April 20, 1029 THE DAILY NEWS 1AGE SEVER Man in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND iv have to be poor writers, i Hu peopje. wtyoread. THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT, IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS, JEKEST T,0 YOUNG NU OLD. , resembles spring time be-! i. in produces wijpi. , w months ago wiseheads t.-,l: "Whatever goes up iu niine down," but today 'iii'i-its are hopinK that the , '.Inch went down will r: rant ford Exposition ayYt ,i i.iy baths' for all inhabi-the latest despotic order! i . , i 1 : i . l l i L I. .,i m;iy not have heard about h girl who, asked in re-i ., her ntsti'aas's whereab-. il thc. were in the wash. arrivals , i nt in the cHy de- thny April 20. 1919 ommittee of the city coun-'.;,!. by Mayer McClymont m? plana foe a big public , in the Exhibition Hall ! , .i Col. C. W. Peck V. C. ; ini John McGregor V. C. T W. DeB. Farris, attor !;.!. has sent a note to Idrt-n. III: -I i Hl.Ma rol KT W IIKlTfill ' I Mult. HMirilKKS Ki:IIHTKV -i ..i M.m.-r !( the "ComiMnlea Art" ' Mii) . LkilUed i: f iiat au application will hr Local Judge ot k - rttbt he Oaurf 1 ibkw la in a. on Thuradajr. Um tad ' v ! it. t taa iiour ot tea ' in 'he Mreaaea or aa room .i oiuruwl mas Jtm baaed iaa " .---tore ta MM rafMer X ' Hmitbera Ball.Qeaaaaiiy. ' h -uch dtrecttoaa aa ma) be ' tniKR taka notice' IMat U ii h implication wlU be read i uf Lwrnee BevarM - n, the 13th day ef April. u!v I lied. .:n.:her. BrlUati OotUBAIa. or April, isas - L. a. MetHLL, amiihera Hall OatajnanT. OnMed. ' -Mrar ot Oompaniea, Vtetarla. ii to Whom It May Oeneeta: ' : ice : riled and pubuahed by :: snii-itnr for tne Smitten v limited, wnoae plaoe ot i :i:ilrew for service 6 at 48 K'n.Miers. Brniili Columbia. SNAP! 75 TAXI r For Sale HAW.AINS IN SECONDHAND CARS Prince Rupert Auto Co. ShonesL 7& 275 BOARD AND ROOM GOOD Board and Itoom, $35 per month. Apply 410 Sixth Ave. E. 05 ir ROOM And Roard, Central lo- ,ation. Steam heat Phone i Blue 153. tf. I WANTED ,1111 11 oeiieveu uuu inn . if , rd relief for a situation WANTED Woman cook. : hitherto 'liais been regarded ::'Icsh. Inlander or Phone 137. ace -grievously disap- MVtilG? Qm pqOls fs 3c ' to find' ton. '' Guaranteed ini. They iey expected expected Ten, Years Ago In Prince Rupert '. of tail PETS Apply tf foumiatism Nels Rokkjai , Room 9, 623 Third Avenue, Phone Red 625 or Black 7(H). tf AGENTS,, WANTED 1 Agents adi cvlam, tk LOST Black rimmed glasses. niplc of civilisation to the at a point at lower en.l of nyoo of aaW PIMNCE . 11:11 a.m. 2.1:56 p.m. 5 :14 a.W 17:29 p.m. Sunday, April 21 11:58 a.m. 6:01 a.m. 18:13 p.m. 1, ereek and carried bv dlteto wfiB riuaw. . over beaeliea to ealnt ot um filed Ui the ...,aw!e Tfcv t,L I um iV. aAaaVaVM; aa far ' - t 4.7 ft ak .' 