.Monday, May 13, 1929 M2 L-AlLi NEWS s '' '-' ;- ,' - . Local and Personal News In Brief mmmmmmm . ,, ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m II " ,1111 n - - Kodak Time is Here ! Z7ie Pioneer THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST - Well Mannered Service to Motorists 4 W!ii S. Typical Drtttcists TELEPHONFS 8? 6 200 We want to make friends urd hold them. Hy courteous sen'iee we can win thus. Let us take care of your gas, oil and greasing needs. Guaranteed work. ROUND TRIP FARES HINMI'EO MOM"'"' (IIIIAim. . . IMISTON. 1MKONTO.. II8.I N,;H 0KK t.ll.MOMON'. ( AI.IAK lASI'KK . n. i. ...I. Ti.nr Vl;l UIICUllrr Oiurt iilU l.rrlr',all,,3, f'ull Purllrnurn, lint" Hal'. IJnillo. CIA. CITY TICKET Or I iV,V, MB TIIIKIi AVB i,MianHiiiiiiiiiiii'ii i;'LJlviv.:vn7nlll,1nnlltlTmnlllu niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"!-! Canadian We have them In stock from the tiny lirownie to the Cine Kodak for movies. Come In and tee them. We develop ami print pictures. Daily nerti-ee. of tiiimf mU&., Let you totlly: J. ..(!' y iHlViiNioNvri They Are fiood Tires E. Limited FOUD UKALEUS. ii m rTi 1 $131. HI .. J.1 85 . 4 SI liiiuiiiiBik , NMiaML I have something you want; you have jnjtWnR unt. We get together through the classified aus. i a Taxi' rtione 4,'illff 4 Taxi, tf J Dentist lYr.TlIc.osse. Phoned Richmond' sale of hats' eon. tinues. Redfrced price' $3.1)3 eac)iJ " , " . rexe uraveuo sailed law nignt by the-Catala'fo'f a trip tb Anyox VII UUII net. Mrs. II. R. Rochester and little daughter returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a week-end trip to Port I Capt John Irving, pioneer Richmond's sale of hats con-Smarin."- f this coast, arrived In tinoea. Reduced price $3.95 each, the city from Vancouver on Sat- W" ' urday and proceeded to Stewart FoolUnll tonight, Acropolis on mining business. 11,11 Thistle vs Regi- j rnfl.t, ., urigin and Solution or our Railway Problem" by G. V. Nie- ""P" Rogers sailed last M Rex Pubcover an(I kerson at Rupert Hmt Ratpa niM ,on tie. Prlnee Rupert for -dren returned to the elty "On yes-'ers meeting in" Rupert East Gyol- trip ta.Vaneouver and Victoria. terJa afternoon.g train from a nasium on mesnay at p.m. Everybody invited. 110 ' Ol nip mj me Buutw, hi rrrm ill lutJ city from Vancouver on the CatT ala last evenl ing and proceeded this morning by train to the interior. A large and enthusiastic crowd of friends gathered last night at the wharf as the steamer Prinee ItiiMrt tmiI l mit fr tk. -,4K to wish Godspeed to Miss Geor- gipa Hunter, Miss Anne Castell and Sydney Hunter as they left for. Onrio. The' Union OiCCo.'s new Uitker' mn' tMa for brief triD nh at Flr8t Paptlst Church 8poke,.w4rd,cf eomfort and cheer ithat .development and best in-Ucana is makfn her initifcl eaJI to th i,rrf,wkr on offlc,al busi" ?hi$ wa? conducted hy the b4 Mi beaww of the Japanese 1 wt; of d'tnct urgently at flr.Jlf.rriVt retUrn to the ther. p the church with Mrs. m,8s5on ,Bd ad..demand a da4ly m.,1 senice to 2 o'clock thia morniur from Van: couver with ... a cargo of , fuel , , for . . " ' 1 -u" rm:' IL. I I 8 eSulTWfff nere anu n9w-'oeni,Iea w e "re" y ; an reamuw. th rhotirrierB' the ttf graveside. mealy mey maater "VW. f Wmo Uie tpakw plfn- .nian Fishing Co.'s cannery by Mrs George Hibbard Mr. II. The s Abe ' ' . at Ifaysport in a similar capacity, S. Pelletier and, Mrs. S. Uamblin. jj