4i The Daily News PRINCE KUTEKT - BKITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue n. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES ...... a m , City delivery ,lby mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For lesser period, paid In advance, per month v . By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period ' Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1- Transient advertising on frqnt page, per Irtish. 2.i Local readers! per insertion, per line .. . . t Classified advertising, per imerjfplii'fler rtPKy- Legal noticed each Insertion, perv,agate line n&.TiTft'Ti 1 Or four months for 1( Bj mail to all other parts, of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year C.( ' By mail to all other countries, per year DAILY EDITION HISTORY OF NEGLECT Monday, May 13, 1929 The city of Prince was founded over twenty years, ago. It wis located in the woods at the end -of the newj' transcontinental railway. Roads were not much in demand, except within the city, and these were constructed ; ' and paid tbr by ther city from-the time of incorporation.' The firit demand was for a road around Kaieh Island,' which would be used largely for tourist purposes and for, the pleasure of the residents. Even up to that time there j was no conception of a trunk road connecting Prince Rup-i ert with tile outside world. So strong became the pres-. sure for a road just before the 1916 election that the' Bowser government started work about two miles from the city opposite the entrance to the harbor and a thousand feet was graded. It was intended to have this connected up with the city and continued to the mouth of the Skeena River and, Eventually around Kaien Island, including a road to the top of the mountain. ! The Bowser government went down to defeat and work was at once stopped and so little was the matter pressed by the citizens that it was several years before a survey was made along the other side of the island and work commenced in a modest way, the construction being done by day work under a provincial government foreman, j Graduauy.theJdoa 0! a ; trunk, road system AvAfef grow-' intr and whennhe Onver government laid down5 its road ' FASHION FANCIES 1 1 CLOTH OF GOLD AND SATIN Noted Pari.'utuic designer. Agnes, policy the Skeena River highway was included through white satin, with beaded silk trimmings for the insistence of the local member, who happened at the Zmp U c,,oth of gold' ith 8iune 1!... . . -1 2rr:tTrr v-ua- vm.. r ' rjr..r' rr:.: of gray for. lime 10 te uumsier oi lauus. me guver niuuiii was avi very enthusiastic, for money was tight and population in the north was sparse As it became evixlonl that the wTiolecomitfy frpnTer-race to McBride would be linked up before brig arid" this cvsrem nvpntjinlR rio fnnnrvtpfl wifVi fVii AHirirfn linnnrl. deiwrtment of British' Columbia has been collecting the records of the pioneers and has ajiuuued a great quftrtity of manuscript , material, photographs, etc which forms FOR EVENING. 1 WEAK cre'ftes this costume of - jjjMi) mere is in ary and through to Edmonton, Prince Ruperti people tie- avajvts ancient docuVHNT gan to become impatient and insistent for moetispeed, in I c - ; road building. 'Av contract was let for f ivermilescarry-' EdW, DaiiyxNew. ing the highway as far as Galloway Rapids, and some Princo Rupert; rui. work was done on the other side of the rapids leading to-i : -' '- s A - - a . , 1 t?a 1 ,i ,v,i ,1 .ii v ' For matiy y&T tMarchivfl yond that point There was an assurance from the government that the bridge would be built in 1929 and the work of construction also carried on without interruption. Then came the election. The government went out of power and Premier Tolmie was asked to form an ad- ministration, which he-did. These men seem jto be out of SnSorSX a wonderful reuository of ioucn wiia uiu wiuuuon unu out 01 sympainy witn me a tribute to the memory of our aims and aspirations and just needs of Prince Rupert. ' pioneers, it it well that there We say "seem to h(j" Possibly they have definite plana?ouId be in the capital ofvjjhc which they will carry otftpbut, in the meantime, tK&wdrkrovincc a department, on 18 Stopped. " whose duties is thfc collection anitt 1 A i reverential care of material re- evening wear. The nd collar: and cuffs TL I i t D " rte8troycd. ' other C" they are 1 IIC , Li til I CI UUJL lY?Py aWy and f$r$Jten any casealways a of loss bv firp. wherr.q it 'Victoria the documents are JJcept in an absolutely fireproof building. No matter how trivial or unimportant certain naDers niV seem to their pwner, they may have a distinct value in after years. The undersigned will welcome correspondence from any persons in your district having any class of the above mentioned material in their possession, with a view to the same being acquired by purchase or gift for the. provincial archives, Yours :ncerey,' JOHN IIOSIE, tovlnclnl Archivist, Parlia-nt Buildings, Victoria, B.C. uiiirju.l ijAvna OKiU ,our gt province anu