PAJE TWO Sensational Finish to The Pas 200 Mile Dog Derby Last Night St, Goddard Winning hy 3 Min. THE PAS, ever wit jfcoMthfiil nnisl lint m i U If arch ?j In ihe moit sensational finish any fl&g derby, E-ft?k St Goddard, the the rfceaRT This ndvertievnient Is iot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia aneeai lyme, rasi mem iinisnea as Doe Derby Association er&ssedfche finishing line at 11:09 p.m., his time for the 200 miles being 36 hours 59 minutes. Art Brydges, another local entrant, came second, only three minutes behind St Goddard. Completely exhausted, both the leading contestants fell across the finishing line. Both were so beaten by the raging frigid weather that thev were unable to speak. While St Goddard won the local derby each year since 1925, this is the first win for him over a 200-mile route. GROTTO LEADS SCORERS IN IN BILLIARDS CRIB LEAGUE Wan AW Four Game- Last Night Charlie Brown at Ton of List of Over Terminal in Serond Individual Record DiTMon Orotto bid fJr reeoop iUetf iBvMu., M to and In. in Use second divWoa bflliard M league as a result of tae flaying , of th,. week, firture. Four of v iJ tho fHre games wen played laat " , A . " , .,. night with Grand Terminals and ? V Operat ng m the toaaccoaita von then all. A- Melnto C, N. Operating 108 the inrtmta team so far heiav J- DKr, Cold Storage ... 101 809 to 870. A fifth game between & Went. P. R. Hotel 99 W E. Williacroft, Grotte, and C F. E. Werraig, C. N. Orat. 97 L. Yoongnaa, Grand Terminal. J. Clark, P. R. Hotel 97 is yet to be played. A. A. McRwen, Cold Storage 97 JndhriduaJ scores laat night J. Watson. P. R. Hotel .... 96 were aa follow: . ;8. H. Fearee, Mew Iftmprees . . 96 M. M. MeLaeblao, Grotto, 289) W. Ranee, Canadian Legion E. Fenelon, Grand Terminals, V. Houston. Oranee Lodge JIMMY M1ARNIN IS TO AGAJjV FIGHT DETROIT CHAMPION S NEW YORK, March 7. Roy D Miller ef Detroit and Jimmy He- H Larnin of Vancouver are r?- mat.'hH for a 10-round bout at Madison Square (HM-n on March A French, New Kmpreaa . . . A. King, C. N. Operating R. Vierick, Eaglea L. Astoria, K. of C F. A Id ridge. Orange Ledge II . Arney, Moose F. A. Regera, C. N. Mech. M. Murray, Native Sons 95 F. Riffou, K. of C 78 A. Astoria, K. of C R T. J. Hate. C. N. Meeh. M. M. Lamb, Canadian L. W . Bailey. Orange Lodge . . . K. Barber, C. N. Mechanics 3 . Wynne, Orange Lodge .... W. Raid, Eagles J. Ijiwrenson, Canadian L. . . LADY IN GREEN HER EXCELLENCY .avL.iv The re Club asv fciv a t.ui vi who l'tg uJ hcrrlng-bonlng a steep part when a sharp call for 'Track' made him jump aside and n lady skier in an olive-green suit shot past him like a streak of llghtriing. 'She was followed by two young men who did not have the same luck or the' same skill, as they sat down rather VICTORIA. March 7. "The' hard. A little later a tall and dis-:R. C. government has no inten-1 tinguished - looking gentleman tion of extending tho elghWiouri;" skier's party. