.VaS, famous red-and-green package! Look for it at . your grocer s. It brings you genuine Kellogg's Corn Flakes. The flakes s ; with the flavor that can't be copied! The kind you'll surely prefer. PotmlarDtiridinc Soloilt uioi '.oii-e it familiar to Ovnttandt over live ruJiu, CORN FLAKES JL Extra Jtliriout with rwt .or homy adJtJI sags pT I "I thoroughly enjoy jReS Buckinghnnts. They HK. JKHuw arc casieron my throat fifttuLl! '-Vi r anJmurcdeliKhtfulto JEBKl W0f imokc than any BL 9v 1 wvB-.,.t I CIGARETTES $m 1 Teses, assaSBSm 24 v:v3 - - f r- . . ! ESSm faiwMiiySIMWrSlill TERRACE Fire; alarm ..was sounded here early Saturday afternoon over, the local telephones when two boys passing the home of Rural Dean T. J. Margh noticed fire on U h roof of his. house. Fortunately, iwo painters were at work on the other side of the building, and with an extinguisher, quickly rushed to the scene. The blaze was put out before much : damage was done. The fire evidently started from a spark from the chimney. Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Gibson and Mrs. Kvitt of Prince Rupert have been holidaying at the home of R. L. Mcintosh. Mrs. II. C. Creelman and sons of Topley are visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. Hunter. Mr. Chas. Raven, of kakelse HAtthery visited friends fn tpwn at the end of the week. " J. CouWnvi''M.r,Allardj ' Wm. Treston and W. Warner of Kalum Lake were in town at the weekend; The Terrace Tennis Club staged an enjoyable open air dance on the new floor of the court op. Friday night. The affair was largely attended and the club benefitted considerably in fin ircom The floor was in good condition, and will no doubt prove a popular dance pavilion during the summer. George Little spent serera' days at Lakelse Hot Springs at the end of the week..; ill D. p. ,Munr arf&;fr amuiwrs on inarsaay (jftPW, 14 her home here. Mr. Munro wtl. arrive later arid they plan on pu&igrJttarhome here a train. TJw-fiiP- NFj HAZKI..TON Mr. andBilrt. Thomas Love of VantouverS who were recently married Irjjth south, will motor nHfiu rnonin 10 visit Mrm. JieJ LaveV parentfj Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Ander!n.fThe bride was for; rnefy Mis? R6berta Minnie An- oerson. rson. f j. B. 15. F. r. ijnl LpndT of of -.V( Vancouver who is to. establish an airplane service into the Ingenika and other mining district to the north, was here last week and stated that Mission Point near Haselton would be made one of the bases for the air service. Already one machine Is in us and soon others will be coming! The Telkwa Wheat Pool members have elected officers as follows: president, , Guy arrqw; vtee-t'resideftt, - Mrl 'Olkprnan; secretary, N. H. R. Lowe; executive, J. W. Turner, W. Croteau, Ray Wakeirtljl.t Ti V. "Jrtir and I). Greene. Mn, Crifp o( tb ynltCuTeh wlio is at prerft 5 studying Trt the University qf British Columbia, will again take up church duties al Telkwa this summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood entertained a few friends last Tuesday evening, J. C. K. Scaly of Smithera was ia business visitor here last week In connection with the addition which, is being built to his hotel at Hazelton. Tho Cedarvale. rpur of , thoj Canadan National Railways has 'been closed and the-agent, remov ed. The Hanson Timber & Lumber Co. will, in future, do most of its shipping from Nash. j smvthers , ... 1 Owing to increased traffic locally, "the pttteciaVWlPattf Insisting that motorists adhere more strictly to the regulations Of 'the Motor Vehicle Act. i Topley and Smlthers basketball l .. . .. m... r, n Tliu nilnv n I irh f THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE District News Br, Magi M D A E G N U T R S E T o. at the Harvey property were . UW..Ut Tueday,; . , i ' '' -.! . ....i-i Trtwi i . , (i, i c,.j (wutrnter :wa,uf-H 'si Jien-ayt.the local hoapital to Mr. ltd Mtai .bunea Caplin,'. , ,, Roy Calderwood it again a utient in the Smithers Hospital nffering from injuries sustained vhen he slipped and fell at lance .recently. V. J. Rimea, editor of the 'echako Chronicle at Vanderhoof, fas a recent guest here with Rev. U . Hales. Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson came up from Prince Rupert last Monday, toe latter being here to ,rAn Ink anmmai It Am a o t T .qLo Kathlyn. George Oulton is making satis factory recovery following a re- ent critical operation in the local hospital. IJURNS LAKEl Iiurns Lake business premises are being much improved as a result of a general campaign of cjeaningndj-pjintiug Jp . Miss Daniella Christensen has ruiirnsd .her nnnition as school 4hcTir ifcTTchWirilAit Lake and left for Prince Rupert where she will shortiy be. married. Mrs. J. I).(f1rantf' hy occsor. Mrs. W. Keith R. N. of Win- Bttej l spending the summer at Palling with her uncle ftnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lang. Arthur Wood, who was formerly manager of the Taltnpln mine in the Habine, is in this district again to report upon a number of mining properties for a group of Vancouver capitalists. With extensive alterations to their gardeu. and grounds and other 'impfotements, the home of Mr. awl Mrs. Robert Lowe is trow ciM of the show places in Iiurns take. . Phil McGettlgan of Savory has Idst'thrWhoosand tics as a result of rtcsmt forest firs. fV-ti iH' . -William LIpsey has started the ntQi!i fimjpwi1 ranch, having purchaswl three kids from James Miami. , . VANDERHOOF last week here to decide the Hulk- The home' of Ward Haynos In Icy valley championship. Smithera the Chilco district and . all its and Telkwa girls played a pro- contents have been destroyed by liminary game. . fire. All the men employed by the The Hoard of Trade has de-( onsolidntcd MiningA--Smelting" i iili il U wfto, n-piua-af4lO-ior nre the DENTIST NEVER AGAIN in the history of Prince Rupert will DENTAL PRICES be as low as now, considering the material used to construct artificial teeth. EXTRACTION OF YOUR TEETH will be included at these low prices,, and a small deposit will hold this price for you until you are ready for teeth. AS A HEALTH MEASURE YOU SHOULD DO IT NOW! DR. MAGUIRE, Office Open 9 to 6 Evening by Appointment. Phone a new name for the town instead of Vanderhoof. R. G. Matthews, J., V. Paterson and George .Og' ton have been named judges for the .contest. X. E. Riehar3s supervisor of Oonsinion illustraUo'n , stations, 'vas a visitor here last, week. He found alfalfa and sweet clover doing well here without any loss from winter frost killing. Shirley. Guy Preston has retur-led home from the University of British Columbia, at Vancouver i The i pVKRY " get. ' much for'thlnfei not. Here is the Keep a each item, and Then to is newest and have apportioned better with the The true, wisely and hope to accomplish I i s.pii - ":, Read Plate Work of the best material money can buy at a saving to you. You know my standard of high-class workmanship. Ask your neighbors. They are my patients. Over where he was successfut in his third year in agrifulture. , Seeding Has been about completed in this district" Villi a much increased ' acreage under cultivation and prospects. ekeeJ i lent for a good crop. Rev. S. C, Steer.' newly ordained Anglican Church, rector, conduc ted his first services here and at t Chilco on Sunday and made a good impression. , I The .Women's Auxiliary to the Orme's 525 Lady Assistant Canadian Legion held a successful silver tea in the Board of Trade Hall on Saturday afternoon. The Auxiliary ia 'receiving donations of old clothing for needy families in the district XbeW are fSt motor ' vehicles ,now licensed in the Vanderhoof district The provincial government gas shovel is engaged 'in -widening the' winding stretch of road just north of town near Chileo. to pnd for 13' true purpose of a Budget year-you spend a large proportion of the lrjt'neaf ti So; much for clothing. So much for snwei o to eaWfor house furnishings, booWaiid what way to get the most for your money. budget. icclde what you can afford hold yourself within this amount. get the most for your budget money read advertisements carefully. The advertisements you read tell you what best. They give you the latest ideas and Improvements. They help you to get more from each dollar you In your budget and so live better and dress same income. purpose of a budget Is to enable you to Spend only by careful reading of advertising tan. you this result. ' c' v '!i' ' 'jNypl"' advertising regularly. It points thc.M; way to better living. I" ; ' I , I 1411 :I,M 1 1 rlV