Sakamoto" 1 Mlwa F Kakl-v 1 lj vZ'ruL i,pMt the wwk-end ,n the city. I Two other addresses were '!A ..j,. ouUshita and K. hu-Mr. and Mra. F. Chamber and returnipi; to. the Skeena River .Mother's Thought on Mother's .w-j amohir thow sendin famiiy. who have realdin 0n tV morning's .train. Day" by Mrs. Victor Houston $irff W$fr Ad Mrs Caven for three years at Anyx where , JL land "What Every Wise Mother ,1 ?7fd ! Mr. Chambers was ill the employ Word haB been received here Wishes for Her Children." bj .. nfnhnfrOTb3r-o-rvetriB the JSilLiT'Mf. T!TTTrrnt -fromthe-Tmleter town and left on this morning's train n0w connected with one of the up entirehy of ladies. Two moth- g-hooj ggi CoT School and for Winnipeg where they will Calgary newspapers. He is also ers of the church acted as ush- Tencnerg Jir and Mra. II Mo-take up future residence. 'running, an aero magaiine and is ers. chfd0 MVand Mrs. Obato and I ANNOUNCEMENTS Blrthdar Tea. UnlteJ Church Mali, Ma-y 30. i Fast Werke-rc June and 18, Fair Board. ' I &Iooae Annuel Picnic! n W'any-vfho l-Xllnghum Dance to b he-Id at Itort Clements some tinw in June. So i' prepared buy a Jjow! K of C nlmic '1,fn'c' Sunday humly July JU,y ... . 14. Digby Island Dr Alexander rililNK .VS i IU:."NKK II) (M'K I DENTIST BLINDS A5:S , Cartage and Storage Phone ($ Cartnge, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. SCALE OF CHARGES I f of charges made for reading , notices ; lilrt'h.K otlces 50c. : Cards of thanks, li Funeral rfptlces $U Funeral Flowers 10c per name- Marriage and Engagement announcements 82. ' Rr.Ai;i r. w v i.... ?. ocen on a inn south, returnoii to tna'Sitv from Vancouv on ., r, , . .7, 1 t . , , inning now- V . lL " ' reiurneu lo ine Hum yamuuver on ine CaUla last evening. . .. ! MWWBenne narvey oi tne r-tudent nursing staff of the ' Prince R"prt Ge.neral Hospital I " 9 uni" ur SmIther whee she will spend a yac.wuiiy . i i i 1 Inretor J; IL Johnson of. the Liquor Control Bbard left on this tomorrow anernoon. i,- . ;r . . . :7..A..7iTit"A V,. 7 rrinu .m uavipa. lormeriv ac- that Darcy Marsh, formerly a wfo f !hC4 Pv!nCe High School teaching staff is promoting an air ueruy to ue put on soon. ; J. A. Hinton, president of the Esperansa Mines Ltd., and D. B. McDougall, a director, sailed last night on the Catala for Alice "l8.uo .vU. . , pianneaj.o soon, resume ore snip- ments. They expect to return to . . . i mi i i tne city on xnursuay evening. ' ' ' i Mra f Tntinntan fc nf DnaVi v nt l!!vpr failed to obtain a maintain- ance order against her husband irom stipenuiary Aiagisiraie . u. i,ee was uapineu rorues MaUurnoto Mr and Mrg T. Kat-F. McLeod in the lower court re-.Hnmpton Lee. ,v.ma J. Karl. M. Sato. M. cently, took her case before Judge F. McB. Young in County . !.. .1 .Urt lM 7? 7 i 7 , , of the of an appeal. Adjournment - hearing was made until tomorrow morning. Many , locnl citizens t took U .i. the opportunity in connection with the observance of National Hos - pltnl Day on Saturday nfternoon to pay a visit to tne rnnce uup- ert Genera) Hospital. U was a very busy Hay In the ln8titu(iori;.erp Benedjctioniff apd ' preached I V, 7V -i . .. . . f..r Mwa Jean Harrison R. N.. , lairy superintendent, and. her staff nd the operating theatre and e.".sc room were interesting. Rpptions of the bulldinir which had both been in use and could not be visueu. FOR 9 YEARS GAS RUINED HER SLEEP i,n. atAmi.h T w. NuttlMS menmona s sale or hats con-, tinues. Reduced price $3.95 each, j Fred Lanza sailed last night, on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. 