i A' rioijor '.Mil L il uoi 9ti)i( IllflW siti no h'i: !i. 1 ftr. t.'i : ..v ft.;ji l-;iiiA iV -dai Ha uo -t "t ".mi --; . PACK FuTO rn n.tirr rrErrs llllt INSTALMENT XXXIV. On the fifth evening after Lady Hannerton's friendly political talk to the soldier's wives. Miss Brown making her usual pilgrimage to the station, received an unexpected and tor the moment terrifying shock. The train had Just come to a standstill and she was waiting on the platform by tne guards van, wnen mere issued irom a first-class carriage Mr. Serge Malakoff, the great master of music, and Noel Frankland. They were only a few yards away and Miss Brown, afraid of making any violent movement, could do no more than turn round to beckon to a passlne porter. When she had received her usual box. however, and made her way after some considerable, but purposeful delay out into, the station yard there was no sign of the two men. It was dark when, after a few momenta' delay at the- telephone office, she arrived at the Nook, and she was thankful that with her heavy bax to superintend she had every excuse for entering the house by the back door. The moment she was inside she heard familiar voices and realized the presence of the two men in the sitting room. She paused for a brief period of deliberate reflec U&Mnffwr m3 Copyright. 1927. by E. Phillips Opprnhejm. I will join me. I know. We're getting into our last stride, drawing me threads together, and it 1& difficult work. We've got the emer doors and closed them again behind the t'VP men. T'ipii ah flnni herself upon the sofa, u a cigar- ana eitner of tnese man might maid threw unao au tne benefit her visit had achieved, but on the other hand the idea of flight was more than distasteful to her. Suddenly the maid delivered a very welcome message. "Her Ladyship left word, would you mind having a tray up in your room tonight instead of coming down to dinner, Miss Brown?" she said. "She's1 got two gentlemen one her parliamentary agent. I think, and she wonts to talk business with them." Miss Brown was certain then that Providence was taking care of her. "I ss)kl like the tray in my reem. Bueoa," she confided, "but would you in a few minutes tell! Her Ladyship that I am very much obliged for her message, and that in any case I was going to ask if1 she would excuse me this evening. , I have a bad headache and I am 1 goto to bed." "That would be all right Miss,' rm sure." the girl replied. "These ' gentlemen have been here before! and they always stay until the last i train." j Miss Brown hurried up to her ' room, took off some of her cloth . aast locked the door. Firmly es-, tabttshca in her character of in-! valid she drew a breath of relief. ' Downstairs she could dearly dis- Ungulsh Piankland's raucous tone ' Lad Hannerton's occasional little' peal of soft laughter, Malakofilj thin, sneering intervention. Heri nanus stole out to her notebook, which lay on the table by her aide. There was a word or two of Prankland's worth recording. j Lady Hannerton had greeted her i Tsuwr i wnn some indications of ssWpflBBUHIli . "Bat where,' 'she asked, "is Nlch-cte- Bretakopf ?" Matakeff sighed. "Wie victim of an unfortunate Jrtkltnt dear lady." he, confided. "He will not be able to present bliMclI la pobllc fojr .several days. H atnt you his apologies- and hU Piwaond rccrets." . "The one man . from whom I hate bean expecting to get a little I fresh Inspiration!" Lady Hannerton complained. "I think that my work Is having its effect." she admitted thoughtfully. "At the same time it is dance rou even more dangerous than it seems. There are one or two of the women who are absolutely devoted to me. and whose husbands are entirely on cur side, and I had a word of warning yesterdayone young staff officer has been detailed to go round and nuke inquiries about exactly what I do say to these women. I shouldn't be surprised If I got an official visit at any moment. Then, Thornton doesnt make It more easy, she went on. The Stan's a fanatic. Courage is all very w8. but he hasn't an ounce of discretion. I get the placards dews here for him quite safely. They came In a Times Library box by the :30 o'clock train several nights a week. He calls later and oottects them. His methods, though are perfectly terrible. lie scarcely wata for the lights-out bugle. A Itw aights ago he pasted over a moBcand of the placards all an encampment where he was continually within fifty yards of the sentries. Even though he's only a reservist I should think he would be liable to be shot on sight if he were caught" Malakoff. rolled a rfoftretto mUV. long, skinny fingers. His freqaent naneos toward