Monday, August 12, 1929 TI1B DAILY NEW3 PAGE THREE No Kitchen Work Today! Save Health and. Strength -Serve SHREDDED II US MSI KKiffl With all the bran of the whole wheat With milk or cream Shredded Wheat if a complete, well balanced meal, containing every food element you need. De licloui with berries or other fruits. jCo, 1 A. Folding Kodaks Fnm $12.25 No 2 C. Folding Kodaks From $18.50 Kodak Films, all sizes in stock. Developing and printing for amateurs. Daily service. Quality finish. rates 77te Pioneer THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. - UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnxi Crura Prince Kuprrt tor VASCOl KU. VICTOKIA, MtanMiD Baj. Itutrdale. Atrrt Hajr, ttu. rue, day. 1JO p.m. lor VAV OUI.K. VICTORIA. Ilutfdal. Alrrt llajr. etc.. rthlar midnight fit ALICE ARM, ANYOX, STtWAIlT. .Nana Klvrr. I "or I Simpson, bun- daj, $:W p.m. rr I'OKT MMFMIN" AND WALES ISLAM). Tnurtday. p:m. lii 2nd Airnuc U M. SM(U1 ,Unt I'rlnrr Itupnt. H.C. Tl rough tU-krta aold tu Milorla and sMIII, .and baccate thwkrd thrnath to drotlnatlon. cakadianJ Vacihc B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SA1UM1S HtOM I'IMMK RtTEKT To Krtrhlkan. WrintWI, Jiiucau. and Skarway Au(tut t. 5. 9. It. 10. 1. S t6 To Vanranvrr, VI ImI j faille A"RUt 3. 7. 1. 14. IT. tl. II, ZR. I'lUNTtSH MAKY (liwan I'all. rlr . Vanooutrr and Victoria tttj Friday 10 p.m. Arrntf (or all Ptramtnlp Unr n r. OHCIIAKll. (lENERAL AOF.NT 3rd Ave . IMncf Kunrrt, D.C rhone 31 Canadian National Qijc Largefl Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TU A IN SERVICE iltlnt from ritIM K Kt'IT.Kr for VANmnP.K. VICTORIA. KFATTI.K and Intermedial? polnti, Mondaya. Tliundaja, 1 p.m.; Nnlurdaji, 7 p.m. lurANVo.K and 8TC.WAIIT. Monda), 8 p.m.; Irldaja. 4 p.m. r MASSETT 1M.ET 1'OUTH. 8 p.m. r KOtni qi'EEN CIIAIll.OTTE ISL.1MIS, lortnlhtljr orSKAUWAV. Wrdnrdttj, 4 p.m. PASSUNOEII TKAI.NH I.KAVB ritlNCI. Ttl I'EKI "uLY EXCEPT Ht'.NUAY at U:W a m for I KINti: (UOIKii; KIIMON-TON, MlNMn.o, a luinta taatrrn Canada I'nltrd Mtutra. AOIACV AM. OCEAV HTE.tMIIIP LINKS tity Ticket Office, 52a Third Ave Prime Rupert Phone 260 SPECIAL THIS WEEK! SurpI Wal lp aoer 33 1-3 DISCOUNT lVt., . .... AIST ROOJl LOTS l(iUloJ2.00 A- W. Edge Co. Wholesale and Retail Paint Distributors KODAK TIME Crownies from $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodak- ?rom ...... $11.25 No. 3 A. Folding Kodakav-From ' $84.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), f. 3.5. lent $100.00 the on Druteisls u TELEPMONFS 8',200 ted to of of or .bkr "I5UILU II. C." jThese 1 Letters ,tVrTf9 Writing is toilsome, so when women who have nyieh work on their hands go to the trouble te write Utters there Ua atrnnir interest. , yfeii. Peific aiitk; h- : temething over 1900 letters from patrons In this province. We counted 1020. And all these letters speak highly of Pacific Milk. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, I5.C. NT- LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 n Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf LDentist Drl.J. ItV Gosse. Phone 686. iMMt ... JL toyiL' Hinton sailed last nighU bri the Catala for a business trip to Stewart. Mrs. Lottie Pedersen sailed last night on the Catala for a visit with friends in Alice Arm. Mrs. Ni Eeveridge, who, has been spending several weeks, visiting in the south, returned' and aunt, MK and Mrs. J. O. Wil-home from Vancouver oh the liamson, 233 Fourth Avenue W., Catala last evening. C. A. Thompson sr., and Dwight, Thomson of San Francisco are visiting Mrs. J. W. Collier and Miss Pearl Collier of Prince Rupert at the home of Mrs. Geo. Arter, Vancouver. ' Another dance under Scandi navian auspices was held Saturday evening in the Boston Hall. There was quite a large atten dance, and the event proved both successful