1 i ..i Mrs. A. W. LIpsfrf and children sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a tr)'rt to VaA'couver. A. Donald of the Rupert Bak-i ery staff sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for, Vancouver. I Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rix and; little daughter sailed last night j on the Prince Rupert for a holi-! day trip to Vancouver. I S. D. Johnston returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to the , iSkeena River. '! '" t trip east. - , ..... ; . ..i j' f. McNaUghtonl C.N.R. dis- trict passenger agent, returned to lth ritv nn fha Prlnrp tinnoft . vnr nn ,nmn.nv hnainoa ;r . L i i 1rl t - Vl I I H H K X 1 1 A V 1MJ 1 UjI 0 Ut I tir i n nnnnmrnn WAV IIKVhKUhll opvciai oervices iieia lesieraay In Most of Local Churches - - i ossiuiv ine moat uniuue oi Mothers' Day services in . local churches yesterday was hat lat .' r- '? R"- gram was an exceptionally ' inter- .-. .. , k; , esunir one anu mere was a larice " . , V coegjegat op, There. ..a Mrs. J. D. Thurber. Mrs. Charles rk,nsan "A JI"th8 Prayer," and the choir was made in me morninK mere wa a special song service by the Ju- tnior Choir and Rev. . F. Price. the pastor, took as his subject, "Mothers' Prayers." The ordin- ance of baptism was performed. Presbyterian Church r,rsi v..unr.. ... f w.o .........6, ..v.. Jones preacneu suuau.y. wwns as his subject "The Blessed i r .ii r T . momer oi Jesus. The ine -uim.r Junior !Tr 8anf the chorus "HeJIll T.ln Pur. nf Yrvn " with Mlt Betty Cameron as soloist. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs, James In the evening, the pastor in speaking .b:n n lU.. the subject o.il.inv.. "A Mllh . tl J If I stressed .'"'.u the need . of more eauca" atten .. t . , . , . . . . tlon being paid in the homes to i the spiritual needs of the chtl- e"- Li" nfw Davey sang the duet "I Waited HI for the Ird." , United Church Rev. Alfred Wilson took as his suoject at morning service in First United Qhurch, "A Moth- . . , , ,, suitably. Miss Linnea pnson sang as a solo 'Tell Mother 111 be There." At evening service, Rev. il - Ham Allen of Terrace was the speaker, taking as hU subject ine iuomer oi .uoses. me an them "Magnificat" was effectively rendered by the choir. Rupert East At Rupert East United Church in the morning, there was a at WfClUI PCMIVD .u. Vlittv.tv.t and ii-vmv for 9 yn. Adirik has which the pastor, Rev. T. H. Mc-Mped me o tht now I et and sip Allister, gave a suitable talk. 8cod " m. e. Tcuchton. jn tne evenlng, Mr. McAllister JZSZ rrNnT;" Kve a most eloquent and irnpres-out mt nd lep well. Aeu on botii aive sermon on the SUhject Ke-upptr end iofr bowi uid removes old hold Thy Mother." There was a wsrte matter you never thought wm ; BOi0 jn8s Chrissle Woods nnd rr sTrrd a8,on wlU iurfriee you. Onnt, Ud, drugs, jwere BUng. , , For a Light Step HRED HE ATI Q full-size ljm biscuits With all the bran of the-whole wheat, Banishes "Spring Fever" because perfectly digested Suprjcs energy and promotes regular habit. Delicious for any nieaL J Sat the paper inserts in the Shredded Wheat packages. BIG FUNERAL i. YESTERDAY Vholp Jan.inP Pnlonv n,, i - . .... m . a Practically the whole Japanese colony and also a number of others attended