p V 1 i u December 14, 1929 Christmas Gifts y i Lavender Sets n Rolls . s Purdy's Orlf-, . i "loir's. ( -From Ihe Brownies i .i.' Kodak. .. !! s Novelties in Choc a Pens and Pencils. , Dalcrose Toilet Soap and toilet Sets from England. Men's. , Filled Toilet , Bags, Christinas Cards, Paper Tags, Seals," Dressings "for parcels and Christmas trees. Baby toilet Sets, Fancy Stationery, Military Brush Sets. ALL MERCHANDISE OF BEST. QUALITY AND AT A REASONABLE PRICE PVy man 77w Pioneer DrttrQists THIBD Wt. (r bix I n s l. 'TLLEPllONFS ' b 200 m a uieque uvery 'A:. I.hriQrmaQ .Will be received by your family. Santa Claus will deliver ft without ' J X ' Mtu,e , ten, fifteen, twenty years, or out what you need in money to make your family happy. Is it $25,00, $30,00 or J100.0O. t.i make and see them happy while you are with them. b happy if their loving Daddy is taken away? ' :.'.;.ke the uncertain certain and see that they are made . ' other children on Xmas day by applying for A SUN LIFE CHRISTMAS POLICY u in ulars will be gladly submitted by calling or writing J a hour, Phone G 15, P.O. Box 15 15, Prince Rupert Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada jr ante in force over $2,000,030,000; Assets over $509,093,000 ' MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY 1 ? SJbour. Sun Life Agent, Rupert, B.C. n interested in the Sun Life Xmas pottey. I need an n (TLfctt.OO, $50.00 or $100D0 every Xmaf (underline , "u. rftju'.red). My age is My beneficiary's age is IV send me without obligation on my part full partlcu- Union steamships limited Matllnta frvin Pilnre Kuixrt ' n . n( it.R VII IOKIA. Saion imt. Butrdale. Alert lla. tit., Tur. i ii.m. M til ti lt. VICroiilV lluledale. ,lf1 Ikiy. eic . Krldar inldnliht .1' I' '. A IIM. AN VOX, STEWART. Niu. KHrr. Tort Hliupiton, mm j' 8 mi pro. . .. ... vwiiiii- R M SMITH ittnt mute Rupert. II. C it rough iVkrt old to tlrterlt and rttle jnd baccate brrkrd i In tlftllualloti. Ltirgcft Kailway Syftem in America if Ci B. C. Coast Steamship Services SAILl.NUS rKU.AI rjWAUt ItllXUl To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway I'fo. H, 28. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle-Dec. 18, Jan. 1. Princess Mary- Ocean Falls, etc.. Vancouver and VU-torta, every Friday, 10 p.m. Attn is l or ih airamMiip u" V O i harii, General Agent, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone 31 STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE Trom PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VIC-" l.V SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each Thutsda lunJay, 10:00 p.m. VnV,)X. each Wednewla at i p.n. . . i i WAUT each Wcdneslav. 4 p.m.. and Saturday. 8 p.m. VtR'llJ and SOUTH OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 'nightly. ' ii:tt 1U.IN LEAVE PRINCE Rl'PERT i ::i)NKMAY and 8 ATl'Hli V it 11:30 a.m. for I'RIM'E :.'.! . l.lt.MONTON, WINNIPECI. all points lutrril Canuda, I lilted AUENCV AM. OCEAN S(EAMMIIP LIXBS I j.-kct Office, 528 Third Ave Prince Ruperl Phone 200 SRlir rn niini ii m mi i mi i in nii.-iMwiTO.,itj Coal? Coal? ' ' iiiiMihtuKi! of ir. price u: In your Mintrr miMl.T. '' '"' nd CAKSIIIY-Wr.M.INO-111 In urn qiiantl(lr Aho 1 Hii. Oruln mid Ffi'd. t r' ,r Rupert Fed Co ''HONES 58 AND 538 i Dr Alexander rilONE 575 IIF.SNKII MOCK DENTIST Etirly Ad. Copy is appreciated Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gosse, Phone, Nothlntr over $1 at Ideal Gift Shop.- Third Ave.', next Ireland,' the OBtlftWfi'. " 93 r- CPA. steamer Princess Norah. Cant. C. C. Saintey, arrived in port at 11:30 this morning from the south and sal'ed an hour later for Skarway and other Alaska points whence she is scheduled to call here southbound next Wednesday afternoon. Union steamer Venture. Capt. E. Oeorgeson arrived in port at 5 35 this morning from the south and sailed several hours later on her return to Vancouver and way-points This is understood to be the Venture's last trio north on this run as the Cardena. which has been undergoing overhaul at . . T M-1 1 1 I norm Vancouver louuwmg ner : stranding three weeks