iuid the 1 E. I)ick.son, arrived in port at 7 There are roads at Terrace, roads at Hazolton and at foundation for our present pron-io'iiock last evening from the all other points between there and Prince George. Con- perity.'n your district there may solth and sailed at '9 p.m. for struction is being'carried on rapidly out of Prince George. mntL w6or or their deaeen- Afyox, Stewart and other north-Even McBride has good driving roads which extend for dfnU T? ,n thf!ir p!dU tof cal1 whnce she L,-f I J. 8ion Jll letters, iino T ;fft u-i.V ti j. Vfnl diaries, ac- return here tomorrow morn- .....; u..co. uumb'jiu.uwoh vucc,i v.uuxiuiie isiuiius are ,-ount j0Urtiuls. note books, t and sail south at 3:30 p.m. connected up, but Prince Rupert remains the only place of photographs or other material f assengers coming north on the any importance in the whole country which is without a which ought properly to find a Catala included: C. Chalberg, place to drive except for the six miles between here andre8t,n,ir D,ace in th provincial r- George w. Kerr, ir. c. Glbbs, R. ch,v'8, If 1 to mak C w,ni8' 8- F- L- Galloway Rapids. Wo cannot even get a bridge across ' 8niith' SheP" the rapids so that we may get to the mainland. I oppeal t,h"n 10 fde,t J1? nR ,E;I0r"hard'l Mr' "nd i . . with the D. "ni Mrs. J. n;' pf i:r i m , department, which, Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Prince have been Rupert. people accused of lot being a would be .4 to. receive them w. Duff and j.- Fdber, for Ot submissive Sheep, Willing to Stand for anything. It is and to takeevery pos'ble.care of I Prince Rupert; A. W. Blaney, for time they denied the allegation by showing that they have them for Mltiaw. ah too often; Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. K, c. Pic-spunk enough to demand either that they be given their thp ori"inl manuscripts or pap-kett. for Alice Arm, and Mrs. rights or allowed to govern themselves ers of our l'ioneer disappear. jBozick and D. C. Robertson, for Prince Rupefct is the natural market for the people of ,Som"nthty nrg un;hinklngirj Anyox- the interior. It is entitled also to a share of the tourist' 3 n1'-1 ; " '' ?Tr-7r r business which other points enjoy. It is entitled to some of the modern means of transportation. If the whole of northern and central British Columbia were to combine to force the hands of the government tp oither develop tlfb country or give them the right to form' a new province, there would soon be action taken. It is to be hoped that a definite program will be formulated fdh the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade All places in the territory are affected by the present lack of system in carrying on the development of the country. We do not wish to make this a political question. The former Conservative government was lax. The Liberal government ."was lax and now it seems as if this present administration had both beaten a mile in laxity over the road situation. They are exploring but not building. We Rhall be the first to give them credit when we see activity but at Divsent there is none, at any rate, none visible on the surface. j WHAT WOULD BE THE BEST MEANS TO ADVANCE INTERESTS OF NORTHERN AND CENTRAL B. C? PRIZES ARE OFFERED ; ' .' 1 S . -W4 . I' 9" ' P) TltJjnJnily Nowh invites suggestions as to the best means of advancing the inieroHts of northern and central 1tritih Colum-bia As a recognition of our interest In the Mubji-ct, wo offer ;Hhfeo prizes for the best suggestions put forward in a brief r.owspaper article not to exceed 500 wor;ln. First prize, $5; second prize, a year's subscription to The Daily News; and, third, six months' subscription to the paper. A school boy or school girl la Just as likely to win the prize for thU as is a grOwmip. Writ on one skle of the paper only and mall addressed: Contest Editor, The Daiiy News, Prince Rupert, B.C. THtl MAY 1 TO MAY 15 Monday, May 13, 1029 LUaBooth Ceriteridfy ' iu;i lit jfA.. . .A. In Aid of Our Missionary and Home Work When called upon please k give liberally mm I i mil I I III I'll The true purpose of . a Budget P SUV year you spend a large proportfw af the iWney yiT - rMt miPr cl0hlnt. So mueh (ec eVea. So mucfor Jh'lng tslfor hou fumUVgi, 14ik1 what IJerjkftTfWQjjt,gt the most forydor mohlsy. Kecit a budg)etlde what you can NfTortl' to 'spend for each Iterii; and htJld yourself within this amount. Then to get the most for your budgejt money read advor-i tisements carefully. The advertisements yoti rtad tfcll you what Is newest and best. They give you the latest Ideas and Improvements. They help you to get more' from each dollar you have apportioned In your budget and to live better and droa better with the same Income. ' The true purpose of a budget la to enable you to spend wisely and only by careful rending of advtirtWng can you hope to accomplish this result. ,: t O - fop. Head advertising regularly. It points' (lie ' ' . V" 1 way to better living. 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