PAGE FOUR v jrt XBE - DAILY EWS Wednesday, octob?r J Speed Records Datona Beacb$o Have Monument email islands in the meanaering Halifax River, which separates the smooth, wave-lapped stretch gf natural ocean speedway from the mainland. i On the monument are to he in scribed the names and achievements of the makers of all offic ially rocognized worm speea re-rnnis which date back to' 1898 when. Chasseloup - Laubat, the Frenchman, astounded the' world with a speed oi a miies an pour. Since ihat time the automobile speed record has been broken 31 times by 25 drivers, a list 'Including such familiar names .as Barney OldfieJd, Ralph DePalma, Tommy Milton and Henry Ford, who in 1903 set a record of 91.37 miles an hour in his famous old "999." The Davtona Beach speedway has been the scene of every .record breaking achievement since Sir Hcnrv Seagrave of Ergland startled the world Jn,.927 by attaining for the first time, an jauto- mobile Kneed of 260 miles an hour. Since then, the world;s straight awav SDeed record has been boos ted to the present mark of 231.362 mile? an iheur. which Sir Henry set here lat spring after his old mark of 203.79 had twice been broken, once by a fellow countryman, Capt. Malcolm Campbell, and once by an American, the late Ray Keech of Philadelphia. Anglican Club Starts Season Badminton Play St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Badminton Club has been reorganized for the winter and play has already commenced. ,W. E. Fisher has been re-elected president, with Miss Frances Cross secretary and H. T. Cross .court cap-tain. -jii i!.. Sport Chat Having acceded io..,a tJ?ep.uest from the Edmonton ..Commercial Grads. world's champion 'girls' basketball team, to' stage an exhibition run at their gymnasium on the occasion of the opening of the basketball season at Edmonton this Saturday, Percy Williams of Vancouver, Olympic sprint champion, recently resumed training for the first time since "he oi any inaoor campaign mis winter such as his eastern invasion last year. He will leave Vancouver for Edmonton .tomorrow. Walter Hagen. British open and American professional soli .cham nlon. after olavlne an exhibition 'r Factory-fresh and Fragrant "A man buys a handy pocket pack of Marguerites. He smokes some gives some away then when the pack is empty it oes overboard! The handy pack keeps .cigaw factory-fresh and fragrant and vhen it's tempty it's thrown away. It's a good reminder, too, because a man always knows that if he has no pack, in- his pocket-he has no " 'fdgarsJ- V V BUY MARGUERITES W IUTfDY DOCKET PACKS OF FIVE C1CARS VTUCKETTS MARGUERITE Around The World With Sport Fans (By The Tramp) ' .vWhen hkiiibir'oiHiie &i)cjthht mvTnNA RPAPTI Fla Oct 23 l-Mass., Lions uiud iouna tneir an-ZSSr227T: ? JLrf?r.n! herejttieyTiave been .wont to. raise for its erection on one 'Oi tne the people what they wanted. An amateur boxing show was ar ranged, ;which yielded a profit "for the fund or S2,suu, There will be no professional hockey in Rochester "this -coming season, and perhaps the Flower City will hesftate to seek a franchise In the future. International League heads, assembled at Niagara Falls, ruled that open-air hockey Is not desirable, this having been the proposal made ,by the .Rochester owners, who had flur- hased a franchise from Stratford. This deal was rescinded, and the franchise ,was .taken up by the, league, the idea being that ,the Stratford, club will he recompensed; Rochester leaders gave assurance that, if admitted to tne league, no isnow or ialn would fall In :the Flower City baseball .stadium on those days on which games were scheduled, but in rebuttal those who first learned their hockey on the frpzen ponds, rivers and lakes of this country rose uo as one to offer strong protests. Weather reports were then produced to jjrove nat ;ne "enowman' . aoes not know where Rochester Is located, but even this argument failed to carry .weight. Giving the most sensational wrestling dlsDlay ever seen in Toronto, Ous Sonnenberg. champion of the world, defeated Dan Koloff. the Bulgarian .giant in two straight falls at the Toronto Arena recently. It was a bout