the sideboard nro-dwaad at last the desired effoct "vermouth or sherry?" his hos-tesa inquired. "Vermouth mixed. U you have .both .sorts with a little lemon." was the prompt reply. Frankland P novel vl.Oi' Th- "General Maltravers, my lady," it I'd leave the neighborhood for $he announced, fe ttae." The general, a short, sturdy!? she sat up on the couch, and man. with Iron gray hair another soft fingers stole invitingly bronzed complexion, entered with toward his hand. He rose at once isome clanking of spurs. Ladvlto his feet and stood upon the Hannerton gave him her band, I hearth-rug with his back to the which he raised gallantly to his 'fire. lips. From the moment of his en4 'I've lold you In what capacity Usance,, howeverr she "guessedhlsf I'm hirMe.rcjhe'f continued, j ermna. lMand weve got ta lace tnis tning "You haven't come-to tell merout. There's -a-great -deal-of can't dine tomorrow nleht?" ' easiness tbrouchout the camn. lsh asted anxiously. I They're worrying me at the war -uan't say mat mat was. tne office aDout it. it s gone so rar object of mv visit." he admitted bringing a chair up to the side ot ner coucn. "im afraid I shan't be able to manage it, though." "Henry!" she exclaimed re proacniully. "You see. it's like this. Mono." or tommy rot Hie man who's hejvent on. "I've had a word or responsible for those posters will two wun you on me sumecx rx.i tv hnt nn stent, vhm wp catch r i .i ii ;r-r . o gency meeting to tackle nexnas, so to speak, and we've always on their decisions." The woman at the sideboard mixed drinks for the two men and briught them over. Malakoff qulp- ed his down greedily. "What will interest Your Lady ship," Malakoff remarked with an acid smile, "is that we voted you what you asked for last night I don't want me to be like these 5000 pounds. That should enable you to clear things up here prop erty ana nave a uwe in your pocket for Monte Carlo." Yon dear man'" she exclaimed with glistenirtK eyes. Malakoff produced a fat notebook and laid It upon the- table. Suddenly she listened for a moment, leaned forward and covered It wtth her hand There was sound of the tramping of horses' hoofs outside and a firm 'footstep up the paved path "I knew something, of this sort would happen." she cried in an I agjiated tone. Herc s the general Quick! Slin into that little room behind!" She opened the communiratintr tton. A meeting between herself et'.e and took QClA WILSON'S BACHELOR IU4- SILVER ANNIVERSARY Wilson's -X- ilk other women, do you, Henry? You always said that I interested you because I was different. They have nothing to talk about, nothing to Wink about except their bridge ur uicv serrenu or weir lennis or the misdemeanors of the colonel's wife or the flirtations of some one else, or the general hardships of an army life. You awn want me to iret Into that rut?" "Look here," he persisted, and ihere was a ring of something unusual in his tone, "you and I are pals, you know. XJnnn but t havent come to see you this af ternoon as a pal. I've come to see you as the general in command of the district here, and I tell you that people arp talking in a very v:eer fashion about you and what ems to be your Dronueanda. I act m pocket what the foil THAT'S wrapper means to smokers! And it does far more than guard your Bachelors from breaking, chipping and fraying. It helps to retain the freshness, the full fragrance, the mellow mildness of the rich, 100 Havana filler . . . and gives you the full enjoyment of every Bachelor you smoke. Because of the protection afforded by the new foil wrapper, the Bachelor is a better cigar and better value today than ever before. Smoke a Bachelor and sense this improvement with the first puff. M 1 Individually foil wrapped iOc and In pocket packs,pf Bachelor, that we practically decided to chuck our winter maneuvres. Some fellow's putting up placards all over the place, appealing to the men to elect tneir own officers, pool the pay and that sort wuic, out wus uraeer we-ve got him. but tnere's no doubt that a to tackle it seriously. Of course, you married dear old Hannerton and all that and became one of lot of harm's been done. This talk of yours to the women may bo exactly what you mean it to be tWhlnc hut enllfrMenart rmllttoe treated yOU as SUCb. but I ri.irp.HAW hut tt' tnHlrur th mm. wou ju uycu m nussiannis uuernai propaganda ana Its when you were young rather sets got to stop from this moment." these people talking considering Lady Hannerton rose slowly to your thing. liberal Ideas and that sort of her feet. To all appearances she She nodded. "Yes.' 