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL Scottish League, Division. 1 Rangers SI, St. Johnstone 1. HeartB 1, Dundee 1. NO EXTENSION NEWS Th lira,).. r THE DAILY In The World of Sport BIG MUSCLE AND BRAWN MAN FROM JAPAN: TAMANISHIK lf --HBp - ?fiBMaaaaaaaw B' iBft Who won the annual "h.'.niiii'n.'hip of the irofesional wrest lera in Tokio, with the Emperor' Trophy. Sport Chat It is to be regretted if the SEES MENACE CRICKET GAME - ,ment organized its own sports in 8-HOUR DAY' jlUUli JJill ILL FOR TROPHY! came leisurely along on snow, day law to nil industries at thei shoes and nsked, 'Have you seen present session," Hon. W. A.' im-4, u "i , , my wife. My name U Willing- MacKenzie informed the house. n to J'ii i 'ht nTv N,Rht L? don.' Evidently the how was "Tho question of bringing the, r , 0n5 over. The lady in the green suit Minimum Wage Act into feperatlKif . Vrriivii.r. n i 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti inn l v 1 1 villi ii iiim ii is m Trior onriroiv in t n a nnnna nr - were her A.D.G.'s. It was all so the board of administration." delightfully Informal. Just a i series for the senior amateur championship of British Columbia . here last night the Kx-King George A cf olci ,enhl- champions of Vancouver 5v Tf .V"? City, and the Trail Smoke Enters. Jfcf.S2'!- West Kootenay tltleholders, VJ Vapo onrwuiA i a a i wr iiiu.'n mm w- -Masha . iln,.n,l . . A 41. I' a uue Hi uue lie. 1 The second came will bo played tomorrow night, the total number of goals to count. ' KOMO PROGRAM itlona. 5:46 Newa Fiashea. i ! fi f0 Wrivlav Bvfew. a:80 Concert by a?t ra aa . A t n 7 :00 Luckr Strike UnSice Hour. interest g :no Concert Orchi4traavaTt; In th tf .rti1rt mitrVioa F 1 84 Te. ,Vtt whleh , the T,' fV 9:00-Puget Sound 82 t li' . i ...; : . .c,, 'W"ve IP "eia Co. Program 82 , ",,""""' oten to the labor movement a 82 " ""..""".T.T . W which bas hltheHo been Ore heat ra wHh CHIEF JUSTICE nETTEK BASKETBALL LEAGUE ! COMKISSIONFRc rimer. FORM WEEK &:iyfe-- Trursday, March 7? ; 6:80 Phllco Haur. (Eddy idntll. STANDINGS TODAY; MACKENZIE Intermedial? Big Four 1 1 0 2 ft ' J k Vaa lu ' .f a w Ih MAMA r . . .. 7:00 Hudaon-Eaaex ChallaH-; Pred Cameron, C N. R atrn. Merriaoa, Toe H. ., i 7:30 KGW Studio progra-.,J Scartt. H. S. 1 . u . . r a wa n tt sa 122. D Smith. P R Hntl Joe Beealay '200. . Frank Wil- H. R, Hill, C. N. ' Opeaing Opewting 94 94 tually tually occura-Evexy occurs 1. very effort. ellort.snouia should tbe the reMlt recMlt Ust 8t mat(h, roattheg ,n In Aus. Aus. Organ Organ Reeital; Reeital; nana laz. H . Letourneaa. K Georg Howe 20 W. H. Jar- J. Unklea. Canadian . A. a - 1 .1 I I L . 