and enjoyable. W. B. Dornberg, head of the Silver Cup Mining Co., arrived in city on Saturday afternoon's rain-from New Hazelton and mailed the same evening on. the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Captain E. W'arren of the Sal- vauon Army at uossiana arrfvea yesterday afternoons tram and received a hearty welcome the local meung oi the Lit- "del Sunday night. She is appoin- to act as assistant for the, worK at rrince uuperi. h-v. The .u, third a v Northwestern u . Alaska a, t, 'our party of the present season visit Prince Rupert, consisting some 40 persons from Chicago ;ind vicinity, disembarked here this morning from the steamer Prince George after a tour of Alaska and proceeded east b the regular train. An Exhibit of Beautiful Modern Watches To see this display is to be convinced that the correct watch today is not only an accurate timekeeper but it is a work of art as well. We cfirry the most dejendab!e makes standard watches' that have won reputations for accur acy and reliability and tnese I movements are in cases of rare beauty as modern as one's car one's clothes, JOHUgUUGERj CJEWELLEK5 THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK S.D Johnston Co.Lfd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling prdrs on the Vancouver, Cal-gargjajid T&ronto stock ex-flanges, ' ,sj Closing prices from theso exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert. I5.C trict passenger agent, will sail fo'aJft?;rternooh,' dh the'n'PMce v m i a- T" " f t t l wr. ana wrs. r . u. uice sanea last nightilon iheCatala trip to Alicel Ari.. ,i'A ,-UvT a his afternoon's tr from the east at 3:30, was reported this -morning to be on time. Miss Muriel Vance sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver, Maattn Peter Marvini' wh6 has been visiting here with his uncle sailed by the Catala last evening ;on his return uEL pis home at Stewart. . Ill I, Motorshlp &lmjji'a)n, .Capt. J. E. Anderson, proved In port at midnight from Ketchikan, having two carloads of frozen salmon and two carloadfl of oanned salmon for transshipment east over the Canadian National Railways. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Connon arrived In the Wj)r on, yesterday afternoon's train . . from Prince George to make arrangements- for moving to the Tnferlor city where Mr. Conhon Is t$l' take over the management of a general store. , A. C. Macmlllah of the Great West Life Assurance Co., couver, was a passenger aboard . the Catala last cveninir bound i for Anyox on business. Before returning south, he expects to make, a trip into the Yukon Ter- ritory. i- Harry GamasikL who conducts la hot At Mum rY T A TIT,.. - v A'W Gamasikl and XAnn passed ii,....-!, it, w lj ti, ti.i. t -..i-,, ctiirriav f?,.m ,..,i for Vancouver where they will mblirk for a trf their native home in japari, ; R. J. McDo'Srt hotel kr and well ftlwf&n of the north, arriyad in the city frm .srt LlTXi! tV.,. ceeded by this, mining's train to the interior to visit Smithers Ww Hii7llAn o 4k. t. ;r.: 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS t .c- i Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 158 ' HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. Anderson, A. D. Parnell, A. 15. Wing and J. Field, Vancouver; Mra. Margaret Schilling and daughter, Detroit: Mr. and Mrs. Adeney and Miss Adeney, Eng- Und; Joseph R. Roprs, city; M. . vuage ana ueni... 1,04. ana .ur..v. ugnvie, uiwwa; wr. ana a. Donald. George Mitchell, Will Mre. C. F. Williams, San Mateo, Lambie, W. Murray, Mike Budin-Cal.: H. McGuire. Seattle; R. J. ;Ph. Alex Mitchell. A. Williams. McDonell, Stewart ?R Ames and r . o. nuiiraan. ioronto; Airs. &. MiiKinson. hemo;ueorgo A. uooa. Mctona; ' v.' 111- Aianuei, L...-N.U.; u . urooK, .Montreal; wrs. j. neadry. Jrapi Hrought Ferry. Scotland;. H. Atchison, Claxton Cannery; W. I Paddon, Olllrl.