'she confessed, "it's ouitn irue uhi i nave noerai ifleas. You was not discomposed but there was a smoldering fire in her eyes. "You're a little dictatorial, are you not?" she asked. "I am not a soldier, you know." "I am sneaking with authority," was the blunt reply. "You are liv ing in a mHltarv nrea here n! you've a perfect right to do as poor old Dick's widow, but you come under a certain phase of military Jurisdiction, and I don't want any misunderstanding. You were laiwng of goinc to Monte Carlo quite soon. Go there at the end of this week. Be out of here Dy Sunday if you can manage it Have the house empty by Monday." "I don't question your motives. I simply say that in conjunction wun rnese aamnaMe placards and pamphlets and the strikes coming on and all that, your attitude on 'cial affairs isn't arroreciated down here. I've delivered my ul-t'matum. That ends my visit of- think if I were you-and you '5? y som"nit nice know very well how I hate to lay jVcn tn Henry, she begKed. 1929 I'otection in ciar case in box r'.uth." He nodded accepted the drink Td ?. cigarette which she lit (or mm He oasred his right arm round her waist and even accepted and returned the caress of her lips. "I'm sorry, of course. Mona." he said "It s been ripping having vou nere. dui it s orougnt me i "O againt the red taoe at War Office You've'Wn Jofftf.0 discreet without a doubt. ajSf'lhj mes from me as a pal," he' wed? op. dropping ws voice, "there's a nretty well authenticated rumor that vou've stot some undesirable S lands. Cut loose from the whole ing and get off without a moment's delay. Oet over to Monte uario or somewhere and forger !t an. rm sorry to have you 'go, bur it's got to be. for both our Tfikei kci b on oi ieave later on, 1 expect, but believe me Main.. and now I'm saying more than-1 oouia oo, meres a treble-headtd ecret service working now home tfice mlliUrv and police and lerre no fools. That's enough. "Yes that's enough." she skthed "By the bye." he went on, "who tc those two Queer looking haps I heard give your address to caxrcao man at the station an our ago fellow with a pointed, "lack bear'i looked like any sort -i scounnrei T dv Hannerton lauKhed nftv ' That was Malakoff th sreoU st mu5-lan in the world " sh onfided The man with him was 'lie secretary. "Malakoff --chap whose music i'l the papers are ravine about?" ne general mused. "Don't IIVp th ook of him but T suppose a chap ike that can look as he pleases." The eeneral glanced out through the rain-streaming window to where his orderly was walking hie horse up and down In the dark street. ' in my last visit. MOrva." he old her. "Sorry things have got T-oome to ah end like this. I may get up to town on Sunday night for dinner not at the dub. cu irv a quiei place. -Our farewell.'' she murmured. I should lore It. Henry but why not at the club?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Frankly. I daren't be seen wltn vou." he confided. "You mean that I am a suspected person?" ''No use beatfaur ahnu tK buch. That's exactly what yeu arti inqyu give you a iinai word of warning. You 11 nrobabhi he watched from this moment unMt you ieave. l u send you a line about Sunday." He klcced her fingers, then her lips, and took his leave. She peered through the gloom and watched htei pass down the narrow th and mount lightly, notwlth- tandlng his fifty years, to his 'addle. Then, with a little shrug of the shoeMers. she threw open the folding doors. "Dinner In a quarter of an ' she- announced to the two men. Noel hurah tfiajba ifTMtt Ftankland ierked his over his shoulder towarrW g. ne answered the note Iry in hi face with a nod its." she assented. "One of he women must have given me way i nave w oe out of the 'elgllborltood by Monday." (To Be Continued Monday) The Twenty Years Ago column ' the Vancouver Sun on Thurs-: .v said: "Hi Honor Judge Young .. down from Prince Rupert wttfi Mis. Young and Is registered at lie Hotel Vancouver." rr l tteaa V utters at McfcXE'S t An extensive line of Gifts for every member of tho flisnl.iv. Visit this nonular stnrfi and spp nil thn lntnot i. . : I , . V , . i S i 7 . "WM-mt ami iwi mft thinms nlainlv marked at a rantm of nnpps iVini uiill o r i " o- r - i ?i ouil t-U'i y p'Jfjp Toys, Dolls, Games, Meccano Sets, Souvenir Goods, Novelty China and Glassware, Books, jne. a: h. stn: K. Steen Stone, 2; V. Krlkevskv. 1. L. 1 2 P. MAoie Leafs M. New 1C- 8 Boddif 3: C. McTod; E. March. 'll-yt?'- L L0. 