea Inland In f! '' verify certain photograph It) lei uii .h had been taken In pre- K i rc fllghte will be neceaaary uifcs further Information la re-1 ! 't the department. Mr. Owyer ' I morning. He was unable to ' ' m v detaiu of hU findings '" ;"-mi,ic route at thla time. "TAILS" REPLACE TUXEDO AS FORMAL APPAREL 11 "i ' a' popularity la relegating '' 'ixUo to a permanent done of bills Already IU absence at m i ;ifftra u dlatlnctly noticeable, Jdlng to Helen Hathaway, author- "n munneni, m this wrek"B laaue ' i Vrh- MaesiUna Khv'wrttea: . Cl'thf for everv occasion are nvore inrormal, save for this oufaUridlng ?''''' " nien now wear "talK for 1 n' The tuxedo la on the .';C Tl. MnkAlii I. .Imnlr It bc m too popular. doog not mean that 'the well -nron, j, a dinner Jacket, but only appointmenu. Hence ueav) ,f,'"'")''1 ra 'talla' on formal parade t tho dead line of six o'clock." Forking overtime "' in ur father isn't working more?" IV1 nw, ho got bounced from ; Brewery where he wns." )(nat for?" paving late to take stock." wntrcai Star. perity existing in southern Ii.C. Mr. Pattullo urged the businessmen and public bodies of southern B. C, to cultivate the feeling in the minds of the north that the south views the northern problems with every concern and consideration. "As matters have been for some time, many sensible men in the north seriously discuss the forming of a new province in the north. This is not a healthy situation and the south with a larger population should endeavor to cultivate a better understanding. NEW WORK AT HIGH SCHOOL Walk to Front Door to Re Removed to Allow of Making Playground The contract Tor plumbing at the hleh school which will pro vide for the heating of the annex nd other extensions and replace- 'the work being done at the high school. It was decided to do away with the walk to the front uoor of the school, in order to make a playground there, but to have the entrance from the side with an eight-foot walk along the whole length of he building. Some filling was also necessary. The total, he estimated, would amount 'o about $&lo over ana auove hj $1500 he had given previously for that building. Their estimate to the council had been $2000. SHORTWAVEAT SAN FRANCISCO 15: - A new. SAN FHANC1RCO .-.ut short wave intercom"!"."" to bo opened Avuat m y " broedcaatmg from tn civic turn. Thta aUUon la asaoci.u the General Blestrlc atatlon Kuu ana of the radio es- opens at the time hrMtlon a tnat piacw. , Nine countries already nave " u-uched by WSXN In a wlea of experimental ttata on a 5,000-watt la boratory transmitter, one-elgntn oi " power which the station wju All World May He' Oeremonlea attending the opening of WSXN will be oroaacaai as " KOO and WOY and iw anorv w ;,ua .WIXAP and W.XAD. at Schenectady. On account ot the auper . h.hinrf thae aUtlona. a new i. .xoaetNl to be eeuriianao , in the number . tmmm ol countries reached in a aingie will be audience A world-wide brought to KOO. the big Oakland . nt the General Electric mpan.; which la o supply W6X.t with Mi ot i tTua.-'.-" with the installation of WSXN, the ' ...i aneeirlc Crmpany gives the Ps!lflr C-t Its moat important short v. station. It 0a a-nm P,.vWiH, i.n.Lh of 23. 36 nww.r. -r innoo watts. And la to bs apsraUxi ,k iniuetlon of J Cran- rodent vtc.-pd.nt of the Company at Ban General Electric Fra nelson. t!imi iiiiknk niKs ana IS: Lord llorho or of the commander e'tlrkoke. famous .... .. . .rmn in France in 1918, at the Battle or im o........ - .uddnly W4neday white .UootU on He was 68 Scotland. his ! in years of e. of the New manager E. P. Dixon, vrk branch of the i;iimii" dbld Storage Co i paying a Vlalt to He nr- ... .ia. n nnmnanv btulnesa "ed on yterny .nnooJ. train and will salt at th. eitd of the week for Vancouver pn route east. j KING HOLDS A PRIVY COUNCIL LONDON, Aug. IB. The Daily News says this morning that the King's doctors advised him to return to the seaside at Bognor for further recuperation instead of going to Sandring-ham. However, it Is officially denied at Buckingham Palace that the King would return to Hognor, but proceed to Sandringham shortly. His Majesty held a privy council today, the first since his recent operation. GIVEN A LIFT IN CAR, KILLED IN ACCIDENT NELSON. Aug. 15. One man, S. l'eftecost of Indiana, is in the hospital, and another man, un- identified, was drowned in the Kootenay River at Taghum, when J the former's car crashed down a ... , o ...v v picked up and given a lift by l'eftecost. HAD FINE VISIT SMELTER TOYNO e . j Brother Bills ot the nHt5r town , rrt unstinted in their efforu to i make the vuit of local Elks to .nyo this week a pleasant one. it la repot-. ted to by the tho Prince Prince Rupert Rupert lodte loage men who returned home this morntnt. In addition to the two basebaU game, there was a banquet on Monday waning and a dance on Tuaeday night In hoaor of the vtaltors. The ball game were keenly cento tod affairs, particu larly Um aseond one. an errorteae match, which the ameiter town won by a aoort of a to 1. Prince Rupert w the tint game. vo i CONCENTRATES FROM MASSETT Miljuiimt HI"K Mnde I'rotn Oprrallona on lUark .sanilt of l(we !ll Thla morning the Prince Charles brought in over 100 aacka of gold concentrates from Mamctt. Tale wa the outfrut of the Mack aand operations at Roae Spit which haa been going on there for some time pant. The eotteratratea are being shipped to California for f-irthir treatment and If the result are g"od the Industry will beooM an established one. A number ot efforts have been made at different times to take gold from the black aanda but an far nrrte have been aucceaaful owlns' to the coat of operation PRETTY WEDDING AT MASSETT I Ml f;Mi Jnnm Herouira llrlde of llubrrt Adama n .Saturday MAeJWXT. Aug. l:-St. John'a Chunh at Maawtt wm taatefully decorated with a profusion of beautiful summer flowers for the marriage Saturday afternoon of Mlaa Elate Jonea. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonea of Vancouver, to Hubert Adams of Bromley. Kent, England. The groom was wiPtiorted toy Ian rcaraon. Olveu In marriage by her brother-in-law. Constable Andy Grant, the bride was a pretty picture in a lovely gown of blue silk, with Martha Wath-l gton oolUr. carrying a beautiful bouquet of Island roaea. Her only at-tor. dan L MJaa Ilene Dunn, chose an i itaH frivk of risffadl. silk witn yellow hat. while her flowers were, pute ere understood to have been THE HAGUE, Aug. 15. The! acreed urxm although rpnmun. AiHrlilah rlplpcn t inn Vina marlo tatives of both aids were atiu ! f oonicmng late tprugnt. There Is . 1 t?Z!TJLlht m"U reopen 1 tag next Mcnt",, 1 ' MANUAL WORK FOR STUDENTS HIGH SCHOOL Matler i)ilcus.Hcd at Meeting of Schoo, oard t N, ht T. ., ,,i ..ii for SirtTcliooT was the chief -ii.. wn- rJ f.nm pp;- p.- who hao charge of the work here.! asking if it was the Intention of the board to appoint an assistant, : as he was laying out the course: for the season. He snoVe of the advantages of sucii a course to high school lads. H. Hartnofls, principal of high school, wlio was p esent t te meeting, explafned that un- der the nresent plans If the girls went to 'lorac?tic science classes It would be better for the boys to 0 to manJg training. He sug- estod ,hat u bc neCeary lo drop drop the tne work worK tor tor Oracle orane A a through lack of accommodation, The work was -Ight in line with miwlurn in.urp and mnre useful to many of them perhshs than Latin, gell, divisional commandej:, and Trustee GilchrisJ said there was Adjutant William Kerf, lodaj.oth-n move on foot to have lady mandant. teaehers