TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE EIGHT mi urn ii www wixfipiyi'wvtrn Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre ' PRIIUV AND SATURDAY, 7 AND 9 P. M. SATURDAV MATINEE AT 2:30 I. M. The Famous Sensational Photo-Play 'THE AIR CIRCUS" A stupendous spectacle of the air . Another good one that was shown recently at the Capitol Theatre, Vancouver. DAVID ROLLINS, SUA CAROL AND BIG CAST Mack Sennett Corned' "Caught In the, Kitchen." AESOP'S FILM FABLES Orchettral Special TEA FOR TWO." Matinee 35c and 10c. 50c and 15c. Child's Lucky Ticket will be sold at the Saturday Matinee. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED fcatttnti iron mar Kuaafl.-la YANCOlVv.lt. VICTORIA, ai-r Ha B1fal. Alert KJ. rU. Titwini, 1.30 ajm. (ar V AX )l VLK. VICTORIA. Mat'dale. Alett !, rtr, ITMa !Wnlr.hl. lor ALICE ARM. ANYOV STIV ABl KU ll-M. tlU'Mx NAAS RIVER. Blindly S p.m. in a a. il eMiih. Ataau. Bit. ui- TKrfcfl Itrkrt. aakl -O tlrtna aiMl rattle, sad tnctar. etRu ,reu lMtlnatiir 0 g (; (;oas Steamship Services .CAhACIAfJ ' PAcinc failings from Prince Rupert To KrtihHun. Uranirll. Junean and slcaf 1 . 2S; March 9. 10. To Yaarouter. Vktorla a ad .SoutUe 1 tryr) t3. : March IS. t rRIXCEKS ROYAL I'm Batedalt. Eat lletla lletla. (Kmm tall. Namu. Alrrt IVi). Cauipbtll Uler. Vanroutrr and VletorU. rrrj rrldaf. la p.m. Xfemtm lor all MfamKIi Uar. loll Information from W. C. OltrllAltU. (lENKKAL AfltN'T Crawr tlh Strert ami Ird Airnup. Illnre Kaitrrt. IV.C. none SI. Canadian National Qfte Largcil Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE ftaillnf from lMllNCE Itirr.nT for VAM'OttEll. VICTORIA. SEATTLE, ami Intermediate point, rich III 1 1 AY. :00 a.m. Ir 8 1 LWA KT and ANITOX, each EIiNE&PAY. ; p.m. lor NOItTII AND COITII (JICBN CIIAKI.OTIE lL.MS, InrtnlfhtlT. I'tHSENOnt TKAINH LEAVE ritlX'E ItlTEKT Karh SIUMI AY. Utl)MlAY and HATl'XOAY at ll:S ai. fur UUniUK. EDMONTON. HINNII'EO. all nolal Eaattrn imtled Stat". I'HINCE Canada. ' AOENCY ALL OCEAN HTEAMSIMI LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave Prince Hupert Phone 260 w Qulokly soothing and healing Zam-Duk $ eplend d for skin troubles of all kinds. It heals with the aid of Nature's herbs, In Nature's own way. Daily News' Ads. Bring Results l1 AIR CIRCUS GRIPPING FILM Audience Kept Guessing Right Until the End With Many I Incidental Escapades ' "The Air Circus" is a picture that grips one's interest w.th the opening scete and never releases it This one. uniike many plot... ;is unfolded in such a manner cs (to keep one guessing right down jto the final fadeout. David Uol-jlins, around whom the m.t or portion of the story revolves, cap-tivates with h's boyish whole- isomeness, and exceptional haml-ji.ug of t;iis opus by wowarJ Hawks and Lew Seller, . ir. c-tors, keeps Lollin's victor' over I fear of the air encouuUi.i;; many obstacles that .t sei'.is Loubtful, until the last few rain-lutes of the picture, whether ii. j i will be victory or failure. 1 Sue Carol does adinirsltU' wor. fas the sister of the aviation i school owner, played by Charles i Delaney. Sue is an air instruoto; and it falls to her lot to teach Rollins and his pal, Arthur Lakt . now to fly a plane. Young Lake i lakes to flying like a duck to water; but Rollins, who, theoret-iicailjr should excel Lake because IRolip'a brother scored success ) as an overseas ace. deelo;;f fer the air, which Is accentuated wnen neums cracics up in two attempts to handle a plane in the air. Delaney,-the owner of the school, and his sister who helps him, both are anxious that Uol- J give a creditable ;'rfor-mance as a flyer, hut their hopes seem destined to go unrealized. The final scene is unexpected' and thrilling. I FULTON AGAIN Ke-clected I'resfdent of Prince Kupert Club Iast Night; j Directors Named W. o. president Foltoa of the was re-elected Prince Rupert. night. F. E. Robertson is vice president and 'Waiter Hume secretary. Besides these officers, members of the board'of directors are John Dybhavn. G. A. Bryant, Capt. J. K. Elfeit, C. C. JUlla, John Bulger and Thomas Trotler. Week-End ; Specials Granulated Sugar 15 Iba. .