The Wise Man Boston Grill The wise man reads the classified advertisements LA ROE CABARET and uses Special Dinners Thuridtyi and Saturdtj them whenever he needs to sell Dandnf Every Saturday Mjlit, S to 11 or buy, or rent, to nd lost Dance Hall (or HLrt poods or to get a j AcoommodaUons (or Private Partkja v ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 457 - XX . No. 117. 1 PRINCE RUPERT, R. C, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 V i WRB ROS MANY Three Hundred Candidates More in Great Britain Than in Any Previous Election LONDON, May 21. The total number of candidates nominated yesterday was 1728, as compared with 1428 in 1924. The Conservatives have 596 candidates, compared with 536 in 1924. Labor has 571, as compared with 514, and the Liberals have 514, as compared with 344. The Communists have 26, as compared with eight, and the In-j dependents 21, against 26. i There will be 489 triangular, and 33 four-cornered fights. Seven have been elected by acclamation. . . LONDON. May 21. Captain H.1 I). King, of Pttddingtoa South SUES TUNNEY FOR DAMAGES HALF MILLION' Hurt Balm Sought by Connecticut Widow From. Former NCharo-plon Boxer 1 j I IUDCEPORT. Conn . . May 21 T t.tmm J. (Gene) Tunney. re- 1 i.avyweijiht boxlnir - is named defendant in . a ,..n ooo breach of tretme f uil i hr re todwy by Mrt. Katharine . I ngarty. SO years of air-, "f iitv, and of Fort Worth, To BALDWIN PARTY IS IN DANGER lack of Definite Policy and Both-trmere Pres Pessimism Is Against Them '"WON, May 21 Thr V-- attitude of the Mother ' ; i i toward the Baldwin t n mc-nt is having a bad cffeit he chances of the return of ti.tcrvative party and there ' "ng feeling that if they re- n ornce arter tne elections li be by grace of the Lib f ' definite policy set forth by ' Sconce it the only one be-r ' he electorate and that, party '"' to make considerable Rain ' trength at the polls next it if thought here. ASKS INQUIRY INTO CONDITION PENITENTIARIES OTTAWA, May 21. Senator J. () TV lor of KW Wstminster fi R A'. n notice that he will "call c "1 inn to maladministration the Apartment of justlce".and will ur" whether or not the govern- ill direct an investigation triiss 'Ke Keep of the C.N.R. in "''ration department with head uarters in irin r?,. ,rrlvu1 1.1 ., - ...'.. nty r from the Interior 1 on day afternoon's train in the (l' nne of his regular trips hl line on official duties, CANDIDATES London, was a Conservative clamation at the election nomina-' tions here yesterday. He is the minister of mines. JiOKDKN RHfflGNS CHANCELLOR (MJKBNS KINGSTON. ONTARIO a : -Mr KoWt mrt,.. for- mer nremier of Canada, has . a I Jk """ T ueen " University here. T' . - . SIR ROHEirr RESIGNS REDUCTION IN ALLFREIGHTS FOR EXPORT WASHINGTON. Mi.y )i The lommission intoMijiiA iincn'e today authorised thl PS . freight to n w western railroads , wheat rates on export wnem flour. EBERY lord rosebery ! passed away: early today Farmer Premier of Great Britain Aged 82 Wan Versatile And Great EPSOM, May 21:-r-Lord Roae- bety, former premier of reat Britain, died early thia monriag, "ike Jkim,m"m&b-' iay only a fortnitfjtt fcfo by am-, in from hii country boiite The , Durban" Lruroan to no Epaoei cpauw in in a a barouche uarvucoe j i , . i - z r I i. M k M M VMtri . , ... . .. .. nwm. 1 1 1 ns ui ijhk a mrn lur in worse and physician and asm-hers o tht family remained at his bedside until the end, this morninc. - t Archibald Philip Primrose, fifth Earl of Rewebery, who be came Prime Minister 'Of England I at the request of Queen Victoria! upon the retirement of William Gladstone in 1894, was a man of mnv nurt. and few have eoual-1 led him in the veraality of his let Wound in the Mouth genius. Early in life he predicted! " fhut he would do three thin..-! TORONTO. May 21.-William win the Derby, marry an heiress,1"- of e i Prealdent of the Bntlsh American ml become Premier of England Motors, and connected with other c i. aia t t..t it all of whuh he d d In fact , wa.- tnree times winner ui inci-, Derby. of An observer who spent years Miiuying at close range the "Uji rowned KinK of Soctland." as R.'senery w-ae alfecthmately Known to millions of his admirers has this to say of his character: "Rosebery was kaleidoscopic. As the faces of a crystal give forth rays of many tints, so are the manifestations from this remarkable, even bewildering, personality. He had theJceen acumen 1. 