In the school tpi'h sewing. This mighVhelp out the situation if applied here. After some discussion it was decided to try to secure a part time teacher who might take up instruction on iron working or gai engines with the senior boys. PAPER MILL PLANNED IN NORTH OF ENGLAND LONDON. Aug. 15: Unemployment In the north of England will be con- alderablir alleviated by a aaononoo enterprise which has been launched -by two groups of national ncwapapers. , The scheme provides for the erection of a newsprint milt on the banks of the Manchester Ship Csnai. The -: pany which naa een ormeo Fifty per cent of tho hsre capital haa been subecribed by the sunaay Pictorial, the Dally Mirror, Aaclated Newspaper Limited and Messrs w. V. Bowater and Sana. Limited. while tho. other SO per cent has been found by the Sundsy Barrens, the Dally EapreM and the Evening Standard. Two up-to-date British machines will be tnstslled. and the fire years output will be about 60.000 tons ot newsprint. The promoters Intend to add two more machines to their plant I and later another two. This will place the mill among the foremost newi print centres In the world. FIRE GUTTED AWAREHOUSE mniriMPATTurn A I VA NLUUVm . VANCOUVER, Aug. 15. " firo early this morning . gutted tne i il ii i nil warenouse oi me iimmu sweet pea. loss amounting to !Mu,yoo. - The oamnony wa, performed by!de8 the Ios9 0f the oil company, Co. on Beatty Street, causing a , nfuf? ,!.U9 "'" KV.M.i.. Rl. pJ...??hm..!:mb.t SVcvcral otlicr companies using Ihe uTer3 . rAion "was he.d at" the rnrre bout so gueau were e en- en.t tertained to supper which was catereJI OFF COTTON STItIKE CALLED r 4 MANCHESTER, Aug. IS: Terms for the reference to arbl- tratlon of the cotton wnrlrm' A ' "e enure uru ur.Ko iu,i . . . u?. .11 smoke for three hours, ,tereJthe ' blftic " . L' from r" oil 'tr .Vnt. vats 1. 1 i U t n air av rnrMA tr rlon. fir by Porter Singer of the queen'a.anu ueen-a.and an an Mai explosion " Hotel, Maasett. Among the gueau were malting tno iiibr caiiciuui u.ui-n. Walters ot Vancouver, who delighted gerous and difficult, eraryone with bh speech. Ian Pearson,) ... .. tie best man. lived up to his title and HOMK lillt . kept things Kolnj with a awing all "ooodnei." said the. young mlaa as the time. (ryPff"A 1 JWi TV h Inspected Oranny's .wedding ring. oaVlacd whetf'ntfledtolibeywfflotUrid J.vnt. heavy, unwloldy- things those give a bachelor's advice to the happy were gg yara ago." couple. ''Veg, dear," said Cranny, "but you Later. Mr. and Mrs. Adams left by mlut remember that In my day they automobile for a honeymoon at the wrf miKle to last a lifetime." Mon-summer home ot Dr. and Mrs. Dunn treil 8ttri at White Creek, kindly lent to them for the oeoaalon. . Mra. . P. Allison U a paaaeuer aboard tlw Prince Charles today re- HI T OI'RN l.r.ns OI'TKN turning to Vancouver after making the Ladles' handbag are now made Juat mind trip to Mavelt liilet. Iter two like book. And there are bcoka Juat' sn, who eame north, with her. are like ladlea' handbags crammed full at remaining cn the Inlands for a couple rubbish. liondon Opinion. jot weeks. BRITISH FIRM IN DEMANDS known to the nations participating! r. thi rnnfprenrp In main thu young plan effective that its ulti- malum still stands and they will not accept the Young plan with- ,'out an increased share of German (reparations. WESTERN CANADA PLANE OFF TO STEWART TODAY Te w-ern Canada Airways sea- TLLZZfi Fraser, Skeena arvl Naas the aerial reconaiane of the Skrena A ne report on the Fraser stated : River Highway, hopped off at 1U0 'hla mrrnlng for 8tewart where It lias some surrey flights to make. From Stewart the plan will proceed to the Queen Charlotte Islands to engage In hrry patr .l operations for a few eeka. win nvm rnwr.a&w vunuiuiuai Hriga'Jier