in which no mercy was shown. The tltleholder was there to defend his laurels and made good In all departments, but it was when he used the flying tackle that the seven thousand four hundred fans in attendance went, wild with excitement. Koloff evaded this manoeuvre once and Sonnenberg went out of the ring. nut after that he couldn't get away and he was crashed almost Into Insensibility as Sonnrnbenr, secured the first fall after 39 mlnJ utes and 33 seconds of torrid jgra.D- t)iing. ine secona ian came quick er,. me time oemg k 12 m seconds. Btrcuuua. It 11. must musi take the verdict. The powerful Koloff hurled him out of the ring seven times and also made' lour fulness. ,,r Billiard Averages siramea a ligament in nis race n rn-nwn tn t with Eddie Tolan at Hastings fj Hlllman Q) 2 I Al A. ui nu(Uii. DC la uuv uuumiis Murray (CL 2 M. Andrews (CD 2 J. Andrews (G) 1 F. 8tephens (B) 2 M. M. .McLachlan (G) 2 G. P. Tinker (CL) 2 W. J. Nelson (G) 2 A. A. Eosson E) 1 W. Mitchell IE) 2 maUh at Salt Lake City a few'J- W. Scott (CL) 2 dayi ago, announced that he would 1 V- Balagno (E) 2 soon retire from active golf andlA- J-wnaia 2 devote hi time to business. HaKeri F. G. Pyle (CL) 2 will shortlv complete a barnstorm Ing tour. While he will continue to play In choice tournaments, he states that he will discontinue his annual playing regularly. E. willlscroft (E) .1 Howe (G) Toyi JFoiI-3vrappqtI But Slill 10 Cents Ttl. Av. 500 250 500 500 500 250 489 486 264 484 236 250 250 250 250 245 243 243 242 23C 444 222 442 221 414 207 374 J8V 365 1 83 163 163 118 118 According to scientists there Js no Insect that has a fatal bite. Successful Hoop Season in Prospect With AldermanS. offers unlimited D. Macdonald as President The annual meeting last night in the city hall of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association was a most enthusiastic affair, the attendance being larger than at any annual meeting of this sport in the past. Reports for last season were presented, the financial statement being very satisfactory, and plans were laid lor the forthcoming winter's .activities. Play will start about November-5 and the exhibition hall has again been selecteclas the venue for the games. It is expected there will dbe senior, intermediate, ladies' and Junior rnmnotiHnng. with at least three teams in senior, i intermediate and junior leagues and Dossibly two in the ladies' The election of officers resulted as follows: President Aid. S. D. Macdonald. .FJrst yjcerpresldent Dr. J. R. ! Legion Wins In Billiards From ElksLastJNight The Canadian Legion strengthened Its hold on second place In the .billiard league last nleht bv winning 1182 to 1057 over the Elks. The Legion won three of the five games, Individual scores were as follows: C. P. Balagno (Elks). 171: F. O. Pyle "(Canadian Legion), 250. A1 A' Votein A len A, Donakfc-460-M. Andrews. 250. Ttl. 2338 2271 2120 ScKmeluigMay Ave. 11G9 1136 10C0 MAtMiami NEW YORK, Oct. 23. Max Schmellng, the German boxing title aspirant, who has been very much over-managed and has suffered in consequence, is a possibility for a fight at Miami Beach during the coming winter season. Proposed contenders for the match are Strib-llng, Tuffy Orlfflths, Vlttorlo Cam-polo and Otto Von Porat, all British Boys on Canadian Farms Dr. Black Made Vice-President of Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Great Britain ?, , VANCOUVER BOXER MATCHED TO FIGHT WELTERWEIGHT IDOL - - Oosse. I NEW YORK. Oct. 23. Ruby . Second vicerpresldent G. C. I. Goldstein, welterweieht Idol .Arseneau. " I. of the Ghetto, signed articles r secretary - treasurer George I vesterdav for a io-rnund. Mitchell. I match with Jlmmv McLarnln. . Executive Representatives of! the Vancouver Irishman, the various entering teams. ) -fight to take place Jn Madison Three entries Elks. Players Club I Square Garden on December and 32 Taxi have already been f 13. made in the senior league, and a like number Bankers, rNaval He- j '. ' 4 serve and High School-in the In- 1 ' termedlate. In both leagues there! R I 117' 11 will probably be additions. t luV,L,ai lVlCLamUl Um W ,f ill m Entries will close