: L ogislative Library WEDNE SDAY, ou. X PRINCE RUPERT, B. C.. AUGUST 27, 1919 ————— ; By-elections will be LABORTURNS —_BOLSHEVIKI Late in October PATTERIESON CLAIM WINS “ THE LEADERS i War Omice Says Denikines | Jon. W.L. MacKenzie King Refuses to Advancing and the Enemy in Ukraine Completely Oppose United Farmers Candidate | Demoralized. In Glengarry-Stormont Because "eg or, te eo iene Platform Similar to that —_ lof Petrograd, has been captured| e Special via G.T. P. Telegraphe.) by Bolshevik forces, actording to Of Liberals. (Special via G. T.P jan oficial Moscow dispatch. The} Special to The News via @.T. P. i) \ gust Zi. Methods of Minister of Labor and | President of Labor Congress west! Sydney, N , Aug. 27 Repre- United Mine | Workers of America turned their | batteries on Hon. Gideon Robert The nominations for the by-election wil] son minister of labor; Tom 20 and the pulling day will be October 27. It Moore, president of the and Labor sentatives of the Reds also claim successes on the M. Volga, including the capture of iKamshin although despatches! lissued by the London War Office Trades |declare that the advance of Gen. asking that an Congress, and P. M./epal Denikines along the western|"@¥*ges of the Bolsheviki. Telegraphs. ) October be practically certain that every one of the vacant , Draper, at ¢ t “ entio - he possible exception of Victoria, where Hew. S. F cor: at a labor convention |Russian front is continuing with , » te — inanas je@reat rapidity. at this particular time. Minister of Agriculture, may be returned by acelama The convention went on record It is also claimed by the British “A ; ‘ R ! , : ‘ intested as opposed to the methods car- |} War Office that the Bolsheviki 5 am a ussian ry vandidate has already been nominated for Glen-|Tied out by Messrs. Robertson | ecatina throughout the whole of naturalization, now residing in 2 ; ind North. Ontario. an and Draper in selecting the Ukraine are completely de- fee! it a duty to express my opin- ey nn delegates to the Ottaws j sn ' . . \ iria, Ont., August 27.—The name of Hen. W. L. Mae- “ a - Ve on Industria moralized, ion and t i j : ] ti t l I > eee ‘ sonterence on ’ eptember 16 Zz en knowledge which I possess re. King was placed in nomination at a Liberal convention in They endorsed the action of the | Just arrived, a car of Beaver specting conditions ‘ ai Stormont. Bet 6 better from the new pecting nditions in my native ap 1oSeete Seeeeseeeeeececes incisco were cancelled here when the railroad strike which |@Hon of the Allies, romises ry Secure it and Part of Reserve. we a \uguet 27 “otenel ‘ARM FROZEN. ing order until the \government can be established. The strike began in Los Angeles in sympathy with the workers} Seven Per Cent of Peopie. | has paralyzed southern California suddenly made its appearance THE DAILY NEWS birth, a We Never Sieep PRINCE RUPERT AUT) 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE) PRICE VIVE CE - te oo — Appeal to Powers By Local Citizen M. Aivazoff writes to Premier of France, _ Britain and Canada and to President of United States asking that Army be sent to Russia \ivazoff, better known here as Mitchell Albert, has written Premier Clemenceau of France, President Wilson of U. 8. A. Premier Lloyd George of England, and Premier Borden at Ottawa army be sent to Russia to aid in checking the He says :— “T trust that you will pardon my presumption in writing you British through British Columbia, mia, of Canada, ae subject so 2% PUBLIC WORKS. MINISTER I$ ON THE JOB Going Through Country Looking Into Needs of People and Noting Development. Hon. Dr. King, who went east this morning, pressed before leaving ex- pleasure at seeing so much activity in Prince Rupert and district. He said he had visited Alice Arm and gone over leader of the'mine workers’ executive not to | Board. A. W. Edge Co., distribu- | jana. tated that as the platform adopted at the recent|take part in this conference | tors. tf ‘My partners who have exten- ention was in many respects similar to the platform| — — —_ + | sive business interests in Siberia | ed Farmers, he did not feel that it would be in the! and Ural inform me that the situ- rests of the country to have a candidate from each of | CALIFORNIA IS TED UP ation as far as humanity is con- cerned is intolerable (in fact the g itimis oP poome one anothe re people in many instances are eat- ; e BY BIG RAILWAY STRIKE ing human flesh) due to Bolshe- ee eee ree a viki control in that country, and NLONEL 7 VERY FEW VOTE | - oe if they are not assisted by out- * ON THE BYLaw .