Fi-M::.v. February 8, 1929 THE DAILT NEWS PAGE SEVEH Man ',,,, in the t: : Moon 4 J.: it CIASS1F1 VERTISEMENTS FOR SALE, FO R RENT, LOST & FOUND Clothes make the man; lack of It the woman. THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OP HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Juke saya clothes may make tb: wan ;lJtiyBTiiic',,Wiktf tb The natural patriot is the man who thinks his radio set is the' be)t in thp world, his car can beat any other on the road, his for postage stamps. tf financial difficulties awaited. H.i'h Low drug Ten Years Ago in Prince Kupert FibruaryS, J 9 19 The Dolly Varden rnlne Alice Ar: at PRINCE RUPERT TIDES .iiiii -t. ,! - i J-rjijap()r!;Fruary . .. Hirh a...'. l: Jn. 17.6 ft, r'" ti-itVM. '.0 ft Lf-w '7:08 IW U ft ' ni40 vi. 8.7 'ft. SafunWJ1, Fthrffary 0, Hih ' ... . 1:81 a.m. 18.2 ft. in :27 p.m. 20.5 ft. Low 7:46 a.m. 8.4 ft. 20.11 p.m". 8.1 ft. Sunday. February 10 . 1:20 a.m. 1R.9 ft. 14:0! p.m. 20.S ft. 8 7 ft. 20:41 p.m. 2.7 ft. The Cunard Chief Steward creator of the Menu mentor of cheft and stewards, who Inspires them with hie own enthusiasm and pride In making1 you comfortable. Ills 'genius It a mighty force for your comfort. You will never forget those dances on deck, those children's parties, 2 that little dinner parly, y Sail CMdrJll':'.'. Book Ihrouth Thi Cunard Slam 'ikip Co., Limilfd, fait ItwJintt SI, IV., Vowwfler (frf.5ynr jofV-p), of any tUamhipateni. Weakly Sattlnpe is Estop irom Monusti ii Quebec) CUNARD v"-x CANADIAN SCRVICt ' sva Cibln,TewlstTWr CiWft snd Third Out NOTICE MINK HAL ACT (Form F) (SmIIiiii !tt ()) i v,rAyiE' yr lurKUViuucn is. i ' gramapnone na a tinur tone than ! bod fractional wu A rwPTii. a r and . ki- wann un f!rtlf nf ImnrnimpTtljt fur lh nur iPHee. P. O B Prwoe ii i lest dste ol dellvtrv to be etaUl D. J. MATHECON. Purchaslns Agent. Ptince Rupert, B.C. C.N.R. raiNs for the rst MoaataM. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 111) am. IToni I lie Best Sudy, Tuesdave snd Thursdays t 3 0 pro, FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished house- OP application for ! Kieping rooms uy uie uay, wee, or mouth, l'hone lted 007. tf any other, Mi piano l the only ,a"3AflMc",5;F01l UENT-Autompbiles, pianos' one of its kind and his wife has rX. , phonographs and sewing mach- e-ery oiner w. e ,n toe cou ntry ag. fSSJ SSSSS' Ines. Walker . .Mdttctttore. i . a , t- i. mi mn m l mu : -- . ' . - . Mineral Cllalm on Wann Hivr. adlolnlne " 7 ' . i and to tbe north of the Jack Pine Min-; KOH RENT Modern house, near Ihe uinerence between a car Lawful holder: engineer qold and a how is that the car has "of.'hSw-. free miner. DWv to toe Uinlnv Recorder for a loarj. ate 1 rrenoyienan cnurcn, 215 Fourth Avenue E. deteriorated at least five hun- certificate: sttoo. , , , nv r. take notice that enoinekr qold FOR RLNT- -Furnished i-,i ,ir.iiura tn aniiin., vain, ot dred dollars In selling value at minks limited, inc.. Pre itinera, , ..... . ... the end of the first week. Business Is good at a Certificate No. 97030. Intend at the end '" "". of sixty dan from the date hereof to 547. of obtalnlne Crown aianta of the 11 (LnhS Kir rent Eton when there is a big demand b?v1 cl,i2?