H. ARNOLD, Notary Public For Sale Has five rooms and bath Heuse and lot, Section Six. Price $2,150.00. Easy Terms. For Rent Seven-room house with bath at 10th Ave H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Real Estate Bonds and Bacon St Insurance ; ‘NEW SCHEDULE Prince Rupert Ory Jock & Engineering Co, of Charity i t LIMITED jsreat comedy, and a British Ga > d Entry of Grand Trunk Pacific) retie, Westholme tonight. Vessels of any siZe Docke Team into League Makes " : Change Necessary. For your winter bedding, bia: Repairs of all kinds in wood or stee! i id as, | kets, sheets, spreads, pillow cases Several boats can te docked together on one small lhe interest in the fo thatl|and comforters, take advantage of section, making fees light. Large stock of repair jieague series ‘of games is steddiy|Tite’s 20 per cent discounts. 97 materisis is being laid in. on the increase. The Grand Truak ee ; j | Have you seen the Indian village |}Pacific have now entered a team) [ Metl tl N Wall | : | ‘tiakatila? o? el, e F ndr W ork jand will play their first game to- o ; et Paaeee ps o y : ight against the Sons of Eng ; “ALICE B.” will sail on Tuesday Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at land. In order to allow them tgl@t 3 o’cloek. $4.00 return. it Reasonable Prices. apne ie oy nee lagi i niet pe tie I i catia an ary to re-| Phe regular monthly meeting > i W k f TT ki d a. the schedule which as ariel the Ladies Auxiliary of th« Machine and Boiier or ora tndas |done. The arrangement is that! General Hospital will be held in . ‘ nee oe the games — ee Council Chamber Tuesday, Business of Industriat Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries jstand, but that the G. T. P. will) , gust 26, at 4 p.m. sharp it Solicited. jhave to play extra games in order “oe o cate with the other teams. ons : Pre lar of the Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. Ir a : af ; a “s , ae ; Con _ a Cart } th 1@ TOLL) ig is © i1i8t 0 fares | Provineia *ollee Bervice al Sica- as at present scheduled: jmous, has been transferred to Aug. 25, G. T. P. vs Sons. Anyox, Constable Shields ‘having Aug. 28, Sons vs. Callies. been given leave of absence to go t Word has been received in the] AUS. =¥, ine — . . jon a visit to England. : . Sept. 3, Callies vs. G ’ : 7 ~s ' that Jimr ‘lly left Seot- i i fi Si h ity tha | mmy Kelly 7 ( Sept. 4, Trail ve. Sons. Mr. Watts. of the firm of Dal land on bis way back to Prince | Se ; T p P rar : “actor . ens ; , } Sept. 8, G.T. P. vs. Calbes. igarno & Watts, contractors, ex ° e ep Rupert one the {6th of August.} Sept. 14, Callies vs. Trail. | pects Mrs. Watts and family t NOTARY PUBLIC Football enthusiasts will be glad | Sept. 12, Sons vs. G. T. P. arrive in town within the next few oe . - - to hear of the return of the for- Sept. 15, G: T. P. vs. Trail. days. Mr and Mrs. Watts FOR S LE er trainer and attendant of th (intiinntnteninimamgsiliaiadiainas tend making their home in Princes A »s tes Se : ts are team of Second Ave. sports Maurice Shockley left for Van-/' Rupert. events. srenenis ae e' Prince ye a om 6-Roomed modern house and ite, | COCLEE Of the Prince Rupert last _ lot English Hill 2,625 > eae evening and will take up a pre lobert cLean, a well. known oO i : > &,OL9. . . ~- — ‘ oT" Synopsis ef e liminary course in surveying be.|0ld timer of this city, returned erms. ore proceeding h his second |from the old country on the train 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4t! ne ee eee nee rosry laste Bob left her ; aon Bust weilt in bates land Act Amendments year science studies at the Uni- ast evening. ob le t here in th : ar versity of British Columbia, 1t/@@tly days of ‘15 and after being fireplace, etc., $3,500 i : . : terms. ; lwill be remembered that the)!" munition work for some time . . Prince Rupert students did them. |Joimed up with the 9th Royal 8-Roomed house 5th Ave. Minimum of first-class iand | ’ W.,. modern, $3,250 terms reduced to $0 an" ; second-class to [selves great credit in their exam-/Seots with which unit he remain- Doui i tc ease Sixth Avei " oe confined to inations jlast year and that Ma ed until the time of his discharge. yuble Ce or Si Avent Pre-emption new sur ; oe eee ee . ; ° ; and Tatlow &t $1,750 veyed lands only jrice led the group by carrying off |}0” is heartily welcomed back by One nice lot near Drydock land cuitabic fo snriee covering only the scholarship in first year|"!s many friends ‘here. r and which is non-timber land. PScience . :'’ x : : -- EO Sia ot ee woe rinarehie Pre-emptions aboliabes. ie ges le Harry Foote was among the ar- with Jol — adjacent eee Among ‘those leaving for the /|Tivals on the train from the east with joint residence. : : eve , arr = M. M. Stephens 4-1 4 t south on the Grand Trunk boat last evening. Harry is very well LOANS - RENTALS - INSUXANCE _: ae ptors must” cates ter 'ast evening was Mrs. Walter|known here, having been for a - RE . MAUL ove years and make improvements to | Drinnat wife of the provincial eeteg of years in the Grand u cleer- | nee ; : aad os ,_ |} Trunk freight office on the wharf f and cultivation at least 6 acres organize of the Great Wa Vet. a a These cone eum Grant. lerans’ Association. Mrs. Drinnan and at the time of his departure arene 8 years, and has made pro. came north about three weeks ago |for the old country was cashier, Phones 41 arid Red 391 $, cause of lnbckiements, be may. be- with her husband and lately has|While overseas Harry who is a granted intermediate of im- been theguest of Mrs. A. D. Math. | Y®"y Popular St. Andrew's man a er provement and transfer his . on : ; y tae ; 4 ds without erent, eson of Port Essington. who ac. /88% service with the London, Day or Week cont aha a Wy ‘companied her inon the train bast Scottish. ; ber annum and sameeach vening ; : ; . ty year. Faiiure to make improvements ; 7 Among those leavin , : . : d ge me z for the ‘ce 5 Peumecord same will operate as for- | ; ir ‘ k L ; h . Title cannot be obtained in G, Kh. Naden, the deputy minis. 0Uth on the Grand Trunk boat auc £ . less than 5 years, and { emen art ’ Pel rarpeeeg : 1 ; u- of $10.00 per acre, Lay — ter of lands, returned to Victoria )'@8t night was L. P. Wright w rn wpases - —. cultivated, and residence {jast evening. While here Mr.|"ecently arrived frém the east and Picnic and Fishing Parties years are required eee sapag a0 50% _— Pre-emptor holding Crown t |Naden had only a brief time to | "4s Deen with Peck, Moore Com- Trips round Harbor conmtnen tank nee pre-emption, fhe | __ h : "a { c pany here He has now gone t i 06 es nan oO iends as ; é 7 Pe a> rone “ J MYHILL-JONES Vani Cunost actual occupation, ~~ . , aaa RS ’ meet his wife Vane — : 2 vided statutory improvements "nase 28 to make the trip up to Anyox in vancouver wi weecewe on egdence maintained on Crown (and Alice Arm @*® coming across continent from ’ “ mie tr ———-——-——— | ~ Unsurveyea areas *nct excesding 20 inkl lialifax. Mr. and Mrs. Wright a acres, , " . arr tile io be phtcined after ea pment: Just arrived,.a car of Beaver |**pected to arrive in Prince Ru dential and improvement conditions. |Board. A. W. Edge Co., distriby.| Pert next week and they will make nas wasccding industrial purposes we their home here in the fut ing 640 acres may be tore tf . ‘ e ere e ure leased by one person or © . e Mii, factory : ' “ timber land net eueneliee Baan Ow Pe eos eS 2 ¢ 6-065 Among those passing through Your ‘Attention payment cf eran; conditions inelude ;® Too LATE To CLASSIFY * ithe « ity on Saturday were FE, W. bo een ae meadows inaccessible |** *# **# *#*# *##*# ee * © ee we Austin and ©. H. Meekison, who conditional upon may be purchased WANTED Four to six roomed/@rrived from the south on the . to them io cf cones Ly: I I I one- costof | wuse, furnished or unfit sh. | Prince tupert leaving for the road, not exceedi half of iniurnishn China-ward price, is made. ad pusehase ed Apply box 293, Daily News |®ast by the train later. The for- = "RS-GUPTORY snen ensat i; Oflice 200 |mer is a graduate of the Univer- if we wanted to (and ° ! ee eee sity of British Columbia and has The scope of this Act by ' . : 7” 1a we a we « mene ea- inciude ail” sons fein, wo to ; TWO FURNISHED ROOMS wan! gone east to Montreal to take a jain it im ar ‘ a 3 P ; + ) o P94 : ’ . : o a Th that . time within which the heirs ne tevin’ ‘ M ply box 294, Daily News course at the MeGill College there. came from England and for ‘tithe "enter eke peer may apply OMice, _ Bo 200 The latter is with a survey. party Franee and some from ; oom ~~ ene mens, from the —- - which will work from Edmonton » i won, aa , ’ iar and sa ; 1 ; year after the conclusion of ut one ma Ame Peaes Hiver country for Cups and saucers, plates T ; ' A privilege is also made re- the next month. “Meek” will then No fees relating to pre- due or payable by quidiere en a emptions recorded after June 26 ois Taxes are remitted for five years Provision for return of moneys ‘ac- erued, due and been paid since August 4, 1914, on account of payments “E i New we think we know China that’s really China 5 : ees pretly well. ———_ on soldiers pre-emptions., ; Merest On agreements to purchase Ww would tike yor ; Allie ieee, co ane led Forces, or dependents acquired opinion |} G@irect or indirect, remitted ‘trom en- listment to March #1, 1920, SUB-PURCHASERS OF c a Provietluh made for juane Jeweler Crown grants to PR eM — ed of E Crown Lands, a auiring rights