Tuesday, May 21, 1929 411 ' ,1H mtts Be y ii - THE bAILk KUWa - - ; Local oung at ANY a man with .ti'4 77zc Pioneer Drtieeists Looking for a house? Thcr There Daily News classified columns. Sixty i f auu Enuaren to support earns a salary that per- 01 Onlv modfrar o,,:.g r'l., . month he is impressed with the necessity of systematically budgeting his income so that a competence will be available for dependent years when subsistence must be provided from income rather than earnings. Travel and play at 60 or 65. A Double Maturity Endowment policy, taken NOW will enable you to grow old gracefully. THE Manufacturers Life Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE . . TORONTO, CANADA" Branch omoev-BMt, vsneouw - ..,. . B- A- Twin. Branch UuuHr .NOHKIS V. HIIVIll.K. DUTKICT KlKEnTIVI, . -wiav Prtnoe Rupert, D. O Kodak Time is Here ! have them In stock WiilsMtl Come in and see them. We develop and print pictures. Daily service. rmes Ma. THIRD WE f, SIXTH ST TELEPH0NFS 8'tv200 Well Mannered Service to Motorists We want to make friends and hold them. By courteous service wc can win this. Let us take care of your gas, oil and greasing needs. Guaranteed work. We make a specialty of pumping tires for ladies. Let us help you today. IJUY DOMINION TIRES They Are Good Tires S. E. PARKER are sonic listed in The and Personal News In 4 a Taxi Phone i, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dehtist Dri G8G, I. lU fiosse. Thone I Inn't i. lUlL-ll- It. i I?' M v'Bei vuwuc n omen a Ifogu irom CSeTs p.m. 7ii". rt.k! 1 On a charge of drunkenness, W. Wilson hu been remanded until this afternoon in city police court. j Earl Fulmer of Ormes drug: :Ure staff left on this morning's j train for a busineHS trip to Van-; i uerhoof. The Canada Railway New has reopened the store onuthe C.N.R. dock which has beej&elosed dur i ing the winter. J Herbert Campbell,! north at the end . I 1 1 . ft iiMKiBinue ai snyoi ho went he week. ipendiury place of i II. M. JICUUKty. ylj t't-j.R. II. Worlock wjjiitleave on a .tomorrow morning's bun for one of his periodical business trips to central interior points. A new shipment of Nanaimo- S f Wellington Caul and Beacon Hard has just arrived for Albert uud McCaffery Ltd. Phone your order now to 11G and 117. tf Fred Joudrv. 1V1 nntioion pn profes- ma :d to the ternoon's 4n 4k city recently Irom GTasgow. Soot land, wil sail tomorrow morning on the Princess Louise for Juneau where he willjtake up residence "' "wfth a slst'eV."""' .JJrs. Mary Haydn has laid a charge f assault atainat Mm . HUsabttb TiHHifcson of the Sham rock Rooms in city notice court. The case is scheduled to come up on Thursday morning. Wiggs J. O'Neill, well known garage and moving picture theatre proprietor of Smithera, urrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior for a brief business visit in town. Union steamer Catala, Capt A. K. Dtakaon, is due In port at C o'clock this evening from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points of call nnd will sail aoon thereafter for Vancouver'tihti' ajrJJorU, their department, will sail this eyenf&tf on the Catala for Vancouver.) : Later he plans on going east to Montreal and New York and mny. J also vinit tne win country. will sail tomorrow mornine on the Princess Louise for Alaska. After their northern trip, thoy will then proceed to China. NOTICE Northern British Columbia Salmon "Fishcrmen'a Association, Port Esslngton Branch. Important business meeting May 25 at 0:30 nja. to .dUcuaa the price of fih and fishing boundaries, men, pltase utteiuM , STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS illli the Skeena afternoon's MAKE BETTER HOME MADE BREAD River train. who has been on a trip to various! ing department, returned central interior poi: ional business, ret city on yesterday train. rft AH one' A. Jt. Holtby, superintendent of the C.N.R. bridirtvt nnrl hi. II, I. to thft ciy AO; i. yesterday . afternoon's train froi a brief, .trip to the interioarn official duties. " W. .D,, Moxlejcvame n as conductor OTL. vettarriav nft Meeting of Aut6 Owners Olty Hall, Monday at 8 p.m. i Football Hill at 6: resa Club. 11C tonight at Acropolis j 0. , Regiment va Emp- Trevor A. Clarke,. .assistant district forester at Nelson, will sail by the Catala this afternoon "or Vancouver enroute to