mi. if i in - - 4 ,1 w Sn t. "M- MAY REJOIN OLD COMRADES ' ' ! All that stems wrong with t n St. Louis Cardinal is on the " hill. The Red Uirtfrweed'one more starting pitcher. Old Alex is going to the Will too often. Shordcl is up to form and Haines is not disappointing a fan, but the fourth man is missing. Hallahan and Bell, counted on to relieve the strain on the three veterans, have not been able to flash. The cry is being raised in St. Louis for another top-notch pitcher and the club owners have, heard the Remand that Flint Rhem be brought back from his minor league - - r : is "St i www amrzb. i mm mwam i mwimw hi - fl L M tSSQ1 2 r. twm mm i' jm mmi j wmmmmmv. J SIR THOMAS LIPTON Cilp, silver jNftpfry ljtpion hum hi ufttwcccHsful attempts in, 1899 when the Shamrock I prcred a' mite too slow for the Coluhibin. thje Mc froi hi iitfvlVfB Warn Swift Reliance. X X Mi Failure to airreo FRENCH TENNIS GAME POPULAR PARIS Mav 21 TJio KVonot. 4 JlU-brewnled at Work-Oi en W l-6tfftnt'fln Acropolln V Ji Sl: fimnds CHICAGO STILL -LEADS-LEAGUE maintained the National lead by downing the Pirates behind Guy Bush's five-hit pitching Jess Haines pitched the Cardi-i nals to an easy triumph over Cin-cinnnti. Haines finished last ! season wfth nine consecutive, tri;j uiupiis uuu lias auucu suaini,, ' ' ' this VeaV. , Brooklyn trouriced the Giants,' Clark Young, left-hander, giving the Giants the only two hits. Cold weather caused postponement of the game set for Boston. In the American League, Philadelphia strengthened their hold on the first place by downing Boston, while St. Louis were beating Chicago. BASEBALL SCORES jixile. The Cards are pulling every wire they can to get material, (Philadelphia 11 but clubs are not willing to part with pitchers who can win fif- 'Cincinnati 11 teen games or more. It looks as if Rhem, above, is too good a pitcher to be allowed to rest in the minors. PROMINENT FIGURES IN SPORT Written Especially for the Daily News by the Sports Editor . SIH THOMAS JOHNSTONE LIPTON : Ychtsijlanand Tea Merchant - Sir Thna-Lipwi,'whtt is in- Resolute was sailed by Charles M?erntioaliy fjamwjw aj yachts- FYs nets Adams, now Secretary of "man' and tea raefcHanfr has fpetot the" Navy, more than 20 years of his life and Born .May 10, 1851, at Glasgow, nearly S20.000.000 of Mis vast Scotland, Llpton's life lias been rj. fortune nursing fepM to win full of many Interesting features. .back for England the jraerica He was a poor boy and, after i :- onei acMoeJlng, he stowed a war National League 1 New York 1, Brooklyn 6. Pittsburgh 1, Chicago C. ( St, Louis 5, Cincinnati 1. , American League, , Boston l,i Philadelphia 5. Chicago 3, S,t. Louis 6. National league standings Chicago 18 St. Louis 18 Pittsburgh 14 ! Boston 14 : New York 9 i Brooklyn 9 W. L. Pet j AMERICAN LEAGUE 0 .6G7j 10 .043 : 11 .560 12 .538 13 .458 1G .407 15 .375 18 .333 STANDINGS. W. L. Philadelphia ' 19 New York .v.'i..t 16 ;St. Louis .Jij 17 (Detroit ......... 18 8 9 11 14 Was'hjjigtcji 8 17 Boston 8 20 ' : .i " . .! Sport Chat Pet. .704 .640 .007' .561 i .481 .400) .320 .286 for Americm where he failed to street Schools wIH meet at make his fortune and later retuf ( ropolis Hill -grounds' tomorrow ned to Glatgow. A small provision evening in k regular Junior store started him on i way to aj?ue fixture. The teams wi wealth. He was knighted in 1S97 be as follows: for hif philanthropy. i Borden Street Erickson; .Sir Thomaa persistence In his Vaacher and Katsuyama; Hardy, many 4ffwts to "lift the cud" Volnmnfo rn.,n. . .. H , . iu u iiu tfiuigaii, nana j a, ha. won him admirers throughout A. Woodcock, Fong, J. Woodcock! world. Physieally, he is tall, ,nd C. Smith; spare. Brochu. I straight and of medium build Booth .Memorial S. Lawrence;, vith a little goatee and roguishly Cross and Nelson; Greer, ColusI' Mvnkling eyes. nd Bartlett; Walters, Tobey.' ins two greatest regrets! Daly. J. Murray and Wingham; "First ;nd foremost that I have fpa Ivarson and Cameron, ni ver lifted the Amerfca Cup . , . r.