- , ,, tV, . . under section 88 of ihe "Mineral Act mutt be commenced before the Issuance lot such certificate of improvements. Da tad this lit day ol January. 1939. SIfOINXBIi OOLD MINES. LTD. INC H McN. Praaer, Agent. NOTICE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that an pplleatwa wlU-4 nude to the LoU- 1 lauve Astembl of the Province 01 um- ; lau coiumDia at 11 prem-nv acwon uy an Aet -- empowering the - City - ' u eell, free 1 WANTED NOflCEi and I Take notice that BUlmor a Limited, whose address is Bulldlne. 470 Granville St.. B.C.. will apply for a licence) use lOeieOO of water out ei as stream which flows southed . The watai wlU be diver ttTM at a point about ball front of Lot S of Wsterfron Prince Rupert. BRINGING UP FATHER I'LU "UT MV PICTURE OtsJ MAGGIE. DtVi?aH Ajsl-WMSM HK COM6 MOM AM' tE& ITiHCVUClT V .UOKIEOMS AN WAKJT V ME TO COME IN THE HOUSE A.KJ BE. CLAD WITH HER 9 Ml Ptiturt Itrrtet, Int , Great Brflafn rlfrilt mvrvtd. Apply tf four Phone tf WANTED Girl for general housework lor a - couple - of months Am.lw Ilfi, lln l'f.Hn W4ii nave to oe moe ior com-,r ..h , . ,j.ot o536. s LA.VU ,.101 ,, , N'etlre of-lntrntlwtotAppfT ' to Imm IjiiiiI pletmg the railway ' before any a it may deem m. to the Power oor- ,D",u??,-t'ia' ?r1Um5ir 1 . mnfinn m rknayi ikn.d. Limits tjmitd (herein- ihawin. Limited, umiwa. 01 of Vancouver, Vancouver, Brit: urituu urc tail K" i"i num. .tliiicmiciii Titer ifr rl w. "'" Commencing at the northeast corner of : iKrant SrBin u vu tiie miv Company tbe tut ole and ...u .,h . ex- - I1t lJ0l 6li3S 6j38 B,nRe 5 S. c C gf D., thence thence aoutft- toutn- T'adc as a rt-sult of the efforts mainuin'in the aaid Cny'a treeu. lanea northerly foUowinc tbe aluuoaltles ef the . . ... . , . i anii r,thr miblle ulacea DOiea. oonduita, iiana u wie mw nurinwebteviy point ui t u s;iecial committt-e consisting uMeuna vM n !bles une: thence in a northwesterly dlrec- fif George FrfaZell. G. W. Nicker- imd all other enuipment and appliance Hon to the MrtheMterlv oojg'j' , n-.. , ,, . . c - !for -he transmission, distribution and .i5S!.-??!?!;!?I1L-i0 Ml. fll. I . JU VllUlTV UIIU r. U. f, .h, hMtind hlaf nin w.w bui, in i iwiiuwt Dawson. A raar.ltitisMi waa nnauMl at leaf night' lot ewer Durnoses. ane ejipowenin uir DC meeting "f thi- Hoard 'if ' city may dean tit, and further empow- Vrade expreaaing the opM"yrZT e or any par cd increase in AlrVM ritei the t.T.P. Railway. the Clsr elecbleam. he and power y,iertitp. fJintqrs as nsTSf wreeo upon, ana to Tmiaece a eyww i n -senteel to by the electors, to whom It U to be submitted i em powering the Cltv to itnftr Into an rrMal wlih the Com- k o enaar raw confirm to tbe Company all the powera. privileges and rtehti thereby conferred. DATED akFrlaee RuperV BCi thts 5th tta) bf rVbhfsry. AD, 1939. "t e. i joxsm. sMttcltor for the Corporation of the - Uf' City ! Prince Rupert Wlarf 'tstfidies saarkatf Section No. 6 Wad delivery ef appro .BiaAeif 1. lwo Lineai reei wow Vitrified TUe Bewer Pipe; 1.000 Unees swat 10" double thick Vitrified TUe Sewer Wpe: 12.000 Uaeal Peet 1" douWe takes YIMTOiee ws n, tiaeaJ Pett " double thick Vitrified TUe Bewer Pipe. 9. 