eral council of the church in session here haa passed a recommendation to the general as aembly. which meets May 2S, and which, if canted, vJ then be dealt with by iadividaal Pre by- is priapttd te remove labilities. giving women ex th k same status in the cburth iaifpry as men. aa' HP.. 1 T where They Could Think ml , And Finally Located Kiddie Jyach yacht it. TAGE six LADWASLOST IN SEATTLE Parents arxJ Police Sought Erery-i SEATTLE, Mar. 7: When lit- tie Krnest Swsta, nine year? ofi age, linac at 726 Seventh Ave. : South. awakeaed In hfs porsh bed' .rjfaajtag eoW a ad went off to I-' cat a warmer ptzee be hud bo! . . itia he would ems such a Mir! as.tUJt which fatfewed hlsdt$-j ( aaiance. Hbe the empty' bed was discovered a hunt was j organised for the lad and at once the police were notified and bound Mere pat on the aeeaL Kidnapping waa aaapeeted and the story got into the Bey spa (r leadlines. After all the iBgean-fty of the police and parents had bees about exhausted, the little; fellow waa discovered is the t morning sleeping soundly is lbe oaadjkent' of the house whjtifer n pan iouna tne warmer juaee jfjHj he had sought. PRESBYTERIANS "ARE PLANNING TOFREEWOMEN! PHILADELPHIA, March 7. The elimination of the present ban on women in the Presbyterian Church miT h lifted Th iron-1 I00YER DOES NOT i NEED PHYSIQANS ' AT WHI1E HOUSE WASHINGTON", D.C., Mareh 7 Herbert Hoover intends to live the aeaUhjr life naaided by phyri-cians except in case of special need. The two physicians at. Tached to the White House hare been released from their duties. BI5 .ioiag to the president' . YOUNG ROCKEFELLER BOUGHT RECEPTION JERUSALEM. Mareh 7. John G. Rockefeller received an enthusiastic welcome here because he had donated two million dollar ta the Jerusalem library. MOOSE LODGE HOLDS DEBATE jgpraUrn in Favor of Married life Over Single Are Winners, It U Decided,.. Vl An interesting debate took place last night at Moose Hall following th regular Moose Lodge meeting, with D. C. Schabert in the eliafr. when it waa proved conclusively that married life was better than single. Also, early marriarea wre strongly advocated- by, the, apfaxers. Thoae on the affirma tive side were B. M. Simpson and P. Cameron and against were Fred Hc ldan and Jack Judge. Since thin debate was so popular it. haa beau decided to hold an 'thW'oa Mareh 20, the leaders U-;g Alderman G. Iludderhsm and Bob F'hllllpa, each of which is to choose his second. The subject of this ecaaelon will be "Which would be mx advantage- , ous to Prince Rupert, the Peace H ; . r railroad outlet or the completion at the Skeena river highway? t ' If the interest in the debates cpntii uet as Is existed, a separate OobaUng dub In -connection with the lodg will be formed. It is plaaned to hold a musical evening and supper next week following the initiation of nine new members . The Judges of the say competitions on the same subject announced that the winner was Miss Knyd Morris and a box of chocolates was presented to her as a prize. OLE SAYS HE WOULD Bulletin) motitoh' ' Right in the Face racc ' Conies This . is YUMP FROM THE TRAIN (W. A. defJr Or7fl 11..11a.f v I donging at the boys for wasting material. In the same round-bouse as William was 01 Oleum jS&'oun Swede whose anAitioiu wMlr realized, was to be engineer one of the crack tralaa of the By stem. Ole waa continually on , , l"e carpet In the foreman's of- T, . . The worst I story heard today fiee. was told by Dill Lampshire, Ca-: Don't waste a drop of oil. Ole; J S " tninetr' Wh0 0,1 tg mony- And dn,t waste commute between Edmonton and "the waste either; it's getting nm ? ' PauI 'mighty expensive." were two of rmr hen he cts Ole had continually .t.r started In o railroading down in pounded into him. me Jim mil school. wh tin r- ri . . . . THS DAILY XEWS - k . I IIkJl imF, imrK ikKJ SaaaWaawi m-m - Hlfl tsk "0 Tl C?m a f. TV jr. i-m f Xl rnzzell s Dry boods-mighty U3,mj Mock W No Advertised Prices ! The prices are so low you would hardly believe them. It's a case of raise a big amount of-caah jiq matter the " lacs. Don't delay. Don't wait. Get to this birf Sale, ' Every day will be bargain day. Full Ten Days &f Super Selling:. A CLEAN SWEEP SALE of Towete, Towelling Fianaefcttei, ' SheetiagB, Cottons, Pillow Tcbisigs, Nainswika, etft at prices that wffl make you buy. went out-on a freight engine the foreman was posting hits A to hU duties 'through a series of questions. TMs " was. the last question: M .... "Now, djefpj& you tr on your liibe; yob go, around a um yndrre ruihlng toward you on a singl&,traek a fast passenger train. VmX would you do?" Ole nerer hesitated. "I grab the dam oil can; I grab the dam w iste and 1 yumr," he said. r,. i " ",ue U,B vra' promoted to be foremen . . . were everlastingly ding- a fireman, and the daybIoxe he ; TryjUI Niw. VT,AT ' FANCY WORK DEPARTMENT Bedspreads, Card Table Cloths, Ptt low Covers, Buffet Sets, ChuVlren's Dress, Luncheon Sets, Laundry Bags All marked down for quick action telling. ACT - HEED - BUY SAYE Spun Silks, Crepe de Chine, Fancy and Novelty Silks ami Satins Every Jard of goods now selling at lust-be Sold Prices. -About Fifty French aiodel Dresses All colors, all she, at immense reductions. .xn OILS CONTINUED ON DOWfjWARD COURSE J ter6uVEI Mar. Oil is-sues continued downward yester day, loAses ranging from 10 cento to $1.45. Mine iMsuen. with more interettt developing in that quarter, were generally uten'Sy with few of Ihf . minor isxues show- if Ktienjrth. This afternoon'ii iruin due jfrom the east at 8:80, was repor ted this morning to be on time. of Dry Goods, Ladies' Wear, Dresses Coate, Suits All will be sold at might big reductions. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE REAL MONEY! SMASH, DOWN GO PRICES Silk lime. Hat every thing goes to the bargain See winlov 1 See win- Down Prices. 18 ONLY, LADIES COATS Gorgeously full fur-trimmed, will be sold at smashingly reduced Sal. Prices. See Our Windows!:- See Our Windows! Selling Commences W a.m. Friday, Tomorrow NOTHING WILL BE RESERVED Everything will be placed on .sale at Cut Down Sale Prices. Early comers get the best pickings, so get here as early as you can. SILK UNDERGARMENTS FOR r LADIES Bloomers, Vests and Novelty SetsAll new stock, all colors, almost all sizes. Prince Rupert's Biggest Ladies' Wear and Dry Goods Selling Campaign. A DARING CONCEPTION OF REGULAR PRICE CUHING Boys'. Girls' and Children's Stockings About W pis oil absolute Sale. It's a Record-Breaking, Prices Slashing. Ciean Sweep Sale from end to end. of Easter and Spring Business ' !FS. A AL OLD-TIJIE IIAUGA1N HVRNT1 ,t . . A , .r -a t -i .i 'in Don t miss the opening day, A Banrain Rvcnt m of vast asl Merchandising Masterstroke 1 " imnortancecomnriKimr ihLni!m i JJinmtni " a --n oiaviit Frizzells Dry Goods & Ladies' Wear Third Avenue, Prince Rupert a tisstkincoCIII SKIN SPECIALIST A J TWO NCtt eo Telephone the office if your paper cs not arriv