the funeral yes- terday from the B. C. Undertak- era Parlor for little Tomi Nisho. the pitrht voir old Jnrvanpsp irlrt wh0 died suddenly last week. So creat was the number nrpspnt that many had to stand outside during the service. Rev. Mr. Oana . r t. j t'li inn nirn u nnnn s-ar t r pimiiiiPT .l. .j u ...tj hv tjov, Pannn nn.hhmnlf ntK ' dreaa avbk translated into Japan- ese. . , . , i . ti i i i tii mwrmens took piace ai rair v5ew,a great nany-ears carrying rv r, A dersbn and1 family. S. Bunn. II. Tomaphi st Ki.nv amliv t flnd -tt-- T ci,m. , Mr and Mrg g Sug&t Mr . Atu,ii- MP Mr. K Tllln,n i.mM. ml.? pUjjn waj ' jrr and rg k Vamanaka Hahar.o irwa'i. Seai a ahstnn Kwai ,Ip anA M N. S. Hlrno. Prince Rupert Jap- anew A890ciation Educational Tjppartmpnt, japan8se Sunday School and Chrysanthemum Club, Mr. and. Mrs. 1. Mlwa. M. Nimom- , Mr - and M .... Maikawa, T. Q t- tri.. wa jj Sakamoto, Mr. and Mrs. N v M hl M A jr.. varia ' ... K. Watanahe, Mr. and Mrs. Yash- ka. K- Slkimura, Mr. and Mrs. ulllKiltuiu, chn.n.flnl Mr ..... and ouu Mr8 ...to v ... T,uma i.uiiiuii j jjr " and jrg ' rjaj Mp . 'M Kuw.u M'r. and MM- G" Hinada' aIld M"' S- Araknwa j Takixawa Mr and Mr Kinar0i Mr and Mrg. y. Su,h,r0i Mf and Mr8 K gaka. mo Mr and Mrg j Hamagnid, . . M ,k M Kunihiro. Mr. and .Mrs. S. Jujlmoto, M. Ok- amura, amura, Mr. iir. and anu Mrs. ;urs. Muramatsu, .nuruinuioy, Mf and Mrg Kana).a M Kondai JIr and Mrs Ouwusriita and W. Dyer and M. Kikihara. , ULSTER MINISTERS BY ACCLAMATION i ALL EXCEPT ONE BELFAST. May 13. Nomina-ions to the Ulster parliament re-ultcd In the return unopposed of ill membors of the cabinet except the minister of home affairs, Mr. ates who was opposed by the ciniM'Ntiire grniip. Our classified section may be of special interest to you today. and a Clear Mind iSKREDOTOWHkAq C. RRADY UltGES tAILY MAIL SERVICE EDMONTON-PRINCE RUPERT AND IS PROMISED CONSIDERATION (Continued from page one) all those enumerated above; And, whereas, recent inquiry by special committee of the'Prince Rupert Board of Trade into the whole situation revealed tht! inadequacy of the present mail service west to and east from Prince Rupert; And, whereas, the Prince, Rup-srt Board of Trade has been petitioned by the various boards of trade in northern British Colum- bia to ,end their ful1 suWort to ine,r aemna I(,r ")' " .urv p 'iMna. heveas!' rW' Prince Rud- prt Board of Trade fully realize V""' ."""i Therefore, be it resolved, that the Prince Rupert Board of Trade urgetthat, the Hon. P. J. Veniot, nostmaster.-Keneral, take immediate action whereby a daily mail aervice will be established be-hveen Prince Rupert and Edmonton.' As this is a maUer of the most vital importance to the welfare of "rince Rupert and the country 'v'ng to the east of it, we sincerely trust that you will give the mat-'er your very earnest and imrsedi-"te con!der'tion. in order that the daily service might be in-figuratd upon the resumption of the daily pasenger train service. Fo Longer Need for Two Pairs of Glasses A pair of our Kryptok Double-Vision Lenses contain a lens for reading with a lena for diMance in one and without the unsightly dirt-catching cemented iieams that make th ordinan- bi- ' focal lenses .mo conspicuous. They give perfect vision both for far and near. Let us demonstrate their advantages. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS hveYoit www taken wur ytfl Fnnrt