and Mrs. Carter to Take leading Part in Hig Native (jEthcrinj at rort Essington Brigadier and Mrs. Carter will arrive in the city f om WinniDex on tomorrow's train for the pur- pose of attending the Salvation Army native congress which will be held at the end of this week at Port Essintrton . Briradier Carter will reo' esent the territorial corn- nussioner nussioner fo fo r r western Canada at, the gathering. He will beAcsm-: panicd Jo Tort Essington VyVSlAff. Pontpin .Tnxpnli Aptnn rir wrm.l ARRANGING SCHEDULE FOR NEW STEAMSHIPS Two of Three Lnrgc . C;NjH. Hoats Expected To Go vhi ' Triangle Hun in South Passenger traffic .officials of,. Canadian National Coast Steamships have been meeting this week in Vancouver to arrange the schedule of sailings for next sum- men when three new large vessels, now being built in the old country, will bo ready for service between Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, anj )nat tne third will go on th Alaska run du: ing the summer TJ prince George and Prince Ru eri are expect pi iici here and Vancouver, also serving t"".7. "Z roweil Uiver, uceaii runs. and Stewart, as at present. BENNETT URGES iiir in a v "in rULlli LnMbL.c Canada Should Legislate for the Canadian People and Not Consider Effect PRINCE GEORGE, Aug. 15.-Speaking here last night, Hon. R. B. Bennett, Conservative leader, declared that the adoption of the policy of Canada for the Canadians would solve the national problems of the Dominion. Under such a policy we would, he said, repatriate our people who, had igone to the United States. Your P. G. E. and other problems wnii advance, he stated. r il.. nm .......... tlnnsnrrl , thn ' uuuuK iiwui - rarva?iw wvj.i.iv. iAnfir . . referred to ''. .i.t.ri nf Prcm or Kinir that r.nnfifl mu,t not nrovokc the Uni j c.ntn n ihe matter. "Canada i?1",1.09.1" 1? ".tut., that ' w J'X or he Canadian! 'people ind not think of tho effect on " another another country country or or another anotner people," , .. M-. M". nennctt Bennett declared, deciarca. L. ',.. Tho TTnitec w state9 States continued continued . to to - i i legislate in the interests of tneir own people, not against Canada, but against the rest of the world. BOOM LOGS FOR TERRACE, Aug. 18:--C. L. M. dig-gey U opening a lumber camp at Shamei for the purpoae of getting out large boom logs tor use on the Oreat Lakes. Wm. Little left Wednesday for 6hamea to commence building operations on the- oamp site. Annual Report of Hon. & I. Howe on Fisheries Most of Spawning Beds Were Well Seeded Last Year but There Were Exceptions at Rivers Inlet and Naas VICTORIA, Aug. 15. -Improvement in the depleted condition of the Fra'ser River salmon fisheries may be expected whe.n the fish hatched last year return in their four-year cycle, according to the annual report of the commissioner of fisheries, Hon. S. L. Howe. The department, as in former years, Mr. Howe says, investigated conditions on "A small return is all that can be expected from this year's seeding n the spawning beds." While the Skeena beds indicate good seeding, Rivers Inlet reports indicate a light seeding estimated, at forty per cent less than in the brood years of 1923-21. On the other hand, Smith's Inlet spawning beds showed ecellent seeding, promising good returns four years lience. The Naas basin report indicates! poor seeding in 1928. The salmon pack of 2,035,000 cases last year, the second largest game being completed. The Cin-on record, was 29,000 cases below clnnatl-Phlladelphia double-head-the record year of 1926. The re- er was not completed, the first port, however, showed a heavy de- game ending at the end of the dine in the percentage of the seventh inning. Hurst's 25lh sockeye pack, the combjned pink home' brought the Phillies the and chum pack being 79 per cent