-id the second that I hate .never The Prince Rupert Tennis Club been married.- wii hold Its annual club tourna- Perhaps, Sir Tom may get an- ment commencing June 9. There other chance to "lift the cup." will be ladies' and men's singles They are talking about it. and doubles as well as mixed doubles and it is expected thero will be a large entry list, The First North B. C. Regiment Tenuis Club will hold an American tournament on Friday, May 24, to officially open the season's activities on those courts. The Fair Board la. planning to hard court tennis championship aVe a 8uitaUC celebration on MaT 24 in Trlnee Pro- irames were watched vetrdflv Jiv. Rupert. 000 people. 2000 of whom were ceeds.will go to the board's funds English and Americans. The lat- Bnd it la being hoped that there ;er had the pleasure of watching WN1 better luck on this occa- their champion. Bill Tilden. win 8f" thn there was with the re- hin game, 6-1, 6-1 and 6-0. ent hayseed dance. The day's ; program will Include a double- f:,5nlN READINESS i firit of ftiun . hUK BASEBALL header baseball game, children's sports and the regular Gilhuly Cup football fixture. There Avlll be a novelty dance in the eve' nlng. The Fort Fraser Athletic Club in iw me uoiumuia asain.Wfln n Tfct. r -r a will hnM . ,.rt, -Out .bration on Victoria Day at Fcrt Is Kraser. There will be the usual I sports for chifdren and adults I ndp possibly, a baseball game. prevented a oi Lanaaa, r.iKi Jn the evening there will be a race in 1907 and the war Inter-' r,m1 Gyro are a11 rounding dance with music by a Vander-vened to stop ane-ther fer which 1Mo 'n anticipation of the hoof orchestra. f Senior Baseball League , arrangeraenU were being made in 1913. i Tin came the great spectavu- nu-iiviuri! mr ine utason on rn-: E5IPRESS LINE-UP nay. ren oi me hree Teams i 1 i , . 1 TIP 1 1 rW.1Jl fnr Ihm PmnMaa Jar contest of 1020 when Sir m IaitevenJnK on the Acroi08 Social Club in tonight's Gilhuly Thomas actually won two of the w unrts. In addition to their Cup football fixture against the live rpces ana naa tne auiac- pi the players engagel in Raiment will consist of the tlon of seeing one of hii Sham- tome improvement work on the following players: Curvich; Skin-rocks cross the finish line a vie- grounds. ner and Parker; Menzle, Halston tor for the first time slncp he,,. Th three tems are said to be nd Howe; Hill, McKay, Dickens, began racing in America. But-he evenly matched and an in (Went In a Chenoskf J did not win the cup. The wlrinThg TOfilw l RTokedTol'. - - rie; Lundie and 'W66daldeJ spares, I I THE 13AILY NEWS STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy S..D. Johnston Co.) Die '.following quotation bid and aakedi Bayview, 3, 4. Big Missouri, 1.50. 1,54. CorVTrovlncej 11, 12. Cotton Belt;;?NH, 52. Duthie, 5057. George Copper, 6.30, C.50. GtotiiiahRlyer. so, 31. Gplconda., 1.39. 1.40. : Yit-unVltHott. '"Mill. 50 ' ''J cfenhflence 'Nil. 8. ' InWaU-' W Inter. Coal & Coke. Nil, 42, Kootenay Florence, 13, 14' tfootenay; KJng, 88, 40. L. & L.. Ni!.3'i. Lucky Jim. 13, 14. Mohawk. 416.' 5. Morton Woolsey, 5i, 6. Marmot River Gold, 5, 5V4. Marmot Metajs. 3'j, 5. National Silver, 15, 16. Noble Five, CI. 65. Ofegoni'jJopper, 37, 38. : Pend Orellje, 5f25, 5.50. 1 Premier, lj70. 