PAGE SIX FURNACE or STOVE WOOD ; Inside Spruce and Hemlock, Cut 11 and IG-Inch $1 .50 PER DOUBLE LOAD BOX CUTTINGS, $3.50 PER LOAD HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage BAGGAGE DEMAND COAL "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PMNCE RUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN; NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYBOOC AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 LUMBE Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S4S Dimension and Boards. KILN DRIED :eand and Cedar Cedar Finish Finish, Sitka Spruce Ceiling, and Rustic. SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edgegrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3" and 4" Sitka Spruce Ceiling 1 x 4" and 6" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 1 Retail Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 423 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Received fresh supply Pratts' Baby Chick Food, Bulkley Valley Hay and grain, Robin Hood Flour, Spratts' Dog and Bird Supplies and COAL guaranteed to please you . PHONES 58 AND 558 Dr Alexander riuir.r. s?s HF.SSEK I1LOCK DENTIST Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results h THE MARKET Following are retail prices cu cent in the city today: $Applei-y4,.; f ,,'v,;; ItY&llow- Transparenta Peaches, doz. Lard .40c to "nsabas, lb Fioneydews, lb. ....... Cartiett pears, doz. ... Apricots, preserving cts, Butter-No. 1 creamery and , lb. ...;.;.;.;;v...;.;.v, Gravensteins, 2 lbs Fruit- Terrace cherries. 2 lbs. . . . Valencia oranges, . . . ,20c to Lemons, Sunkfct, doz. 45c to McLaren's Cream, jars, 45c, Brookfield Swio, ,j-lb. pkg. .10 .35 .80 .50 California grapefruit, 10c to.. .20 Bananas, 2 lbs . 35 Extracted honey, per jar. . . , .25 Comb honey 35 Dates, bulk. 2 lbs 25 .50 .10 .10 .50 1.50 50 No. 2 creamery, 3 lbs 1.40 Cheese Camembert, 2,'-oi. pkg. C5 Kraft Limberger, V$s 35 Ontario solids 35 New Zealand solids 30 Stilton, lb 4 J Kraft 45 Norwegian Goat .65 Napoleon Limberger 70 loquefort 75 'wift's Brookfield, lb ,45 lorgonzola, lb 76 .85 .30 Gruycre 45 Brookfield Canadian Cheese, -lb. pkg. ., Golden Loaf, lb Flour- .25 AT. Flour, 49s, No. 1 hard wheat 2.90 Pastry flour, 49s 2.93 Pastry flour, 10 lbs. . CO Pure , 25 Compound ,' 25 Eggs B. C. fresh pullets 40 II. C. fresh firsts, doz 45 B. C. fresh extras 50 Local new laid . 55 Meats Fowl, No. 1, lb., 38c and .40 Roasting chicken, lb 45 Broilers 45 Ham, sliced, first grade 65 Ham, whole, first grade ... .47 Ham, picnic, lb .3G 'ottage rolls, lb 137 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade AO Veal, loin 45 Pork shoulder . . 30 Pork, dry salt .' 35 Ayrshire bacon, lb. . ,35c to .60 Veal, shoulder 35 Pork, loin 45 Pork, leg 40 Beef, pot roast 22c to .25 Beef, steak '.35c to .45 Beef, boiling v..l8e to .22 Jeef, roast, prime rib 35 Lamb, shoulder ,. .35 Lamb, leg ........ .45 uamb chops , 45 Mutton chops 40 Mutton, shoulder 30 Fish .Smoked kippers, lb 15 Kippered white salmon, lb. .26 Red smoked salmon 45 Smoked bLck cod, lb 20 Finnan haddies, lb 25 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. THE DAILY NEWS Jtlonday, Auguni 1? 1 Friday & Saturday . Hoot Gibson in "Clearing the Trail" and "The Charle- f- ton." Raisins, bulk, lb 16 wiaannga ?t: Rhubarb, outdoor, lb 05 1 PPdlMH mum lh il Laying mash Local raspberries, basket . . .15 Canteloupes, each . .HVfcc lo .25 Watermelon, lb 09 Plums, lb 20 basket 95 f MAN, WOMAN AND WEEK AT THEATRE Tuesday Only Norman Kerry in "Man, Woman and Wife." ' ' ' : ... Wednesday t. & Thursday .. , L,on ! Cha'ney in "West of Zanzibar." Evaporated pears, halves, lb. Vegetables- New beets, 3 bunches 25 New carrots, 3 bunches '. .'