i5tr nf marini. was the building uovernment at Ottawa took the of fishermen's floats at Princ attitude that Rupert and rebuilding of the courts so faf wharf at Bella Coola. I had no juris "It is a J r ii it. will be to reorganise the jud icial nnd enforcement tions of the administration to mue il more e.ujt.c in dealing with law infractions, especially in connection with the Eighteenth Amendment. The President will see thut every effort Is put forth to make the will of the people, as expressed at the poils, supreme. STEMRIS DRIFTING AT imim KETCHIKAN -SEATTLE, March 11 The steamer Diamond Lenient, plying between Seattle and View Cove. Alaska. In the t-ervice of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, reported by wireless to Seattle at 3:30 this morning that her steering apparatus Mas disabled and that she was drifting near Moria rock, 20 miles off Ketchikan. The coast guard cutter was proceeding to her assistance. Thc vteamcr Js in-no immediate danger. Temporary repairs have .Wen affected and the, vessel ". Is proceeding for Ketchikan, later advices said. is ? ,.E REFLOATED AT licenses at all and having bfetl, w.it " innwn fact thai "i"0 L. requested by the provincial gov-! during uunnir the me past pi '- . . , t..,,,!' nothing has been obtained lb, -any representative. ....... . My .. purpose in .. v,..vov.. which decision th vy C0UncIl.- rniineil.. wnicn decision fair VL Prince Rupert regardless i,K w. wlllff u K Kiven shortly, they w would v tvrninTpn t u i i CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Creryon rtd th Classified Ads. LARGE CABARET If you lose, sdverttM for it. Special Dinners Thursdays snd Saturdays If you find, tocftU tb owner. Dancing every Saturday night Wbstover you need, idrertlM ' , from 9 to 12. Dance Rail for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodation for Private OUT THE CLASSIFIED MJIT. Parties A Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 437 (Vol. XX., No. 57. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS HANSON Vatican to Have Own Rail Terminal Under the terms of the newly signed Papal Pact, the old St. Peter's railway station in Rome (lower), will be used by His Holi ness Pope Piu. XI i inset) and other officials of the Vatican. Uie I railroad will be extended and the new track will run directly into 'the Vatican grounds through an entrance to be built about the !old door in the wall (top). The station will probably be renamed. to Klngley's Navigation Company's, undertake the duties of State Until after the general licenses as Appointment of Prince of Waleil asRegenL in Place of the King ; 'Still Being Discussed in London of party and I think I have don. j - - Jurisdiction of er Mary's Island Section which is expected in May. He, therefore, Wi be KinT1 t hii' Suit 1 Fsaw ailitne province, shoJid the pri7;SufdS.u"d2h.r near unable to dissolve parliament himself and the council of council aeciue, u. u.c nrternoon after the IS unauie iu uu the mlnUters both Individually on Sunday state recently appointea . tCA "hIm'Sv. .na was assured have done, that the matter is ; cn; ; Vancouver DrydocK Salvage Co. s VVtSVWfcS -J f - various matters nffprllntr tirely within the jurisdiction 01 , boast8 hfuJ listened her A 1113 Ubiiii) The Dominion government was confronted once before with the mu'sHon of the monopoly of can- neries In Ilrltish Columbia and has !. taken a decided stand that no sucn monopoly shall be created or can exist. of 800 14 LIVES LOST "Among the matters discussed) HONGKONG. March 11 and pressed at Ottawa was the j Fourteen lives were lost in a fire this port equal to any on the coast j Hotel, in the heart oT the British and I am satisfied that shortly section, here today, action will be taken. The ques-l The dead Included two Euro-inn will come before the light-.peans, a man and a woman, a Unl- house board within a few wee'Js. ted States sailor and a Japanese "There are other matters vitally woman and four Chinese. Six affecting Prince Rupert which are other bodies were found. A Mrs. how before the ministers and I , Robertson jumped from the fourth hope from time to time, to make, floor to the ground and was killed satisfactory reports In regard to; instantly. Her husband