¢ 96, 1919 — 0 MORE KIDNEY TROUBLE since He Commenced to Take ‘“Fruit-a-fives” rs Avenve, Orrawa, Ont, \ irs ago, I began to feel id tired, and suffered rom Liver and Kiducy Having read of ‘Fruit-a wight 1 would try them. t was surprising. (had an hour's sickness Hiesday, A , menced using ‘Fruita . now now what I have ra good many years blessing of a healthy r thinking brair \ rER J. MARRIOTT r $2 0, trial size 25e postpaid on by Fruit-a-tives r sent ener OW OPEN »R.CAFE Best in Town Second Avenue, ear Empress Theatre ght and Heavy Con Repairs and Alterations Staircase Work and Finishing Estimates Cheerfully Given 10K AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS H. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR i nd Shop Fraser St. 5, moulding? and nish lumber al- in stock. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. Estimates Given. EPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. bowling Alley THIRD AVENUE NDER NEW MANAGEMENT For Healthy Exercise Keep You Fit Cigars and Tobaccos 'OM LEE CO. econd Avenue, Weat. VEGETA BLES Wholesale and Retaii “eneral Contractors and a jas La Exchange. p e Rupert, B,C. ¥; P.O. Box 725 OO ne .olel Prince Rupert FUROPEAN PLAN 51.60 per day and up. FIRST-OLass CAFE A La arte. iid TIMBER Sale X 1810, Dass tend “ be not | eluber ivig er X i810 to sna received by chase es h cut 2, 4 1 : i t ine q = Katha Inlet i ) al D W ; Massett strict allowed for re \ are [ the Chier Forest ; ; r Distriet TIMBER SALE X 1805. be received jy ate : 1919, for to out K 428 » ©, Hemi 10, Shannon Bay ' we y ‘ te Is j . ; ®ar " be an District ! : Slowed for re } : ru i © Ctbet P Me Rune t District peerent the | ater than noon on for tne | Hemlock and Cedar ” a8 area i Inlet the ‘an noon on the ek and Cedar Mas Forester, TRY TO BREAK Notifies City of Intention To Proceed, } At the meeting of the City (Council last night a letter was lread from John W. Miller notify. ling them that he would take pro. | ceedings in the Supreme Court te set aside the recently passed by-~ law in regard to the licensing of |barmaids and preventing juniors I from entering poolrooms | The letter said that 4 i tions of the bylaw were ultra vires }of the city in that.it was not ille ‘gal for a s0me see under eighteen years of age to enter a poolroom, person | they had no power to debar wo. men, and no power to issue per. or prohibit girls from acting as barmaids. The Mayor explained that Mil. jler was the proprietor of the New Windsor Cabaret and he was the man who had put up the bail fer Smith recently. Alderman Perry suggested that jthey were already beginning to jmiss Mr. Peters. He thought the appointment city solicitor should be considered soon in or- of a jder lo save theimselv« expense jand embarassment } Casey said he had Alderman not questioned the legal aspect of ithe bylaw because he assumed it was laid before the acting city solicitor, Mr. Williams. He said that one result of the operation of the law had been to force out of employment the girl who was working for Killas’ and who had refused to submit to the license. Alderman Perry said he sym- pathized a good deal with Alder- man Casey's view. He thought live years was a long way to go tback into a girl's record. The letter was eventually re- ‘rred to the solicitor for report. ‘PRISON QUARTERS FOR WOMEN IS DISCUSSED City Council Wrestie Once More With Difficult Probiem and Notice of motion Given. At the meeting of the City |} Counei! Jast night Alderman Perry took exception to the keeping of jprisoners in solitary confinement while in jail. He thought they should be allowed a reasonable amount of exercise He suggest- ed that the mayor should take a recommendation to the Police Commission in regard to the mat- ter. He also brought up the ques- tion of quarters for women. The mayor said that the local {provincial authorities had report- ed against the use of the provin- cial building for jail purposes. They claimed that they required it for their own use? The quar- ters in the city building could not be used for women. When the new telephone system was in- stalled there would be more room. Alderman Kirkpatrick moved, seconded by Alderman Perry, that the city hire a building for the occupancy of female prisoners i The mayor ruled this out of order and said he would take it as a lnotice of motion for next meeting. —_— uneiocainial John W. Miller of New Windsor | SMART YOUNG MAN WANTED | room, THE DAILY NEWS » eee teem teen ie ate eae ee a ~“ LOCAL BYLAW | Daily News Classified Advertising | for business office of wholesale merchant. Must some edge, and have ideas capable ofexpanding with growing busi- ness. Knowledge of shorthand an advantage, #125 per month have to start. Applicants write to P. O. box 436. tf WANTED—Woman cook. Wages #75 a month, with board and Apply to matron, P. R. General Hospital. tf WANTED Four to six roomed house, furnished or unfurnish- ed. Apply box 293, Daily News Office. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS want 9 200 $25; 2 heaters #10; 2 art square | rugs $10; chiffonier $12.50; 1) single bed and mattress 88; double bed, spring and mattress $10; 3 camp chairs, 3 cots and| 2 camp #10, and other| small articles cheap, 452 8th Avenue East. 201 tables OR SALE—China cabinet, library table, deck, mirrors, one white | enamel satin finish suite, one mahogany suite, and odd pieces. Appoint- ment by phone. Mrs. M. Aivazoff, bedroom | Phone 133. 