January 14, 1020 ftO.MIM- A (Jihjiuiuio oiU(ii di rUM' ASSOCIATION DINIMKK Kw: ' of , CfttUtdln-i " l ll!f : f'l HUB I ill-, 'real : .'.i."U .! -. " , U-i. P ; . I.. .!..,. I I l Or1 iNtws or ii , AROUND PRINCE RUPERT u. IJayr'.s in Nortlfern li. 0.; li. C. Money for ('. Minva, RoJcJi(ort UrROs; Fine I'rsfxctinif Country im Unuk River Di i;'c 11 i.i .v. v.jhifli 11 years i if..' ljrov-ii.tv, has come back with the larcegt an : n.ikli .i ll uiions in i iiiiKkiK. for the uit()r or-the Mining and Industrial Record, in .: '.t, ijpon stimtcapf British Columbia mineral in comjilledf by the miffes department, yqai Cminby increass?d its dividend rate from c una It must te remembered that this t- n iiipicrW in 1 .";(), o'K) to 434,43 The P em'er mine Increased Its .ar valtio of $10. -put 0f ore to 27J.783 tons this , , , d it rW fromK with ar M compar.'d 214,172 . ! cent. Nortnurr. p-r for 1927. and increased lto i slivie. nds M follow. t il divideaisto dale fold production, which will bo . , j. . r,: , ' about 181,607 ounces, as compared , $ OliftOO f 122,000 80.0D0 60.000 ' '(WiSaS 1834,720 li ijdO 6t0 ia2;oi87 iB , oa p 4tan - U. A. Milliken. iilil'i.nilM i irty t'or llv I1" shewn in tin Nui-nrm Hi .1 It fi.i-iii., Institute, of Technology. Krivusoii of Ontario ; 1 bottom, !rft and rij-'ht ' , will speak at the P.'iJxt Association, which Tt i rttirnK President of (tap, right), will also speak. mes agQ. was th leading dividend its history after having had past 10 years, writes h. A Wh 117,09 ounces for the pre- iou year. Tne roruanu ianai mining division is heading for a more important p'ace in the goW production ft the province. The development of the Georgia Mm NnW nn.VM forward with a view to ;,.u v. i: was lectel Pivn.h-iit v:in Ill of Srii'llic. He l l.'M,i.-a!..rv of Phytic at the oi which he is director. getting it into production as soon as possible and the management expects to have the. mill con str ucted and in operation by 1030. The Duthie mine at Smithers made a goad recor;j this lyear. The Granby Co. is equpiplntr its Bonanza' mine at Anyox for production and is developing the Hanna group north of Hidden Creek. The gold output of Granby this year .will be around 0000 ounces Leading Atlin placer gold operators have devoted the season to ti B. new development rather than production. Consolidated Mining & me"ini Co. i opoing up a property at Atlin which promises to become a good p oducer. "It str'kes us in the Portland Cinal district," writes II . D. Rochfort, Stewart broker, "that Rrititfh Columbia people are not vet ful'y awnke to what is taking place in the Stewart camp. Even hough the usuil mining failures iive occurred, they are nothing to what have taken place in oher nin'ng camps. The Portland " v"""" in the George Gold Copper, the J'orter Idaho, the Prosperity, the i .ufus Argenta, the Mountain Boy, I hf Black Hill, the Marmot Metals, the Melvin Syndicate and I many other properties, which, If j M scovered near er the money . entres of the world, iSEftuId cause. . . . . . . . . i . a mining boom ln&rwoulLnaue "the trail of '98.' Insftfiern -Si C. we have the greatest mlnaxall I 1 1 t rt 4 t t ' " - . I wii in v. annua auu svary aunnswE the size of it is -kitiiAmaMtli; if southern mmharnt will atlq ihemselves how much money for he equipment of the Grandview nd Golconda has been spent with 'hem arid then find out how much if the money raised lust winter for mining in the Portland Canal district was spent with them, their yes would be opened. In eases where all things are equal (and in he question of mineral deposits, we are assured B. C. leads), let's tpeud our money at home where w shall have a chance f letting qfer rarrefontft whdiife lbjf bosi-i neM backbone of our country, have a chance of tmrtiefpattaff in thw mining profits . Ouftjtry In north -riiB.,C. is "B. C . iptney lor B Q. mine. r country to