‘ rs | Ge oa Fi _ Ey ral : 2 “4 7. Pe — THE DAILY NEWs PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. asl F. PULLEN, MANacinc Eprror. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c INSURANCE — Opening — THA DAILY AEWe ee eee ee eee eee eee MAIL SCHEDULE ° eee ee emeeeeeereer For the East. Mondays, Wédnesdays and Sat-| irdays at 9:30 @. m. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thure-| days at 7 p.m. ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS Consistent Saving The systematic and con- / sistent saving of money, isa / ‘ . ie : rear $6.00 Saturdays ......: be 2 p. m. duty which devolves n 4 : . . By Maii—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per ye 00, iy’. , abescniee 5 p.m oth one a. : ) | ’ ; i .m. MontrealwillopenSavings | | ; TELEPHONE 98. ; strongest Canadian Life |/Thursdays .... . . 0 pm ee! | | Insurance Companies From Vancouver Accounts on receipt of $1 mI : ' VE SING — 75 a . Su i cutp oncdaweens 10 p. m. : il ) TRAREIENT DOSLAT ADVERIERNG — 15 Gene per inch. has an opening for a Semeeaian 10 ee m.| | and accept thereon deposits , htt Tl : ail 5 ednesdays 0 al = ee a Contract Rates on application. : hly reliabl : Por an gm of $1 and upwards. it —— - : thoroughly reliable anc PIMOS... Gv ons Gee’ co ‘alley . q n. DAILY EDITION. a >: luesday, August 26, 1919. energetic agent to act turdays ....... say a : ; . * , = | in Prince Rupert. Please For Anyox: H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, = - — Prince Rupert Band Children are Rupert's address applications to J/Sundays ...... - .. 10 p.m. : . ia Most Valuable Asset. Vednesdays .......... 10 p. m.} aa The most valuable asset a community has is its children. If Box No. 292 NNN ies es ii 10 p.m f ool . i t, perhay i cer SRMERERESSTOSES: “= there is anything on which money might be spent, perhaps ex-/| The Daily News Office From Anyox: Capital and Satuees - "$8,600,000 ? ; g ; » 3 : an - 7 - ° o ~» travagantiy, it would be on institutions for caring for the : (Tuesdays ..-....ssseeees a Total Aseria, Now. 50th, 1918, ever $153,000,000 ren Prince Rupert children have been pretty well looked after DUPGS wn 2s ce dts eseess Po™, excep the matter of pl aygrounds. Now it is proposed to build) CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ‘Sundays (Ode de oe obeseese p. ™ them a good school alongside a first rate playground. The build} 0 al The Boss of Today was the ing will be high class but not extravagant There will be a dis- | pay rill be tak m the f '-| Tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, I aborer of Yesterday it tinct saving, however, in having the playground all ready. ‘a the 27th Gay of August, 1919 er ococe 50 Me Tomerrow the ratepayers Wii be asked to vole on the bylaw] bours = 9a >. ‘cote . ° pees _\ From Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. He was ambitious. He studied and = to raise money for the new school building. Only those who own] »,4..n) TO PROVIDE FOR THE REFA Cweedage «4668 0 . p.m. nee ae ome y as he in ~— oe oe . ; Rota , es ; : ; LAN SOADWAYS IN THE nowledge of his business property have the right to vote, but it is hoped that those who/UF CEATALY FLANK ROADWAYS IM Tiel per Port Simpeon and Mane River aoe ee os ) oer } the ghi w exercise it and will give every consideration |/arreR sEy OUT. INCLUDING RESURFAC points: If you want to be a boss instead of a wore | me . a : , , ING WITH TWO-INCH PLANING AND Frid 6 o & study and save \ . s . i the . er @ Bere HW ; ids ° ‘ | he cause ihe huurei. ie gis Os eeae re tae AND Pee 2 we OES S ce eeses a eat Cpen 2 savings account right now. &2 Houses to Rent [SECURE A DEBT FOR THE PURPOSE uF|From Port ee and Naas siti "a ) CUNMPLETIN SUCH WORK, AMUUNT River Poin : ; | Are Very Scarce. THE SUM UF TWENT-FIVe itt ; aturdaye p m is . UNION BANK OF CANADA : Vhy do you invite people to come to Prince Rupert if you |S4at Te Tae eo ae ele rere ' , i THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANA \ a Ss : . ° . . . : - ex — nt : i . MAN have ne accommodation for them when they re , That was jenmesy A ~ ub = = Se | on ; ' U HEAD OFFICE WINNIPEG. MAN ie the question asaec DY 4 iady in the News office yesterday who} cig x ; Queen artotte Islands 4 ; RNEST ys ssett, Port Clements an was looking for a place to live. It was very difficult to find either] —iinine > om’ Ma Sas cates PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, ho sekee pil g rooms or a house and she and h hu ad did not] oyLaw NU : wy ee po . ~~ A. T. BRODERICK, e ‘ “ Manager aig eh RI eae | A BYLAW OF THE Cit F PRINCE PN nk ecdcw's . : ke living af a hotel. |RUPERT TO PROVIDE FOR (HE REPAMS) © 7 ~ - —————— - ———<$<— 7 P ; : a. nce : ~~ i @ » for! OF RTAIN PLANK ROADWAYS LS ink, *Pom Masset, Port Clements an The problem of housing is still with us and likely to be for/¢F_c - ee eS ™ : CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, AS HEREIN Upper Island points: — some time t me Looking at it from the point of view of the APTER SET + L1MNG Kb KPA‘ == = ~ eae ‘e ne dente aheatd be high enough |X W!T# TWO-INCH PLANEING. AND/Thuredays .............. p. m. c — @xI ed. seems as ii } ents sn ‘ = = SUSE" (REPAIRS OF SUPERSTRUCTL K : aa make it profitable to build small cottages NECESSARY; AND .TO wREATE fe “or Skicegate, Queen Charlotte ; ; 1. m4 uu Uitte — — = SECURE A DEBT FOR THE PURPOS i D n ints: t m CONFLETING SUCH WORK. AMUUR 1 Fh en Lower Istand po e Noy Oo ana Fraser Fisheries TO THE SUM OF TWENTY-FIVE T? ortnightly. Are Depicted. WHEREAS the Mumicipal council of tbe] From Skidégate. Queen Charlotte Legs to advise that it has for rental at modera The Skeena cannerymen seem to have justice on their side | Corporation . oe Ciy of Prince Bop r City and Lower Island points— S FETY DEPOSIT BOXES . . . er De or ‘ foilo A when they ask that the Fisheries Department of the Bomin af ‘aways in the City of Prince itu Fortnightly. Government refrain from taking the salmon eggs from the Skeena [Pe mam oun ave. W —— They are recommended for the protection from { rf and use them to restock the Fraser forthe benefit chiefly of the Section Sis—4th Ave. = Hays ve For Skagway and the Yukon. lary of valuable business or private documents. Victor) “ F ; : ud Hays Cove Bridge. merican fisherme: The Americans refuse to regulate thei: Santi debin-aen alee E Mondays. Bonds, jewelry, etc. fisheries . we. een Mer. If the canneries on the Fraser were regulated there would |$,95"4,'9, Be count of T ‘sa “| ttewart, Maple Bay and Swamp pe ; eer ee Pea oS : it I - s “ul s : D MEAS the City imtends to issue “ma aa be no need to come north for ©ee=. The difficulty is that when MS - ode peg fb egg ne Apel ne: Point. a amend ennai passing up the Straits of Juan de Fuca and the adjoining waters | ¢s; payable im five years from For—Thursdays ...... 8 p. m the daic of the coming imte effect of this the salmon swing over to the American side and are caught atom and Seating taineese €8 Ge sets a, 466 Gie- ‘Saturdays ee p. in e nm i - h e ar t e traps -« > ke. mtisix <(¢ k entum per annum —— en Ee ane the American traps. _Ther are two or three traps at Sooke. bu MA CaEREFAS it will be necessary 1 MINERAL ACT the number of fish they take is very small compared with wh aise each year during the period ove MINE AUT. S S PRINCE RUPERT } ° 2 ie sear by special rat the sum t — are taken on the American side. ie ddiediae Ghee ee = ete The wes @ time when the run of fisk on the big fourih|payment of whe principal and imferest of ues pa Year Up the Pract? was vo" great ther the cannerymen were wit ieCastras tic at ae con | bigs saree moon te $.S. PRINCE GEORGE able to cope with the business. Now ail that is simply a mati ae am one an ae a avLoe s.| Wonal Mineral Claims, situate in the Port owe of histor The fisheries have beer depleted. te ; ey agees ent B being the a * 17a! Mining Division of Cassiar Dis SAILING I ’ di ihe } ted f . y, is O24 1,58 . ocated ‘om the 5 Bul , The was 4n = ssien a few years ago when th l nied AND. wi the ' whole ot, [ ime newer "Valter re a ae THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANGON BAY, OCEAN FALLS States Government offered to establish hatcheries on the Fraser on unpre Wwe avais snd yA bu ory -s re oa ; tw wie, PM ae VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. fused ; ‘ ( iabi -" ng as agent for kins ‘ The offer was refused as allowing a foreign nation to establish |is 9900876 26 wanes ax as au. : ieeee ec D. Carter . MC No 8588 WEDNESDAY en¢ SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX anything of that sort would be giving them a right in the coun! y|™ ae Waieeas ats batee coment te KR. M. Martin, F.M.C. No. 9,387-.; # lich might in lat Age age ltere pt by the consent , 4. etter, F.M.C. No. 0,597-C; H. & & & PRINCE JOHN (ND PRINCE ALBERT which might in later years cause complications. Again and again, pe A, BN eed MO a ae a ee ry Wednesda; pm ° ewer. the Cans 0 mer as ¢ a svete , ee ee ee Weich, F. M. C. No. 9,599-C, imeend, sity For STEWART eve canes = eee =e Canadian “overnment has agreed to a system of on 4 J OF —_ Oe yi 7 days from the date hereof, to apply to the Massett, Port Clements and Suctiey Bay, August feu reguiating the fisheries, only to have it turned down by the state CITY OF PRINCE KUPERT. EXACTS