fAGE FOUK The Daily News PRINCE KUTERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dailjfi Umitid. Third Wt&ell tf - I SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to&ll parts of Northern and Central British' Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period .. ., .... .....(,. . 3.0 Transient dlDlav advertising. er inch, perirraertioh . ft . 1.41 rr . . Jh r s u O OA iransieni iHiverusiiiK on irum urkc, per men-. . readefs, 3SXW?W-Jb .0Pe.?f V art c1m Local per insertion,, line! iM.&XAXu Classified advertising. Der insertion. ter word 02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line . 15. empire," the Peace River district Or four months for .... L00 Bj mail to:all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and-United States, paid in advance, per year 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year .. 7.50 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 , Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ' f DAILY EWTION interest to the student of politics. MASTER OF POLICIES Tuesday, May 21, 1929 BRITISH NOMIN ATIOtf S" 1 ou out iui wiviiclcs iui tne x uiiuK classes, vunousiv 'R enough much' cf the best forward legislation has been passed by this jparty as a measure of self-defence and in order to keep itself entrenched in power. Formerly and to a great extent still, the Liberals were the free trade party of the country. They represented the industrial centres, favored the broadening of education, separation of church and state, and were inclined to be what is knovn as "Little Englanders," thinking of the riv Kingdom rattujii than the Empire. The majority of the "H adherents of,. e party belong to the free churches and are commonly -known m England as "Dissenters" in religion. Supporting them are often the High Church party that objects to control of the church by the house of commons and does not recognize the British ruler as head of the church, fcHiph according to law he is today. The LaboV jjjroup is what the name implies. It is made up mostly 01 men and women who work for wages. It -way harjtot-5xpecting to Sirmrih exctntl through possibly holding the balance. mile "?rlh "f r.ea.ce ?v'r m r w , ,. w crow crow nics, nics, ,o. ,o. i i nard nard wheat wheat has has . " CLEAR CUT POLICY the Rev. Cough Brick, Anglican missionary at Shaftesbury, a few The Liberal policy as enunciated by Lloyd George is aZ"?"??"?: Clear CUt one,. It IS to borrow a huge SUm for public Works, the great Chicago international i mrgviy ruau eunsirutuim aim improvement,, m oraer to now. and in VJZH Herman Trelle put the people to Work. Here is a little extract of Lloyd of Wembley, near Grande Prairie, George's speech at one of the big campaign meetings: iwo.n whcat and oate wor,d , "wa? wouS S to ."ywrvd that ..wick- pr;s,1; ,atter athlevnnent did eu. iorrow mw rnucn; une-imru qi tne annual tiiink nu.ih f f.. .nii u. bill of this cwmtry. (Loud cheers. ) They say borrowing reat Peare River district. The 100,MiQ,m AoUSids will ruin industry. The drink bill is visit" of s,r Thornton, between 3(4(40,000 and 350,000,000 pounds. One-third! ZTAen e C;N!:R- ,r,r,of ine sBMngwffitnu countr 'annually are buu,uuu,uuu now. mA the .u,quen-t You are to one-fifth of the annual for the o($tf)w savings thr-e two raiitwN o( the provin- ; -purpose of vfng a million people. They say it is ruin, ciaiiy-owned northern railways, h"tf Any Douy wiid JCieiieves m that will believe in the efficiencv anw more IUftl f,ro of nf the ttiYiaoM-fflmvoiTiTnont " (1 .nnirhfni. inrereu in tre i'ece. ti i i Speakinvouy generally, the Conservatives believe in "2 VX'SZl the union of church and state, supports the house of lords, te'ier." in m -1, .... 1 1 n 1 . w a rrtsy-wiUVrM nxri txnlr.tin'Mjt idA n.on 1.1.1 1 " hU rue ww 71. l- h4 n-rj " M" Hf in eHlpi. oklnir out. a' ';"elihvH hv myxterbiw wayaj 'wi nn'jr to tm poor. Ter h fi"r m' worVnd wh"n on fTrrn In 8'nkaMiewaii, .r.H finiiv nf 71. mind voul HeeMnd to bome-tond in the Peace raMw H t Homtefil V" o' 9ft vo-rs of "etl hrd work aVcd of m yet," he crovH in m tMn fxilo. Hon't evn knmv wher I wa 5"rn. Ynir Canada's o'det hometeader or soon win bt pvw'v. wfcn t irnt ro a place." ''Going far?" we anketl. "I "'Vr ZtW A , 1 .11. 