1 Canning, tempered by tht imaginative sentiment of Shellpy: ;hr 1 ultured tastes of a Maecenas, ;:tf woven with the sporting proclivities, of a Queensberry; the infullible humor of Thackeray, ioined now and again to the dark mnlancholy of Schopenhauer th social gifts of Browning as well us the oratory of Choate, flanked by the secretive qualities of Bismarck." Lord Rosebery was born in (Continued ou Pa: SU) SALMON TREATY IN PARLIAMENT ! OTTAWA, May 21: A resolu-jtion asking approval of parliament to the convention for the protection and extension of the i sockaye salmon fisheries In the i Eraser River system signed in Washington by representatives of wnaa ana unitea otaies iast,foor 0f the new addition of the' .ndlMareh was referred to the stand- Empress Hotel which is. under 1 I ing - eommlttee on marine and f ihrIeB Jn the house yesterday afternoon. IN THE T0R0NTOIAN SHOT HIMSELF Financier Found Dead With ilul- Gooderham, president of the Bank Toronto, was found dead at his residence here today with a bullet wound in the mouth. He had been in ill-health for some time. ELECTION MAY BE NEXT YEAR Premier Mackenrle King Not Sure but Thinks Country Satisfied OTTAWA. May 21. Premier King suggested in the house of commons yesterday that it might be wise not to be too sure that an lection will be held next year. "Did the pHme minister say it would not be held 7" queried J. L. Ladner, Conservative, of South Vancouver. "I think the country .danwell atisfied with the government and it may desire to have the govern rnent continue in office until to- vsrd the end of 1931," responded Mr. King. "However, that Is a the Power Trust, buying np the matter which may be considered newspapers of the country with a n due course " view to providing a market for their output and at tha sme lime W1 I lAfi TTTT Uuemptin to eontro! jmblle pin- rfiLL lUUrtljl J lw(on throughout the United StaU. FROM EMPRESS VICTORIA, May 21. -Charles I Watson of Vancouver was in- CLEVEIAND. May 21. Dr. stantly -killed late Moday after-i George V. Belcher, staff physi-he fell from the fifth rian of the Cleveland Clinic, auc- 'construction. He slipped and fell 100 feet. Hels an employee of the Dominion Bridge Co. . D BRITISH ELECTIONS Make Miami-New York Trip in Frail Craft 11. S. Harris and J. D. R msey, Miami on last lap of 1.600-mile wa t journey in was equipped with two Lock 7 bod motors. If Mil : y POPS WILL MAKE HIS FIRST EXIT 1 FROM THE VATICAN ! ROME. May 21. Cardinal Japiccolo today said that Pope Pius would nuke hi first official exit from the Vatican on May 80, the featt of Corpus Christ!, to partlci- pate in the procession and mass at St. Peters. . MORE GRAIN WILL MOVE WESTWARD SAYS COMMISSIONER EDMONTON, May 21 Chief Justice Brown, chairman of the Saskatchewan royal grain commission, at the opening session here today, said that all the evidence before the commission thus far indicated a much larger volume of grain from the prairies in the future is certain to be shipped through the western route. ' OBJECTION TO POWER TRUST WASHINGTON, Muy 21. Senator Oeorgp R Norris yester- day made a stirring appeal in the senate for prompt action to stop N01qJ5SiS tragedy cumbed today to the offset or poisonous gas. He is the 125th victim of last week's explosion, He was the seventh physician to idle. TODAY sportsmen, arriving, at the Battery, New York, outboard motorboat from Miami, FJ. The. boat 1 RAILWAY STOCK WAS ERRATIC lumped After Announcement of Courts in St. Louis & O'Fallon Case Then Fell WASHINOTON, May 21: The St. Louis and O'Fallon Railway succeeded yesterday in supreme court in upsetting the valuation which th government had placed upon it for rate-making and other regulatory purposes. NEW YORK, May 21:-A zied outburst of buying of rail - oi d shares wfaich carried several issues up from $4 to1 $KL50 a share followed the decitten in he St. Lou:s and O'Fallon case was followed in the afternoon by a reaction which carried rails from $2 to flS below the early high levels and sent a wide as- sortment of industrials crashing from $5 to $16 a share. BIRTHDAYS OF ARMY OFFICERS OBSERVED Wcre Feature of Proceedings at Mertlne of Young People's . Legion l ast Night Celebration of the birthdays of Adjutant William Kerr and Capt. E. Anderson featured the Pro- cecdin at the weekly meeting on the weat coast of Vancouver at niiht of the Salvation Army 'I"d. and taken to Esquhn<. Yawing People's lieglon. A big The boat I alleged to have been birthday cake as wall as oU)r re-. fibing in Canadian waters. The frewhmenta wet r served , knd'li)fwn' ' rt Raphael, ankari program or ganW erijoyfdi (jSitV nd KnoIanttd. a large crowd was in attendance, j . rreeident George Almon occupied the chair. It was decided to bold a pionic to Grassy Day on Victoria Day. DIED AT VICTORIA VICTORIA, May 21: Danvers O.sburne. G4 years of age, superintendent of the Bamfield Cable station, died here yesterday. WILL REGR ADE CIVIL SERVICE Tolmie Announces Scheme for Placing Department on New Basis VICTORIA, May 21. Re- grading and reorgatrtiatlon of the provincial civil servke will gat undr wv durin Iswa T)mama T0 m I aMAMiia1 V, , 7TT "'""- WoA will cover every ?MJ f " , iSS ffbeen an- 1 nounced. This apeial invesU- Jator wm act as chairman of the committee composed of other leading officers. The inveati- gating committee will attempt to find out exactly what work every employee is doing and, whether comensurate with it. TROLLING BOAT -. IS SEIZED OFF VANCOUVER ID. VANCOUVER, May 21. The United States salmon trolling M7 G. A,," of Astoria. Oregon, was seised on Saturday by t.ivencny of 1'aohena Toint, Scottish Humor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Faetory ALL T1IBV STAND A her don inn have to aland a lot of chaff. That's all they do stand ! .