the Kobt-enay country after having spent a vacation here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Collison, 800 Sixth Avenue East HOTE ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C. Barclay and J. H. Morgan, Vancouver; G. O. Stratton, Calgary; George Keep. Prince j George; Mr. .and Mrs. Enoch jlJond, Auckland,-N.Z.; R. G. Jobjk ston, Inverness; C. E. SalfVr, Haysport; Mra. Dan Wagner apd aon, Prince' Gettrge; J. C. Hunt,. Port Essington: RalbTi Chinmtr and 0. L Ejde. Seattle: Mr. and Jack Joins returned'to the cityVJIr' Uob FrbsW, Lowe Inlet n jmmxfi&y atternopns train from brief business trip to the interior. Savoy Mrs. W. Flewfn and Miss M. R. G. ifohnston, manager of FIewint Port Edward; W. H. Inverna cannery, arrived In the' Thome, ON.R.; Johan Hansen, city froin yestenlaj; Royal G. Murray and J. Gibson, Smithers; E, S. Arnold, C.N.R. ; Fred W. Rudge, Lowe Inlet; II. Scott, city; Central Ai' K. Campbell King, city. train, ..first under the daily HALIBUT PRICES i, 'C.N.R. i Sam irain aervioe. . ii. Thome, who . - . L has besi nninx.ea8t of Smithers Al rnnn uUUD LlVlL since, JattnOctober, came In as baynftgeman,,,,, , J Tota, of mm j,ounjs 7?x .fTT ' " ' ToJay, To ijid'HelnR . 'Mrs. : Mary Denholme and1 ifi Misi A. SavmbroAld. fmth nf h Z Mils aw S iVT.i'i 7T7i'w4 Falls vhe,j camo, to- Prince) Rup ert a iev .days ago jar the-mir fPDse.oiMpeUn; d tea room, have urraiwed to take over the Stir ne Supper Rooma tn.the.Stork Biilld-ing. : . Miss Margaret Lindsay, daugh ter of Mr. dud Mrs. J. A. Lindsay) of this city,, will be one of 124 graduates this year from the Van couver General Hospital training school for nurses. The graduation eMawjaaavfilliM held on May 31 aid Mft'UndASV is nlrnariv In tha south lo' fttend them. ... ,.T- Ifacwhan Campbell, who recently arrived in the district : i Halibut sales at the lochl Pish KreiiaTigrTlrn-ThorflTrJB totalled 12ii.80O .nnnrii!. Vivo Wimn vessels. were na id from 15.5c andi h7p up to.lCCc a,Bd Oft.for 104,000: pounan wniie three, Canadian j boats received .14ic and 7c to, 14.9c and 7c for 21.800, pounds. arrivals and sales w$re as, follows: I American Eagle, 44.000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 15.Cc and 7c. Nordic, 19,000 pounds, Pacific Fisheries, 15,5c and 7c. Federal, 12,000 pounds, Cana- dlan Fish & Cold Storage Co., lC.2c and 9c Viola. iola, 7,000 7,000 flam U'lnnftuMF In lo .ol. In I names placed on the pro! .... 0,i.,. . ,i ... . ... . , iwsiiy nieciric tasners. in i vlncial voters Hat at the eourt of . .,, -. , . creBwl VoIume of busine8S onl redslon revision whlcTi v men was was held new veater- yeater- efficient production enables day by the registrar, Norman A. , . , ... , .,! ,. . , .. x, , us to supply you with the B.T. .Watt. No names were remote! . 5 . ... , , from the list tabulated later rr. i, '. .... . Twier i u siariiuig reuueeu . a lie list win ue Robert Stuart, who recently re-; signed his pi)t ab clerk in the. I local offices of the public workai price, on terms. Listen to our saleRmun's projwsltion when he calls on you within the next few days. PARKIN AND WARD Local Agents IIS ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mra. Enoch Bond of Auckland, New Zealand, who nrtj; Mooseheart, Ladies bridge, making a tour of the wotld, are whist and dance May 28, at 8:30 guests at the Hotel Prince Rupert,, prompt. Admission 60c. pounds. Pacific -sw- ri' ' s lis . n. . . i.a ' I - k'lohoa n 1ST fT rjm ... . JQrief in 1 WARM WEATHER gSggfif COMES AT LAST Breath So Short Thcrmometfif Thin .Morning (Juite islHlBhmi yarfouH" . ' Points The eport of the. government telegraphs this morning reports that wanner weather Drevails throughout the district. The ice has practically all gone out of Atlin Lake and at Dawson at 8 this moming a south wind was blowing with the thermometer at 60. Sixty was registered at Terrace. Prince Rupert was only 51. but eren that Is good growing weather. At a number of points it was training and cloudy it others.- in- dwatin&.thkt crops wjll nowicome along rppldly. Following Is the ' .report,, ... ! Terrace Raining, calm; 60. Roaswood Raining, calm; 62. Aiyansh Heavy rain, calm; 50. ' Alice Arm Raining, calm, 52. Anyox Raining, calm; 62. Stewart Raining, calm; 51. Hatelton Cloudy, " calm; 54. Smithers Cloudy, calm; CO. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm; 55, Vanderhoof Part cloudy, calm; 58. HavSDnrt .rt wind )nA.r, -A-blf jh. rt' Charge of totem pole preserration '""""' "i"UM-'.c- .. , WANTED WmJttae and (he executiw To Ww Skeena River for pounds, Vanadlan chair wmtl.Canadi.f Natioria. Railways, 'f Storage Co., 15.5c i .u- r..i.aici i nui arnven in uie eitv irnm.ih in. " .. i ill me vrftinwisiM urxion j,-.- . ' Rooms on WlH&rAv. Mav.a2mt, ter or on THterday afternoon's 8 jin. All InWaM are invited VJ: . . t:attend. ' i : iftfat'" ' ! SPECIAL ANNOUN ANNOUNCEMENT About a iioi4U) pej-sons ihad ' Canadian Livingstone II, 7,000 pounds Atllrt Fisheries ,14.9c and 7c. ! Znpora, 12,000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 14.7c and 7c. V t' ; Mnrgallce, 2,500 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 14.5c and 7c. YOUNG NORWEGIAN MINER DIES HERE Jack Stevenscn Succumbed This .Morning in Hospital After Brief Illness The death occurred at 2:30 this morning in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, after a lrej nines of Jaok Stevensen, a miner and native of Norway, who' h ifu been in the institution only a couple of days. Deceased was 27 years of age and is survived by his father, Andrew Stevensen, who; lives at the Ocean ywv ' Apart- They arrived from the east on . ..; .. . .ww-r ,. ' . l"3LT,Cr",', ..n.inr.l nfu,. i li rtntiav . lea. Un tr-il l.hureh ihvhwi i mi ' the hands of the B. C. Under- rt ttri . i a .taKers rasi. ui iters iiune ii ami id, Fair Board. Moose Annual Picnic at Digby June 30. Gingham Dance to be held at Port Clements some time In June. So be prepared buy a bowl KiKwr4 K- fi 'Ciijplc,t)c, Sunday, I lit 111.. I,,, tulnJ , i V'Rt'J'llPmH.v. ' , , ,. I LOST A TRAIN Facetious Traveller You have some railway detectives here, haven't youT Porter Yes, sir Traveller I wonder If you'd not one of them to find out what's Jtly ..bfcrmie, of,, my jox qUi, train? , ,, , i Railway 'Age, ... .. ., Port Simpfwn Rain, calm; 52. Atlin Raining, south wind;58.. White Horse Cloud v. showeri ; " ' ' 80. ljSraon-fPartdoudy, south Srmvar River Clm1v, .n.ih wnd: BO. 1 nawayrj-ioydv, (outh . ndj Miyo Part -tloudy , northeast .wln4;.4Q.. TORONTO STOCKS (Courtesy of & 'p. Johnston Co.) Big Miseouri. 1.52. Hudson Bay. .17.50, .NickeL 49.50. Mandy, 8fl. Nebe, 59;J. Noraud. .75. SudJbury Baln, 85. j SberritMiordon, 7.BS. Tecic Hughes, 8.75. AMONG HER SOUVENIRS "She's a souvenir she?" "Dreadful I the attended the cook." i fiend, isn't' The last dinner she carried away TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, Second hand Phone 501. barber 118 Mrs. H Broiiaeeau, Magog, Que., writes: "lor many years wan snorinm ' ' ' ol breath: I suffered then .icti four mur M.vw..., ysirs aco I had palpitation of the heart. 1 - I 1 If , . . -"I uu iu bo iu i naa to lit down two or three times I read about uhen going upstairs. m I got s box, and in no tims I felt better, so I took three boxes more and I have never had shortness of breath since." Price 50c. a box at all druggists and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Out. Cithc : 1 iScrvice industry FAIRBANKS DIAL SCALES for fast accurate weighing You can depend on these fast accurate scales to speed up weighing and to reduce the possibility of error. The? fcivt bo (prints ia4 their absolute accuracy aad extreme aeiultive eaa will cnaur fo y,,n. Their bi( cUtr dial re(itcr ai fait at they caa b loaded aad unloaded. Madt la many It y lea to meet the varjriar demand, oi industnr. Writ lor lull deacriptioaa O&i CANADIAN FairbanKs -Marse COMPANYilbnUaet St. Join. OaelM. Uahnl (it.a. T.i.. MOM, II MMM. HMlM. IIMTT. K4eatla. aaironf ae. Vidaei 1 SS Ottr li,S3if:ed section may be r spartal Interest to you today. COMPETITION ENDS THIS WEEK The suggestions for improving conditions in northern and central British Columbia have mostly been along one line. The building of a highway and the formation of a new province. While some valuable suggestions have been made, the last word has not been said and there is still plenty of room for others. The competition will end definitely on Saturday of this week, after which the articles will be judged. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 HAS MOVED to 171 3rd Avenue East 0pp. Stan Parker's Garage Heated Storage