is miss-them." lnK LONDON, March 11. The Mail this morning says the possibility of appointing the Prince of Wales regent to act fnr hi fntVipr is beintr discussed. The complicated con- M A DV IQl A MIS stitutional position resulting from the long illness of King lliilft I IjLiHnif George is said to be the reason. j London newsnaners sav it is clear His Majesty, 11 'although his progress is being maintained, will not be able X.r? , .h, . rs, -m. to rr," s " anclicans meeting i :.XS4Vu ttZX SS&SS'"1 " ,CMt ,n'"VL. . TORONTO SEPTEMBER, wnari, wouiureccivoimmcuiaieuvv f ,u irnvB,nmpnt,' u ff ,. tention. "Subsequently I left for Montreal on business on the promise of the ministers that the estimates would go In the main budget. DUNNING LAID UP WITH APPENDICITIS OTTAWA. March 11. Hon. C. A. Dunning was confined to his home throunh illness over the week-end and for a time it was feared that he was threatened with appendicitis. His condition, however, is Improved and It Is expected that he will be back In the house In a day or two. illU C1-- i i. Mm .mm i ! m m f . FIREHONGKONG; r TfinnNTO. March 11. Word ..... .-.I r.. Drilnin I I that Toronto will be the place of meeting for the Anglican International conference in September. , Clergymen from the British Isles TORONTO 8TO0KR' ( (' (Courtesy S. D". Johnston Co.) Big Missouri, 1.71. Falcon Bridge, 12.50. Hudson Bay Mining, 21.25. Intl. Nickel, 60.75. Mandy, 1.55. Sudbury Basin, 11.40. Sherrttt-Gordon, 0.75. Teck Hughes. 9.50. Ventures, 9.50. AT OTTAWA ENGLAND IS DISCUSSING REGENCY OF PRINCE OF WALES Olof Hanson Returns and Reports Work He Did at Ottawa Regard? Prince Rupert and the District Quite enthused over the result- of his trip to Ottawa, Olot Hanson returned yesterday from a prolonged visit to the capital, where he went to take up matters with the gov ernment in regard to lJrince Kupert and the bkeena riding. He did more than lay his case before the ministers- He stayed with the job and kept up the barrage until he obtained action. The result was that a number of amounts were placed in the estimates and others will be announced either in the supplementary estimates or in some other manner. Following are the sums placed m the estimates for this district: Prince Rupert Fishermen's floats, $16,000. Digby IslandRepairs to float approach, $5700. Digby Island breakwater, $2800. New Massett Wharf repairs; $2500. Alice-Arm Wharf repairs, $1600. Bella CoolaWharf repairs; $10,000. Buckley Bay Improvements to ferry slip, $4000. Port Essington Renewal of float, $4100; Stewart wharf, $5000. ..... . The placing of these amounts" ." . ' , i in the estimates this year Is par There are other matters now un- tlcularly pleasing to Mr. Hanson pr consideration by : the,, govern- j localise far the past two years no rnent which may be. included in i results In this direction have been the supplementary ealimates. It attained. Seen by a Dally News may be jme' time before -all the: representative last evening Mr. matter! taken up will be reported! ! Hanson sa id : : on, but 'the people L$keena ridnjj i "Immediately I received the can rt assured that . I look up , w .141 ftltiitim thnlH f IntlS FA. I nomination last November I as- , Pertained that certain cabinet i15. v I ministers were meeting at Vic- m assured by the minis era that. oria and I immediately wont; wiinm w -, outh and took up with them a,q"-sU will be met j number of the needs of the north. ': "There appears to be consider-.! I interviewed all the ministers able misunderstanding," Mr. I 'here Shortly afterwards 1 Hanson said, "in regard to the at-: learned that Dr. King was to at- tltude of the Dominion govern-j tend the convention at Vancouver. 