next Monday night and there .will be an execu- 17 !! CL tl tive meeting mat evening. T IK III 0111)1 11 V - - s? To Meet Rockford Shlek In Welterweight Division on November 4 CHICAGO, Oct. 23,-Jlmmy McLarnln of Vancouver, who failed to lift Sammy Mandell's lightweight crown a year Ago, .will meet Rock-ford Sheik on November 4 as a welterweight without Mandell's tlUe -being Involved. Premier Absent From the Cabinet Meeting, So No Announcement OTTAWA, Oct. 23: Routine matters were disposed of and one or two Questions of lmDortanc recognize an early form of Dublin under such a gathering of con- Latest Quotations from Tot -onto. Stock Exchange Show.Drop (Courtesy of S. D. Johnston) In .svmnathv with New York .stock declines, .there was a marked sagging of stock prices In Toronto i this afternoon.jtbe latest sla$us.r .prices there, being: I Amulet, 2.55, 2.60. I Falconbridge, 8.25, 8.50. Hollinger, 5.50, 5.60. International Nickel 47.30, 47.50. Noranda, 45.05, 45.25. I Tmnprfal nil 3i V1 35 "75 I Hudson Bay, 15.60. 15.75. Mandy. 40. 44. Mining Corporation, 3,75, 350. Stadacona, 5. 7. Sherrltt iGordon, 5.65,. 5.70 Sudbury Basin, fi.35, 6.45. Sterling Pacific. 1.10, 1.14. O'eck. Hughes, 5.75, 5J50. Wright Hargraves, 1.45, 1.50. Dome, 8.60, .90. Treadwell .Yukon, 7.75, 8.00. Ventures, 4.60, 4.70. Formerly Lived Port Essington Mr. and Mrs. George Davis Whose Children -Were Burned to Death, Well Known Here Mr. and Mrs. George A. Davis of ;Cowlchan Lake, whose two children were burned to death through a kitchen stove explosion, lormerlv lived at Port Essington where, Mr. Davis kept a pool room. He went south about three years ago. .Prior to that he was engineer on the mission boat, Northern Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are .known to a good iany here, and much sym-. pathy Is expressed with them In their terrible bereavement. Russian Girl at EDMONTON. Oct. 23: The un discussed at a mhinpt. wuwttw.n versity this, wear has the honor of here -yesterday. Premier "Mackenzie ! tne presence of a student unique One-half grapefruit tMelba'toast T. JH. SteDhens, 250; J. W. Scott, imne W nnhi ho nrVeVnt I trt-4he-faculty- In which she has r.A u.u.u.mngjMilJIIli') Mn li;Tu -wr."'1". registered. It is Miss Esther Rab- noi oe imae-i ut 1az.u1.if n. n - muwuiinmcuvi,: 3,,, ; - - ned that the champion haflTuAl4-awuau:y-A',i' r' AinK' was made on the appeal of BrltUhy,,n,wn ,Iias regisverea m eiec thlng.v all his own way. He didn't ki t-.. . jwiumma for lor Land he had to give his best to'n 'J n uc uaie is rates, An grain Qrbtto ..: , 2' nps in that direction himself. jC. Legion 2 sonnoerg iniurea nis jeg wnen ne 'EJks 2 anaen neavnv on nis snouider na swung arnuna oir DaianceJ But he Is a real chamnlon and he1 went hack Into action to sfi6wf i amazing strength and resource!" Montana Flyer jNot Yet;Seen ,. , , ), ifft rrltMra and qave -been doing' BELFAST, -Oct. 23:-Up to tflwr.jSlvu'. J. vi icv k t nirin firna nil r in r n n a n i pjn. today, Urban T.Dlteman.' Who took off from Harbor Orace. ilfld yesterday, had not been sighted. He was due at that time in Lon don, SPELLING OF ENGLISH Curious four vein aeo Jlpr home was nnt!-un" orange uar irom aioscow. wnen ner lainer died, she being the eldest af the family, and her mother, decided to come out to far-away Canada, to relatives they had In Calgary. Already Esther had completed her schooling Jn Russia. "In "Russia, we only go to school nine years. We do not have high schools and public schools as ;yau do, but both are In one. I studied French and German, and In French I was doing very well. iBut Pronunciation of Names'! am Afraid I have forgotten It. I Shnwn in vrru j was most interested In the lab- ' ! work we did in physics, and in the ; LONDON, Oct. 23: Who would electrical experiments we petfor- med. she .explained "What are you going to do when survey school starts In the and yet Is thU far removed from Bi?f t elT?,s asK.ea-our English-habit of pronouncing . oil- 1 htV uP.ut Bn men5 certain surnames In a manner ut- cechTM W" boots, and terly at variance with their spel-!1iien ha" hl4kJ? wlth thf ther ling? Why spell 3t Majnjtfarln iH!Luden ,?hcn ?0 ou 5 d you are going to call it Manner-;1 eld work I am not aJrald ,mg? asks tne bewildered XoreJgner. 