THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, DecembPr PAGE SIX u 1929 "Rap" Diesel-Oil Engines Manufactured by "Rap" Motor Co, Oslo, Norway Are Solid, Reliable and Economical Low Upkeep and Small Fuel Consumption A 35-foot trawler with a 14 h.p. Rap costs $4.75 for one week's run of 110 hours. Motor Boat "Rap 3" with a 24 h.p. motor giving speed of about 7V miles has run 1400 miles with a cost of $36.00 in fuel and lubricating oil. AUNT SOLHEIM IS NOW INSTALLING A Modern Up-to-Date Machine Shop at the Pacific Salvage Wharf He Will Take Charge of the Business of the Rap Motor Company During the Guarantee Year Equipped to give good service, his plant will be available at all times to the customers of the Rap Motor Company. He will also carry a full stock of spare parts for Rap engines. Doing everything in its power to make satisfied customers, this is part of the service given to Rap motor-engine owners in the Prince Rupert district by the Rap Motor Company. MOTORS OF ALL SIZES ARE GENERALLY CARRIED IN STOCK IN BOTH VANCOUVER AND SEATTLE See Me or Write For Information L. LIAHJELL Address in Seattle: St. Charles Hotel Third and Cherry Streets CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. 1 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Rl8cksmlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER, COURT & CO., LIMITED For the 'benefit of the Investing public, Miller, Court & Co., Ltd., publish a semimonthly market report, dealing with mining, oils and Industrial stocks, which Is available at our office on the 1st and 15th of every month. We offer prompt and reliable service in the execution of orders to buy or sell all stocks on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto Exchanges. S.D. Johns ton Co. Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert &C. DaUy Newt Want-Acu bring reeulU, A.W.EdgeCo. Northern British Columbia's Largest Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Supply House Clearance Sale . of Wallpaper TOTAL STOCK OFFERED AT 25 per , cent Discount WATERFRONT WHIFFS Waterfront Business Quiet as Festive Season proaches; Deer Hunting Concludes Tomorrow; Boatbuilding Activity realizes that the 'Seal cock should be julled'out -mtlet. Itwi Uld DC'abQUt as easy to link his befet onft'JtayW the other md then heculdftto down and dive for it next spring. Just think of all the trouble that would be saved 'ills winter. Prevaricating Yachtmen Sometimes we wonder whether it la any safer to, beJietaa yachtsman than a f IshermatL by which we mean anglers,', OneW Our prominent yacnUng; fflciids; returned to -ort this week'several days ovexdue from a hunting trip to Porcher Island. He chose to explain that he had been weatherbound. Some unkind folk have suggested that it night, instead, have been engine trouble, due. no doubt, to the cold weather. In any case, the rartv eot Wear Your Lodge Emblem Thii is a good way to show your fellow lodge members that you are proud to belong. WE HAVE EMBLEM RINGS IN STOCK FOR MOST LODGES Here are a few-Moose in yellow gold with white gold head and ruby eye $10.00 Masonic in gold with emblem and diamond $25.00 Eagles with black top and raised emblem $8.50 K. of C. in natural colored gold with raised enameled emblem at $11.00 ,IANV OTHERS IN STOCK AfiO EMBLEM BUTTONS ii JOHNgULGER ft to eJEWELLEKP THE STORE WITH THE CLOCH eral election hunt. Ap- After a three weeks" visit to Ketchikan and Juneau on official duties, Norman Freeman and John Kask of the local staff of the International Fisheries Commission returned to town on Wednesday night, having travelled down from Ketchikan aboard the American halibut schooner Attu D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, leaves tomorrow night for Vancouver, where he will spend Christmas at his home, proceeding from the southern city to Ottawa, where he will attend the annual meeting of the Biological Board of Canada on January 2. 3 and 4. It will be the first Christmas in six that Don has had the Opportunity of spending at the family hearthslde and the first in five that he has not spent on a train, travelling to the annual meeting of the board, which, in the past, it has been customary to hold two or three days after Christmas. He expects to return here about the middle of January from the East. John Dybhavn. Pacific coast director of the Biological Board, will be leaving right after Christmas to attend the Ottawa meeting. After New Boa I Capt. Dolf Prince, well known local halibut boat skinper. who recently sold his boat Scrub to William Miller of Porcher Island, left at the first of this week for a brief trip to Vancouver. It is understood his business is in connection with the securing of another boat to take the place of the Scrub. On selling the Scrub. Caotaln Prince said it was his Intention either to build or purchase a larger boat. The coast freighter Salvor was in port on Thursday from Vancouver discharging a cargo of coal and building material for Albert & Mc-Caffery. The Salvor is now boasting the modem appliance of wireless equipment. The Maesett Packers fish packer Jedway. Cant, Johnny Martlln. made a hunting trip down the coast at the end