8: M. dll-christ; total, 29. Intermediate uansers is Burdette; P. Smith: P. 10 6 4 BASKETBALL! Sport Chat Fancy Leather GonJ. a Flowers, Decorations T T Jlfe Ct I Three Tun Tail Beaten Br Elk: ' There are many in Stewart who Xaw lose to BanVers; Maple : would like td play basketball butt Leaf Rout Toilers I difficulty Is being encountered 4 VAW'. ' j the matter of securing a venue j tereste( Upsets la tee Senior and Inter-1 tor the playing of games. Last much n!.i mediate League encounters feat-1 year the Stewart theatre was used eoover r. ured last evening's basketball ' hot the management of that ball double yi 1 canes at the Exhibition Haft 'M unwilling to have It used again Towns, Three Two Taxi had a subetan-1 this year for thJ hoop game It New York al 19 to 6 lead over the Elks at i has been suggested that the hell of. they v. the end of the first half of the at Hyder might be used bat the the stmt Senior match but the Lodge Men matter of tr asportation present Ulcw " came very much to life in the a difficulty. The basketball sttua- snort-:g second neriod and snatched a 33 tlon brings to the fore the Idea ; wwness fo XI victory. During the last five of having ft minutes or so. the score was tled.,Qme sort provided The win of the raw rvri in 1 is the on!r town -MJ. Writing Sets, Pictures, f Papeteries. Candln, a..- victor lYhCYO-nvnrhYnnnm sin ORTHOPHONY VICTROLAS AND RECORDS RinvnlQ. 11 nartrtc Gloria Flnnr I T I. f r Vacuum Cleaners P ii tt r am . . L k k. J . W I I J 1 I - I ww UL l Headquarters iaii& i uuk A.tiAo auui'ri.M, A I'LEAS UPSETS IN eeHMmmity iTunlty hall ball of or l .f'rSSiSkatinerlereli itrenathen the hold of the Play- tne north that doe not posses ers club on first place In the,00'-Bentor League. i . Naval Reserve threatened to; An Athletic Club ha now neai me iau moving Bankers m; organised at Anyox as a si me micflBcgiace xeague as mej1 1 isry to toe Anyox comr led 12 to 8 at half time. The League. The formation with Financiers, nowever. struck their club of aroliDs for boxing wrmediate and rallies' division. A readjustment ha been made In the executive, It. Deeth' remaining as. president while John Lasere has been named vice-president and George Ktnglemann. secretary. It U planned to stage fix- ?' iif.? -Donaltison. t4iHr-town contertlwlth , Prince t rtUnderwood' a: E lRudert later In ufo- seaion are fA.-.iJ Bartow; total ft. Nary J. Pierce. n v.i. K. Smith. 6: D. Stalker! 2; R R ' ' Wicks. 2; total, 16. Leajue Standings teS" itendin to date are -Jf. as follows: Senior W Players' Club 5 Three Two Taxi 3 Elks 2 Intermediate Big Four " 4 Bankers 4 L. 2 3 5 fbeirlg entertained.; UNIVERSITY COACH SEATTLE, Dec. 14: -Jim Phelan the new coaeh at the University of Washhigton. 1c expected to bring about a number of change. High School 3 2 8 Naval Reserve 2 5 4 C N. R 61 4 2 Ladles W. L. P. Maple Leafs 5 1 iitlO Tollers 1 5 2 Wn Hi made a lively match of It. finally etc.. will be attempted. Loaders ij?,,,, whining out 18 to 18. itor these activities are now being 2JL h ',, Th ToOers were routed by theisoaght. The new Athletic Club has cSSf u Maple Leafs in the Ladlcc Lea w.' elected oftteers a follow: prt- ti k , the wore being 2 to 17. May Net dent, William Ring: vloe-preai- fff JS accounted for sixteen of the dent. C. Karen; secretary. D. WW- ifb . Leaf' points and took a long lead son. i ff K, on the Individual scoring sheet 'wMl fnr Im hanu IT.1t 41 - ' TV.. r-j.. . t Will be DC ou "Jl - "-"m Ullir SCUIC X UC AUJUK lUIUiaMMJ UIHO WU 1 lto 2 for the Manle Taf held a verv niMMMfiil tnivrnammt f W1Q iMtchell refereed all rwenUv with elhtMn enutdaa Erne. There was hardly a hand-! participating In the rompetirton. I Of fsni present to watch the The nlavera were divided Intn tm gM owing to the eoU evening, groups, the winners of the first , Individual scoring was as fol- ' group being Mrs. McRae and T. Kws: Clnke while In the SMVtnd 1r en,or isnutn and Mr. Ooedbloed were ii:. i.i . uurvjcn. 8: i winners. Tne club now ha an en- B. natchierd. 12: R sm4tH t- n .t-rflment nt fifi un mam Ktt wHI fct sta ker. 2: & Ourvich, 2: total 27 the nrosnect of more ioinimr afte- nb n vii.-i t a . . . , . - a 1 , . ... uiucm, j; ai. uudin- unraimas. i rj, 7: W. Lamble 12: J rnr ,R-.Nelaon' r F- Burdtte. i; i New Ufe has been injected into to1 M.- . J lUl T?etbaIl leagues at .Anyox .. ? olcsw and the-prospect are new brtghi- vjuitico. j! u. ir- ea lor acuvuv m me nir in. Vancouver Is Sudcess Be A UUUIUi ' Ujr L ci ia .,... ,. tf Wrest- iis a ait un1-" . Many TUnn atTw Port S:n.; north wh (' 1 Haysr'.-wind. 34 Terra"'' east wind 4. Rossttix.i '. Alyar h Alice Ai-IO. Anyox 1 Haselc below. fcnithr - ow. Burns 1 ' Vandrrl.i' QUC.'U' Eighih V Whitn-.' 1 vlod. 7 Carinti1 1 ow. Dawson 1 C S.R TB.tLNS or the East-(Mons.. w.-.! & rom the Fist- , Sons.. T Vurk was -v" uw,;:;:'i 1 f TUCHiTAlrifi a? i' .1!