-? If W Priiimiinra. Tm-or. ness. Royal" C. O. Johnston. Soh Bay; W. and sailed at 11:30 for Anyox, Rogers. Claxton; Mrs. Ora Brad- Stewart and other northern ley. Ketchikan; J, Weaver. Sun- points of call whence she will nyside; Gene Burns, Miss K. return here tomorrow morning Lewis, Mrs. Lewis and J. M. and sail at 3:30 p.m. for Van-Bennett, Inverness: Oeorgo Bath, couver and wayports. Passengers Stewart: Jack Pontlly, L. II. roming north on the vessel in-Brawand, C. B. Smallridge and c't:ded: A: Sakai, Mrs. N. Bever-I. II. Pe'ets, C.N.II : J. Anderson,, jdgp,, T. II. Johnson. Mr... and . Itodgers and J. Watt, cityR. Mrs.,, A. R. Wylie , and son and HjUmeland, A, Hodson' and Chris Mrs. Joseph Naylor and son, for Eden, Port Edward;. Nels Floe, Prince Rupert; M. Uyeda, for Manuel Nino, Norato Nino and Mill I5av: Mrs. E. Rnvd. Mm. Torlief Johnson, Vancouver; Jas- Dunwoodie. A. C. Macmlllan, A. Watson. Nova Scotia; C. Merman, D. Bailey. K. Ahola and J. Mc-Terrare; Mike Sob98ki. Edmon- Mlllan, for Anyox; Bartholemew ton; John M,oore, Haygport,, ,jt.; ,0'Connor, for Stewart; Miss ' - ;i V u. .Ml " A"Jlr . Fv P4 'f' la1$ A. J. POmery. SVhrl; J, Uav- idson. Inverness; JN Geernaert and G. Green, cjty:. Qarl Brent- ten, Port Simnson: R. Pearson and M. Clauton, Sidney, B.C. - Central Winnipeg Kiddies. Winnipeg; J. Gilbert. Kalen; W. King and J. Searle. C.N.R.; J. Smith, Prince George; M. A. Wallace, Terrace; , Zl U a Mrs. v e u u mrt N. Schanoviteh, art; James Hunter, city : ' 1 " G. II. Arnold is sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for a holiday trip to Vancouver. It. F McNautrhtnn. P.N.n. A. George1 for a' brief: trip ito Van couver on, company business. Mrs. R. F. McNaugh'ton and two children will sail this evening on the Prince Charles for TlelJ where they will spend a week at Mrs. Rajoufs, summer hotel. '' W.'II. Manuel,' C.N.-R.' travelling auditor, with1 headquarters in Winnipeg, arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train, being here on official duties. Miss L. Scott Gray, who has been visiting here for some time with her sister, Mrs. James L. Lee, saib this afternoon by the Prince George on her return to her home in New Westminster. A White Star line tour party of nine persons from Engiond arrived in the city on this after noon's train in the course of a trip through Canada and' will proceed by the steomer Prince George to Vancouver. T. H. Johnson, manager of the Canadian, Fish & Cold Storage Co., returned to the city on the Catala last evening from Van to which cltv he accom - Panied delegates oi the Lanaaian Fisheries Association following ;tne holding or. the annual con vention here recently. Delayed by fog, C.P.R. steamer Princess Charlotte, Capt. C. C, Saintey, arrived in port at 11:30 m iiivniiiiK iium yuutuuttu aim , j 1 t CM Ba"ea 1 p;" ,or. whence she will call here south- bound next Saturday afternoon. The ve89el had a lare number of tourist passengers on board. Garth B. Adeney, mining en eer f wh ,L.ndon', JaS fTJ SSS V diwmbarked "T ? j here from i tl the north ZZ ""HW"' and pro- twra "J una iuiiini o uaiu to Montreal en route. to England, Edw. Ohlson of Oslo, Norway, who is writing a history of the Norne people throughout the world, and who has travelled through many countries, arrived here last week and., left this morning for Alaska. He will re- tui;n thetlstat,e9-The suit of his investigations so far will be included in the first vol- ume. Included in the local Elks, Mrtv iroing north on the Catala iagt nJght for a vjgit in Anyox wer(, Mr. and Mrs. G. E: Gullck, j. Currie, W, Harold, Arthur Kerr, O. Gordon, Fred Stephens, Djdo Gurvich, D. Zarelll, J. Smith, Harvey Fraser, Bert Mor- Kant e. Willlscroft, Howard Keefe, Herman Loblick, Dr. J. r. Gosse and A. A. Easson. The party will retutn to the city on the Prince Charles Thursday morning. ' ! Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at 8:15 last evening from the south Helen M. loung and Misslogngd for rrt simP8n. and, Mr. .and V. II. Akock and son.'.W. R. Dunlon. A. J. Irvine. W. Ah. ernethv. Mr. and Mrs. n K?n. clair and daughter, Mrs. Bridger, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. SxvlirPrt -Ml D. Swigert and Miss L. Blanch- ard, round trip. ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mra. Sutherland announces the opening of the Elite Beauty . Mrs. Thomas Boulter,,' who has W. C. Arnold, Ketchikan at-been on a holiday trip South, re- tome, and Mrs. Arnold arrived turned home from Vancouver on in the city from the north on the the Prince Charles this morning. Prince George this morning. . C. O. Wickenden, well known Mrs. Fred Stephens will sail Vancouver broker, is' a passenger this evening on . the Prince i board the Princ'd Charles' todav bo'und -for Stewart-on-a business trip. F. C. Good, newly appointed city engineer here, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Charles this morning to assume his du- ies. Herbert .Hampton, .who has been spending the past few days in the city, will gall by the Prince; Charles this evening on his re- turn to Port Clements. . I Morley Shier, well known Van couver powder traveler, is a pas senger aboard the Prince George today returning south after a business trip to Juneau. Mrs. B. Curtln, Mrs. Douglas Stork and Mrs. George Bryant are sailing this evening on the Prince Charles to make the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet Rev. G.A. Quarristrom ot Win nipeg, superintendent of missions for the Mission Friends, preached at the local .Lutheran Church last night in the Swedish lan guage. He leaves today for Ev elyn and Prince George. Miss Lucy Bacon who has been visiting here for the pasf tew weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Pillsbury, Fourth Avenue West, will sail this afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver en route to her home in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald and family. Summit Apartments, returned to the city this morning on the Prince Charles from Van couver after a month's holiday trip in the course vof which thy went as far east as Winnipeg ,( 1 There were 252 passengers mostly tourists aboard the steam er Prince George, on her arrival this morning, irom . Skagway. Eighty three tourists;' most' of them going east by train, and 11 local passengers disembarked here from the vessel. Col. E. Alexander Powell, English author, and Mrs, Powell ami daughter, disembarked here this of 25, also from the United morning from the steamer Prince states. Three passengers disem-George after a two .weeks' trtp.tiaJked here: S. Chadderton, Prof, to Alaska and proceeded by train Wilfrid Sadler r&d H. II. Peg- ior jasper rarK wnere iney ni spend a lew nays betore pro ceeding cast en route to Eng- land. G. R. Crook, of Montreal, system secretary of Canadian National Recreation League, arrived in the city from the east on yes terday afternoons train and, after spending the day here on official work, will sail this afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver. . - , . 