of last week, having on board Capt. and Mrs. George Fritz and Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson. It has not been learned whether or not Olof had the same success in catch ing the wuy game as he is said to be enjoying in the matter of securing the no less wily vote in the fed The Installation of a new 29 h.p. Rap (Norwegian) engine in the local halibut boat Nautilus is planned this winter. The Ward Electric Si Marine Supply Co. reports the sale of a 48 h.p. Oardner diesel engine to George Cook for installation in the new fifty-foot halibut boat he is having built at -the Suehlro yard in Cow Bay. The frame work now being finished, planking of the new boat is now proceeding. It Is scheduled for completion next March. Untimely Death Many friends were shocked to learn of the tragic death on Wed' Luwuiir evening, ui ,C(4L',ueuuiK, ilbckl halibut fisherman. Who hired -4a -canoe- that afternoon from - the Pacific Salvage Co. In which he went across tne narbor only to oe drown ed on tne moutn or McNichou Creek when the craft capsized. Hvedlng had been fishing out of here for the last two years and was quite well known. He was a brother oi Magnus Hvedlne. who is now having a new halibut boat built at, nsmp week, has closed a contract with the McLean yard at Seal Cove for the construction of a new halibut boat. George Frizzell's new power vessel Laura F. II left early Thursday morning, with Bob Frlzzell in command, for a hunting trip up the Ecstall River, a party of friends being on board. The party expects to bo awav until tomorrow. VVhn Ihn nnrrlnn of thp T-Hirfl liiu fl, nu ,r,o om1 Mrfttr VflK 4W!v;Hpj irViriovul. F; II was being turned over for the ij iVM Hl . ,wm ,w.miw " ; v mTY t time last Sunday, a backfire ing,, the waterfront and its diversified activities will take- occurred, setting gasoline in the it easy from now until 1930 has been successfully ushered "! fgrttgui,hgjge in, when work will start in real earnest in preparation for , prompt action was taken with fire another year's labors Just now are the dog days and, ggwthy from this Until Yuletlde, even the hot stove parliamen- easily have been more serious than tarians will have other things and very important ones to , tnev happily turned out to be. attend to as the festive spirit catches their fancy. There-i The McKiniey. capt. Bernard fore, there will bo little doing and 1 ! Hanson, wag the hlish boat of the the Whiff Man wonders, as news h,plc 0 K mil(h the reilef of aU K.ewniKan nanout licet for the 1839 getting with regard to waterfront i883 with shares of $3545.89 for venirthevdld eet kunked even 11 uia get i skuiikcu. nicy la-h affairs .t4i.: v. becomes .u - arduous, nrrin i rieham.n nn f, u the more If he, too, had not better suspend activities like the rest of folks, particularly since the weather Is so cold. But ye editor says that's im-oossible. News may come and news may go, but the poor newspaperman must, perforce, go on forever, no matter how rough the going may be and how barren the fields of his endeavor. John Williamson has resigned as accountant for the local branch of the Pacific Salvage Co. WllUam Gilchrist has now taken over his duties. Capt. Paul Armour, J. H. Plllsbury. Dr. L. W. Kergln, Milton Oonzales, Robert Blance and Capt. J. R. Elfert left yesterday morning for a hunting trip to the jiorth arm. of Porcher Island. With such a formidable array of doughty hunts men in pursuit, it may be imagined that the antlered monarchs of that part of the country are going to have a hard week-end of it. The expedition Is due back on Monday, the trip being made on the Pacific Salvage Co.'s power vessel Pachena. ti, Kr ,nno 9nn .ioc ' Klnley, during the season, landed ---- -n - a o into tomorrow after a fall which has been highly successful in this line or pursuit. The deer seemea very pientum tnis year ana quite a number of boys took the bag limit. Few admitted shooting does, although the hunting of these was allowed for the first time In many years. The season for ducks and geese will not close until next month. So far the birds have not been as plentiful this year as usual. After a successful season's operations, the Otteson Fishing Co. has closed down operations on its cold storage mow at the drydock.. Both halibut and salmon were put up by the concern, whose first season's operation here It was. The plant was that which' went adrift and stranded early in the season in Hecate Straits while being towed for the B. C. Packers from Skidegate Inlet to Walker Lake, being purchased and reconditioned by the Otteson people after it had been R. H. Bedford of the Prince Ri. rert Aft Flhrl 7MahrtA Wrwkrtmrti-ital Ernorlmpntal Kfctkin QtnMmn anyone would desire a fewiatnff ;-,ff omu k h iJi., ivini nt 7ir .i, tnr tht dr?lninS of ; his home in Edmonton to spend the engine in case of wintry weather, Christmas and New Year holiday nf.?1?! chrf,y "ommend season. L. F. Smith will go to Van-iJ? nlel Rlx; PVL01.1 ns16- couver for the holidays, ' confidently hopeful that Alex now I xnows an aoout draining engines In view of an experience this week which nigh proved costly. However, he did not lose Donnte R., although It is questionable how many experiences of that kind she would tolerate. If Alex still thinks that the intake should be opened to provide circulation and prevent the water from freezing, nowabt, he also now total of 520,000 pounds, making a gross stock of $62,419.40. The Pacific, Capt. Ole Larsen. was the blue ribbon boat of the Seattle halibut fleet each of the nine fishermen on board receiving $4010, a total of 467,000 pounds being landed. The Sunde was second high boat of the Seattle fleet. VALHALLA CELEBRATES Danniitt on Twentieth Anniversary of Founding of Scandinavian Society f- t" oseaVon of the twentieth annivermrv of tbe onanlaa-Horf of th Firs Scandinavian ""lev It Prince Ruoert. the Val- v-" T"tite he'd a banquet in the 'odore cafe last evening. 