from the Store of Worth and purehasers who failed to compiet Keauts purchase, involving forfeiture, on tul- filiment of conditions of terest and taxes. Where ay pure ere (0 not claim whole of original — ee), purchase price due and taxes toay be iistributed proporllonately over whoe area Applications must be mace by May i, i620 GRAZING. (wesing Act, 1919, for seme development of iy eatack induatey we. Vides for graging districts and range administration under Comraissioner Aaeusl Bresing permits tasued om” Dumbers ranged; 4 oa By ec, priority for urchase, in- Choose your own materials and style when you have corsets made by Mrs. Direetor. Phone Blue 92 ene oe owner Sick -owners may Use MURESCO, the great sani. toria Assvuc.utons for range 4 tery wall finish. A.W. Bdwe Go, | fur seers’ a, bartieuy feo, , ”, aan ; Campers or Wey up w ~ THE DAILY REWS. ° Local News Notes ee | Occ ee ~ Best Display tt ee ere of all price wallpapers. Silversides Bros uf FRESH FRUIT J osc oie & Bros 20) discount off all book} tf 20 Reduction in Silversides in the City ee ee | tne | rhe Nora will leave government wharf for Stewart and | | Anything that is in season can early on Tuesday f ~imnts be found in our Store “ - pou it morning We have a few nice gilt edged | Rupert Table SUBDILY C0 invitation cards that are different | ifrom the ordinary Daily News PHONES 211, 212 tl Oftice tf * . * Judge Young returning from the north on the |Princess Mary which arrived het was among thos (Saturday afternoon FOR FOOTBALL ==: 2: return to take up Houses for Sale |": «: ——_ * . *?F his studies at Among those arriving from the Four-roomed house, Fifth Rents an the. Pringane ‘Alice on Avenue Bection £ 31,600 portray ves ‘ies Crome ane wee » ‘ ° pon? « formerly operating room nurse Five-roomed house | ; “4 ~ gp oe mueerl panera se wating Hospital during th® absence of plant, fireplace, Sixth Ave., the former matron, Miss Gare neal Lately Drydock $2,500. iniehael, Miss Crowe has been engaged on the nursing staff at the hospital in Anyox, but for the past month has been holiday ing in the south, and is now mak. ing the round trip to Skagway and will arrive back here on Saturday. when will proceed to , ,On the trip north Miss (companied by her We lots nea have a number of Drydock for build. Ing purposes McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid. Third Avenue: Phone! she Anvox, Lrowe ia Sister Welipapers at greatly reduced ices Silversides Bros if Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf \ \ \ \ \ \ ia : \\ 1 \ SY y VELAARALALLALELALARAALELLAARLARRA GEA LLL LLLLEL LT LER Economical Purity In your soap, purity is not _only desirable but its an absolute secessity if you want your clothes to last Sunlight Soap is absolately pare —no fillers or adulterants of kind : $5000 guarantee of thi Sunlight Soap washes clothes beautifully clean —fresh as new— without the weer and tear of the wash board. Insist on jag the Soap vou ast for—SUNLIGHT SOAP LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO any 11 Q \ LS \ Come and be fitted GEO. HILL. The Practical Shoe NEW ARRIVALS Ladies Colored Now showing at the FAMILY: SHOE STORE. Special Values in Children’s Shoes| IN Shoes POOP OOOO OO nn o—eeY } ) by Expert Shoemen E. R. TABRUM Phon« men Will be held shorth img to dispose ot mine GEORG OFFIC! Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoaa, 1.39 Ewenings, Tuesday, Wednesd Dental Nurse WQAUODOOOUOUAUHUUA ERNE Eaten HENLEY {HViNNOUAQEUQAOUOOUAAEUPOUUOGGGELEEE G80 2008 304 AUCTION SALE ithe M Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficienc y~ Dr. Bayn< Phone 109 for appointmen' intyre B ase E LEEK UHMNATAAANNAA HOUR to 6.38; Saturda 12 oni ay and Fricay in attendance eWRNAARA RAS Raa b.. ke) QUE RRBAN OOUDDAN bi ddstiidicc! Bishop Du Vernet returned! from up river on the train from the east last evening, * . . Geo. W. Morrow was among those arriving from the interior on the train last evening. Kh. 3. Wright returned from a trip to the interior by the train yesterday evening DUsINeSss It is just as cheap tu get your printing done wel! and done at rome as it is to send it away. ‘try The News Print Shop. Miss Hamilton who has been the guest of Miss Rowena liye for the past few weeks was a pas senger for the south on the Grand Trunk steamer last evening. Whi! here Miss Hamilton who is on a holiday tour of the coast from Edmonton was Particularly in pressed with the city especial! Mm regard to the tine weathe: and the boating } Advertise in the Daily News. NOTICE ertiftcate ‘ ) eno i DATED at | Prinee lupe June ivi IN IN THE SUPHI rue MATT TION A IN Pht PRELOBI INTE rAl \; ; ; ‘ su ira hn. Gierts ha " ' el req ' \us tebiesdt 1 i the amount forthwit Dated thi