FACE FOUB "m ""'a , NOTICE Toiiontractors The New Method Coal and Supplies Limited of Vancouver (M. Y. Aivazoff, Manager), will open a branch in Prince Rupert at once under the local management of tliQThdmpon Hardware Company, Ud. . . .Quotations given promptly on big or small orders for all kinds of building supplies and materials. It will be to your advantage to make inquiries. The4 Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH OLUMBlJ Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily, News, Limited, Third Avenue. ', -i,,-. II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. ' ' ' SUHSCrtlPTION RATES DAILY EDITION Monday. "January .14, -ip THE HALIBUT FISHERMEN. The heroism and hnvrlilmnrl nf tVia V.oV;k City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, piildjn'advahr e J5.00 For leaser period, paid In advance, per month . ' ......., .50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia; paid in advance for yearly period Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page, per Inch Local Readtrs, per insertion, per line . Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word t Legal Notices, each insertion per airate line .... . .'.'.'". Or four months for By mall to all other parts o: British Columbia, the British bmplre - and United States, - - m paid in advance r per m w year nas been mentioned many times in these columns. Every year fresh instances of their courage and efficiency come to light. A recent rescue,in,veslern.Alaskan vaters draws a tribute from the Alaskan .D3ily.Emiiire -published at Juneau. It speaks of the Alaska fishermen, but the same annlies exactlv to those JCn gerous calling. This is. whatTthe AJaskart paper says: "Kipling has Immortoili'zM the f ifehfcrmen of the Grand Banks, but nowhere in fHe WvIU, liBr any time in history, have hardier or bravehhAeti saidjthe sfeas than those who catch halibut in the waters' 6f the North: Pacific. They are not strutting or swashbuckling heroes. They never seek fame. To them fighting the terrors of the sea, saving human life and craft from watery graves, are in the day's work. That they are competent soilors, masters of wind and wave, "Captains Courageous," all of them, is proved many times in each season. And their humani-tarianism, their recognition that all are "brothers under the sun," and their quiet and matter-of-course way of accenting without question that the dutv to aid those in dis Fashion Fancies Simple Afternoon Dress is Distinctive That ; "fe I ill .Mm $3.00 11.4!) 12 EO ., . .it. $1.00 v,r-v $r,.oi' By mall to all other countries, per yeat " $71,1 Brown and beiire are n'o rare LcorabintkBrUiU-utuon of colors has been employed a good many years but here these smart shades are patterned in ribvel fashion. The dress itself is of dark brown b roc he satin, the cuffs, vest and yoke of rosy beige. The uneven hemline, so fluttering to the figure, Is achieved here by a wrap-around skirt. The whole model is cleverly designed and unusually attractive. ENTER BLACK AND DROWN, THE NEW FASHION TWINS ..if Amw. .... -mm tress is of more consequence than makincr lanre catches In an effort 40 devise new color quick trips, and thereby good profits, is proved time and W)binatio,n8 th 8mart f,ariflan airain in every f ishintr sentfnn. t . , ... igners have hit udob ri Idea . "Nowhere lives a finer race of men thaithesAbwiX sfeJnVSi , ' xmnvimvu. xncy uiu 111 uonsmnt coniaci witn JNature in Tfaro f. M- h,iun wnrk lmUnntn nUc. ,i,i, f n, t "ere this Idea has Been worked 1Y'"DOT jriuxus nor uouy cut in a smart winter ensemble. only t to those who wprk hard aml-witl? inteLligOfice: find.' at The coat of bhfc the the worst, is a terrible enemy of those who try to conquer dress of brown and white, eheck- her." ! .,.,.,..,. ed silk. Beaver forms the shawl i L 1 : ' ( ' )' collar and cuffs bif the coat. NOTABLE EXAMPLE A f : The city of Ketchikan has built itself a dock at a cost ' of about $10,000. The dock warehouse has a frontage of 144 fest, is 72 feet deep, and the dock is so constructed as to be able to accommodate the steamers which ply from l'uget sound ports to Aiasna. Prince Rupert has