19.8 ft' We are hb porters ox raaartea, 5.1 fr parreia, foreign brrs, geidflaa. Ilie Majter f Smltliera IUII 4.8 ft, moolicys, dogs, cats , d rabbfte-'t , 'f ve waai s set rte us and we will ship on ap-mval. Money refunded if Met tisfled. UnrtNSfoTe writs kina It? Cansvni K73 BroadvtVly WW. Vancouver i Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER I1ULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Ruoerl Feed Co. PHONE 58 Daily News "ClaHKified" adver-tlng brings results. 9B FOR RENT M usea He m G reeery . tf FOR RENT furnished. Apply 215 Fourth! Avenue E. tf' FOR RENT Furnished modern! four room flat, Clapp Block, i Apply Ves4enhaver Bros. tf FOR KENT AaUwnobtle, pianos' uongrsxpiM-en(i sewing maeh- Walker Music ere. FOR REITT fcunfohed house-kpfBg ronv Of the, day, wek, or month.- phr.e- Rerl 607. tf CHIROPRACTIC RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY 1 Kindly return to Daily News This dtatresafng malady is office. tf j very prevalent at tMe time of - - the year, and as a rtrte is a ivateu notice symptom .if a deeper trouble, arTectlons of the uiirrtiou and im ! eyes, : liver, kidneys, stomacn, etc. It tJ2Sf'iM1Z$H of W be .too due to the after ef Sta BeUdinc. Vancouver. B.C.. wiu ferts of influenza. aawr lor a Horace to taa ana um an tnowMM ratoen meka or 38 e of waur out of Buck Oulch Craek. i.ti-Strng Btlke admhv am., nofttwttr iBt MO VMS Canada of Hindu women k? 0OUl ,ro" Daaat Tbc mater wUI be diverted from tbe tream at a point about tbrte-quarteta of a rafle from Oaase Creek and wUI be T U.lVia IjIOVU lieorge u-t aioniuiirauiuiu htvv uiiua uuxil . . . ,, , . She rain deterfbed a BMajhr Moot i f ml -tates that, following t. sunnw No ir and Cratk: u. i.reat Britain must set .!- it has done Before. cuaaaa Daisy aiMMtat wwu , . m iu jik m. - w nut, if Consult the Chiropractor in all Relief guaranteed. ' Consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block , . o, 'nl m I . aot 4 1 Mime" umrn Open Evenings ' RESULTS COUNT ; Pain in the side. Indigestion, xnu notice waa mated on tne trouna , r t.,11-,Vi H4dikjn ytrl ' w w T a eoff of un noiioe nd -WDDiicj(t tousnes" -Insomriia, Catarrh ard . Wal KM" wUI be filed In the ottlf ,kOTU"'"u"m " "T'J F !oJ the Water Recorder t Teletr-aph , Heved by our new form of dietet- KIIPKRT TliJKS Vioreei.B.c . i..J .al ,tt Saturday, April 20 Oe(estlona to the npilcaavTT-e j r our National "Ad s," in the rbaal Magaairte every weHr. hen cqisWlt ; KYOLFSON "Tff VvlLhne Rlufe S, or Red M9 W&?-?faW.Oin Evening I V BRINGING UP FATHER " 1 IOOR PRtTZEl.-OU ML1T BC LONkU-I V r-vsTK-n- BUT BE rf'irra BRAVh.ruu FifMO OlMTV- ii -iwa, iiiti rtm l. FOR SALE HOUSES For rent. F. W. 'Hart. j FURNITURE For &e. Also pfa 9t no. ..PJhone Black jlOl. SUITES For rent. Summit Ap-j SMALL Improved farm for artmeRtt; J. lOHf, mUe' jrorrace st FURNISHED Sfieck for rent or partteu'lara apply to 122, Terrace, K.C. ai station. Box SALVAGE AND rTOWING if UVon nr under the water wc-L ... . .f L. r r ... do it" f tieRACIFJO SALVIAGE" GO. i ' LIMITED f' ; Fully Equipped for Diving and - General Salvage Work. t.rrMm f, ,ifuiNOW Is the time to order garden ! Boats awl Scows of all descrpl- bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. manure, trim