:iy,v it 'jAII.Y N'F.WS Local and Personal News In Brief Hi.-i' ii. Come in for Details of the 130,000 Prize Picture Contest Let us tell you how eanily you can qualify for a major prize in this big Eastman Contest the greatest In the history of photography. Entry blanks and complete contest Information tore available at the Kodak eounter now. Come to our store to fill any photographic need. We have a complete stock of cameras and dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak fininhinK makt's the most of every roll i i film. ZTfic Pioneer Ltrttufisfe . THIRD AVE.fr SIXTH ST - TtlEPIlONES tf?,20C Canatjian NationaV Steamships Prince Rupert ORYDOCK . i : i SHIPYARD Operating U.T.P. 2.0(Mf Too Hoalin lr Rn.tlneera, iriachlnlsU. Boilermakers. Blacksmith. Pslirrr. makem. Founders. Woodworks. F'c EI.EtrriUC AND ACETYLENE WELIMN'i Our plant Is equipped to handlf all kinds ot MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and SSI SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET ?nl Avenue I'hone 7fi.T MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. RED'S Transfer Fifteen years experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING . NyS pill 8 kjnds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CWMEVTv SAND GRAVEL OQ fcrlce, weights and measures are right.. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phone: Red 317. Engraved Tableware When you buy your silver from us you now can have it engraved artistically so that the work on nil pieces will bo alike. This adds to the value of the set and makeaht gift more appreciated. Our automatic engraving machine enable us to do this. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results. II. C. Fraser, Inspector of . 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Lessons in Magic and schools, sailed last night on the , of-IIand. Apply Chas. Courtier, Camosun for AnyoX and Alice iJcnust ;Ur. J. R. Gosse. I'hone Capitol Theatre. C8j Arm on official duties. .C86. . to Chicago, y Rnf ver, who is interested in mines ut Stewart, was a iMsacnger going north aboard the Camosun last evening. Mrs. F. Brephu and child, who have been on, u trip south, returned to the city from Vancou ver on the Camosun last evening. . Women 6f Mooeeheart legion, G. E. Gullck; local manager of A charge against Edward Barn East United Church the Swift-Canadian, Co., returned hart, "of creating a dfsturbance' ))!ght;aV ocI6c1i, lo the, 'city oh yesterday after wan-adjourned for eight 'daysjn '' 'I'r '"'C- noon's train, from.,a business trip crty'police court this morning. ; Frank Williams', nw afternoon's train 'and sail aboard steamer Camosun for Vancouver. i tomorrow violinist, Is now devoting all his time to i Kebekah Whist Drive and teaching. Orchestra class for Hugh McGuire, well known Dance, Metropole Hall, Wednes- pupils. Phone Blue 489. C2 Stewart mining man, was a pas- day, March 13, at 8:30 p.m. Ad- sengcr aboard the Camosun last mission. 60c. Everybody welcome. Norwegian Dance tonight with night returning north after a trip, . " accordian music in Metropole Morley Shier, c well to Vancouver. known pow- Hall at Everybodv wd tier irave.tT, win arrive in tne ri, nr, f.i- Edward G. Brown of Vancou- city from the 'nterlor on tomor- 50c Mr. and Mra. T. Theodore, who arrived in the city last week ' Thomaa fcmith, Telkwa drug- trom a trlP 8?uth 8aI,ed Satur- gist, and Mrs. Smith and child, ua' nini on ine rr,nce Jonn Ior arrived In the city from the In- port Clements where Mr. Theo-terlor on" yesterday afternoon's ,dore ,s Identified with the Jlamp-train -and -are visiting here' with ton & CIccone Hotel. . relatives. I - W 1,1 -sTr' '' I NOTICE This will, advise that ChSrlearCburtler. : Vocal It nnrllW tf Shot-man fif nnn hiybn