1 u uu us wc" . "e"-WINNIPEG, Oct. 13:-For the, As a matter of jJaln -fact:not only; . 0 re you managltjg to take Ilrst Its history, the Na , can no-intelligent answer be slip- 8Uch ah expensive course?-, she tional Association of Boyi' and , plied 'to 'this .question, but then?; was aslceL , ,., Girls' Clubs bf Great Britain has i are at least a tHousand (other "',kV,er X.a-T . elected a Canadian to the position 1 words antt names In theTanguage ! ? w,rlc during the holidays, J. of vice-president. Word has been ! whose pronunciation can be slmfl-1 Ln ur'irn,fr I made the received at the Canadian National arlv challenged. At the moment i manager of a grocery store In Hallway headquarters, Montreal. ;al., , the the British British Brpadca'sting Brpadca'sting Company Company 4l", "r: r' I mb ""ri ww eoine to to find tuid mat Dr. w. J. Black, director colonization and agriculture the National system, has been wne- of i bin assailed for permitting Its "J"1 to do on Saturday to give for announdexs to Indulge 4n., what are me "t,ra jnoneJr- whlle 1 attnd ej- allege to bei eccentrltles , of ore u ...... Th nttpctlnn Hni ected to this office. The a&soaln- nunclatlon. and even such little rtlon has a membrship of 3.000,000 ordinary words, as "JaW arid boys and elrls. In both the rutal "again" are ;helne vehemently odt- Land urban communities of Great led into ''Question. We are' being Britain. brought .to AuchA chaoc pass Among oher alms, the assocja- that the -other night an .ahnbuncf r, Won has for some time been en- after pronouncing "Jpstlf labia" a-gaged ln the movement to Dlace ter the manner of every reason - kBrittsh boys on Canadian farms, able matt, made a twenty second ine association ieeis inai Canada ; pause ana sain: i neg your par- opportunities to don, "Jiutlfflabie." Here are some those who are willing to work and ! lines which pleasantly emphasize With this object in view, a select Enellsh famllv names: group of boys will be placed on : Qreat Britain, absolutely teems Jarms in the Dominion Jioxt year. With men ' arid women surnamed Uon of vice-president of this or- And everywhere the tvro strolls ganiiatlon brlnas to mind the ln-; There lurks an unsuspected terestln? fflrt. that anm 1A vnnrc! Vnnllvt ago he was the originator of the 1 He's certain lo i greeted glumly hnvi' nnA ! fn, M n..n liru. in,,. tn rv,1 ment in this country. At that time ! mondeley, he was president of the Manitoba Or "by ills ignorance disarms Agricultural uoiiege. and organized Tne good intentions 01 a -piamis. the ltrst boys' and girls' club at ! Who'd blame aT .self-respecting Roland, Man. Out of this small be- TyrrwWtt, ginning grew the present day 1 Miscalled, lor .chiding In a spirit clubs of the Dominion and of I Of gentle protest? And a Ruthven Great Britain, and it Is fitting j Mav similarly be lorgWen. that the man who began the small T'were Justice thai jny tongue club in Roland, Man., 16 years ago. should blister. thould be elected to Ihe vice-; If. having met a Mr. Bicester, presidency of the huge national!,! hailed him wrongly; it would orcamzatlon which fmm that. trrleve "a small beginning has grown. Dr. Descendant of. the clan of Belvoir Black was advised that the asso- To be erroneously addressed, elation will hold its annual con- It cannot bp ,tOo,strongtystressed; ference in Britain, next Julv, when A -shock awaits .the Jool jvho nlAns wilt K riluint. 1. . .. mnnpv nn' wqrry hex. A perfectly Indeoendent student, who puts herself through (Oljtee she has.evexy chance to UfTPd. JWhat if you pet married?" Ml"t V"f tn laliRhcd cheerfully. "Well if 4 do. rthen I will go on with mv work lust the same. A husband does not spoil a girl's chances in this worte" Miss Rabkin Is only the second are ambitious to better themselves, the current pronunciation .of eomo woman student to have registered in engineering at the unlversitv. She -does not seem In thtnlt hr choice at all strange, as apparent ly 11 is quite a popular career with girls in Russia. Fine Weather OnS>fenay ' Por