94 only, lt8 Junctions double thick Vitrified Tile: 94 only, 19x8" Junctions double thick Vitrified Tile; 8 only. ina junction double thick Vitrified iTRff 8 only. lOn-8" Junctions double thick elwiliea lie; sou oniy. esw wuutuun. double thick Vitrified Tile. S. 13 only, ItxlO" Reducers, double thick Vitrified TUe; wi oiUy, 10x8" Re-dsatrs double thlek Vitrified TUe; 19 onlf ! Redwcers deuble thick Vitrl-fled) Tile 4 JA0 only. " tong Bends double thick Vitrified TUe: 98 only. 8" short n'9&Ujw,lU& thick n directs!) alona hleh water mark to theO.T.P ri(?ni-oi-way; tnence City to enter Into an agreement with the fBJterjv Hauwav MUtbern Compute ior supplying Wth. City , t" waf-T to th lta cit'.sens elecUlc lUht. heu and power comer 0f Lot 6535; thence f( sinuosities of the ssld lot to 1 commencement . BILLMOR SPRUCE MILLS. B E. Dated December 99nd. 192 WATER IHversten Hi apundarv of owlns the lie point of FOR SALE WRAPPING PAPER for sale cheap. Rpll of Newsprint, good, clean paper for only a eent a pound. Daily News. POIl SALfc House on Atlin Av hgp yfm iU or phone FOR SALrtHteautiful Chinchilla nabbltvSteht Dollars per pair. Apply Box 175 Daily New. 84 SALVAGE AND TOWING If It's on or under the water we . do it," " ft PRINCE RUPERT SALVA(;E & . ' ' .'a- . 1 TrVI'P. TOWING fflMPACT COMPANY IIMlTPTt LIMITED i Fully .Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. ..rUtaU-ajKl Stowa of all .desexui-i -.. '- Uate at the tiAna fnr Charter -Mior-Doatr ana winoes iw - ni re tee Mllla. I eoiumma. , lis rem na In Una Knvinf called the ComuanTI. the entire M- nmiufacturera. oSenOa to is being U of iu electric and power de- r' u ' w AGEftTS FOR limited. rmsr UOaHn. Aeent. 'Sim & elusive rtht. power, licence and prlvl- ,jrlv 36 m:eK iu mtoUtea cut 600 fiet. Va,n v"n TtUrrlr ii'rctc ' Bkofhnno "wnope, TIIlra hicks . . , . lette to carry on in the City of Prince more or leaa. to low water mark; therce 1 Rallantvne " engines Enffines Twfnty-four new members haveiBupert the bualnea. of a light. Heat and outhweter!V following low water murtl ' iicen piu-olleil in to thi- Hoard of 1 power company, ana ior tucn purposes to a Doint due eat on tns moei easterly Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone, Day or Night. 561 P. O. Box 1561 "XAVIO AlltE WATERS TKOTKCTION ACT" R. S. t. t'ltaplrr 110 HOME OIL DISTIBUTORBj LIMITED, whose principal place of bujgneas is at 66T. Buirard Street. Vanoouftr. British Columbia. Hereby Uvea notfte that it Vtttlfled TUe. . . ... ! has under 3eo.lon f of the add Act de- lti lbs. "J4e for douese saws Iposnty with the Mlnmter of Pjbllc Woru Vitrified TUe. 1st Ottawa, and In the offtfes of the Ipstsuetlosi uj Wcriiail,Pr- j Dlstrlot Rcjl.trar ol the U Regutry f.citlons . nuy be seen at the office or outrtrt of Prince Ruprt, BrltSh Colum-hv ClVy t-rtsfceei" Cltt Hall. : bla, at Prince Rupert. alorfaWd. a de-rt. B.C. The lo.wet or any Under