. .25 New potatoes, lb 05 Parsley, nunc' 10 Garlic, imported, per lb 35 New green onions, 3 bunches .10 New cabbactf per lb 03 New turnip?, bunch l 10 Walla Walia onions, 4 lbs. .25 Local head lettuce 10 3 for ictoria hothouse tomatoes NEW BLOOD AT .25 .25 basket 1.15 Cukes, ' hothouse, efech 15 New pea,' lb. ifj B.C. celery, 15c and 20 Leeks, bunch 10 ,J n u .-'f' RIFLE SHOOT PRINCESS NORAH TO TAKE ALASKA ROUTE Winter Service for C. P. R. Will Ik1 Carried Out by New Boat Delivered This Year The new steamer Princess Norah, built Ih the old country for , service to the west coast of Vancouver Inland and delivered early this year, will rake the Skag-tway run for the British Columbia Coast'Steamiihfp Se'rWc'e 'of the 'Canadian Pacific Railway this winter, it Is announced. She I will mak her first trip north j early in November and will carry out a fortnightly schedule during the winter. Starting in September there will bq, n ten-day service for the fall, performed first by the Princess .Louise and later by the Princess Alice. I flatly News "Classified" adver-Using brings results. WIFE HERE TUESDAY IS THRILLING DRAMA A rpmarkable study in the effect of fear upon a man and how ft can change his entire life fs shown In "Man, WomSh and Wife;" the Universal picture coming to Capitol Theatre Tuesday, with Norman Kerry as the star, sup- ported by Pauline Starke in the leading feminine role. It is a combination war and un- ' derworld story, showing how a ' . I haunting fear of injury can cause Shorts 2 ' ! a man to turn yellow at crucial jq moments. Kerry plays the role of young social lion wno marcnes 2 25 275 away to war with high hopes, 365 leav'hg a beautiful bride confident OvMfpi- o in in nis nevoic qualities, uui in ins Scratch food :,. 3.10! breJa9 therf. ar he, 8eed ?f fear Beef scrap . j, ; 4.60 Ground oil cake 4.25 Baby chick feed 4.60 Fine oat chops 3.25 Crushed oati 3.25 Fine barley ohoD 2. 86 Dried fruits-Lemon and. Orange p I 35 Citron peel .40 Black cooking figs, lb. .... .15 and cowardice that ripens to roa ligant floweflnn the heat of battle. His aclions in the face of the enemy Kange his entire life and send him, upon his return to America, into the underworld and down to the gutter.' How he is rescued by a fomer sweetheart, and how the two ntruggle to. break the bonds of qrangdom in their fight for the " Me Aw. lb 15 tight to live their own lives, makes Currants, lb. 20; i srinnimr drama with suspense Apples, dried .25' ind dern human interest. Peaches, peeied 20 1 But most gripping of all is" the Apricots. Ib 25 1 culmination Q?thls tangle of hu- Prunes, 90-ldo, 4 lbs 35 man lives sndMearts in which 25-Ib. box 1.95 Kerry regains hls, courage and Prunes, 60-70 lb. 2 lbs 25 overcomes his craven instincts in Prunes, 30-40, 2 lbs 35 1 s'tuition of tragic grandeur . 23 1 1 lint stamps the picture as an oiiM.piriing photo-drama Mnrian N:xon md Kenneth also are in the cast. LOG SCALING AWAY AHEAD ireen Deans. MD .lo . A " , , . ," II' l V, il IMMirU irei JO UBUII9, i i. C 1 I period in 1928. The scale for uiten iu ou j , la2fl .fl. 19 186 8SO board Gre,en corn, per doz 70 The log scale in Prince Rupert district for the year 1929 up to July 31 stands at 48,721,208 board feet, as compared with 86,718,965 the corresponding feet, as against 10,147,228 board . 