1 urairge rairge Lodge Lage 91 31 and ana uke use should bbouio be oe shown. soown. Bas- dm- moBWe-hh u,, rnmBB,i rnmiti U i, u a the k. lax tif n .1 ma -v " - Koivweii, w m MM wi eswiafw , awv, vw .1 . . 7 V t lTlas. IV. Wl V . 31 RriUaUl llIU W IIU CAVCIirilV - - Bulger 103. B. Anderson, Cold Storage 96 riro&c& belelast fall and .a jL, opinion of JL H. D MacKetuie, R.C.N.Y R wvac :iffaierfll K MsTIC lPt- r s Ai.t mfllatrA- T C' W o o tt 5:30 Stock and bond 'quota-j ' tions. Junior 5:45 Newa Flashes. iiyh &.nooi 2 1 6 :00 Seiberling TranaconUntn- Canadian Japeee 2 1 tal Broadcast. ; ;; 6 30 Spaniah OrchMtra with . TT5 ' )" . . ' ' 1 'Unlermedlflf Lengue) Spanish soprano. 7:30 Standard Symphony hour. h. Maedonald, M. a 8: i0 Longinee Correct Time. j. pferee, R. c. N. Y. U. .. 8:30 KHQ, Spokane i Crescent A f'roas, H. S ' Old Time Band and Singer, e. Ratchford. Big Fow . . . Joint with KGW. Portland. u. Howe. K. C. N. V. R. ... Joint KOMO. and KGW, Portland, uyer. n. . v. . .. 8:e-Jl.C.A. Hour. W. Murray, Eaglea , 9:00 Longinea Comet Time. L Katsyama, Big Pear 9:00 "A Night hi Japan.' 9:30 "Evensong." 10:00 Newa Flashes. 10:15 Mixed Quartet. 5:00 Organ, organized labor, aa ex- white. manifesto Of th JSSftwL Oper 94 gJtm Ibor K Council of New South MZ? - J SSJIS Jf. SeiffV test mauhe.,' .Kineohlh. and HatSTp Pn AiffinWaw1 iKMiian 'fKn liate'l g, thrMJ);h .the mi A rt iiarvey, I. K, notei .... o an iMnll. from thp senior laairue.dtir N. Hughes. C. N. Mechanics Smith, Orange Ledge Moraa, New Empress A.C. Kennedy, Cold Storage . . Astoria. K. of C Daviea, Canadian Legion RRi JT Hi ii i 7 v . "ni nna 01 capiiaiiam." 88'lnV tWhrWmas-New ear in-. great t amoant amouBt oi of ternussioa wa tne aim lroutlt' taken recital J. Harria, Bankera R. Irvipe. H. S. ... T. Fraaar, C.N.R. 10:80 Olympic ' Hotel Orchce- W. Collinson. Toe H. ra MeKw,C, H. 1. v ... . .1 iu r n u u threatened wreaieneo dissolution a.ssoMnion oi of the me Se- oe- :W-i 94 SYDNEY, Aus.. Mar. 7-"Wic- M VWr CLIT 94 u nior nior Basketball Basketball League League here here ac- ac- trawl ked naAlaraaaa' are uva Kented taAnl Afi KatVt behind rA 11:45 H:45-Fifth Fifth AveaU TbeaJ. IW iWHft -MrfVi LoriTa Astori. CN R. E. Robartaon, BltFoux ...... KAMariMSiaflrAsWM wHh r n at- li-i - . t urni i "Zm W. Johnaaa, Eaajeh Baakera Murray. C. K. Ri F. Moore, flair Ua re, IteMtFiVm... aawo vac r. . n - w i i (IjaillM league II of the interest ouTof ue Tc :-t- whl.h has been 10:00-Puget Sound Power & L. Lowe, li.ple If ZLL by thr '"P" CM fttr Light Co "Big Show." C Irvine. Drill Team 79tlvities generaJlr ;the pune of devefeoisg Ideas May Ness. Maple Loafa .... ! A badminton tournament at and wtiook inimieal to the best Sue Boddie. Maafe Iafa .... iAnyoe last week attracted raot',M "f xh& working elass k A RTHlSj I A Kk L Friaxell, Drill Team ioi irm nwmoors 01 ine ciuu na . w w .