not --ntion of the site and tr plans of iteresearlir areeptedi t ibnlwinea and wharves prouoied to be land puUt ln tb harbour of PrlnoM Rupert In Mock "Q", I AMD TAKE NOTICE that aller the ex Dl ration of one month from she date of ihe first miMteatlon of thts nBtlce Home Oil Distributors. Limited, will under Section 7 of the eald Aet apply te the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa for approval of the said sits and plans for leave to construct the said wharf as aforesaid. DATED at Vancouver. British Columbia, the isth day of January. 1999. HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS, L1MTTED. By its Solicitors, ROBERTSON DODOLAS As SMYBS. I AJ. ! Oraham & Atltt At ...... 9M iss Ave. s am -o. ........ ' wa i'sncouver. . 8th Are. jk Tliejisysun at. . . 9.19 1IU A,t .. unnamed draias utn Ar-i v. oonrsA w- ruour. naui ,uk . from the 1 Stn Ave. fel ml. CMS- hui Ave. A i Whsr ... StUK see Jove Ave. a Srtt Are. ft Sth St. QOte Giroie n lit jJlte Kr.'M P : "h Ave. U Se:ia Hapt.,. sensed a Lot SM5. ttanee SCoast hs- 1 sth Ave. Ac MeBrW St :rlet. en This, nptMe was posted on a n the und'dav of lx-obtj Ike eroond ej Jfulkflng bar. iwte rrov. u. vr: masn A. oopv tn ,lois nouos sjmi an apDiica- n u T P tloa auivasiit .hereto and toilhe "Water . Act" wui filed la the oSSee of the O.T.P aia i iali,i a. Dlr, ii 1 1 1 fc i n r Oblrcuons to the aotlcatlfc mav be i . i.ll"oV filed with thT said Water Ifcoorder or i al A- St. with the Comptroller of Water Rhthls. i jrd Ave. tc Fulton St. rarnanienv ouuuius, vicwu. o.v.. within thu-tv dsvs after the flH. appearance of thts notice in a local newspaper BILLMDR SPRUCE MILLS, LIMITED. Applicant. BY B. E. MORGAN. Aeent The date of tbe first publication of this notice U Jsnuarv Sth. 1999. fl 38 800 V.40 9.48 9M 9J 10.00 10.06 ilM 10.10 10.18 & Try a Daffy News WANT-AD. It will bilttg .results. Mm. 746 74 7.40 7. 7., 8.40 8.4S n a I MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon cloft-1 rig .prices on Vancouver Slplk Exchange on out soIist board daily. can give instant ser-fc-j In. buying and aolllng JUIhing Stock! on Vancouver iBteck Exchange. 1 t alio hare facilities for 'at.oftpilr.g Wheat orders 011 Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Reprtenting Miller. Court St Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Lid. 617 2nd Avseuue Prince Rupert B.C BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods in all lines of beauty f i culture and hair dressing. Make appointment by phoning Red 389. CHIROPRACTIC RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady is Mill SALE cream wicker Baby verv nrpVal6nt at this time of W. Hart! baggy In gowd condition. Phone the vear and ag a ruie ls a 54 1 Green 155- ! symptom of a deeper trouble, ' Isuch as affections of the eyes, liver, kidneys, stomacli, etc. It may be also due to the after ef-; fects of influenza. ' Consult the Chiropractor In all j Consult i I)1C. W. (J. ASl'INAUi R and 7 Exchange Block ' Green: 211 Phones Dlark; 2S1; Open Evenings RESULTS COUNT. Pain in the side, Indigestion, Gas on