G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public Gunman a roe Local News Notes ee er ee ee erm meee Preserving a a Busy Mothers aa UOULAMARSAAAUUOOASAAAAADONE LOA GAMUAOUEAAAAHUNL: TDPaNNNENHE yyy INN — LL over the land mothers are poy, get. ing their children’s garments ready for the school opening. The Play time ic over and the holidays have worn out shoe« | stockings, and other articles of clo: ng that must be replaced. can be outfitted completely and at reason. able prices at “Wallaces We are fortunate in having laid in our stock of shoes for the school opening long before the recent big advance in prices and we welcome comparison of quality, com- pleteness of stock, and values. Boys’ Clothing is another line in whi ch our prices cannot be beaten. Compare For the rainy days we have Slickers and other rain-proof garments. For the Girls we have some particu- larly good values in school dresse H. 5. WALLACE CO., 11D, Corner Third Ave. and Fulton “t. 835 Second Ave. o- vee Rarrie’« for baby bure © K ng al st this week v For Sal a, or a e i. Fomorrow is th lay t te} House and lot, Section Six. Has five rooms and bath n the school bylaw . . iit : . . ° Price $2,150.00. Easy Terms. Arriving Wallpaper sale at Silverside | F Wednesday Bros. 20% discount off all book . tf} or Rent prices | > . > Seven-room house with bath at 10th Ave. and Bacon St $1. 75 per crate Hearts of the World coming | mnaummennenecbanntis to the Westholme Friday 4f Saturday it| H. G. HELGERSON, LTD j rt Table Suppl to Be : .G. , LTD. upert Table Supply CO. J svainoosas’—aticr v.° tor . ~ esl Insurance Real Estate Bonds PHONES 211, 212 Salt Lakes every thirty minutes from 1:30. ws . * > RTH EAD Phonola Palking Mach s AYLESWO D fi £25 to #200 at Barrie's Fu “ey sie Warehous 203 | ial via ¢ elewraphs ‘ 6 e i; nto, Aug. 25.—Major Alla J. E. Lord-of North Pacific was} Aylesworth son of 5Si Allan), visitor in the city from the} o th er ministe f aia . rds ' Skeena yesterday. LIMITED at ‘ died here . . . | | ° k d elt ait cllladeaiiate hii We have a few nice gilt edged Vessels of any size Doc e W. D. Griffith's massive pro-! invitation cards that are different | 3 duction “Hearts of the World” at from the ordinary Daily News) Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. the Westholme Theatre Friday) Office. tf| Several boats can te docked together on one small and Saturday. oe ae section, making fees light. Large stock of repair : . a 6 . Among those arriving in oy materieéls is being laid in 4 recent building permit rst ale ty from the north yesterday | by the city is to A. Montesano for|were My. and Mrs. Theo. Eggers. | W alterations 1 dwelling house t if Ketchikan. Foundry ork the extent of #300. = ° Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at ee The boat Markwell which a Reasonable Prices. rhe Women’s Auxiliary of Seillrived here with 450 cohoes { - Cove will hold a cake and aprot ‘Sunday s sales, took her catch ; i W k f lI ki d sale at the home of Mrs. Charles Oceanic cannery Machine and Boiler ork OF a nds Hills, Tenth and Bacon Streets, | oes es . jtomoerrow afternoon from 3 till Where will Prince Rupert peo- Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries 16 o'clock. itjple send their children if they Solicited. es jcannot educate them here? A| Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. | There is considerable activity|school is needed. jat the coal dock this morning,}| . . : i |where a large scow load of lum-/ The Trades and Labor Coun ly jber is being unloaded. The cars|Will meet in regular session to-! —ermem —e : jare standing near by and the|night at 8 o'clock. All delegates f° Don Graham, accompanied byjlumber is placed aboard and; are requested to attend 199) his sister of the government for-| racked for shipment to the east ! : = : j estry department, returned from. M; any car