never had to build a dock or even floats so far. No accommodation has been made here for the fishing boats except such as the provincial government built or private concerns provided. Ketchikan deserves to proceed. It does things. PRINCE RUPERT TO FORE Prince Rupert comes to the fore in at least one resnect. It, has recently received, high commendation for its fire fighting record . It has had such a record for many years. When the present fire apparatus was purchased it was tried out in Toronto and caused a good deal of favorable mention in the newspapers there. The Prince Rimqrt Optimist mentions it, speaking of he truckag a "inaayV-e affair of steel build throughout, making areveif ItJhrr dead weight that require an eighty horse power engine to propel. The entrine is a six cylinder and capable of driving , the big bulk of fire-fighting apparatus along a level stretch at 40 miles an hour. This high power also gives the ma-! chine ability to climb hills in a manner calculated to make a healthy horse look sick.'v . The apparatus would not have fought fires without a capable fire brigade and this the city seems to have had under Chief McDonald. I STOPPED HIS STOMACH TROUBLE " Fruit-a-tives" Made Him Entirely Well MR. DOVAY "I uh I oould toll every nuffrtjrMnrt the world what 'BruH-f-'bai dike iortae" Vxkis JlrjKtKS AVl iwvay, i ronton, uut. "ror yosra I was troubled by Had llendacliet, Nervous Dyspepsia and Liver Troublo. Then I commenced taking 'FruiUa-live.' Very soon my condition improved, and now, thanks to this wonderful medieine, I am xmoe more entirely well." "Fruit-a-three" regulates stomach, liver, kidneyt, bowels and akin purifien the blood and tonn up the whole system. 2ft o. and M)c, a box at dealers overv-wherr. JOHNNYS! DIED SUNDAY Year's Illness Results In Passing of Well-Known Local Hoy Following illness of over a year, Rhe death occurred at noon yester day at the Jamily residence, 1431 1 1 Atlin Avenue,, WestvieV, of John l Duthie Sim, son of William Sim 6f I Porchcr Island and the late Mrs. Sim. Deceased, who was 22 years j of age last October was a well-. known local by and formerly.took I a promnent part in athletics such j as basketball, football aqd. .baseball. A year ago November he took a severe cold while playing ! basketball and pneumonia resulted. Tuberculosis later set in, and, in the hope of recovery, the young man was taken during the past summer to Kamloop3. This proved of little avail, however, and the recent contraction of an attack of influenza only went to hurry the end. Deceased was born in Nova Scotia and lived with his family at New Westminster for a time before coming as a young, boy to Porcher Island. About 10 years ago the family moved into the city. Young "Johnny;" as ho was famll LADY DOROTHY MILLS Information tamv., ..-v.v...-i ner.mnn ana lias jum b;ivu hotm . 1 ti.,1 1 Alex Duthie; two brothers, WIU Liverpool. liam and James Sim; and two!. .t i,nnp to C0Hect masks and sisters. Mary Sim and Helen Sim. ! 1 chaii . whrr the Monday, January 14, 1929 witch doctors give natives medicine mixed wtih what they call mcTiinv wiTrHrRAn'Wic. which is 1UJIU11 ""rather believe in. something I Their magic ...... in lia nbfn in mit rta imk . Will Cross French Guiana Alone auto-suircestlon. ami on Foot to Get First Hand the primitive races know . more about nature in tho rough than LONDON, Jan. 14: The only M nnt nu rnvnA .... larly known, attended school here, womuTli imfeed the only white materjaH8m, vvo are. It Is r.ivirt 1,.. . ... 9 ruin.; "" i""u vr c",t"v"1 j '""1 person, i ihij m. . ... f . - white nersori tn Royal Bank of Canada and the mile ,r.p through French Guiana tZro Union Oil Co. His mother died SU nutive religions and t I last spring. Other surviving tvhehcratt. Is Lady Dorothy !c T T ,f members of the family, besides theMlll8, who ha8 onbed the ex-"Z'JZ 'u tothaf ini 1 riA n not .Mrni n A.t i t i . : I ., , I t - - - .easier to win the confidence of (the natives." During her trek Lady Dorothy To fte mourning family general lri't ' ,mm me.tihe.Baid. "By '" wear short" when possible sympathy will be extended in, Its travelling aloneftw Jfeta mor.;nd