an. C.P.B. steamer Princess Mary imafelJian, Arrived In the citv on'nointed Radio Licence Collector. is now operating on a yen KUH'tth Wpapun yesterday afternoon and that rajllo owners who have rij.iyjw Uf-unr vunviaver anu wuj nave atAbt paid Iheir licence for j vesnei win mane vwo more 'week 8 stana trips in addition to the present Theatre. one before being replaced for th spring by the I'rinceaa Alice. Ole Strand is confined to his i home in the city with a broken wrist, the result of an accident at the Wong Hfty, Chinese, was fined Imprisonment, by Magistrate 'FIFTEEN MEN WORKING MeCIjmoht in city police court! this morning for having liquor In t his notseaslon in a restaurant I ICo.'s new .iwmUt ;at Qrpols fupenntenaent. and il. A. Bur-, riUrbor.i . ' ' S i MnK' divisional engineer, retur the Capitol year ending March 31, 1920, will do so forthwith. A. L. Gray. Radio Inspector. ON SITE OF NEW MILL Portable Plant Up This Going ! o i,i, in ,t,rtnff f unA , v..i...i it.i,n. i! W. H. Tobev. C.N.R. divisional Week to Be Used in Cutting v vi tiativiiai f iii'iuc uuiiiuvi " ' - Construction Timber Ined to thfe city on yesterday af- . n"een men are "w enPK m olaortnif rrfnilnrl ot PrtrrintBfl tint- Wliard! Hahna, original dis- ternoon's train from a trip to from the cit wMiMu Crek minelthe interior on .official duties. tllxSX' and owner of other adjoining, T , . ber Co. is to erect its new saw- projert!eB which were aanulred The member for Prince n Rupert, mU1 by the'Gninby Crlit 3- C. Brady, is serving on three yer, was a small portable mill is to be a passenger 'aboard' the Camwwn landing committees of the Hnsei g'it up1 H9 w&kJ toi ' the cutting last evehlnic returnlrnf U Anjrox ct Commons' at Ottawa. They ar fnj'iogi on IHeJ ground of lum- ofter to Vancouver. ine A risnenes com- in a trip bet that wjlLbeJMfd conaruc; -r-,r-- - I'mittee, mitt Forests and yt$V(l&.friki: f:' ' ...... ,pr flimm(S& anu the committ6; w ; J ? k . . j t i . ' . l 1 , . , ANNOUNCEMENTS f I " ' One of the changes n'ronosect . . , ' -HOi'EL ARRIVALS to be made this vear in the fish-1 T K'al . . ry law is that the minister of i F. B. Robinson, San Francisco; fisheries mat cancel anv lirpnapa1 J. A. Steen. Portland; S. Mor- St. Patrick's Ten, March 14, at thff8ued under authority of the actios. P. Zupp and i. Arnold, city; home of Mra Musaallem. . , , J if. ihe onerations under snph'John Dove. Terrace; 1). Samey. See "Officer CC(T at Wet-holmo Thentre, March 18 and 19. Sloose Whist Drive and Dance, March 22. Presbyterian E&tter Sale March j 28. I f Good Friday evlng-tBaptlst IVIIUIlll .,...r-.. . a.v ; , King's Herald." . IUfreahraents, ;t,,fnitniB Royal Purple Bridge, ;,WhIst and Dance, Elk' Home, April 2 Anglican W. A. Knster Sale, Anrll April 3. 3. HeetMe are not conducted In con fartnity withTlaw. ! south and sailed at 8 p.m. for " " Any ox, Stewart and other north- ! point8 of call whence she . twill return here tomorrow morn- SCALE cniv or OF iitAurvi CHARGES jj and gal, 80uth at 3:3o p.m. J i Passengers coming north aboard Tho following Is the scnlo Khe Camosun Included: R. L. of charges made for reading 1 Dickson, James Hall, James notices: i Nixon, Mrs. F. Brochu and child, Birth Notices 50c. - Charles courtier, sir. liroatcn, a. Cards of Thanks, 12. Hudson. Iv Clifton and b. Jlearns, Funeral Ndtlces ?L Funeral Flowers 10c ner name. Marriage nnd Engagement announcements $2. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTINDAIRY Telephone (557, for Prince Rupert; F. T. Lee, F. A. Haigreaves, H. McGuire and E. G. Brown, for Stewart; II. Jacobscn, C. Peterson and William Ilannan for Anyox, and Mr. and Mrs. 4T., Osak and K. Nlshl, for Wtlea Islalid. v; to(? lXteWclassify Prince George; C. H. Underwood, C.N.R.; J. Marshall. Cow Bay. Passengers saillnir Saturday' Prince. Kuer! night on the Prince John for , Charles E. Bletsve. W. G. Rich Queen Charlotte Island points in- ardion, G. E. Ledder. J. McKaguc eluded; Cecil Batt and Mrs. ' and John Broatch, Vancouver; Frank Ward, for Massett; W. K. Dwyer, for Vancouver; E. Heap-by, f&r Buckley Bay, and Mr. and Mra. T. Theodore, for Port An ' IiStereatlng brochure en- D. Shea, Winnipcir; F. C. Bishop, Terrace; H. S. Davis, Jasper Park; G. Benson, Hazelton. Central J. W. Eliason and" E. P. Johnston, city; M. Espeland, Billmor; ntu.1 "MuHnnnl Rvfm Pnr. G. Magnusson, Terrace; h. AheaiT has been Issued by the Mearns and H. McLeod, Butedale; 1 Mil 1 I A. T1 Cawaflfr'n National Railways. It A- "uon. A,eri uay- ntalw editorial comment with! Savoy ,reard to the1 system from papers r.,Pr. T.imdie. citv: James Unfted Church Baiter Baaar. all otw the Dominion. There is Njxon Jamea nall and Ed Clif-April 4. . . la quotatidn from the Prince Rup- ton Vancouver; F. Patterson, lert Dally News included. porcher Island. C.W.L Snrfne Sale In Catholic Mlall, ThuWKlay, April 4. Aftof' Union steamer Camosun, Capt. " . inoon from 3 to fi. Soelal In eve- Jamea Hndlay, arrived in port nlnir starting at 8:30. 'at 5 o'clock last evening from the I FOR RKNT -Seven room house with bath, near Auditorium. $20.00 a month. Phone 7C or 20G. tf. FOR RENT Modern four roomed flat with bath. Bank Block. Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf. FOR SALE Kitchen stove, mahogany bureau and bed and other household articles. Phone Black 377. G2 Women art saying "PInkham"s Compound keeps me fit to do my work." "I was nervous and all run down. Now I eat better and sleep better ". "It helped my thirteen year old daughter." "I took it before and after my btby was born." 'I am gaining every day." r Til IvJi.l rm-Ei This Winter Keep Strong and Vital , Take SCOTT'S EMULSION Rich In All Cod-liver Oil Vitamins Scott a Bootm, TmUt, 0l, HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 ' NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Mine Head Alberta Lump $13.50 Mine Head Alberta Sootless Large Egg $12.50 Miitc Head Sootless Egg $12.00- Pembina Peerless Egg ' $12.00 Also all other classes of coal. DRY BIRCH, JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double load $G.50 Large sack 50c Box wood cuttings, large load . . . $3.50 Piano and Furniture Msvhg. Express and Baggage Day and Night. Service 139 Second Avenue tfoe Bi'eade Battel Bimd. flelicious wheat flaCor is retained ii hhwjmii ai ill in ii i nmm mill imma "throat-easy" say ffj..t. "1 have to exercise the greatest of care with my throat because it Is always under such a severe strain. To avoid all possibilitie.of irrit ation 1 smoke liuck-inghams because they are not only throat-easy but v have the most delightful flavor." i Beatrice UlUe, uwll-qmoui CtmthlfflU $tage I tar. 79 25 ON LONDON A flllUlNC) Law - CiaRETTES M PIIIUPHORRlS&CailMITED M CSU&LISHCDOVtStOYtMlS NO COUPONS ALL. QUALITY B140 Imperial Motors Ltd. CALGARY and LETIIBRIDGE ARE THE DISTRIHL'TORS IN ALBERTA FOR CHRYSLER GARS AND FEDERAL MOTOR TRUCKS At all times we have on hand n larjre stock of parts that con be shipped to all Dealers or Distributors for CHRYSLER Cars, FEDERAL Trucks,, oc to any Service JQarage needing parts; for; the above two products or for any (Jntyslcr product. Wc would prefer o ship from Calgary. Our largest utock of parts is maintained here. This will save Dealers, Distributors and Garage men considerable time if they have not the part cn hand, or cannot locate it In 'heir particular community, rather than sending direct to the factory. Write to Mr. Thos. Bratby, Service Manager, or Mr. Ralph Eggen, Parts Manager. IMPERIAL MOTORS, LTD. CALGARY. ALBERTA