oraers win be1"""' "r "nrier. first delivered.,. While it lasts, ;Kow Coat nd Canoes for hire. $8 a load. Phone 303. Casey 'Bargains In Gas Engines GRADING, Excavating, Concrete j FOR RENT Six houses, three. Cartage & Fuef Co. 93 AGENTS FOR FOR SALE 19 Are fruit ranch. j Van Blerck, Easthope, Hieka ti 65 bearing frmit trees and'wallantyne Engines. small fruit. Price $2300 cash.; One mile from Terrace High School. Appl'tc.. McRae Bros., ; Executors for Estate of J. C,j Mcllae. tt FOR SiALri-rf Powering garde shrub r- bosh Ilpney- SHckle, (lovrfclDg Xrab,. Siber- . Ian Pea tree,; XarrUraRa,, kee--na Woader jtrtilierry plants and white Banana Potato seed. Northern B. C. .Distributors Coolidge Profilers Phone. Day or Night 564 P. O. Box 1561 Canadian Government Merchant Marine, Limited FOR SALE BY TENpER Sealed tendon will nt received bv the ; , fV v : " ''tb aeeaad partSNtarr of delivery as-! PRINCE! RV,PEI CTION icerttlned on applleatlon'to tiie DsdrrJk .MART., UV.bqj, S),.QreX-'lJ. or- Mr.. B. C. Keeley. .Psdllo; chantre any kiqd or furniture at vanepwer ...name p; or household -goods, musjea lO-, wf,-stmments, inchiBery, etc. Cen- D 0 WOOd, era) rejpafrs, .cruiir. paeWnjr tMeJeaMafearwTTa and shipplnif. . pmasliip Muavasteed, Jwt phe ftsaeh 140 aad we wttl call .GBORCK J. .PA;S.: ffidlnli 'Bfofk..,; ' THIMK OPTHECOOOTIMIvS WE. UE.O TO MAV5 - TOO VAJX JObT A. UTTUS PUP OlMTT UHDTO HOLDVOO I r urn a HOUW iertsse in The News. Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for j oil. m mm f Queen Charlotte -Islands Visitors . When travelling , between. Port Clements and QueviCharltte Oity, hireccari.andruJ ffosi. - YOUNG BROTHER Skidegate, B.C. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Ifnr Vaftnmter ) Sundae as. IMaeeBeeerC . . .10 p.m. ' Tueadajra ea. CMala 3 SO p.m. Thuradaya a, wane aaaage 10 i Fridays ea. Prtaceaa Befal 10 p.m. rrtdaya aa. Cardbaa mldWaht April 14 aa. Finn cm Attcg p.m. I April 24 . Facess AUee p.m. Ironi Vancouirr J Sunday as. CataJb 4 p.m. 1 Wedneaaay aa. n. OvMVr 10:SO ua. Fiiday w. Pnnreaa nuea. . . . pui ' Friday aa. CaMeea a.m. ; Saturday aa. PrtBce Rueert 1040 p.m. i AprU 11) -a Prlnceaa 'iee a.m. 1 April 20. Pfftxat AiKe .a.m. i Kr N'aaa Klvtr I'LL NtVER FOR GT Tws D,y hktaught TOO TO GlVC MIMVOOR CRY WHEN HK. . SVB-NIT OUT AM LSPT TOO' SuadUy t. Catala 8 o.m 'nr OU'-mi rharti Knnila April as aa. Prince John 8 p.m. from queen Charlotte Island Apru is a. Pnaee Jaan am. ik ttaita April 10 aa. Prlnoaas Alice am. AprU J aa. PrBMeea AMce a.m. rrwii tb.k '' ' - AmUi 14 aa..;Prlncena.Allcifc...D.a. AprU. 34 aa. PMataaa .AUoa . , . . . ?.m For Port MmpKoarand Waiea 'llaml Frtdat--e4. Oaafltnr '. . . V. . . . . .t.m Froai tn, Simpson and Watea lkla(nl Jyidays-aa, Cardans pa. CI hg) BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Eperienied' operator, modern methodsl in all lines of beauty enftore and hair dressing. Make appointment by phoning Red ate. MAIL SCHEDULE larthe Eaat Hnndayi, Wedacsdftfa, Bafurdaya. mall