breocnes wnen necessary. sad bereavement. Out of respect into tne pirit 0j tne t.ountry. I, to the memory of the former play- nevcr take any arnis on my . er league basketball fixtures peditiong because not natiw or Capt. Chris Henrickson ot the scheduled for tomorrow night are an nm wiu attitck unless you In- locnl halibut boat Gibson and being called off. ' terpre first. Mrs. Henrickson returned to the Funeral arrangements are in "Travelling .is in my blood. city on the Catala yesterday af-the hands of the B. C. Under- witchcraft is a subject thiii in- ternonr. following a two weeks' takers. .terests me a great deal. Ahh j !; IHay visit in Seattle. POWER DFlVSiOPMENT 1 mY - PMW l . r I WW I W IPS x djmias ma .'malertHls ami w mediate benefits Eipanslon has km 19267 taaHBB3tnna f916l3teManUftCtUrin MKaiiimasESEHna mines! DRITISII Columbia's Power resources are the envy of the world. With Power, tho riches of the world can be won; with Power, ores can be mined . . . smelted- trms- w Jh y i,utlMWW" ounvu, jiiuuuim.iujiuB inuutunes uevcicjwu, and with them t J 1 !' f lwi'uiaiiuu . . . wLvus. runur is unusn gummas stroiniat bid for more industries '1 I i J11U1U II people. i Of the millions of horsepower available. . In vour . province, but half's million are now harhested td torn the Wheels of Induttry. The fereat hydro-electric develop-iii-nt nt Bridge Klver will ultimately generate more than bOO.OOO horsepower, while the output at llonnlngtou FalU and, other points Is belr.C steadily Increased. The Campbell and Chllko K I vers, on the mainland, and the Nimpklsh on Vancouver Island, are capable of tremendous power development for the conversion of our forest and mineral resources Into fabulous wealth. Two of Urltlsh Col umhla's Electric Power systems arc among the greatest In Canada, each fteneratlnil more than 400,000,000 kilowatt hours In 1927. This reprcsenta an Increase In the last ten years of 98,.. truly a remarkable achievement! l''oicln authorities speak of this record as a measure of the great vitality of llritlsh Columbia. Today we rank third In power and Industrial development amonft Canadian provinces. Wo have made greater progress per capita than any! It Is the policy of llritlsh Columbia to foster tho development of the hydro-electric powers for the benefit of the public. They wre allotted to private enterprises on condition that they will be developed within a certain time, so that no exploitation of public assets may take place. , Millions of dollar ore now earmarked for Power development In our province. !nms are being built turhlnea Installed . . . transmlMlon lines erected to caro for theHnimlncnt industrial development. Xsisy If a Caisfcla', w f rrnal trade i. bsriM JRWl Columbia. IVuHry tT4 pas fin .TnT iT w ceriBiaieO at i w . ,,"'?n,do Tody ur Luroberlrg. Mining and Flshin run Industries employ 7J.517 people, Plng them 175 ml.lfon dollars In ags . . . dl.trlfcitliTg an average wag ranking anxwig tits highest In Canada. These 175 mlltlons In wages ore a great contribution o our annua Intwiial trad, in the province. The? havefUvenourlridustrii.lworkor.aluylngrwwerTanklnfl second In the Dominion and huvo h-rgciy been rstnonslhlS ,UKr Vn Pro-nerity. X&Ty W fact that the number of automobiles registered In thl finl f"r 76,1,7 comItJ wUli 8,59b llritlsh Columbia's steady and varied Industrial development has changed the conception In ris Canada snd the Unit! Stats of our province. No longer em yrs we entlrsly dependent on the Rsst for our nun" fsctirred products. HrltUh Columbia U InrrfsSlv fiirnUhlng litr owi needs. She now ranks third Tin ti e wholo Dominion as a manufacturing province. Our phenomenal Power and Industrial growth has focused the attention of ths great Industrial!. ' ,"" Investors on our province. Today, Itrlllsh Columbia In the eyos of the world, stands for Power. Prore nH ITsmy. May our effort, of th, lait e VeaTsubl'uJ and Increase our Prosperity! W that annountmtntt and undmund your fwinct't pngnu ...dip them and md thm to rfmdt. If you dturt extra eopus of these announcement! a note to (Alt newspaper will lrinx them. AduertUe your Prminee! sen. tit