WiMpt'i thprc arm one will nick up something for ure," wi ites J. K. S"terinjrton fo-merly of Stewa-t. of the Unuk River Country. "The more pros sector that get in there this sum ner. tl, better ft Jht. TM o'intr looks iroolrftr any dm, vho it la laUnirilHir4w trounfl 'o pro Tet into. Yoll can go tip the Uno "H.h a river boat and kicker all Jie way." The Toric. Tiger. Kitwult-Kagle Silver Mines and Ksperanaa propert'es at Alice Arm have all been fave-ably commented upo by Dr. II. T. Jame, resident nln ing engineer, in the preliminary review and summary of operations for the year 1028, which ws re- oently ftued by the. II C mimu department. , , , ; THE MARKET Price, current sre as "atMwi Arm r Spltaenburg '. . . . . .'.tt.1V .vinur isauni.M Ireen ojklug part BX ft Iks). Box ,.7 ti ir !,' Oraneea. bx .Uil Na.'al Oranfrs . . . .too Ma . tinoii. 8'inklsl. 0c to N Jallfornta araocfnilt. 8 for Florida Orapeirult, 3 Kir laitanas i lb i?xtrsi-td Hccoy, par r ,. n ;omb honey 89 .late, bulk, new crop, t lbs. lalslr.s. lulk. 2 lbs Table ralslrui. lb Vi'nrtim Dainty OsiM, packaes 3 Cocoanut ,, KrnRiur irmpea. Ik. u)ou iara. nox Cranberries, lb. W'TTr.f No. 1 rreanirry 4 jo and No. 2 creamery. S lb V& Camembert cftrvat 8 pk Kraft Umlitrtrt, Wi )Muri. ni:a . . Srv ZmIhimI atlcl 8t '.ten. lb. Kralt 4. s'npoliMin I IMhrrttrt 70c H iquelorl 7y HwlflH Br.okMl lb. 4(r (io'goii.ola . lb . . , , . , , 75' Hfik ii i'1 iwiw en.- u, h ntt sm- Oruftre i a BrcohMeM. Onrdlnn dices , 'b ufci. ate THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVK olden Loaf, lb. 4ftC Jack, lb SOo Romano Sardo, lb ese Oammeloet, lb. .,...,..v- 800 flour. 40s, No. 1 hard wheat $2.60 Pastry Hour, it 65c Paitry Hour. 404 121,0 , l..m Pure 4 30c " EGOB 11. C. fresh millcM ..... 60s C ircsii lira is. 2 doz. . 953 C. fresh extras 60s local new laid , . . . 70C MEATS Turkey, lb . 45c to BSC row l. ftt, 1, aU. . . ., ittK. 11J tOC Rotating chicken, lb. . . .4 Broilers 45c Ham sliced, first rnds '. 8ftf Horn, whole, first grade 40'. Ham, picnic, lb 25? Cottage rolls, lb 28 l-3c Bacox. bac. sllcd ' Bacon, side, sliced .SOo and COc Veal, loin .; 35c f Vwai. leg J; j Pork, shoulder . . . 35c Pork. Jry salt . 15c Ayrshire bacon. It). .. 35c to 50c Vel. shoultfei Pork.' loin 35c ; Pork, leg 40c I Beef, pot rout ISO to 30c Betf Mug Mfeu to 18c Bttt. steak soe to 45o Beef, roast, prime rib ssc jLamb chops 4t JJ S...'.'.'.'..'.'. 4 Mutton, chops' ....... 40c Mutton shoulder 3fv .V, . minsiwrnriiiirsir n .1 V crystal-pure . . . flooding your home with their beautybrought there by the new Ottho0oiiic Victrola -V-', ' Emille Portes 'iii. Gil was elected you now oices you Curci Jeritza . . . Melodies that sing away in ywir memory .when the song itself !s ended. A flute ob-bligato tlwt keeiw you wondering which to voice and which is instrument, to true $ pitth, w rewnant are boUi. WTiyr-you at at the eonewt, in your own hornet Yet you feel hero in your living room, you mutt readi out and touch the twit oriUU . .itu sW Victrola Victor Talldnjl Machine Company of FIRST FAMILY OF MEXICO rcueutly "lected and inaugurated Presldentof Mexieo, with Mrs. Gil and ba after the assassination of Alvero Obregon, president-elect. ; . . Ponselle The seemingly intangible thing that makes musical dreams come true, as often as you wish, is "Matched Impedance", or "Smooth Flow of Sound", something scientists evolved only recently and gave to Victor for you I Compare the new results with the old and discover the difference. For charming homes you may select a cabinet of fine woods. Electric drive, which Costs .a little more, if you wish it, eliminates winding. Prices from $1400 to as low as 51 IS 'on convenient payments from "His Master's Voice" Dealers. OUIC Trade Mark Reft'd Canada, Limited, Montreal lovely voices OrthoEhoriic only if it bears the dog Trademark -as aaj u 1 si 1 1 1 a si 1 N-7