|S8*N FRANCISCO MEN GO ) OUT IN SYMPATHY WITH STRIK- side nations of strength and moral AFTER WHARF * — * ERS ON THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC AND LOS ANGELES ta a Geass ened "auneiaies * Voting this morning on «| STREET RAILWAY—ALL TRAINS \ then herenton oth abalone entinns * the bylaw was very slow ms ARE CANCELLED a menace to the whole of Europe. FOR ALICE ARM * Up te 2:90 slightly over #) cunancitasniiaithsinaiemansipatiiognaty “Knowing the Russian people |* etghty votes were cast out * (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs as a whole, | am confident that pe IS of a possible 600 . San Francisco, August 27.—All train services out of Sanjthey would welcome the co-oper-|the Dolly Varden and other mines usses Matter With Residents * * | in maintain- and he thought there was a pros- democratic (pect of much activity at that point. There was already con- siderable work being done and the » Pacific Electric « Ss sles street car system as far! Dolly Varde ; . . on 2 Pacific Electric and Lo Angele treet car system as far Polsheviam represtite “nb. ede _ y ane ene oe os. 5 ay oC a ' is “- - > M. P., and G. B. Hull? _ akersfleld and Fresno and south to San Diego. Overnight tion, they being only about sever} I aaa I aad oa I : 7 . ospectors ape ., , " aid a visit id ind without warning it leaped the distance to San Francisco. Alllper cent of the Russian peopie, |! I 8 e dome real wor , . : ; ; i fon their claims and everyone was listrict Saturday, pee on the Southern Pacific, Western Pacific, and Santa Fe {but, unfortunately, through t McCullough dur- von and leay rorism agitated and supported by jGerman propoganda they suc- i from San Francisco and Oakland, including suburban trains are Col. W. G. ection, v.c., Performs. cancelled. Tickets had Wonderful Feat in Airplane Those on strike include yardmasters, During Long Flight. already been sold for these routes switchmen, engineers |or the country, leaving the citi- firemen and shopmen. The strike began when 1,000 men walked |zens penniless, and without means minder Lhe ilizens met se gentiemen in the after n vening when it was ex- perce lout of the Southern Pacific yard, and it spread within an hour Ww /|to protect themselves against out- el Peck how the MAJOR SCHROEDER ithe entire Bay district. jrages which are being continued. | the Ghetrigs was MAKES A RECORD. Washington, August 27.—A strike vote of 500,000 railway | ¥ hile fhese pane represent | on 2 tet: fe Pg ist President Wilson's proposition for a wage terease jonly & small portion of the popu- : te on which per Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) ) Shopmen on Fresh y-ray olongerrs anit a 1 | lace, they can create great se ses and resi- Toronto. August 27.—Col. W. \° if four cents an hour has been orderes y Presiden - ewel jand de sperate conditions. Jus placed and the|G. Barker, V.C., the famous Cana- | of the Railway Employees department of the American Federatw wig alngh 20 0 — i thoes ae eden a hg ae _ =a of Labor. {not in control ‘of the situation, | Indian reserve an return at 9.35 a.m. The col- FINED and you will realize at once what ed for a townsite, |onel’s left arm was frozen voce INDIAN BANDS $300 jeonditions are like in Russia. It : would be a desperate world in ™ ane, — flight eae we pues | mon Sutheriand Must Pay for aoe 0 Didhitneninnd ella cant nents, akes oO war wounds so the intrepid air- : a ¥ kind of action!man flew with one hand : FOR BIG FAIR Having Still or Serve Six Jécts beyond control and extends |y ae i Toronto, August 9%. nee Menthe la dail. j to other countries in the same the matter at an/Creating a record for long dis- ausneean ere ee ge / ascertain what/tance flight, Major Rudolph |Twe Have epente Entered in In the police court this morn- rt a a ro secure at least !Schroeder completed the inter- Competition for Prize, Both ing Dan Sutherland, who WAS | situation. In view of this, pardon | eserve for im- jnational air race between Toront« From Naas River. convicted of keeping a still 00 T e s moe oumnial thet the ai. and New York and return The fined $300 or six months in de lied natians eall for at least five out to the mem. | actual flying time in the air was There will be at least two In-ifault of payment by Magistrat« |i eainele Riastteies all tulaeetianial ea wnedl heurs and 35 minutes : dian bands to take part in the McMordie. It will be remembe “7 not compulsory) to be dispatch- privately owned The first half of the journey|contest at the forthcoming exhi- that the case was adjourned eigh led to Russia. as early as possible Paylor | eminent, TE | green erento to New York was |bition The Aiyansh and Green- days until the returm of the | a embeded aa lise a el a » Timiteg to | done in 4 hours and 3 minutes,|ville bands have both entered. land revenue official, | adequate to accomplish the de- e. of business | owing to weather conditions on|They are large organizations Ynother case was brought wy oleate, iind: dmak ation tiie e and with the jthe return the record was cut toleach having over forty pieces. by the city sanitary officer against Len: gilRadiietUeee etuadiiiine Mk that the develop.!15 hours and 32 minutes This was the