ago in the stceena siougn. is expected to resume service next week. CANADIAN LEGION XMAS TREE Names of the children of ex- eervlce men and affiliate members -hould be handed in not later than December 18. (294) Christmas Sailings C. N. Steamsliips CANADIAN SERVICE VROM HALIFAX, N.S. TO 1'I.YMOt TII-IIAVKE-LONIION Anranla J.m. 0. F?b 1U. Alaiir.iu. Jan. 27. Mar. 3. I i J. L.' RarnttM' Britannia en?ln-.; leer from Alios Arm. after a brief I visit, in the city, sailed on the i Princess Mary last night for Van- The lowest thermometer reading here during last night was 22 de-mc above aero. This morninr ! the ' barometer was droDDing Mtchtlv and the sky was filling i with clouds. I C. N ,R steamer Prince Charles ' , Cant. E. Mabbs. arrived in Dort at '12:30 noon todav from Vancouver and Ocean Palls and will fill I at. 8 o'clock this evening for 1 Stewart whence she will return 'here southbound tomorrow eve ning. In order to accomodate those de-airing to go south after close of schools Friday, pecemher Td$. the Canadian Natiocal 1 J J ;4 announce that the1 3 r3iiiup-ert" will sail from Prince Ruaert i for Vancouver 6:00 p.m..Trraay, De-icember 20th, instead of 10 00 p.m., Thursday, Decerrtber 19th. This , boat arrives Vancouvet 7:00 a.m. , Sunday. December 22ud. , In addition to above, the S3. '"Prince Charles" vitfll, saf ,frbm Prince Rupert for Vancuvej; JOiOO Jpjn. Sunday, Dectiaber 2!nd. ar-! riving Vancouver ? dQ ,n.m., Tuesday, December' 34tlv Make reservations earlv at C!tv Ttcjcet Office. Third Avenue. Phone 2G0. 1 295) lu (JmitinMi l.lvrrxil Lancstria. Jan. 9). AtbenU. Fwbw 17. Antonli. Mar. n. Muney Order. Draita As Trnyrtli' Chrquea at lowest rata. Full lalor-matlon tfum 1ocal Agnta or Com-pnny'a Off t hjj Haatlnga St. W.. Vancouxer. B C r To (JlakKow-IIHfiiftM.lYrrpool .Inn. 3. lt. 1 Mantrewe "Jan. in Ducheaa ot Rlchrnnid Jan 17 DiKhe&a of York 'Jan 34 kbllU No', cftlllng U BrUaat. Tn C1ifrhiuri;-l.uiHliiii De-v 37, Jan 31 Uctaguaa To Chrrh ulirn-Soii I I'n in it nn -1 lam burf . Feb. 30 , . . .JHUtfa 1- lI IT FROM VANCOUVER Tn IUHnll-4.in-niliia-11illli!lnrH xOm. at. aMar. 8 Impnu of Rusala xJan. 11, Mar. 3B Envprcaa ot Asia xPab. IS. xAp. 1? Sinpma of Oaawla I x Iooludlnj nil ut Honolulu Aonlv to Annu everywhere or J. J. FOHSTKK 3tamtblp Oenl. Paai. Aent C.P.R. station. Vnncevr '.lphone: Trinity 1151 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Could Not Sleep HEADACHES Were So Bad Mrs. A. M. Araenault, New Aberdeen, N.S., writes s "For a period I bad been troubled with headaches and they .were bo. bad, the kept me awake at " .!f! . . ' "I was axlviwa dj a inena, aiier httvice used many different kinda of medicine, to try "After taking three bottles I itJl completely relieved, and can recommend it to be a perfect medicine " Put np only by The T. Milburn Ca, Limited, Toronto, Oat. Secure your ticket for the Trades & Labor Banquet, Commodore Cafe, next Friday evening. $1.00. Good program. ; Merely routine business was ta-kpn ii n nt the recular monthly meeting last night of St. Andrew's society, resident uowara oieen was in the chair. The remains of the late Mrs. John Wells, whose death occurred on Thursday afternoon, will be forwarded tomorrow night on the Prince Charles to Chllllwack where interment will be made. During the afternoon there will be a service at the cjiapel of Hayner Bros, undertakers with Rev. Thomas McConnell of First Presbyterian Church officiating. ATTENTION EAGLES Re. Basics' Xmas Tree All members having children In their families are requested to phone or send in names and ages of kiddies to Secretary A. Astoria or Brother James Sturgeon before Sunday, December 15. (231) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR BALE Pair ladies' tub-skates and shoes, size 5. Phone j Green 215. iLOST Pair of black-rimmed I glasses between Post Office and I Frizael's Store by Fourth Stre :t and Third Avenue. Finder ; please return to Daily News OI-1 fice. Reward. Our Christmas itock IS NOW CO.MPLirTE AND waiting FOR YOUR INSPECTION EVERYTHING IS FRESH AND OF THE BEST QUALITY1 ALMOND PASTE i