victory. of the total. Adkins and Walsh gave fifteen Fish oil and meal production hits to Washington and Chicago all show a large increase. ni n rjpnriFT IAT I.K A T .h.rrM.llI "Uin 0FFF0RT0K10 - j The Orman dirigible Graf Zeppe- Hn left he e early today for Tokio on the second leg of its round the urnr rl f! iaht . It rflrr ed 20 DSSSen- rrtira a rH a rrow ftf il Th rlU - tween six and seven thousand be made j t (n mi 224 t hours. KIOA- "i-I1!! -rrwsrd tnwtxi wi ituasiau irunwcr v tonight WOMEN'S INSTITUTE OF TERRACE BUSY TERKACE, Aug. 15. At the i"S"Unh. dav afternoon, arrangements were made . to co-onerate .' ,fK wfth tho the Ca Pn. nadian Social Hygiene Council in the holding of a health lecture with motion pictures on Monday, j - a. i on oeprcmper o. ., J " iU.I k a.lllnnA AAttflMII wiui uiu viii luuiiiu were not empowered to institute is curfew system in town, it was de-:uJ " cided to take tho matter up with'?ines In Victoria. Plans were discussed for the ar ranging of a health booth at the fall fair and also for the serving of afternoon tea on fair day. HALIBUT LANDINGS OFFICIALLY STATED IN B.C. LAST YEAR VICTORIA. Aug. IS: Halibut land ln(l, m nnttsh Columbia last jw'.the I .O.D.r. Hall last night, nis totalled pounda. an melgubject being "The Philosophy of nwr th nrevloiu Year of tour mll-, ,, rril,- a irnnH.atzMI w.-. r - alliens ' . . ianoinn i 2O.3&0JDOO' pounds. The qa nadian licet accounted for 9.758.000. and the American fleet slightly more .than twenty, millions. ' i niftCL OLIO IHI11J , rnr) CaMI? DADCMTC rUIY OrllUCi I nULllIU LONDON, Aug: 15: Newspapers here call a Kent young man "the moat be - wlldcred man In England." At p he has Juat beoom the father of twlna frr th- third time. "Pleafe do not mention my name." he begged reporters who went to see him. "I am chaffed enough aa It Is. If my name should get Into the papers people would begin to chaff me by mall. One pair of twins waa Interest. Ing. But three and their mother herself was a twin." Mrs D Santebane. who haa been vlsltlnir for a week at Port Clements, returned to the city from the Iland on tho Prince Charlea thla morning. the salmon spawning beds 01 Rivers and Smith's Inlets HARDHITTING BY DETROIT Game Against Yankees Was Regular Slugging Bee for Both Sides NEW YORK, Aug. 15. Rain interfered with the National League schedule today, only one ,got a drubbing In one of the greatest slugging matches in years Detroit bested the Yakces. New York used four twirlers, but they were badly used. The Detroit team hit up seventeen in all, while their opponents got stuck on the unlucky thirteen. In ma ked contrast ttttiUwas Cleveland hen canteen nning were necessary to elde the winners Lefty uruc luimiiwui, " 'ing twenty hits, but finally 'winning. l(,'3IClUa O fvgw National League Cincinnati 1, Philadelphia Second . game postponed. , r, t i T a ruiSDurgn i, uusiun u. St. Louts at New York, Chicago at Brooklyn, postponed, rain. American League Washington 11, Chicago 3. New York 13, Detroit 17. Boston 4, St. Louis 1. Philadelphia 5, Cleveland 3. LOGGING OUTFIT AT COWICHAN LAKE BURNS VANCOUVER, Aug. 15. The U, t uar r.n lnairlntf oner- lliaiU UU11IUV1 VBD"-C3 " - -,.,iv. ,,. WPnt f u"a ZZi.rZrA;Z her between Chemainus and Cowi- chan Rivers were threatened by another blaze. DIETICIAN SPEAKS AT MEETING HERE Dr. J. C. Lawson of Vancouver, well-known dietician and president of the Good Health Society of Panndn. ad(' -eased a meeting in ueaim. ahuic w o vv " audience. HALIBUT SALES Mimmary Canadian 37.000 pounda, law and to IS. to and So. Tanadlan Marrla H. '8.000, Booth, and go Inea It.. 11.400, aW Wat, and 8d. Nuba. 6.500; AUin, 1M and Sc. Scottish Humor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory A erotrhman will keep the. Sabbath and anything etae wrihm reach.