loads have been shipped] . The Grand Trunk os e ens a holiday visit to Lorne Creek on! during the past few weeks. Prince Albert sails for Stewart . e Sunday evening's train. a. tomorrow at 2 p.m. This is the} NOTARY PUBLIC ’ irae. 4 , | There are many preparations |first sailing under the new week}y — - es Among those leaving for the)in the City Council Chamber today | Sailing sehedule. south on the Grand Trunk beat for the voting on the bylaws t 7 * - . FOR SALE on Sunday evening was Mrs. Scott! morrow. The booths have beer \y Mr. and pat ° ane ‘|| bee n a isiting er nd i ' ancouver arrived from the sou 6-Roomed modern house and who has been in the city v ting erected and the scrutineers places lon the Princess Mary yesterda lot English Hill, $2,625. her son who is wireless operator|ailotied. A-large vote is « xpecte ; t ' : on the tug Lorne i there nsideral mter and will remain in Prince Rup ' erms. A ’ as ere is considerable eres ; : jfor a short time 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th e 77° among the ratepayers in regard} A . : ge Ave., East, built in buffet, saa at a : : we . ‘ito the ee as school rhe ‘business Lee ; fireplace, ete.. $3,500 — wes ClliceG by mS . egetable Store s beer 1} soaekin : Council last ght to estreat the ; At ihe meeting ff the ({ Vegetabl “y a ‘ n aaah : 8-Re omed house Sth Ave ; bail of George Smith who had,Council last night, the question | |Samated with that of the Natios ai| Ww a $3,25 Le i ted lima juor|the extens f the telephone |“FOCery “o., corner Sixth Avenue | .. modern, $3.250 Lerms = ttt oce S . “ . — , “— 7 : ~ @ : Double Corner Sixth Avenue and sent to jail and the con syster s mentioned, and Aid.)*4¢ Fulton _— : a and Tatlow &St #1.750 ' f whi had been lat sasey said he had beer | M. M. Reese and H Landi: | One nice lot near Drydock quashed i vores aver % oma hat the capacity could be doubled were among the arrivals in the $200. a techniealit a cInnpes | Dy expending mily about twe city fror Ketchiks vyesterd acai ee hag applied for a return of the! thousand dollars The mayor ex. | fi ” . Cee isan ¢ rday } £300 lplained that before any action \@ ternoon and are registered at} } jee ‘ ne Sn ‘ , tl rir ap ite M. M. Stephens LS | Was taken a competent tel phone ) ie | rince Rupe " me tel. | LOANS . RENTALS - INSURANCE = engineer would be employed to} fhe City Council at its meeting ; report : jlast night decided to enforce ot or « . . : You've read about aa Ee bylaw in regard to the roof of the | —_——— : . molce iu > aor oe a i : = ° 2 ose Prince Rupert Bazaar which at! ing om anson was fine: Phones 4 d Red 391 Cainti€ C P iftesn davs ia fault f '|Present was covered with shingles es l an or itbeen days in defau oO pay-|.. ar . ali For H he H ! on arne ment. He has been an offender et. _ > eee. ‘or Hire by the Hour, pre : oe or Waite previous to this on the same} Two new companies have been ’ da The favorite Mexican charge of drunkeness before the jincorporaied with headquarters at " dish | Magistrate Ihe fine was stiffen- Prince George. They are the L f h 4 e sia jed a little as he had forgotten his|Cariboo Club, Ltd., capitalized at auc i e warning It is very likely thalig2 000 and Johnston Jorgensen e 6 the cash aa be furnished as the Ltd., with a capital of $10,000. Picnic and Fishing Parties ry it Onig t man is in a hurry to get over to ee 5 Trips round Harbor Sh North Island before he misses tox Music, commercial and kinder- ‘ a e many fish. jgarten classes of St. Jose hi’ I E c | . \ee SL. Joseph J. MYHILL JONES _—— — Academy will be resumed on ee - coe CHILLI PARLOUR Just arrived, a car of Beaver Tue sday, September 2 Applica- |, ‘ iii 7: aches cies Eye Glasses we we couldn't ex plait tm an ad All we can tell you is that it Are For Fe came rom England and s tras and ~bee from Japa s and sauters, plates ? and odd pieces Aynsley Cem have many