'ment toward cannery licenses. Iti 50 I made a second trip to take up appears from the newspaper re-! the matters with him. It was atijrt that the government will not hi3 suggestion I went to Ottawa. , iMue any more licenses ' to can-where he promised, to Introduce; neriea and that certain areas , mc to the various ministers con- would be created throuehoiit the' corned. I took that advice and Salmon fishing grounds 'which went to Ottawa at the beginning would unquestionably create a' of the session und among the first monopoly. I am absolutely op-; nn with the mln-lnosed to any monopoly. The- : . WILL REORGANIZE LAW ENFORCEMENT FORCES IN STATES WASHINGTON, Mar 11: One of the first steps to betaken by President lioover ALASKASEEKS ADVICE REGARD THE FISHERIES torial Legislature to Visit Them Soon JUNEAU, March 11. The house sent a unanimous invitation to Henry O'Malley, commissioner of fisheries for the United States, to visit Juneau at hti earliest convenience and confer with the legislature In regard to legislation which might be bene-j fu ial for the preservation of the jkalmon fisheries of the territory; Battle is Pending in Mexico Between Forces Government-Rebels I NEW YORK, March 11. The opening of the second 'week of the Mexican revolution found the government and rebel forces converging rapidly, with the likelihood of a decisive clash in the region of Torreon, where General Escobar, rebel commander-in-chief, is concentrating i heavy forces. Ex-President Calles, leading a body of picked men estimated at 18,000, was proceeding toward Torreon confident of being able to rout the enemy. The result of the pending battte -will be keenly awaited here and elsewhere through-, out the continent. EXPECTING TQ JOIN WORLD COURT GENEVA, Mar. 11. There are manifestations in high places here that It is expected the United States to enter the" world court' It is considered that such action would add much to its prestige and would be ' a considerable step toward wqrld peace. DOWNTOWN LOTS SOLD C. II. Orme Acquires Third ' Avenue Corner From P. Rurns Two lots and a fraction of a third on the southwest corner of Third Avenue and Fulton Street adjoining the Capitol Theatre have been purchased from P. Hums Co., Ltd., by C. H. Orme, pioneer druggist of this city, the price not be ing announced. This is one of the most important deals in downtown realty that has been trannacted for some lime. It is Mr. Orme's intention to hold the property in the meantime and he may later build. The lots are already occupied by a one-story business block containing the stores of the Federal News Co., W. II. Sherman Jr., and Steve King. PLANE STALLED NEAR VICTORIA Landed In Plowed Field at Cedar Hill and Occupants Injured VICTORIA, March 11. The engine of a moth plane of the Victoria Aero Club stalled when fly- nnd various parts of the United jjcnry O'Malley Invited by Terrl lng a considerable height and A. States and Canada will 'attend. W. Carter, local aviator, made a forced landing in a ploughed field at Cedar Hill. As a result, the plane was wrecked and Carter and F. C. Aiken, student aviator, were severely injured and both were taken to the hospital. The plane landed nose first. PRICE OF WHEAT ' VANCOUVER, ' March 11: Wheat was quoted on the local exchange today at $1.27. GARSCOLLIDED One 'ATVANCOUVER Killed and Four Injured When Interurban and Aii to Meet' VANCOUVER, Mar..ll:-When a H. . 3Iectlc, ftaway. Interurban car nd an.aipmqblje collided; a.t Fourth .Avenue .prossjng . ,on ,Sunday afternoon Mrs. J...T. Cleroux of Qden Avenue was, killed and four others Injured;' A. Rogers, mbto'rman on 'the tram, was arrested on a technical charge of manslaughter. Ho was released on a ?5,000 ball. Alexander Stevens driver of the auto was uninjured. The injured were J. T. Gleroux, husband of the dead woman. Mrs. i J. M. Kerr and Mrs. Catherine Stevens. AUTO ACCIDENT VICTORIA YESTERDAY VICTORIA, March 11. When an automobile in which they were riding sideswiped a telephone pole on Richmond Avenue last night, Jack Turton of Victoria was almost instantly killed and Waibert Kettle and Thomas Wood suffered injuries necessitating their removal to hospital. Scottish Humor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory WONDERFUL GLASGOW While engaged filling dp his pipe in Argyle Street the other j day an Aberdonian was approach ed by a boy with: "Matches, sirT" The Aberdonian took a box, opened it, took out a match, lighted his pipe, and handed the box back to the bov with the remark: i "Thank yee, my latfG3c4'J( wonTf(.fcl!l MTiW, SOCIALISM Tarn: "What's Socialism, Weel-umT" Weelum: "Socialism oh, It's julst share and share alike." Tarn: "D'ye believe in it?" Weelum: "Me, no! It's only for fowk that have nae money o thelr ain." I if