ac} Mining Recorder for Ceruincate of lun SouthePn Queen Chartotte island Points, September ” ‘Es . os . . , provements, for the purpose of obtainme Ww ash.ngton. ° Ne a Crown Grant of the above claim TRAIN SERVICE : ii shall be lawful for the City ¥ Amd fu f take notice that action - - eeu os : — Senate Com ittee Prince Rupert to resurface the plank roe J ~ ener 7 4 . . Passenger Monday, W*dnesdey oi Saturday « : , = Says herein referred to, and also make a [uae a oe Sneane of ‘ > Prince George. Edmonten and Winnees making direct ’ Aad Tyemy Change Sify. such ‘work to De executed under the | Provements all points rast and south The Senate Commitiee does not see why the United Siates] supervision of the City Engineer Dated this 25th my se *% $988 - a _ For the purpose of paying for the] — ——_ — AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES should do something which is wr in order that Japan may air|.2 : ian ois ~ sw ; : cht . : . Jay ; ae ry proud oa = rs + en te i one “city “ot Pr . ne Rupert oe re oLA count OF BRITISH Por information and reservations apply + her price rignung it. apan is very proud a . MNOS lem create 8 Gtbt to the smount of $25 on A City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. Phont 260 to be treated as one of the first class nations of the world. She!looe.00, which debt shall be payable in IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA took Shantung from the Germans and did other useful work dur- [88% (9) 76% gy te PY ee ; ee es P — ¥ es effec or ich mS 3 . ; — end — ing the w ar. As a reward she asked that Shant tung be given her gg RR to be secured IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE | - 7 = — pontioné. - TONY LUCICH, DECEASED, INTE= : when peace was declared. China was the real owner. however. 3 The Mayor end Treasurer of tae come MOGE tet en tei an as the territory had been taken from her when she was powerless Slee Guilaniest Gnd Gace leon meaner F. Gee. Vang, made Se om day t ( struct as _ . to “ais tit The Powers were strong for giving the place to|an¢ aMx the Seal of the Corporation, & Seusmeie? of the Sineat ae a Toa - RAILWA : each of the debentures hereby authored sSecoased nd all partic heving claims ‘ China » Jagan then said she would be willing that China shoul: to be issued caaed tno sand haan 4 marche seauieed — have it as lomg as Japanese honor was satisfied by handing it first ee hg ng AY A pee Se. to furnish same, properly verified, to ni « ; we to her, thus giving her the right to act magnanimousiy and give|aod Pitty Dollars 9250.00) cach, sad eek, aol ae ferme tings eee Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points * ‘hall be payable af the office of the Bank] ° . ; ° - ae ae the territory back to its lawful owner. ‘™ a : oy M mires, Canada . w, af > ieee 2 pay one, canouns of via Steamer to Vancouver and the China expostulated and as a result started a boycott! whict See ad eee Ws tes of" Clheee Dated this soup aL of duly 1°19 Canadian Pacific Railway; + still causing Japan much loss of trade. Now the United States|canade or mee York City, New York . : so af Bete nae OMcial Administrator . end . ~enaie Committee recommends that the camouflage be eliminaix: |$,5.4 % st Se Si of Prince mupert . : Meals and Berth included on Steame and that Japan be allowed to pocket her pride. ; et ae at Gebeniares hel ees TRICT OF agooemene arviston = artis : Ay NF Co ISLANDS - PRINCESS PRINCESS MAR) . = oa a My ae Sais ieee ne For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prince Ruper need ” ; — s or hw © TAKE NOTICE that Nell McLeod of an During July and August every Saturday at oe oo , bait woolen ae you, B.C., machinist, intends to apply for ; 7s ’ = nu a Oe Ride in Comfort 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars ai your Service Day or Night wt Asma sect ROYAL HOTEL Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Electric Engineers a and Contractors We carry a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Machines. Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates. Grils., Toasters, and Fixtures. Estimates furnished on Kouse Wiring and Motor installation MARINE DEPARTMENT Agents for Regal Gasoline Engines for trotiing Callie Perfection Motors Titan Storage SGatteries Mosier Spari Plug The Plug that was chosen for the Transatlantic fii Our service department will help you to pia: A full line of Dynamos Storage Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit. Cabl Lamps, Searchlights, etc We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat Storage: Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while Irons, ght. vour Lighting Equipment. your battery is being charged, we have one at your disposai.. PHONE 125 Third Avenue ‘(opposite Post Office) ist day of September and the March ip cach year, be Gue om the ist 1920 € The said « shall be Geemed neve been properiy executed by each me having Written, Stamped. printed or (hogrephed thereon the Rames of the Mayor and Treasurer of the said City { Prince Rupert Each coupon shall b« numbered with the number of the de benture to which it is etteched ’ All Gebentures issued under this Dytew shall be numbered consecutively, uw tier when iss beginning with th hore (nme ' . The principal of the said debentures shalt be payable om the ist day twanber t the years and amounts set t ™ the Schedule to thie Bylaw For the payment of the ist day of the first payment to Gay of March, A. D ued Get hereb) euthorized and the inierest thereun, there shall be raised and levied in cach year luring the currency of the saf% debentures he annual Sums Sel oul in the Scheduk w Uns Bylaw 10. The total anuwel sums for imierest and payment of the debt referred to ia the preceeding section shall be raised and jteVied im each pear during the currence y \of the said debentures by &@ rate sufficient therefor on ali the rateable land or un provements or real property within th Municipality 13. The said debentures when issued iealg or bhypother ¢. and apy coupons thereto attached. stall be decemed a valid end binding charge upon the said City of Prince Rupert 12. The Council mey sell the seid de Dentures @t lees than par if it is found ai any the te Coeeary # to ce 13. The amount of Gebt eutherized by } this bylaw ts subject to consolidation with jthe athount of apy othes debt authorized | oF any other bylaw of the City. and not ;Withetanding aenytteme herein coptained ;Suthorizing and directing the issue and sale of debentures for the payment of 6 iit thereby created. the City of Prince Rupert meelidaied Steck may be issued i: the piece of seid debentures + the amount of such deli This section shal jammy apply imsefar a» the mel way b& j(mpewered by Statute se to o : 14. The Dytew shell take effects upon j the tsi day of September A D. 19149, but jbefore its ®nal passage shall be scan \mitted to & vote of the ratepayers ender permission to proaépect for coal and petro teu on the West Coast of Graham island im the vicinity of West River; commencing al & post planted et the southeast corn orc L. 10342 thence east 80 chains thence south 80 chains, thence west hains, thence north 8¢ chains to point of commmne hcetinent NEIL McLEOD, For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Ruper During July and August every Monday at CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES For rates, rerervations and sailings, app!y W. C. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. you, B.C.. electrician permission to prospect for coal and petro eum on the West coast of Graham Island ™ the vicinity of West River: Commencing at @ post planted a! the southeast corn intends to apply for of CL. 18,312. thence north 80 chains thence east 60 chains, thence south 806 chains, thence west 60 chains w point of comihencetnent EDGAR Davis ye Austin Brown, Agent 1910 Deted Ma Capal Act, Chapter 52. 1914. as amended by Section 25 of Chapter 45 of 1915 and Sertion 33 of © ter 44 of 1946 PASSED THE CMCIPat COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY oF PRINCE RUPERT THIS ELEVENTH DAY oF ALOUST., A D. 1949 TAKE NOTICE that the above is «@ true copy f the proposed Bylaw upon which the vote of t rate payers will be taken ‘athe Council Chamber, City Hall. Om the 27th day of August, 191%. from the hour of 9 am. to the hour of 7 p.m ERNEST A Woops City Glerk AnnUITY : 1LAW 5 YEARS FPWOM SEPTEMBER ict, to10 Total amount of Gebt authorized $25 000 oo Toga! annual Amstalment as oun ertog Prineipa! and lnierest 5.934.01 Payments to be Made as follows interes: Principal : 1920 O1.500.00 64.434 91 z 198% 1,233 60 4,761.01 3 oS¢.9s 4.98? o¢ 4 eb? 86 6 fey £ (eae 835.04 5.508.097 : ‘the provisions of Section 165 of the Muni $4.674.55 $23,000 00! “ ‘ c. Per Austin Brown, Agent 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, © Oated May 18, 191 SKEENA LAND RECORDING prvisinnr Oe DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that Edgar Davis, of An Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 ang 423. Pp. 0. Box 16% Largest Assortment of Lumber in Centra! 8 © FISH BOXES & SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service THE SAVOY HOTEL F. T. BOWNESS, Mancser ; ; Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, 8.C: ———17, 4. Watet Running Het and ‘ eid Home Cooking