7H ,0i ltS lormer l"""v "irnt fo get me a Rood J strength. Joining that party there have been many who ni"-e. if I have tn go a hundred. navo seen :ie comine rule 01 the masses and who believe mUfi for H that by uniting with it they will be able to act as a steady- Fon,i,v Five """le-.teads ing influence. A number of persons of title and rank have uL bp f7,rh. pUtform joined the party and especially have recruits from the "oliJromte yonne; university men, many of whom arc socialists. Cam'o uiinon ditriet. heaved a The outc me of the contest will be watched with much powerful shoulder mrin re-interest in Prince Rupert. calc'trant huo that w tul1orn- , , i' rMni-inir m i-omc oif tnroiiKn 1 ' - ; a five-foot frlifht car door, and I have sometlinir you want: you, have something j,ei12Lb',ViS,v 'rck k. 1 ( want. We get toffcfiilr through the classified 3us. $g? THE DAILY NEWS Right Kind Going jQtgPeaceyIver,rt to Settle 'CoMry All. Homesteader Has to Do Is Pay $10'for;160 Acres of Mrs. J J Land Wile's Willing' to Work im'dtjLivc . !.JU..t V Onilt; Prices Advance Wkh Steel J ' and we-i by II. Mullet idl ing with the rapkl concentration of settlers in CanadaV great "inland j high school training, and all of them, boys and girls, were working like Trojans, anxious to set their outfit on the road. Every, thing for the farm and the home was strewn around them, on the )ding of Hythe even to sprout- fj , I I.A f 1 jng rnuuarD piams in uoxes oi earth, all ready for the garden that is to be. "There .wasn't anything for the boys, so we decided we'd come to the Peace River country," said land in the . fred Asleson. Johnson, "and here we two girls, clad in overalls, iring wide-brimmed Mexi can type, straw hats, worked hand In hand with the men. "Sure, we like it." they dimpled. "We're uxed to it, and it's lots of (Special to The Daily News and the Edmonton Journal Copyright) fan." -They can run the tractor, By II. F. MULLETT orive me cars ana tne learns uo anything round the farm. Yes EDMONTON, May 2l.-Ten dollars for 160 acres of TffXr i, Tn. Z .1 i-U Peace D River trnn district rliptmnf "loot "last best, hfC?f .west" ll'Oot" on fWI - ... condition that you live for six months of eacmof the next These are the sort of settlers three years, in a habitable house on the homestead, and the Peace River district needs that you break at least 30 acres (of which 20 acres must,and is retting. be cronned), within that period. ; Ten dollars 18 months' residence in. three years 30 i acres of cultivation a house in which to live -and you 1 i i i rl offi? i tn may S9me ' uay nave u iarm unywnuie liuiu tu puu uu AcreV ti. ,. , .We heanl , of one iVouthful optimist, who .didn't have Nominations took place yesterday to .the. British, par- ffu his Wmeetead ,oajB'of sett4U' efW with liament and the campaign during the coming week will entry. after tramping ail the way two autos, i . txusL a tractor, be a vert bitter one. It is, as everyone knows, a three- from Hythe, end of steel on tht sawmill outfit. Tm$e head f party con est, with the. Conservatives trying to retain southern, portion of the rajiwayy horses, and i( full'Jjquipmenlt-of power, tffe Labor party trying to dislodge them, and the,to "?lla- 00 miles distant. wagons, farm imiWnts. and the' This younff Bnt,sher borrowed household goods. We're taking up I ihpriU fcpekinn- to nhtiin thp h-ilanrP n? with LIDeiaiS Seeking to ODtain tne Daiance OI nmvpr power Wltn tne the Becesaty .(ten spot" from a five homesteads somewhere bc- COnsequeht right to dictate to a large extent What the pol- kindly resident, and went galantly yond Rolla don't know just icy of either government Shall be, TllC situation is full of off into the bush, with his cherish- where, yet, but we'll get located ed permit in his pocket and little of anything eke. ifespite its northern location, all doubts of Peace River's agricultural possibilities have long While anything may happen in any case, there is no 8lln,ce eej Spelled; iu favor- lnnrrn nt ,,,,; 'i !,, nt ,,i;,, u able climate, moderate prectrnta stands for a larere armv and strontr navv. and sees im-.withjn itself the poasibiiitiea of a provement ahead from the continuation of a settled policy 'uWr? 