1 , Captain Leonard Joyce of the, Salvation Army of Winnipeg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joyce of Prince Rupert is expected to ar rive on the train this afternoon to spend his furlough with his parents. He Is a brother of Ensign Joyce who was In charge here last year. There were .280 passengers, mostly round trip tourists, on board the steamer Princess Louise which called here Saturday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. Eighteen passengers disembarked here, in cluding the Winnipeg Kiddies show party which made a stand in Ketchikan. Prof. Wilfrid Sadler of the University of British' Columbia arrived in the city on the Princess Charlotte this morning from Vancouver and will be engaged for the next two weeks in the study of discoloration of halibut at the local Fisheries Experimental, Station. Prof. Sadler was here for a, couple of, months last year engaged in iimjUr .wprk. C.N.R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Harry Nedden, from Skag. way, and CN.R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. Neil McLean, from Vancouver, both arrived In port at 10:30 this morning, loaded, with tourist passengers. The; Prince George sails at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Ocean Falls.1 River and Vancouver and r 0IV, venHS &eJ" m.i? Vhwes ,t ,$ p,m. f.00 too appointments. J,ww,"r18Tiet.t I Charles to make1 the round trio to Stewart, Anyox and Massett "' Inlet. Bert F. Smith, assistant mana- ger of the Premier Gold Mining Co., sailed Saturday evening on the Prince. Rupert for a brief trip to Vancouver) Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wylio and . son, who have been south oh a hollcfay trip, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Ca tala last evening. Mrs. Thomas Priest, who has been on a holiday -visit to Vancouver, returned home from the south on the Prince Charles this morning. Mrs. A. P. Allison, wife of the well known timber operator, and two sons are, passengers aboard the" Prince Charles today bound for Massett on a brief trip. a . " Sigurd Wallstedt, well known as organizer of the Moose Lodge, is a visitor in the city, having arrived from Juneau on the Prince George this morning. Misses Alice and Amelia Pills- bury, who have been on a holiday visit to Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Charles this morning. 1 T. Fredericksen and James T. Yelton were each fined $25, with option of 30 days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning for ntoxication. The team representing the Regjrnept-.that will play tomorrow eYpaJpg, rsfpotbalI game are Jjrand,'j Burdette, Hcilbroner, Crigecomm; V Madden, Kelsey, KilsJiTI.'Stra'chan, Murray, Tin-kcf 'nd iNdrrington. Spares are Underwood and Pasker. ' There were 19S passengers, mostly' tourists, aboard the "steamer Princess Charlotte which was; . i ft. port this . morning bound r.. tr 01 (TL. itiHiver 10 onagway. ino fp(ujristaj included an Arts Craft parly 01 0 persons from Chicago afi'd 'ari 'American Express party er STOCK QUOTATIONS i B. C. Silver, 1.30, 1.45. Big Missouri, 1.57, 1.58, Cork Province, 10, 11. Cotton Belt, 45, 50. Duthie Mines, 48, Nil. George Copper, 6.G5, 7.00. Georgia River, 34.V&. Nil. Golconda, 90, 93. Grandview, 41, 41Vi. Inter. Coal &. Coke, 37, 37. Kootenay Florence, 16Vi, 17V4-Kootenay King, 40, 42. L. & L 2, Nil. Mohawk, 3, 4. Morton Woolsey, AVi, 5. Marmot River Gold, 3, Nil. Noble Five, 62, 62. Oregon Copper, 23, 23. Pend Oreille, 6.65, 6.75. Pioneer Gold, 1.25, 1.35. Premier, 1.80, 1.85. Porter Idaho, Nil, '48. Reeves Macdonald; 1.80, 1.85. Rufus Argenta Nil, 29. Ruth Hope, 36, 38. Silver Crest, 5'4, Nil. Silverado, 76, 85: ' 1 Silversmith,-8, Nil; , Slocan King, Nil, 6. Sunloch, 2il5,.26y, V. Topley Richfield," 25f, 26. Toric. 70, Nil, Wellington, 5, Nil. Whitewater. Nil,. 69. ' Bluebird, 9 V4, 10. '," 1 Oils Advance, Nil, 4.25. Amalgamated, Nil, 40. A. P. Consolidated, 4.38, 4.39. Dallas, 2.95, 3.00. 1 1 . Calmont, 5.08, 5.10. Dalh6usiefc 3.70, 3.75. . . Devenish. 40, 45". Fabyan Pete, 13V4, 15. Home, 24.45, 24.50. Illinois Alberta, 97, 1.00. Mayland, 10.00, 10.10. McDoug. Segur, 3.70, Nil. Mill City. Nil, 8.25. New McDoug. Segur, 1.35, Nil. Royalite, Nil, 150.00. Spooner, 1.60, 1.55. Hargal, 1.70, 1.75. Sterling Sterling Pacific, Pacific. 2.02,. 2.02,. 2.0 2.04. ltegent,. 52, Nil, f