uses, but u *, Dowlten, ete only one purpose-——the restora tom of the sight to @ natural con New we think we jnow dition of Coina that’s really China Y" were imtended to see well and easily. Wf you do not— pretty well. then you should make haste to dis- ua is Ww would Vike your cover the trouble end apply a i“ hi opinion remedy ¥ J ‘| "HE want of @ pair Of suitable’ } ‘ wlasses may be all that prevents ae a vou Having visual perfection, health eweler and comfort ie The Store of Worth and ‘7 Beauty eT ust examine your eyes and 4 tell you whether or not this , f . is 80 === i Choose your own materials and | J pe style when you have corsets made {Practical Optometrist eg ji by Mré. Director. Phone Blue 92.|1 Third Ave. - Primes Rupert bis fu om ny ! Opposite Post Office Rie? liar Use MURESCO, the great sani.) Ve tary wall finish. A. W. Ed«we Co. | —— Board. A -T Edge Co., distribu. | ition should be made immediate ly tors i " |\for admission to commercial day eet eet ene eeeaeae se OF evening classes. it >. * > . Mr. Geo. Bell M.P.P of Vie * ti Aa lace . = ° No ce to auartinere § itoria and Dr. White will address Cadac * ddietinn t «? public meeting in the Methodist — =u. & sements |\Charch on Wednesday night at 8 for insertion same day | ica. Mr. Bell will speak on os » » oi : ; e on Pens oo a Detly = | the inter-de nominational move- ; = : tg ' — me &. m, | ment among the churches planned -hanges in advertisements for’ this coming fall. All are cor. should be on hand before art sllvy invited 200 * 5 p.m. on previous day. * eo Ey “= @ * codsecmss . EU 7 The action of the Board of | te | ae ee | Works in constructing a cinde! trail in place of the steps leading rom Fulton St. to Fourth Avenue was confirmed by the “ity Goun- cil last night. On the suggestion of Alderman Rochester the dan. | Houses for Sale McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid. Third Avenue: Phone 11 ito septic tanks. icshimonne Wallpapers at greatly Silversides Bros | a lorices, reduced] | Ask for Atkins’ Sausages, tf a serous part of the trail will be : il railed off. : A OSU AAMUARAA EAA UAthAA , une Four-roomed house, Fifth : - . . . : > _ 20% eduction in price of all Avenue, Beectio f O00 vf all) en on nh 9, $4,600. | wallpapers. Silversides Bros. tf | Five-roomed hou heating : : : " Offered by the Kobi Pot » suse, heati ; A . 5 plant, fireplace, Sixth Ave. ¢ Gare Toe oa ~~ _ l7 eee, eer” : ; mae . ROSIN HOOD FLOUR near Drydock, $2,500, ceived from William Bruce iy the Prinee Rupert Exhibit whieh he suggested advertising | ea ee ’ “y THIRD ; F $5 00 We also have a number of the city, revising the building by_| poten ee: — mene, SECOND _— lots near Drydock for build- laws to avoid overcrowding, and! sedhatn _— — —o, eet , ing purposes the use of local fi; eprool iy aterial | pureh 7 P = ip tor one 4 " a ' for building. The letter w; a . i ased Within thirty days of the oj ferred to the board of woiks for . Fer Putnan ti en mmanater consideration. Mr. Bruce also! rther Information, Apply jaddressed the Counei! in regard | Khibition Association — ‘Subscribe for The Daily New ~~ NEW ARRIVALS IN | Ladies Colored Shoes Now showing at the FAMILY SHOE STORE oem eeeoey Oe Special Values in Children’s Shoes a Come and be fitted by Expert Shoemen GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practicat Shoemen Phone 357 ' " pi't (Mj MOUNEOENONNUNGGALGRNT PUGH HON Anuanuineee 2) 022 Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency~ Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS: Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.90, Saturdays Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, {rom ] Dental Nurse in.attendance Phone 109 for appointment § to 12 only cu Maem ALES WERLERRARBA WRRRBRRREEDL ALG RAROARA. GRD Rene RDEC LLL RAROOTRLARET REE’ aneneencenen: The Leading Daily of Northern British Columb