Pe. lb. - BLEACHED SULTANAS t Per lb I SHELLED BRAZILS I Per lb. TABLE RAISIN8 Per pkg SEEDLESS RAISINS 4-lb. pkg MOONLIGHT MELLOS 1-lb. tin WEATHEY'S MINCEMEAT ' 2 pkgs. . ; CHRISTIE'S 'GINGER SNAPS Per lb. DUTCH MAID MAYONNAISE 16-01. bottle . BROWN SUGAR Per lb SWEET JUICY ORANOSS 3 doz SLICED PINEAPPLE 2s. 3 tins FROM SAINT JOHN Kino oscar sardines- Per tin 60c 18c 70c 20c 55c 44c 25c 20c DUTCH MAID MA YON- - Oft NAISE 8-oa. bottle 49c 6c G5c 35c 15c CROWN BRAND SARDINES 0 Per tin 121 I CORNED BEEF Is. Per tin I I'AY US A CONNECT, i ' ii I j t 20c VISIT AND vnimswiP' iConomy Cash & Carry PHONE 360 319 Third Ave. Prince Itupert, B.C. Anglican W. A. Tea and Sale" of Work at the home of Mrs.. Hln-ton, Second Avenue on Tuesday, December 17 from 3 to 6. F. D. Mathers, who has . been ! here for the past few days on B. C. Packers business, will sail by the Prince Charles tomorrow night on his return to A. ,E. Ireland .who bas.-ibepn; oil a two, months, trip, to Toronto and elsewhere in the east, returned , to the city on the Prince Charles today, having travelled west via Vancouver. T. Leslie of Regina, who has been visiting here with a son, sailed last night on the Princess Mary for Victoria vhere he will pay a visit with a daughter before returning to the prairies. There were about forty passengers going north aboard the steamer Princess Norah which jwas in port today bound from Vancouver to Skagway. C. Berney was the only passenger disembarking here from the vessel. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Skjelten and two children, who arrived here early in September from Norway, sailed today on the Princess Norah for Ketchikan where they will take up residence. Mr. Skjel ten is engaged in halibut fishing. Thomas A. Firth, pioneer brok er and Insurance man of Dawson, was a passenger aboard the Prin cess Norah today returning to the Yukon after a five months1 trip to Toronto and the prairies. It was his first trip outside In twenty years. F. Ades. OiPit. roadniaster 'at Strasbourg. Sask., and Mrs. Ades and child, who arrived in the pity on unursaay aiternoons train from the prairies, sailed last night on the Princess Mary for Aiert Bay. wnere tney will visit with Mrs. Ades' mother, before proceeding for a trip to Call fornla. John Dorp riintrlrt Runrlntpn. dent of Government Telegraphs, left on today's train for a trip to Kitwanga and Smithers on offi- ci ai auues. Mr. uore, wno is De- mg transferred mom here to Victoria, has net been advised as yet as to who his successor here will ie. Until the aDnointment la marfp Mr. Dore will be remaining in rniim- xtupen. 'HELLO' HAWAII' IS SIG FEATURE :ll.'i ' Staged on a mammoth scale, 'Hello Hawaii," the Moose extravaganza, opens a three-day engagement at the Moose Hall next Tuesday night. Dancing, singing, mirthful comedy and.' colorful ppsiumes promise to make this show the event of the season. .. i . im,;ti. ii ii'i'i HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. ' Savoy N. McArthur, city; E. Quist, Oona River; John A. McKenzie, Vancouver. ANNOUNCEMENTS See the Christmas Pagent "Brlngers of Gifts" Anglican Cathedral Hall. December 16 at 8 pjn. Baptist Christmas Tree, December 20. Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. Christ-nas Tree December 21. Moose Christmas Tree, December 22. Ladles' Auxiliary St. Andrew's Society Hogmanay dance December 31, Moose Hall. Moose Charity Ball January 10. Don't Suffer ! Be Clothed For the Cold Weather GET WHAT YOU WANT AT THE MONTREAL IMPORTERS They brought Montreal prices to Prince Rupert. They have a great selectiona bigger stock than ever to choose from. (JhurcK $txvkz ST, ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL iV.m llefHi'PiPson, Dean ' Holy Communion at 8 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at'll ain. Sunday School at 2:30. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:30. There will be a service Wednesday at 8 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. W. Dafoe, D.D., Minister Services: 11 a.m . subject, "THE PURPOSE OF GOD IN THE INCARNATION"; Sunday School at 12:15; Evening Service at 7:30, subject, "A DAY OF RECKONING." Every- , body welcome. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 245 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the' First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morn-t ing service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN." Sunday School at 12 noon. Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Reading Room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. Thomas McConnell, ILA. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League, First Division Arsenal 2. Huddersfield Town 0. Artonvllla 5. Sheffield United 1. Bolton Wanderers 4, Westham United 1. Burnley 4. Mlddlesboro 1. Derby County 5, Orimsby Town 4. Everton 0. Manchester United 0. Leeds United 5, Newcastle United 2. 1 Manchester City 3, Leicester City 2. t Portsmouth 2. Birmingham 1. I Sheffield Wednesday 4, Black-i burn Rovers 0. i Sunderland 2, Liverpool 3. English League, Second Division Bradford City 1, Blackpool 1. Bristol City 0. Oldham Athletics 4. Cardiff City 1. Chelsea 0. Charlton Athletic 1, Tottenham Hotspurs 0. Hull City 3. West Bromwich Albion 2. Notts County 1, Mlllwall 1. Preston Northend 1, Nottingham Forest 2. 'Reading 1, Southampton 1. Stoke City 2, Bradford 1. Swanson Town 2, Bury 4. Wolverhampton Wanderers' 3, Barnsley 0. Scottish League. First Division Clyde 3, Ayr United I. Dundee 3, Hearts 0. Falkirk 4. St. Johnstone 0. Hamilton Acadia 5, Cowdenbeath 1. Hibernians 3. Dundee United 0. Kilmarnock 1. Celtic 1. Morton 1. Motherwell 3. Queen's Park 2. Aberdeen 2. Rangers 2, Airdrieonlans 0. St. Mlrren Q, Partlck Thistle 3. Scottish League, Second Division Albion Rovers 7, Ralth Rovers 0. Armadale 3, East Fife 2. Boness 1. Forfar Athletic 1. Clydebank 2, Kings Park 1. Dunfermline Athletics 10, Brach-ln City 1. Montrose 5, Alloa-L . i f . Queen of South 3, Arbroath i. St., Bernards 5,. Dumbarton D. , Stenhousemulr.,1, Lelth,Athletlc 1. Oscar Balnbrldge of East Bella Bella has been appointed a member of the board of management of the R. W. Large Memorial Hospital at Bella -Bella. Norman L. Freeman and John L. Kask of the International Fisheries Commission service here will sail tomorrow night on the Prince Charles for Vancouver to sDend the Christmas and New Year! holidays. 10 Morning Service at 11 o'clock. Subjecjt, "JOYFUL SOUND." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. Subject, "EVEN UNTO BETHLEHAM." ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor, Rev. John 11. Hanson Res. 618 Sixth Avenue West. Phone Blue 187 Sunday Services: Morning Worship 11 am. (English), theme, "A PROPHETS PERPLEXITY." Sunday School at 12:15. .Seal Cove Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Worship (Scandinavian), theme, "THE GREATNESS OF JOHN THE BAPTIST." Song by Men's Choir, organ solo by Mr. Lein. You will all be welcome. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A. Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "THE SEEING THAT IS.BELIEVI.NO" Sunday School at 12;15. Evenlng Service at 7:30. Subject. "WAGINO WINNING BATTLES." Anthem, "Magnificat." Devotional Meeting on Wednesday at 7:30. Second Round 17 ') Football Cup Second-round English Football Association results are as follows: " Carlisle United 4, Crowe-Alexandra 2. Stockport County 4, Barrow 0. Clapton Orient 2, Northfleet 0. Coventry 7. Bath 1. Newnort 2, Walsall 3. Brighton and Hove 4, Barry 1. Manchester Central 0, Wrexham 1. Northampton 6, Margate 0. Leyton 1, Fulham 4. Doncaster Rovers 1, New Brighton 0. Chesterfield 2; Portvale 0. Carnavon 1, Bournemouth and Boscombe 1. Southend 1, York City 4. Bristol Rovers 4, Accrington-Stanley 1. Southorpe 3, Rotherham 3. Queens Park Rangers 2, Lincoln 1. Watford 2, Plymouth Argyle 1. First-named teams played at home. NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY Biography The Kings of England, 1066-1001." Cllve Blgham. "Letters," Empress Frsderlck. "McDougall of Alberta," John Maclean. "Henry Hudson." L. Powys. "Intimate Papers of Col. House v.3-4," Charles Seymour. "Daisy, Princess of Pless, by