- mien Dim, win team .a ...i t i i u I "It mimt he rMamKarul thai' V' C-.UL. If . Kl - T no liner teu a ibtkis iiuinuwr in me i - - . . flTflir Tl ri f rrt nnvii, iarr uni: .... 7? ' ipetUtor! gallery. The contea. M wfr" as art. la being! SHI II K V P I I E March. Drill Team 77 tanU were divided into two utfltaed by the emplo; ng class UilVVlV 1 Lllil s. GurVlch, Drill Team .... 77 groups, the teams being drawn 'for the Purpote of building a Julia Watlera, Maple Leaf .. . 77 by lottery and handicaps given. ' Weholog y favorable to the con- iaDanese Vessels Off Aleutian M. Thoaajiaaik If i Leaf , . . 76 In group One. Mias RUhards and med existence of th present KeDort Report Thev They Felt Felt Distinct DUtlnct M. GlfebNsJ, mS Let'., 76 Mr. Brett want through the eve- :eapiUMst "Vat am of exploitation ... . 1Tj..I.. ....!.. 1- 1 . I 73 i ning without losing a game, .Mrs. i w",wlu""r ywng wno Tremblor Yesterday Roy nd Mr. Uarfman being sec- "r 'ways so takqn. ihe agentt C0RDm rnnnftV. ... ... " A' 7" orid with onlr ' fMif 'nainta leas, of eapIUIism are quite well aware . A.1!':. i . . i . . . . t wvara lurinnnin wm a to it v ant. - In (he other 'mviiien, Mrs. Mac- "anna ideas implanted in youth ' T " T T " TL . v, J ' "ryant. II. 8. . -LL Intyre and Mr. Cloke were nde-,'e the h.rdeat ta eradicate, XE"2 .""J U- Comadlna. II. 8. i i "it "it is is for ror this this reason reason that that the the ' "'-.""f fiT ' 'ij. MpNu tv. r t feftUA Ml8 Dunvy-odie and 1Ir. IN THE SKI RACEinnMicityre,E with the a.!nlUp nd SaNavarradm r . le i iSava' .utl ,ul,on ' (Junior league) W. Johnson, 11. S. United t q-l.m n t o a. mMnMNh i innHSHi u. st.isw f . law VICTORIA. Mar. V : The con- B. Baron. H. S. I mem 7 s i ft 8 4 4 (41 84 as 12 a - i aaaaaaa 'adafiitin of. tboir andieD of 14. the children of the wor- nrf;!J Pierce, Colta 11 xr,". .the winners' score of ninety. Hers attracted to these assocla- ".a.1 ? ! pm- wa' "".R. Nahon. ColU 10 Ottawa OTTAWA. March h 7 7 wh. When it ... . , . . ' nrnrnt ,, also at Dutch Harbor. . . , mrs. i.uucr aim jir. .iuth. were viuiii - . .iukoiiuimi, Vr ) v 4 ..... r W 8econd witl 78 Pointa. The Jo 'days, together with that of Japanese vessels near the Isl;;T. Katsuyama. C. J. $, 0 L.dy lingdon would take Dart in the VI "race aTrand bv th.lllea executive arranged an at- Ptted en the back by some and of Four Mountain ranted r. Wicka, II. S 8! Ottawa Ski Club recentlv hun-1 tractive supper at which prizes Whly decorated person, whose the quake to be very severe, las- t. Busaanich. Colts C ,tro,is,f ,.Li nVl. ,JJ, Iwere1 oresented to Miss Richards. "ly exertion is. in the main, liv- ting about a minute. A. Walters. ColU 01 eporter for the Ottawa SkllMias Dunwoodi, Mr N News tells of the finish:! Mr. Cloke. Brett and i t the expense of the worker. ; "It is time that the Labor move T. Steen. Colts 2 T. Katsuyama, Colts i . . 