PAGE EIGHT u 1 iiiiiiii.w w an spue t -sz j ' i a Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 7 AND 1PM. JUNIOR ( OGIILAN (The Screen s Leading Juvenile Star), in "Marked Money" With GEORGE DURYEA. LOVELY VIRGINIA BRADFORD AND BIG CAST. Mark Sennett Comedy "SMITH'S BABY'S BIRTHDAY " "SPOKTUGHT .- ., T TOPICS .OF THfi VV ORCft ESTRAL SEIEvTldN MADAME SIIEBRY.-FINE PROGRAM OF SYNCHRONIZED MUSIC AD31IS3ION, Ke AND 10e. COMING SOON SYD CHAPLIN AND BETTY BALFOUR (the English Mary Ilekferd). in -SKIRTS." Dr. Alexander DENTIST Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN riiice tlnatrt Feci C. PHONE SS Cut of Town Readers! The Daily News Shopper will sriidlr make Bsrckases for our readers wbe lire at a distance from a hep pa as centre. TViis serrate as tn appreciated, particalarly by the women r( the district There is no added e.-t and attention I personal JUST WIUTE TO THE DAILY NEWS SHOPPER UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mi I ram rnatr ttmyrrx rm YAACUIVKB VICTOLU. Baa-. H PkllrUM 4tM1 Mat. rft rMmHt ICTORI.. Ult-dal. -Mm taj. Hr, I rata. ajUuM tr AUll (KM. NIIX. Slf.ttitl HAUW HM-M. rMl blMrX. Ai RI EK. MDAi; - tS saw rum. t. L iMi t . A tea, mar. b Fferatira laraeU taad -a rattans ami MMt hatMalr Kln.i(K l eatflMttor B.C. Coast Steamship Services VMKy Sailings from Prince Rupert To KrtchllMit. MrangHI. J u wait and kfra tb 9. tt; March 9, M Tu Yancoutte. YItlorU and Aaatlla Obruar 13. ?7; March IS, U. IKIM KM4 ItOV AI. I'M Hutrdak. jt Uella Itrlla. (raii tail. amtt, lrrt liar, tampferll Klrr. Yaaraatrr and Vlrtorta. ate.) i'rtdaj, in pjm. Xfent tot all tcamhli Linn, f ull Infarmatlan frem . C. OKCIIWIU. (iFM Ai.evr Cta-nrf 4tb Mrrtt and 3rd At mar. I'rlnr Kuprrt, ll.C. 1'lwue 11. Canadian National Qic LargeSl Kailway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE tMIMnp tram l-HIM i; KIIT.KT tor VASCOIYEII, YICIOUIA. SKATTLK. aad InUrmrdlate polntf, rich I'ltllMY. 3:(H) a.m. ler 8TEHAUT and AN VOX, each WKIINKSI) AY. ltt:0 pjn. ler SOUTH AND r-OLTII (Jlf tN CIIAKLOT1 C IUMb, rortnltlitir. rASSENflEK TRAINS LEAVE I'lttNTE IUTKKT VttU MHMlAV, HEIINESDAV and bATUHDAV at ll:Stf ajHrteTTIIINrK (itOIKlK. Etl.MOSTON, WINNll'tO, all olnU Eaatrrn Canada. I'nltrd State. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Plume 2C0 Advertise in 'The Daily News rCP.RJUST J. W. Pozan Clei REACH COAST SHORT ROUTE: ! . 'Financial News) The C.P.R. must hare northern line aad it most, sooner or later and probably sooner than most people think have a westward oatlet to the Pacific coast acroM Northern British Columbia-It will be somewhat surprising; if that Stores chatter, by aomc menu or other, does not pass into the bands of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. For. by a recent interview granted newspaperman in Montreal, E. W. Beattjr. president of the treat transportation company, reveals the fact that he recognises the possibilities of an east-west line connecting northern ARwrta and the Pacific coast by the shortest route and the best of all transcontinental grades, vith its terminus st Stewart. HOTEL ARRIVALS j Savoy ' B.. guns, Vancouver; Charles T. R4nlHr, AJrpiane Sprnee Mills; Oawles H. Brown, city; Dan Hneland. Pore her; E. S. Ryel X Torablom. P. J. Andsraon, Pert 1 .. .Central Janvs J. Hamco. Vancouver; E. Allen, Ansil Guravik and Terje :obannssia. city. in thc M,rr.Me num COLt MRU IX SOA All Guaranteed Or rUUTlAU MOriCE la tMrabr tiaan that on th 30th da of Januan. IMS. uiuhaif of Ihr Ut WtU and TwtaOatat of Jaoata C UrBe m arantcd to thc tmdRCoM) a EiK-utoft of hja laat WU1 aad IkBtaaaarit All mimm bavins daiaaa asataat Ute aid Batata ire rtaulrad to flic thc ante vi lq the Executors forthwith and all par- y 01n raonry to thc ald Btatc ire bcraaf rreAalrrd to Dai Ux came to tbr u;d tiacutara forthwith DATED at Prince Bupen. B C . tola .h day of Uarcb. lt. JOHN KeftAC , DUNCAN CCNHtNOHAM McBAE I53i p : SPECIALS !