news brought to the 8. G, Lawrence who is said to h ©) etki” ott he aasatiasl” while strict is bound te hail atéractions committee at theirj/on his premises a — tae | ee imei it id ialine ahesinnd ‘ar future more | meeting last night which was injurious to the public alien a Pe ins : ‘= badly needed. Gol ‘FIRE AT HOME OF Judges were appointed for the | health Adjournment has hee "bs gu 2 setae h M Hull went owe, this | CONSTABLE ADAMS oceasion, these to be Harry Har made for a week pe sm ee reTully and thor. | xy, J. E. Davey, and J. 8. (ray of ——— - — - the Lizens, viewed ea Mr. and Mrs. W..0. Fulton and | German Advantage. ‘he Sr oposed wharf Blaze Seon Under Control After rhe only two entries at present) family were among the arrivals If assistance is not given to “nh, and each gave as Chemical Hose Arrives. are from the Naas River, but it is) from the south by the Grand /|this unfortunate eountry as out- ‘hat the wharf was a ed e thought hardly likely that the) Trunk steamer this morning. jlined, Germany will continue to , 'y and they would Yesterday the fire department other Indians will be satisfied at ———-= |take advantage of the weak and | Norts toward getting | bad a hurried call to the home of seeing the Naas people get all!)/ close it will be found that s¢ me unsettled condition of the people, ation and hay. |Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams on Ninth the glory rhere are some among at least of those will have entered, eventually gainng control of the Started as soon as : Avenue where fire had broken out sha a say that the Metlakatl especially in view of the fact that ‘resources of the country and jin the roof near the chimney. For and other bands ean play equally | the winning band of this year is probably form an alliance, dictate ysm.th © over five minutes Mr: Adame as well as those from farther}! kely to get the special engage- the Sorts of serene: _——- ss eal. The best. Prince | ‘ried to ring the department, but north and that before the entries | inet { for next season. ily plat ang § od whole coun ry i oal Company, Phone 15. | ja party line kept the communica- ee, | OD military yoke, and using the — | tion closed and the danger of|* jcountry for the eXpress purpose ,ilosing the house was very immi- of bettering their own conditions. W hoonte However. “at leet = | WEGTHOLME THEATRE | | is cosisinis use to P re ; jence e rests oO eir anted Panes poemmnses — a - Presenting the pick of the words bes! renee vad oat ona concent erhesye ee a and ye sponsible that it was urgent _emmees TONIGHT . : ; 7 5 M | Very slight damage was done courage trade relations with other uckers land only a few holes were burned ‘6 f a Lifetime” jcountries. ’ ‘i WES ?? "seed in the roof. The firemen quickly e ance 0 rhe exports from Germany to Apply lwot the fre under control with British made Russia before the war were enor JR MORGAN LTo | the chemical hose as Mrs. Adams A real live English Racing Picture - ritish m nen deine: a aaiiiene . . jefforts in splashing water about 2 REELS L.K.O. COMEDY tion of. one hundred and eighty | the room had hindered its prog No advance in Prices Ted. ah noutihi dhaciian Uae Shipbuilding Pi jress considerably The house is 2 Shows miltion peo ant. : Admission, 30c and 15c¢ manufacturers in comparison, Were. jeovered by insurance and the loss Shows, 7 and 9.15 steatinieh on, tian . IMO Erne nemanes jis very’ slight. | Three leeeded in securing the resources | areltent by the | extremely hopeful. Reports from the valleys be- jtween here and Prince George in- dicated that the Department of Public Works, of whieh he had charge, would be very busy for some time to come. They did not jmind providing public works as jlong as the population was there. j}He was going in to see for him- elf how the developments were lgoing on. He knew that owners f property, urged to a large ex- working out of the and Settlement Board, were jmaking great efforts to bring in lands. He thought this settlement policy was working out well. Dr King is proceeding with Mr. Manson, the member for |Omineea, as far as Fort Fraser from which place he will motor to Vanderhoof and return to Victoria by way of the Cariboo. BRITISH WILL SEND TWO LABOR LEADERS TO BIG CONFERENCE (Spectal by G. T.P. Telegraphs.) London, August 27.—British delegates to the international la- bor conferences held in Washing- ton in October will probably in- clude Geo. Nicoll Barnes, Labor member of. Parliament, minister without portfolio in the British cabinet; Sir Maleolm Delevinge, assistant under secretary of state, and Arthur Henderson, Labor leader. » EMPFESS New Show Tonight The Brilliant Photoplay Star Marie Walcamp “Tongues of Flame” settlers to place on their Vitagraph’s Greatest Serial ‘A Fight for Millions’ Episode 5, **The Pathway of Thrills. Universal Screen ‘Magasine Admission 15 and 80 cents two Shows, 7:15 and 8.