2 2 Commissioner..! names of voters r W L Pt n appointed dmtrlct as follow- . The foUowing t r., jn th- h ' Hattov lmi... .. 110 2 Ocean Full. Mr TCHfefF'r:-. : . ;v:.: r "o V-en. I cy., AW ; -pampbeH, Man R J,0ao Fall.. Ferlt. I Hammer, Albert. Ha... 1 Afoy, Ana Lillian m,. q view. j IWfeuMi. John, !'., . yjronf Theodore .1,., Carou, Marie I.n. v n...u o: Coccol, ww., i Itwll RIw. Co'f, iJerl J r. 41 1 rtiV. Aaawlo. ,!! ft . . .v inu ii. m-(. .uiurn I'.aglea a Dtkea ' ' S"TanO. W Wrafhnli Rla fnnr JUi ni 10:00 Awociated Oil Ca's ; Undcrwnod. Toe H 3f jeana, John v-ii Brass band. Joint KHQ, bpa- F. Dinjrwell. EagUs 84 River, kane: KGW. Portland. D. Morti.-on. Ii. S 84 Kllto. Albert. I' a. ; ll:0O-Alaska School Program. Ai StyIe c N. R. St Uebanaeh.-I, Km,. 11:15 Novelty Ttio.i rjirj,wwHi M Perell River. ll:30-News FUakeCr Eddk, Smith. Big Four tl 11 HtPtll, Ceorge K 11:45 Fifth AveTbeatre B McDdnali Eaglea 99 Wtar. '0rn- ..vr.i tFied aUcDoaafcC R.C.H.V.IW . John s ' Eddie Smith, Toe II 17 , r m t a 1 J"MtJ' " bM. C:N. R ..-ir t W ryJos, , 5:00 k Land 0 Health. in qt, R Powell River. 5:15 "The Hartnoniatl. - C v S "HDIW, David AU-x . ,r ar v k7w. ea ayiaB gaaiw5a- ( QMym IS e-aiitwiur .Jed' River Jt.X.. 1 River. John AII..H. liana, Neil. Poii Oldale, Thorns , a, rtf. Claudio. I' -'8) a, j' 8 Bardett, Toe H 7 vid and asked : Bayview, 4i. Nil Big Misaouri. I T- Geek Province. I Cotton Belt. ;. s i utnwsf,,ii. Judada aw a, nar U . i in-itni i i a ai fell! Mri, 'org WtM. l'"vH Mr, v5 Mi .STOCK QUOTATIONS (Caarteey 8. U. J-tn.-t. , tU (junta' .on vn DutMe Mines V. "5. 1 George Copper. K im. N.I Georgia River. 48 4.v fakoada. 1 1"' GTantrvlew, 59, rfc Nil. 1" : n -JJIlM. o. b : ntlr. f8 i oKr. Kootenay Flonri... i .1 L. k L.. 4. 5. Ucky Jim. 17. Nil. Mofcuwk, 6',. 7 Marmot River hl. .. . Marmot Metal.. : . Nat. Bit. G. S . 17 ... i. Voble Five. 67. Oregon Copper. 71 . . 7 Pend Oreille, 1-"". I--' Premie., Nil, 1.9" Porter-Idaho. 5H flaevea Macdonahl. ! 4. "S Hufua-ArgenU. 41 . N'1 Ruth-Hope, 53, 51. Silverado Cons., l.'d. SnowfUke. 30. ai Sunloch. Nil. 3.2r Terminus, 6, Id. Topley Richfield. 1". 41 WeHlngtoa. 14, 1"-VTiltewater, I .'-" Wabtne. 61.. 7 BluWrd. 19. 20. Oils A. P. Consolidate!!. 2 "iV Dalhoasle Oil, 2.6.1. 2 7" I)eveih Pet. l td Nil. !lme OH, 17.w. 17 90 Mslsnd. a.00, 6 s MiIM)d, 495. .vmi Katern Stotks Sherritt.Oordon, 9.1". NlL Noranda, C1.20. Nil. IRISHMAN AT WASIIIXBTO WASHINGTON. M..r 1 Its own way and kept them within dltlon of Chief Tu.'tice Gordon N. Ourvich. Colts S ; ol White, reprirn ;the confineH of the Labor move- Hunter, who is ill here, was T Smith. II. S. 2 Irish Free Stat.'. tnent." sli.htlv imnroverl this ninrnimr. R. Smurthwaite. II. S 1 , tier WEnesi you drink I au, you drink Fluid BeeS I lUtM w, and gain fresh energy t:i' Niill-(.f tl ;,lTA-'li