Premier CHICOUTJMI. Quebec. Oct. 22. J nam ieii over tne vauey 01 tne Saguenay River last nleht and early this morning, but dried up in time to permit Premier Ramsay Mac-donald to have a round of golf at Kenogaml. Tonight he will leave for Quebec. In South America' a bridee 500 toEtmiec. by,, knots I Breakfast The same each day. ilf cri rvzif Mttf ' vAfott si bOHPC -niii. . -reducing freight entneerlng. One-half grapfcf nilf One egg, J;.iS She lia lltUe dark, curlv-halred Six slices ciicumbef l ' westbound for domestic consumD-1 Russian girl, with sparkling brown; One slice Melba toast tloiL- eyes, and a most charming and, Tea.or coffee vivacious manner, ' i nave juways , . . t. wanted to take up electrical en- i - Dinner Iglneerlng," she says, in .her excel-' eggs One tomato IJent English, with the piquant Onethalf .head Jettuce RuxslAn Accent "Ever lnri I wn Ontf-half grapefruit llH.bigh school In Russia. A hum- . Coft ' " 1 uer ci my inenas nave gone into , ,ii SECOND DAY Lunch One eee Lettuce One slice Melba toast ' ' Tea Dinner Broiled steak (plain) Onehalf lettucai One tomato One-half grapefrulta ,i ea or conee THIRD DAY Lunch One-half grapefruit One egg Lettuce Eight slices cucumber Tea ortcoffee Dinner One lamb chop (trim fat before cooklngj (One. egg Three radishes Two olives One-half grapefruit Lettuce Tea or coffee FOURTH DAY Lunch Pot cheese One tomato One-half .grapefruit One Melba toast - ',. ta.Tea.9r coffee . A. f - blnner. .Broiled 'steak ' Watercress Onehalf grapefruit FIFTH DAY Lunch Orange -One lamb chop Lettuce 1 . Tea Dinner irncaqB--; One-half grapefruit Lettuce One ttomatorf Two eggs Orange SIXTH. DAY .Lunch ' Tea Tea Dinner One pqaclicd egg One slice Melba loast iOrange 'Tea SEVENTH DAY Lunch One-half grapefruit Lettuce .One tomato .Coffee Dinner Twp lamb chops Two eggs Two olives Full Tone Perfect musical reproduction demands the use of R.V.C 4ladiotronsthe development of years of scientific research. UY-224 (screen-grid) $5.75 RKCRadiofr vn CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limits FOR SALE BY Power Corporation of Canada DJETMAKES PEOPLE SLIM Mayo Brothers Eighteen-Day Pro. gram Proves -Effective With Many These .are the days of various diets. All sorts of. faddists and all sorts of medical men and dieticians have made 'out programs, but the eighteen-day diet Is the latest and many Prince Rupert people have tried them. There are several eighteen-day diets, but they are much rnucn alike aiue and anq all aw seem seem to 10 have nave 111 TT AlnPli A I IniVPrQIlV 1 been made in the Interests of the niUCl ia VllIYCldlljr igrape xmit growers, but they are all good. Here Is the Rochester '.diet which, it Us claimed, contains iLady ,ls Taking Course in Electrical all the vitamins and necessaries for Engineering and Is Charming .health and strength: and Vivacious FIRST DAY EIGHTH DAY Lunch One broiled lamb tli ,; Grapefruit 1 Dinner Two .eggs piai!. Four tUIkt asparagus One-lull Toast NINTH DAY " " Lunch Oneegg i on. On&hfflf grapefruit Dinnrr Any meat TILVTII DAY Lunch One-half grapefruit Lettuce Ttl Dinner One-half grapefruit Oik .an Lettuce ELEVENTH DAY Lunch Cbinamon toan BreQed steak cv:- Dinner 13 relied steak cv;. Tomato T TWELFTH DAY Lunch Onohalf lobster ' Grapfrulut C Dinner Two broiled lamb c iv Tomato Ono Three o!iv' One egg THIRTEENTH DAY Lunch One egg Onn .-. Orapefru Dinner Brotled jteak Lett, Grapefruit One eg .FOURTEENTH DAY Oneiehop Lunch Toast Coffee Dinner Bra04 steak Qrenefruit FIFTEENTH DAY Lunch Tomat" One slice t. Dinner Two lamb chops (-OneWlAlf spoonful tn. .Ompcfrui' One eg 'SIXTEENTH DAY Lunch One tom:i' ' Coffee Dinner .Broiled stack P!u Oranc.o r.unch cm SEVENTEENTH DAY Lettuce Oi..p- Dinner Broiled steak Tcun i' 1 1 Olives EIGHTEENTH Lunch One.egg . One-half grap' Coflce Dinner One broiled fish P' " p One-half grape; Minister (calllm' offsWell. my lltUc 4 tens, you? 1 Six slices cucumber Little Joe Yes sir I 1 te tomato tomato Lettuce Lettuce does does Paoaf- Papa!- Fort Fort W W 'i Two olives One One-half grapefruit Tea or coffee Journal. This nrlvnrl Me Un Control llourd or hy the Government of JJritlsh C aiu"""!