'Vord't market bajet" without muclwmmfdiatachanss . Y&Wte& The Labor party, led by J. Ramsay m Macdonald, but RjVer country to reaiiae those supported by many extremists, wishes nationalization of possibilities, coal mines, smaller army and navy, closer co.-oper'ation j Where Treiie Farms with United States, improved relations with Russia.' and Over a hundred much paternaUegislatiojl.' "' -traders at the various fur poaU, The Liberal party,, underpaid Lloyd George, is abso-T;'McK Pcd agricultural j lutely opposed to protecUva measures, has a strong stated iTr'TllJ h,r. policy for-reducing unemployment, would reduce the ex- common vegetable and-hrwt-f penuuures on army anu navy, dui reiuses to aciopt tne wheat, oats and barley. a half election been grown for years. In 1893 all right There are four boyj in the Johnson family, the oldest one 23, a married daughter and a daughter-in-law. The girl were expert basketball players in North Dakota- the boys all athletes. One urt"Bu wa y Kiai. wa.8cW iwij, it iBiuwicawiiB tio d f . t bov Jk a snlendid nianist: another NOT DAMAGED Ardent (Arrived In Port Under: Own Power Yesterday After Being Achore on Hone Spit The ffeh packer Argent, Capt. Bert Tingley, which stranded on 'he !and of Rose Spit about a week ago, arrived in port from Graham Island yesterday afternoon under her own power, accompanied by the Pacific Salvage Co.'s power tug Pachena, which aided in hauling her off the beach. The Argent is hardly i i leaking at all and if there is any ! damflIrP J 11 I 1 1 1 i rrt again to note in a general Way What each party Stands Ip. of the world's great wheat and will come back to; Edmonton to1 vessel will be taken on the pon, xiiu uiuuwm uvciuuciib ,i iJiuLccuv v,,,iiiijciiau5i.n;, mixeaiarming areas, ii coniains quaj-iy as a leaener.' loons at the drynock this after- The young folka-have all had noon for inspection. T-.1;fi !' - . 1 1 .Mil' :v.r.!;..l? K .ly I :'H M ORNBRAU MOTOI1 OP CANADA. LIMITED Perhaps the in the motor car business today-is the startling difference revealed by stepping into a ' FISHER BODY car and then into any other "TVTO spccialiit or expert is needed to point out Fisher Rody superiority the greater richness and beauty and quality stand out so sharply and convincingly that all argument is ended. CJ This is one of the most important facts in motor car buying triday because it has to do with value .with,''' what you get for the purchase price. IJYou arc bound to admit at once in your CADILLAC t La SALLE SPEAKER'S WIFE INVOLVED IN SOCIAL WHIRL From all indications the soc;al war centred around the status of Mm. Edward Everett C.ann, riiht, ni.sti-r of Vice-PresiUt nt T ur tit, has apparently broken out an w. 1'hc n w controveiHy also involves Mr. Nicholas Longworth, left, wife of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The trouble started when Mrn Long-worth and Mrs. Gann refused to ttknd a dinner given by Mr. Eugene Meyer, Jr., and the serioawesa of the situation is realized when ft is pointed out that Mrs. Oann ia the hostess for the presiding officer of the Senate, and Mrs. Longworth is the wife of the presiding officer of the Hous f Representatives. ' 1 - - - - 1 L - L.HUL-UIL , .J.1 L .. , Buy from the merchants that advertise. Their stock is fresh. WX - W1 j WtVTSWTW- FISHElf B iggest OAKLAND O LDSM O III LE CHEVROLET v Fact TV " own mjml that in solidity of construction, in paneling, in (he quality of the upholstery, in the hardware,, in the interior fittings, in the clarity of the genuine plate glaM,and in thcsubstantiallycotcd roof the Fisher Rody car is worth several hundred dollars more. Q Keep this contrast these points of superiority in mind. Consider the manhburs you spend in yoiir1f.anUiiofniuIf't'our caHand comTort anil satis reclamed pride dependsuponthebody of your car and you can come to only one conclusion. McbA UGIILIN- IIUICK PONT I AC lit