197 | Saale iaabastaledascaatiitinnimiatactiibeluning aomnpeameet FOR SALE—One three - oven| French range for sale. 835 2nd} Coming is One of Leading Laymen of Church. Phere is to be a big rally Methodists here this week. Bell, M. P. P., is expected to be} present and address the gather- ing and among the Methodist parsons that will foregather will Dr. Spencer, Dr. Large, Rev. Geo. Raley, fiev. J. Ul. Young, Rev. J. R Hewitt, Rev. W. H. Pearce. The forward movement, under which this rally is held, is right in line with the church union movement and George Bell is its active head for this province. Mr. Bell was recently in New Zealand campaigning for prohibition, which wag defeated by the soldier vote. He is a good speaker and is one of the leading laymen of the Methodist Church. The sister of Geo. Edward Boyle is searching for some trace of him. He is aged 35 years, hair red, eyes grey, height 5 ft. 6 in. He originally came from Ottawa, Ontario, was in the Canadian Engineers, ©.E. F., discharged March 3rd, 1919, and stated his of Geo be — tinh i bedroom |" > FOR SALE One 36-foot seine boat, with 16 h. p. Standard en- gine; one 32-foot boat with 12 h.p. Automatic scOW 24 x engine; 70 x 51 one | ton cold storage plant. Wales Island Cannery, | Prince Rupert, B. C. Apply via 198 should| MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build. | | ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- | pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W. Nickerson, Secretary. tf FOR SALI One Columbia gram- | Ophone, with twenty-one rec- |} ords. Can be seen at Klondike } Hotel, 722 Fulton Street. 201 FOR SALE—Old newspapers, ten |} cents a bundle, LosT ed. Apply box 294, Daily News | ” en ee ee Office. ong | LOST Yellow canary Finder emer eneenenteementastoatenans phone 546 Reward 200) WANTED—Small launch. Phone| Black 202. tf | FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR REN Sewing machines, —_ a pianos, Gerhard Heintzman | FURNITURE FOR SALE—Range phonographs—-Singer Shop, the of the Gerhard Heintz. man piano. 329 Second Ave home FOR RENT Offices——-W.J.Alder. FOURD FOUND—Key ring with Yale and post office box keys. Apply Daily News office MISCELLANEOUS SEE McGOWAN, the Gycle man, for new and second-hand bi- cyeles, repairs and parts. Easy terms All kinds of light pair work. Second Avenue, near McBride. Phone Blue 4214. re. THE NORTON—The piace for a Avenue. Phone 557. 98 ; : . te , | Shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp : ea treatment. 210 Fourth Street METHODISTS WILL | Open 10 a.m. or by appoint- y ment. Phone 493. tf HOLD RALL | FARMS FOR SALE c. P. R. FARM LAND Choice George Bell, mM. P. P., Who is) farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al- berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now they are going fast. For free booklet and full information write H. 4G. Loughran General Lund agent, 744 Hastings St. West Vaneouver, B.C. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William Traeger, of Anyoxs, B.C., occupation machinist, intends to apply for permission to prespect for coal and petroleum on the following de seribed lands on the west coast of Graham isiand, In the vicinity of West river " qwencing @t @ post planted at the south east corner of C.L. 10312; thence west 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains to point of commencement. WILLIAM TRAEGER, Per Austin Brown, Agent. Neted Vay (8. 1018 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT — and —- IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ADALINE EDITH KILBURN, DEC! i INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE Honour F. McB thet in Order of His Young, made the 24tl day of July, A.D. 1919, I was appotnuted Administrator of the estate of Adaline Edith deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate ar Kilburn, . hereby required to furnish same, properly intention of proceeding to Van-/| verified, to me, on or before the 1st da) . . eo | Of September, 1919, and ali parties in couver, B.C, Sinee then no trae debted to the estate are required to pay § the amount of their indebtedness to me of him has been found. If any a information is received notify R Dated this seen ony. of July, 1919 . eMULLIN, N. W. M. Police, Prince Rupert OMcial Administrar Gene Byrnes Says:—“Thanks for the A ; also ten-| | | Coast to services employment of the RETURNED SOLDIER Cranbrook, Fernie, Kamloops, Nanaimo, Nelson, New Westminster, Penticton, Prince Rupert, Revelstoke, Vancouver, Vancouver, Victoria, Vernon, / | CAR PLAINLY SEE YOu | HAVE GREAT NATURAL ABILITY AS A CARTOONIST~ TAKE & Tie FROM ME AND LEARN THE GAME — WiTR & COvPLE MONTHS PRACTICE YOUD MAKE SOME OF These HUN PRED THous. DOLLAR WONDERS LOOK LIKE SMALL Timeéas \VE LEARNEO THe BUSINESS FROM A-tO z ALL | NEED Now is A Few SAMPLES AND NAME MY Own IT \SNT goop ror" “THING WE EVER SEEN ever Saw : THESE comics ARE \ ABSOLUTELY THE WORST iN MY \ LIFE AND IVE SEEN . CUCKOOS _~ MY FECT ARE HALF FROM orfice To Office ANP ALL THE EDITORS AGREE eee WORN OFF TROTTING AROUND ME— | PCKED You ROUSH D YOvVE GoT To HAND IT To “THAT YouRE A REGULAR CARTOONIST You ve FORSOTIEN ExPREss Your WO LAU6H AT YOUR OWN JOKES BOT THS “SERS OF MINE |S ABOUT THe FONNiEST THERELL SE A WILD SCRAMBLE AMmone Tht ENTORS ~O Sion ME LP OVT | SHOULD WORK - OvT ASA AND Now GRATITUDE —