$1.00 4 Pkgs. Kellogs Corn, 2 Pkgs. Kellogs Pep For .... . . . . TOc Dina-Mite Breakfast Cereal Pkg. .' 2e Rogers Golden Syrup 5-lb. Criaco S-lb. tin New Zealand Butter 8-1 b. Chateau Pkg. Quaker Pork Tins Fresh Pullet Doz CONSTIPATION THE CAUSE OFJAD SKIN Get Natural Relief With Kejloge's ALL-BRAN Rid yoorsttf of constipation I The Jontrei it lingers, the greater the poisons it sends through your body poisons which can undermine your health and lead to many serious diseases. The work of constipation shows in the faos-plmpK s.pa.ty or sallow 3hooWs checks, dark circles. It brings head- , aches. CamMa spots before the eyes. Unpleaaaataaeath. But you can get prompt relief and prevent it 1 Begin eating KeUogg's ALL-BRAN today. After all else has failed, thousands have retained their health with KeJleWs ALL-BRAN. Because it 100 bran, it is 100 effective. Put-bran products bring only "part5 results. Doctor! recommend it and Helton's ALL-BRAN is guaranteed. Just eat tw o tablespoonfuls daily chronic cases, with eve meal. Ready-to-serve with cream. You will like its crispi and flavor. Use h in cooking. Sarin- kle into souse. Made by Ke i . .45c mission 86c police, brick i $1.10 Swift's Picnic Ham lb 23c Cream BggRxtras, 3 $1.10 Jap Illce No. 1, G lbs 45c Swifts Pure Lard 5-lb. tin $1.00 Five Roses Flour r7-lb. sack lOc Ghiradellis Choeokte 3-lb. tin 11.40 Fresh Kippered Herrings lb. 15c Shrimps Fresh every second day per lb. 20c Navel Orangei Medium aise, 6 Doi 85r i i,' Lemons Full ef juice, 2 doi. 45c For more power In your car use Union Ethyl Gasoline Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Fifth Street. Pioprietor Phone 208 AMr flVALL-BRAN every or In London, Ontario. Served by hotels, restaurants, dining cars. Sold by all grocers. SUCCESSFUL 1EA AND SALE HELD THURSDAY About $25 Realized At Function of Adair Cars Chapter at Home of Mr. S. V. Cox A very successful tea and sale i f r.ome cooking v. :-. held yesterday af ie boob by Adair Carss Chapter, Imperial Order. Daughters of the Eftapire, at the home of Mrs. S. V.'-fox. 533 Seventh Avenue West, a sum amounting to about 925 being realised. Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, re-irent of Adair, arss Chapter, re- eived with Mrs. Cox and Mrs. W. A. McLean, Mrs. Bert West .nd Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill acted serviteur3. Mrs. J. Murray was in charge of the home cook- 4.kl mA V h T DitlifArl Club at the annual meeting last -..Mnr Mrs. J. A. Teng was in charge of the raffle of two blankets and the winning number was 15, which held by J. Burns. If the prize i.i not claimed within 10 days, it will go to the holder of a second cumber which was drawn. FINED FOR TRADING IN FURS WHILE NOT POSSESSING LICENSE C. A. Jensen, watchman at the Canadian Fishing Co.'s cannery at Wales Island, was convicted by Stipendiary Magistrate II . F. McLeod, in district police court , , . . r . M. j yesterday afternoon, on a chat charge budget down you can not afford . . Jtfc t to overlook these prices. -w $200ng , im posed, o-, in default, 80 days imprisonment. Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill conducted the case for the crown. wl-.H John V. Clyne appeared on behalf of accused . The case resulted from comhin- tin ed activities of Alaska game corn- officials and the B. C. Cbea-l-lb.! XI 6 45r a a 3! B li V &Bea6 large LU KJ IV i 70e j - at - Our Meat Specials lbs. Corned bage for Beef, 2 lbs. KHOWAT I THECAPITOL a Cab- ..50c 2 lbs. Oxford Sausage, 3 lbs, Pickled Pork for ...... ..$1.00 Gainer Hums (whole) per lb. 38c Gainer Hams (half) per lb. 38c Pure Beef Dripping, 8 lb. ..25c Phones IB & 84 P.O. Box 575 Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited (117-12:! 5th Ave. E. Phones 18481 Week-end Program Includes Two Feature Pictures, "Tarwin" and One Act Vaudeville A unusually big show has been arranged for Capitol patrons this week-end. with an exception-, ally fine program of pictures including Geo. O'Brien and Lois Moran in an immensely colorful: and entertaining film Sharp-, also the well known I favorite Madge Bellamy in "The Play Girl," a clever and delightful photoplay in which laughter and romance lead the way. Then there is the fourth chapter of "Tarzan, the mighty" in another exciting encounter with the wild animals of the forest The big show concludes .with a vaudeville number by Fred Wells and Art Eusson in a sylo-phone and sax duet, playing the popular Al Joison song hit, "Sonny Boy." ARRIVES IN POKT r &r W a . i.lJ ; ijV..H. steamer rnace ' uu m i tjkpt Nell McLean, arrived id fort at 1 o'clock this mornm? 1 from Vancouver via the QMoen. Ifliarlotte Islands and will be here ntif 10 fe1bci irnr)or-ow n'ght t'hearshe wv sill n her mum foutfr over tho sme rorte. The Prince John brought a light paa senger Hat here and her rarjro Includes some 300 tons of Van--ouvnr Island coal for the city's power plait at the dry dock. Intelligent Battery Service Let us take cire of your b.it-ter' problem" this winter and you'll find an end of "cussing" at the car that won't start when the weather Is cold. Wc repair and batteries, and can service old the finest new ones ell you made . S. E. Parker LIMITED Ford Dealers DOMINION TIKES 3rd Avenue Phone 83. BAD EYES Are your eyes peculiar- little different? Harder -a to test than many? That Is the kind we take a special interest in and usually satisfy our customers. In fact, if the eye is not diseased, and glasses are really what is needed, we arc sure we can suit you. Lenses ground specially for each eye when necessary. Many pleased customers In Prince Rupert John Bulger, Ltd. GEO. O'BRIEN IN "SHARSHOOTERS" Friday, Feltr , CLASS! COLOR! COMFORT! WAl'MTii TONIGHT AND SATURDAY-? AND 9 P M DIG DOUBLE BILL MADGE BELLAS IN "THE HAY GiRL SERIAL "TARZAN, THE MIGHTY," CHAPT.: : -VAUDEVILLE Frd WELLS FA WON An Zylophone and Sax Duet. Playing the Al Joison So g Hit. "SONNY BOY :'Jte and 5c Sat . Matinee, 2 :30 p.ra . . 2.V Coming Next Week "THE PATENT LEATHER I. ) Orthpjitionlc Comedian Records Me and the Man in the Moon Fox Trot Ted Weemt and Ills Orcbeatra There's a Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder Fox Trot All Star Orcheatra : Vocal Johnny Marvin I!"-) A Gay Caballero Frank Crumlt 2r-J Where the Shy Little Violets Grow Vocal Johnny Marvin My Blackbirds are Bluebirds Now Vocal Tot Trot National Cavaliers 2! r' Jean Goldketts and Ills Orchestra Sonny Boy Themt Song of - Th Singing Fool " Vocal John McCornuck. IMS Fox Trot Ceo.Olaenand v. 2USi Ills Music Vocal Cene-Auittn 31779 4 ie latest Red Seal record by famous Victor Artittt Victor Talking Machine Co. ouTHOPHONic nrr r v mhu VlCTOIt set AN,,lVicKae Bros. sorted Point Saws s j V Steel, and tempered Economical jj. iW In our own crucible T for port- BA steel mills. fcabU-mill EBl 0 frjMoseN40A taw SMxttw Ml owner 9u