cJcaee 100 ajn. ,iim the Eat 3ii a oaa, Taeadaea uM TBvadaya. Mail de. fe p.m. t tsjSaouirr Via train Wedneedaya and Satocdaya. Sundaya . .',9 pm. Tuawfaya ,Ki ..10 p.m. Miohapd Bros. Terrace, 96 Itlndmliried aa Atenta tor tne Owner. t , , tr -v. mJf trmr. Anoi' if FOR f Ull SALE bALK One Une line fine Shalt i 18 IS noon Aprfl aand. MM, for the purcnaee -iWlEtt Arm AiM-eii. leajw - feet long and 14 inches thick, of the tollowlnc eteaaaera: tendera to be One 20 inch Hanger; Four 11 OM1 00 ot,oc reapeetive inch hangers. Two large Iron tto "d ,. . . , , . located at Vancouver. B.C. Any atoree .Pulleys, speed 15 to 12 inch, DUnker coal that may be on board inch belt. 'Two line shafts eaoiodeei: 8 feet long. lHt inch thick. ' S. S. "Canadian Coaster." aacertalned Three Iron Pulleys. thrse ciit ctT 3ft9 tn, twot 1931 speeds 12 inch to 8 inch. Two, 8- "caa,1n fUyyn" "rtaln1 ivi , r.u i deadwelabt capacity tsaetona. buUt 1930. ocKlen Pulleys. Apply Day S. s -Canadta Obaerver.- aacertato Nw- tfted deadweight eaeacKy S9S3 tena. FURNITURE built 139 CONDITIONS: EVEUYTHING f QR JHB HOME, tendara maylba mfmUtiA f oce Of , , ' , . mart 'if the three' eewell. "TeBdeWmutt Dining SuiteSChesterfieWj W aSooaaHled by ibeoae tor me pet Suited, Beds, Sprint? , and Jtt eeM'ta'K r out suom of ae teller. treaeea. Ranges, Une4eum, rUhtds, aheeyie te la made payau to me order CurtaiM Rede. ..! il OadUa Ooeerameat Merchant MAf-KPVTlt- nmviTiinr lUaelee, Uaatted. ad accepted By a Ca- -.....w...... w . . aadlae eaartvred bank. The blrhert or ' Phone 779 1 any tender not neceaaarUy accepted. ! L-'-.i'dlt' LLdii'' ' I Pldinf Md ateelflcattM of eteamera ean Bunday aa. catala 8 p j m. I Wedneaday aa. Pr. Oeorae . . .4 o.m. Saturday aa. Prince Rupert. . . 4 p.m. from Htrwiirt. rrriukr, Anjex and Alice Arm SBtaoaea FJIHARRASSING MOMENTS .... VPwtpj a.-' By George McManus I ( ow,' 1 1 iiiliii SHUT KS;S2SaM r " tf-BTir . .01 KWKHKa B J P-AJ . J EfiSEOKiJ p.m. ayv it p.m. R. AprU If and S4 p.m. noautrr m 1 n m . .. . . ..-J409S0 a.m. . ....... . . ..a.m. . . ...;.10;I0 a.m. C.p.eAjM1 aad 90 ......a.m. 7 pa Watteesdarr .1p.m. BMenlam J p.m. Pleat Stewart, Premier. Anycx and Alice AniH Buadaya 7i30 p.m. Tueaday aa. Catala 1140 a.m. Tkafa Tburadaya as. Prince Seoffa 70 p.m. TijVsaa Rltrr Point iiju aja .790 p.m. .... 7 PA Irom'Naaa RlTer Pornt Sueadaya U10 am. To- Queen Chiriotire April 30 7 p.m. I rum (uren Cliarlotte AprO 18 a.m. Ta Alwlut Point Apm 10 end 3 Noon From , Alaoka Pirtntft April 14 and .'....p.m. To- Part Sltupxon- and Waler Island FtMaya a.m. Iroiir pwt Slmpmn and Walra Island Prideya p.m. BlTMirlna i. MB M'T . JSsm m. M 3 I jaBEiBjrsveBs A fff- ! ii ; I.. ';' . SECONDS SAWS Cross-cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 10 more timber, time and labor being equal, than any other rnade.This guarantee has never been challenged. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED. T. DCMI TtT AND CORN VMHVl. MONTREAL CMt. VANCOUVER. B.C. TORONTO. ONT. 8T JOHN. N.B. &!W i