1 tu t..i irwia Vegetable marrow, each . .' .15 ,n Sugar j production of poles In the in-White, 100 lbs G.GO terior portion of the diatrfct Yellow, 100 lbs C.201 standing at 2,103,402 feet ia far i excess of 1,268.010 last yaar. Hem lock pile prodction shows a alight increaa this year, wfollt cedar piles are dowii, as is alwi-the production of all varieties of ties. Following are official figures ifor the month of July: I Several Young .Men Took Part In Douglas fir 186,174 --' nasi tr Tartn-t 1'rart re nt ceaar McNIcholl Several young nen wn have not been in the habit of shooting at McNicholl ranges took part yes terday, adding interest to the pro ceedings. . Some pretty good scores were made. Malcolm Lamb won the spoon. The official record follows: M. M. Lamb ....33 W. Brass ........31 M. II . Hawarth..29 J. Wrathall :....22 R. McLennan ....29 R. W. Cameron ..25 A. Palmer ...... .25 Halibut 20, W. Howarth 28 22 22 Salmon, fresh spring 80 A. Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valencias .65 Brazils i 35 Walnuts broken shelled 40 Walnuts, rhelled halves 50 Almonds , 35 Peanuts " 20 Mmichurian walnuts 2b California walnuts ....... . .45 No. 1 mixed nuts, lb. ,35 Filberts 25 Feed 100 lbs. Wheat, No. 5 and Bulkley Valley 3.00 Oats 2.75 Bran 2.00 Squire 21 Rix ,....21 M. Atkins 24 II. Young 21 33 31 29 29 27 25 31 27 29 23 25 2995 2688 Spruce, coat ,....6,386,742 Spruce, interior ........ 123,742 Hemlock .3,07G,895 Balaam i.; 1,514,30 Jackpine 820 Total ...12,135,650 Fcreat Products Poles, lineal feet 294,114 Piles, hemlock, lineal feet 13.096 Pll. poilar lineal feel... 68.871 2785 cordwood, cords 422 3081' Shingle bolts 19 24 80 Rajiway ties, hemlock.... 2,136 2g 78 Railway ties, pine 59.625 2076 . 2474 ! " " 2573 2070, 1163 956 THE PAIN OF RHEUMATISM! "Fruit-a-Uves" Rid Him of Trouble of Long Standing A sufferer from rheumatism for yean, Mr. I S. Floyd, Nanjimo, B.C, tuned to "Fruit-Hives". He writes: "In thwi hiU I M nSUU Frtib-frtW otk4 hk dura." Do you have the ttrrlMe agonklng pains of rheumatism cant work, can't sleep, torture all the time? "Fruit-a-llves" will give you relief Just as it has helmi thmi. sands of others. No more pain for the rest of your days I Cet a box to-day. Sold at all druggist. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. MADK TO ORDRR 'utting. Workmanship and St) I. All (iuarnnteccjj (JITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED m' Ve Dtllvir to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor A Phone R49 Just rrive UNIVERSAL SILK AND WOOL SWEATER COATS $8.00 JANTZEN IURE WOOL SWEATER COATS $8.00 "The Coats to Wear Anywhere" J. A. Kirkpatrick Established in 1908 SIXTH ST., PRINCE RUPERT Tuesday Only Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. wwwvsvwvvwvwvvj NORMAN KERRY in fan, Woman & Wife' COMEDY FISH STORIES PATIIE NEWS 'Admission, 15c and GOc "Caterpillar Tractors" MEAN BETTER, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Sole Distributor for D C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD Jil) STATION STRRKT. VANCOUVKK Jl I Branches: Prince George, Kelowna, Nelson SUITS! SUITS! reserving Specials This U the Time to Put lp Year Fruits for the Winter We Relieve Apricots Will Not Last .Much Longer, Here Is Your Opportunity Apricots, per crab1 . ' IUspberrie, per rrati Rhubarb, fr lb Green I leans, 8 lbs. ! Whx Iteana,'S lbs. fr Fresh Peas, Remo, ". !' Tomatoes, outdoor, 2 0 Cherries, InfllxTt, p r 1 Sodr Cherriet, presmi ;. Illack CurranU, per i . ' FRUIT JARS Sfety Sell cjuartH, prr u : Safety Setiirplnts. per 1! Economy Jr, quart-, i 1 Economy Jars, pints, i t Economy 'jar tops, 2 d Rubber ring 3 doz. Certo, perljot. Mc., 'S V Pcflrs, 'Penchen, Rananns. ppl (rnpcH, Watermelon, fantclaupw arriving every boat at luw Pric-: af Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-123 51h Ave. E. Phonw lsl P. O. Box 573 I; KaWSHBH i I MM tWi jir""-