stomach, Headaches, Nervousness, Insomnia, Catarrh and Rheuraatism are completely re- j lieved by our new form of dietetic and spinal treatment. Read our National "Ad's," in 'the 'Jberty Magazine every week, jthen consult DR. EYOLFSON Phone Blue 85, or, pRed 589 Open Evenings - 8j6 - Phone: CHIMNEY STEP !L J. Zumkthr General Handy Jlan. Furnaces and Stove-s Cleaned and Re Dai red Urone 3 Prlnecf Kupert, B. C. SHELL FiSH oav 1 a T ! Crabs, Shrimpt Olams or any f'Unkind of shell fiah fish suppl supplied in 7.8ft ltHA aae OtMfill Slllfl n Itlao j'jl District Orders a Specialty gaoi , HANSON & WALLACE 8-28! Prince Rupert Hlk. 330 P.O. Box, 832 MAIL SCHEDULE 55 jror the Bant ' 1 Mondays, WtJnesdtys, Ssturdsys, msu ai closes 10:30 ajo I rum the fat SundajM. Tuesdays and Thursdays. msu due S.30 ptn To Vsncuer- Via train Wt!nesdays and Satur days 10:30 sin. Tueadtr J.15 pm rtldsis 8:15 am. Fridays U jfm J C. P R. Feb. 13 and 37 iuui tsimtut ' 3'uidays e?sdnsdsy Prklsys Arm- 2 23 C.P.B. Feb. 9 and rrom Stewart, lYenrwr, Sundays Wednesdays t'rnni Mrwurt and ITrinler Tuesdays Friday p.m. .. 4 pin 30 SXD . i.. pm .a.m. .1 .tnynx Snd Alice .. 7 pjn .9:13 pjn 130 a m .. .8 ajn. Nuaii ltl"t "olllt-- Sandayti 7 pjm. from N'aas Klvrr Points Tuesdays 1130 am To Queen Charlotit Feb. 9 and 33 9 p.m. Item fjueeu Churlottr" Feb. 7 and 31 a.m. To Alavkn IHrnt Feb. 9 and 33 a.m. ll-oin AlakkA I'olnts Feb. 13 and 37 .....p.m. aasyy y Willi TVi u if alMTiumna 1 mmMWHM hKUnmaaa-m rl-,J(Tjit nv tawrui tf il an- iilamnm m sn "EMPIRE" taim afaLfskm. nj riAk. rr. 'jr vitdsl Fireproof Wallboard , CANADA CYPSUM AND ALADASTING LIMITED. VANCOUVES, L C. Peacetime Patriotism A fable Jot Merchant end Sakwn rHE was an insistent purchaser f XkVcal products. She knew thi -' security of her home depended hrsjety on herself, and all mothers lite her depended on their insistence of securing local products. For it was directly through the prosperity and mcrcastflg activity of local industry that the men folk of her country enjoyed secure positions and steady employment. That is why, when shopping for in outer garment for her son, she demanded a local product. Tbe store clerk hesitated and told her the article she required was out of stock at present, but that x catatn fm-mde article was "just as good. She refused tbe eitejanaaf Baeki&f tLis nther's iratttcfiee was 4f'apdejb tje. pttvuetsftf $r hotaelind the trucjpeacetiBie patrietisfn. tyi story has a moral for Merchants The progress of British Columbia depends on increased prrsJuctjori and increased purchasing of British Columbia products by the public. Be fair to yourself! Be loyal to British Columbia! Sell more British Columbia products. BE PR0UDT0 BUYPRODUaS (By George McManus " 1 1 " 1 f"' TT ' L&ls I i ..jTiAr - I l . ..a. . . w I -J l! vii t -rue TH6R6 SHE 1 LaJTY now ooiWiNj mk 'WMKlsl I HEAR WWCRfIN' jvu now m M" UUT HER CTHHow HE.R, : c: I akak II 1 I H JBSS ia.V J laatsrn iJ A3 ' II Je. Mbal II I W f t N 1 W t rite ' rx. - TTI.TOeU IMaTaaa-Btaavil X. f k,MtWIUmVJmK i .11 a I I sOW'IB ' T-L m Ti "T!Wl3tIl I aCaJaVaVaVsam mmmtn bbsm jmrnv fw ffl1