'Vfter the opening anthem "O I wus sun, me prcaiuem io; the society. Knut HauberK "adc suitable remarks outllnlna the purpose and functions of the 'odge. other soeeches were made by COnf Hanson, John Dybhavn and others. Vocal and musical selections were rendered by Mrs. Carl Dybhavn Miss Fossum and O. A Morse, a'ro a auartette by Misses Evelyn Anderson and Margaret Fossum and Ralph Johnson and Mr. Fossum. John Bergman, who has been a member of the society since its inceotion twenty years ago. gave a-history or the society. Other entertainment consisted of danfrlrjQitO MmnjttrUtv singing. ana aryiosr enro?aoie evening was "oun'T uo by singing "Ood Save the Kin Whist Drive and Dance Given by Boys of the Navy A wh(st drive and dance was heH last evening at the headquarters of the Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve whlrh P'O'd a very enjovabl' event The hall was attractively decorated with flags this being the work of Chief Petty Of fleer Young. About 35 couoles were oresent. Sup-vr was erved at midnight and dancing then commenced and was continued until 3 a.m. Prlw winners at whist were Miss M MacKav and R Mills. The committee in eh rue of the event were Chief Petty Officer Younc Mrs Young. Matt Harris md J Wrathall. Moose Whist Drive And Dance Success Two HnndrH Persons In Attend-ante At Affair I mt Nlrht For Christmas Tree Fund A successfulwhfet drive and dance wn held bv the Mortse Lodge last night in aid of the Christmas tree fund. There was a law attendance of 200 persons and the affair nroved very en'ovahle. Twenv tables of whist were In n'av and prize winners wre : Men's first. E. Green second. Mr. Leaner: consolation. Alex dtrachan; ladies' first, Mrs. D. C. Schubert: second. m if putt- consolation. Mrs. Jack Ratchford. ueliclou refreshments were served after card otayina; with Mrs. Percv Cameron in charge, assisted bv M's. Elnar Larsen and Mrs. P. J. , Ryan. ! For the dance which followed, tunesome music was furnished by I the Premier orchestra, the oroceed-; Intra coming to a eloe at 2 ajn. Jack Morrison was master of cer-1 emonie3; Percv Cameron and A. O. ' Rartlett nroidod t the door, and ' the committee in charge of the af- I fair consisted of W. B. McCallum. Ted Rorvlk. Bnm Haudenschlld. ! Oscar Sather, dlllis Royer and C. R. 1 uiggari. SCALE ; OFCl! ARGES ' the following is the scale of charges made for reading ' notices: Rirth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks. J2. Funerai Notices $1. runeral Mowers 10c oer the McLean yardat Seal Cove. ( MarrIaRe flnd Enjf n(rement Olof Anderson, whose Intention """""nrementi S2, oi ouuaing wus announced last 4 www u mi L I s TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City LINDSAY Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and ' Furniture Moving. THURSDAY, miQY AND SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. "YWVIA. 100 PER CENT TALKING PICTURES & MUSIC THEJJJPE, MAURICE CHEVALIPR In imoeents of Paris" TALKING COMEDY "THE OLD HARM" Novelty in Technicolor, 'HAWAIIAN LOVE CALL' ADMISSION, 20c AND 65c; SATURDAY MATINEE, 15C AND 40e DEMAND upert Brand" pers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Coltj Storage Co., Ltd. I'KINCE RUPEKT, B.C. LUMBER 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.h 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap t $23.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap f $20.00 1x10 No . 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common . ?2"i.M 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common . $22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mftuldinss Lath. Shinnies. Doors, Windows, Etc BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, SCI K'etail Yard, Cow hay, Telephone 423 COAL! COAL! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 2.?J ALBERTA LUMP Deliveredfper $n 13.39 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD MILL ENDS Per load BOX CUTTINGS Per load &0 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 I . mm Mine Head Coal HARD, HOT, CLEAN AND DU This coat is rr all who have used ' ! the beat Albertu " . " into Prince Rupw no rock nor slack deliver it in any sire OSS w. . Furnace Lump : v,' 'j SI 50 :3 S1S.5I REMEMBER , , ,T,,r Our coal Ukcp J and you are not pa.'. water. , Wc Can Supply- Tclkwa Lump .,150 Wellington Lump INSIDE MIIA WOOD Cut H-xlC", bis Id M C. C. KETCHUM & CO., LTD. PHONE in