$ COMBINATIONS $ I NO. 11 box Fels-Naptha, S cakes Foot Soap, all for . .$1.00 NO. 2 bars P. k G. Naptha. S bars Ivory Soap, lpkg. Jif, 1 pkg. Sunlight Soap. All for $1.00 NO. 8 1 pkg. Lux, S bars Pearl N'aptha .Soap, 1 bar Klpndyke Soap, all for $1.00 NO. 42 cans Old Dutch Cleanser, 1 pkg. Princess Soap Flakes (large). 2 pkg. Lux, 4 pkU. Reckitt's Blue, all for ... .$1.00 NO. 5 3 pkg. Lux. 3 cakes Palm-olive, 3 cakes Life Buoy Soap, 3 i cukes Foot Soap, all for $1.00' iMussallem Grocery Co. Limited G17-423 6th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. 0. Box 576. i SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED Wc Deliver to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 THE DAILY NKW3 Thursrfa. : : NO WAR TALK noun ii i i a m .-. j j ! 4aMsly and Thurtay Caoitol: Tht Awakeninr" with Vifana Bankey. Westholme: Junior Coogh- lan in "Marked Money." Fratmy and SaterArfy - Cspitol: "The Water Holo" with Jaci Molt- Al Small and his orchestra. Weothsmm: Syd Chaplin with Betty Balfour hi "Skirts." CUP RECEIVED GSaf BY SEA CADETS PrenUtiai Made to Them by T. H. Jntmsea on Behalf sf Nav) League SPORTSMANSHIP EXTOLLED Exttnded To a His Coating Trip U Europe imp m vJi QwbwT werentPffsenx on mTm der Instractof Young. Mr. At the refwjar drill of the sea rht, a presentation f the units on bennif of the Navy League by T. H.- Tiall; A. Koberston, ranlxation. This was a silver cub wiiDnm vyse. Port to be used a a trophy to be com- M. MlUnr. Bnckley Bay. Johnson, the president ofthat or- petrd for nasmally on the minia- tnre rifle nusge. Prince Rupert Mr. Johnsse in a brief address Miss D. M. Neal, Port Simpson; :o the boys impressed on them the K. Blackaller. New Westmin- benefit of aJwavs doing their best R. Slattery and O. P. Al- in everything sud explained th.t liaon, yasever; J. Marshall and oo4 iportsamnship at all times is the teat nsdet any boy cou.d have. s The cap wa? then handed to Liestt. Robert Blanc in trut fcr he 'cadet Corps. Mr. Blance thanked Mr. Johnson oq beh.-.lf of the hejrlo eetraed'to him thefr best wishes for a pleasant trip to eorejM- Tnree cneer. wn- To provide the table of a tran-Atlanti? -teerchip with it lux-iries or.f tr;prwill often call for i supply of 50 turkeys. 500 '"nr", rv decks, 200 pheasants, OfK quail and five 110 pound turtles. Why Worry Week-End Speciais MALKIN'S HKST STRAWBERRY JAM GlaiM jars 24c 4-b. tins 73c ALYMER COIN Per tin ...lie 7 tins . ttc NO. 4 PEAS4eY tfa ltc, ' 7 tins Mc NORWEGIAN 6IOWN SARDINES 8 tin Me MALKIN'S MtST SLICED PEACHES jt lrts. Per tin Mc B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs 65c ORANGES 4 dot 78c FANCY YELLOW NEWTON APPLES Box $2.36 Frenh Vegetables, New Cabbage, Lettuce, Celery, Tomatoe. Cauli flower, Spinach, Rhubarb, Etc.. Bush's Grocerteria i PHONES 211 AND 212 I suits! suits! Fishermen : MADE TO ORDER Xulllnj;, Workmanship and Style Shirts and Pants The best made, and we can supply you at SO per cent less! MEXICO SAYS MR. M'NULTY "There seems to be more excitement in Prince Rupert about the war in Mexico than there was in the northwestern part of, the country itself three weeks afro," states James McXuity, who returned to the city yesterday after having spent four months in Southern California. Mr. McNultv. while inthe TOUtJl .TOtfe frequent visits across the Mexican border to Tia Juana and three weeks ago went down the west coast of Mexico to Enaenada to visit United States Consul E. A. Wakefield, formerly this city. There were but the aguest rumblings of war in that part of the country at least at that time. There was little talk about an impending conflict and. no excitement. Of course, more recent developments may have made the air more tense. In any case, there is little fighting in that part of the country. Mr. and Mrs. McNulty spent much of the time while south in San Diego. They met sack former residents as J. W. Potter, C. D. Newton and Chester Clapp aad E. Rannan of Seal Cove, who ft holidaying there. Among other people, they met C. E. Bainter, who is do'ng well in the insurance business at Longbeach. Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield are en joying rood health. TT.eir m. Bartlett. who was recently injured ;n an airplane accident at Los H!r!i ; now practically re- STRICKEN DOWN IN PRJMEJF LIFE "FRUIT-A-TIYES" Rid Her of CrippEnz Rheumatism Row tarrabta it is to thiak of mm aad woaara atnefcin down with diiiMas, trhrn they ahoitM be anjoTiac km to tba ML How woodarfaJ to bow, aoaajrer, thfct auefa ilanantniai liiaqrttati as Rtv-auiLatiam, Paio in the Back, Irritated bladder, tadigrOioo, IMioM aw and nOatr Uoubica of tba Stofeack, Lever, Kidneys aad Bowela aje ajoiokty rahrwal by the aunduM midieinr, "Frmt-a-tirea." Fraaa fejierby, in the bcautafnl Okaaa- Valley of Bntaw Colnibai, Mrs. ri Draaehing writes: "I haae nwrnd Krcat tirocaU from 'frutt-a-tivea,' -panagy whra I kad Rhcumatisas wy tavtlv fHnr yrara aro. I karp 'Fruit-a-!ivw' blaritva in thitouar, as I think tlx v r.r a aroaoVrful medicine " Puc n r' ujw a quarter uf a oentury "rrJit-a-tivn" baa (wen Canada s dera-nil-itiV boni' rvmiy. 2Vv and 60c. a at dealers everywbr Week-End Specials YAKIMA GKM POTATOES We recommend them as one of the best on the market. Per sack $2.96 Per half sack $1.40 COLD CROSS PLUM JAM U. Tin 46c JAP RICE No. 1. S aba. ...46c B. K. PINE OATMEAL 10-fb. sack 76c GOLD CROSS PUMPKIN 2s. 2 tins 26c RED PLUMS 2s. 6 tins ... .96c GOCD CROSS PURE JAM 13- os. jars. Strawberry or Raspberry, 2 jars 46c BLUE MOUNTAIN PINEAPPLES 2s. 6 tins 70c EDAM FULL CREAM CHEESE lb 46c NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3 lbs si in &tS5Si.i EVAPORATED PRUNES 20-30. Montreal Importers. THIRD AVENUE lb 20c EVAPORATED PEARS 2 lbs 46c ZEBRA LIQUID STOVE POLISH Bottle 16c POLIFLOR WAX 1-Ri. tin 66c JOHNSTON'S LIQUID WAX Pint bottle 76c GOOD SIZE NAVEL ORANGES 6 dot 96c Alberta Market P. GAMULA Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 CLASS! COLOR! COMFORT! WARMTH: a l art Tonight. 7 a j, Wc and .V VILMA BANKY in "THE AWAKENING" Passionate! Pulsating! Powerful! A beau-drama with vibrant Vilma, a radiant, innoceru girl. Her life empty, tame until . See it ind "" thc joy of glorious entertainment! NEWS-COMEDY AND ON THE STAGF CAPITOLIAN "HILL BEAUMONT." POPULAR i T 1 -1 la) "Serenade." b "Pale Moon" by r. .. COMING -SUBMARINE You see our usvd cars on the road everywhere. And lhy arc always running, and running strong. . . usd car bargains are real bargains for thc that they lire thoroughly checked and inspect' : fore they arc Sold. , . THE FOLLOWING USED CAR RARCi W -NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION 1927 Dodge Sudan, leather uphol4y .... 1926 Esse Coadi . . : 1928 Model A Tudor Demonstrator ....... - 1927 Ford Tudor, good equipment" 1927 Ford Covered Light Delivery 1923 Dodge Covered Delivery S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Fiv i o DEMAND "Rupert Brana' 9 ippers "THE DAINTIEST RREAKFAST FOOD Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Hi Prince Rupert B.C. mm1 arMaaneaaaennn Bring Your FURS to . Goldbloom He nny the highest prices. LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone 68 f ' rt n Wurehou.-inrT wai aft - " " Distributing. l--"n,,r Motor Servu-e Coal. Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture mov'";