1.85. PorterlldaW Nil, 60. I jReeves.Macdonald. 1.65, 1 uuius-Argenta, za, w.a. Roth-Hopei"33, 34. .Silver Crest.. 6 'a. 7. Silverado, Nil, 76. Silversmith, Nil, 16. Slocan Rambler, 10, 16. Snowflake, 58' , 59. Sunloch, 2.15, Nil. Topley Richfield, 30, 31. Toric, Nil, 155. Whitewater, 75. Nil. Woodbine, 7, V. Oils, Calgary Dallas, 1.70, Nil. Mercury, 1.35, Nil. Mid West, 90, Nil. Model, 77, Nil. Okalta new; '4.00, Nil. Regent, 63, Nil. Spobner, 2.72. Nil. Turner Valley, 1.30. Nil. were , 70. Richfield, 1.25, Nil. Advance, 14.00, 15.00. A; P. Consolidated, 3.92, 1.00. CaWont. 3.65, 3.75. Dalhousie. 4.70, 4.75. Devenish. l.io, 1:20. Fabyan Pet'lO, 10'y. Home, 21.40. NiH Illinois-Alberta, 1.57, Nil. ' Mayland, 10.00, 10.50. MeDoug.-Segur, Nil, 510. IcLeod, 450, 4.50. New McDoug.-Segur. Nil, 2.25,' Royalite, Nil, 160.00. Vuloan, Nil, 1.80. Hargal, 1.75, 1.80. Freehold, 1.55, 1.60. ' Sterling Pacific. 1.90, 1.95. United, 10.00, 10.40. Eastern Stocks Sherritt-Gordon, 7.60, Nil. Noranda, 53.75, 54.00. JASPERPARK LODGE OPENS JASPER, May 21: With visitors registered from Paris, France; London, England and practically all the large cities In Western Canada, Jasper Park Lodge opened for the season yesterday. Visitors from overseas were a party of officials of the Paris; Lyons and Mediterranean Railway who are touring Canada. They were Eugene Mugniot, executive vice-president and Madam Mugniot, P. F. Dargou, asst. general manager In charge of operation, S. J. A. De Kedret, general agent, London, and Miss Mauboussin. During the winter, accomodation at Jasper Park Lodge has been increased to 600, a number of new cottages have been built and extensions have been made to the dining room which now can accomodate 400 people at a sitting. The gotf course, "which will be the venue of the Canadian amateur and Western Canada amateur championships In August, has also been considerably improved esnerlallv the OTeen - - - - , ti i a number of whlch have been cleverly trapped In anticipation of these two major events. Bookings for the -season are much heavier than at this time last year according to John O'Brien, the manmrer. and the company is looking forward to, and preparing for a record tourist reason. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER. May 21: The Drice of humlior one northern whuat, spot icash at Vancouver was quoted todUy at 1.10-fo. "Cjentlemeti, b1b1bSb1b1b1bSIb1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b V(.'T1P IHTi'W fWWfmsU u BLACK & WHITE " s40k I ALWAYS RIGHT jZ$W 1 ' 1 df DISTILLED I HR And bottled I GfEr IN SCOTLAND 1 BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY James Buchanan & Co.. Ltd.. Glasgow a London be one of us!" Picture the Three Musketeers Athos, Porthos and Aramis seated in a wine Shop. A stnt. burdened nAth nirtr.Mo turns before the fire. The swords of the three friends rasp from their scabbards as the Cardinal's Guard suddenlv The fight is on . . . they must cut their way i o freedom. Those brave spirits of old Prance . . . each with faith in his star and the three stars pinned on high with the points of their glittering 'apicrs. THREE STAR 99 I I OKI This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cemlrol Board or by the Covcrcxcst of British ' '!-; 'olumbia. ; , The "Spirit" ohhe i : . . Three Musketeer JT jm mi KrepitllanJj as an Lmtrgencj Measure In as of ikVnni Of accident, it wiJfolrp 1 bt!l of llin7 1!'" hUMlf. HENNESSY BRANDT Bottled at Cognac, France This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government or liriusn uoiuraola Sec Page 7. There arc a lot of small advertisements (here that make good reading