r 1929 - THE DAILT NEWS 1AGE PEVE I l0v V I). MdMIEKSON CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - Ffl R SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ JJECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD i l Sp rctary of ,u-!v ill in Wel-t. Toronto. Mr. Mc-11 known through-l.f Masonic aud IrS Man in the Moon sin means more work, ink that hai to be -pcrous homes. i .Iks of her ability to i iitics talk of her man boasts of his fam- t rotty sure there was mm).' done to make it i nf husbands ' 1 rir wives are kind; friwul wifia 'n:.kr.K up his mind. ! nu ly nice young man .m. up to'h ihi offer' . nu- the winner .of the. ii.il. Of course, 1 1 had.' i ir.it the chickens pi . ' iiiin'h i room Iri ttJ'e g'a i had wfwhere - to Veep' Mtfl II Ten Years Ago In Prlncn Kuperf 1 . .;;! . ri May 13, 1919 . Iiaroda is in port 'iir Coastwise Steam-; M-r (Vs freighter An-imrge was taking rail-i "m Panama to Seward ' '- on them as well as l .image in a storm off James. Hincil last night voted im-rease in wages of "r all employees of "ika department from ' Mrcr down. "ill) has been elected, ! ihe local branch of and Navy Veterans of C.N.R. TRAINS ' fJMI,- 1' Wdnely ana 8turdT raw r,. :35pa Tu,(UJ ,nl Thuradayt at An Interesting Announcement 01 P ' i- ular Interest to 4 Bt '"-!'(.lumWan.t.th . :n nt of A tmifk of ' :!ls nbout B. a, M 1 D producU thftt U 1: in thlt paper every In' Ulki throw !'-iim( libt on the l iiont and prpgrtf ' '' been goUig oh In ' 1 ''. Rood thn 'Here u worth- ( 0 m,g In each HELP WANTED CIVIL Service position.. Examinations for Clerks, men and women, Grades 1 and 2, will be hejd in Prince' Rupert on July 1G and 17. No shorthand WANTED WANTED TO HUNT Four or five roomed modern house or utte. App.ly Box 190 Daily New office, no or typing required. ApCatlon 'GRADING, Excavating, Concrete, iu imui wiuiwa uy inay 27. Age limit 18 to 35. No pre-i vious experience or high sehool j necessary for Grade 1 positions, i xou can bp ready for examin-. atlon by starting to prepare at once. We are the only Canadian 1 School preparing for Civil Ser- vice examinations by mail. You F. W. HAWS Office. Kmad are as near to us as your letter Block. 121 box. You need our specialised;'- " " help, no matter what other F0K KENT Four room flat with courses you have taken. Fees' bath Fomklied. Phone 547. for fuli course by mail, includ-, Irig all subjects and texts J FOR RUNT Furnished apart-Grade 1, 120.00: Grade 2., mnt n!l fuml.wi ww An. $24.00. (f5.0p only on enrol ment.) We hold no attendance classes, as we consider you save time and money My. studying at home, and we get UET-TER results, because there. lira no oral lectures, etc., to, forget. Send for full information at once. You will he under no nh. liunltnn on1 nn ut.t will .oil on you. The M. C. C. Civil Ser vice School Dept. A 401 Ken slngton Bldg., Winnipeg, Manl- j. - toba 113 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $36 per month. Phone Green 216. ,, tf service.! i iiHlustryf' -ii'.Jt s V 'i' i.nf ' m tin- ) ' r5v. 1 1 .-Ml 1 afcagjM an in of FAIRBANKS DIAL SCALES for fast accurate weighing You csrt depend on these fat accurate cle to Petl UP weighing and to reduce the poiiibility of error. Thif h o iprinft ud thetr bto- -latt tttttUf 4 re fv. ntn will endure r " Tkrir big c. a be lotdiS n4 unloeSed. Mede in mint Htft 7'r!"H d. m.nj. ol induttrr. Write lor lull description!. CANADIAN coMPANYmM (H. Jin, ... Ql. Ml. IXu-i. Tmm. m w. i.. Biu. ltaHrr. I J- Try a Daily News WANT-AD. BRINGING UP I isoliil MR) iounlatlona. Nels Rokkiar. Room 9, G23 Third Avenue, Phone Red 025 or Hlack 700. tf FOR RENT ply -Mussallem Grocery. tf FOR RENT Furnished modern four room flat, Clapp Rlock, Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished house- keping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf 0r RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well fur nished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors Vlien travelling between Port ClemenU and Queen Charlotte -iClty, hire cars and trucks from YOUNG BROTHERS Skldegate, n.C. CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC ELECTROTHERAPY You can make no mistake in adopting these scientific methods, theWr iim U now unrlii wlrlo all cases of disease. Our awaijtm nf ftnltrlaa tharnnv iv ied under the law. of the Prorlnce of does not lea re your recovery toBriuah ootumbia. intend to apply for chance, owing to the certainty ltu ot lowing described lands: Commencing at s planted on an , , j post the methods adopted. .unnamed point on the south-west side fnrwiilr lof Walea Island, opposite Proctor la- " uu Unda; thence northerly S chains: thence Hit. W. C. ASPINAM. .westerly 20 chain: thenre southerly S fi nnd 7 Enrhange Dlork Green: 211 Phones Rlark: 21 Open Evenings CHIROPRACTIC Gets results where other methods . Consult R. Ii EYOLPSON CHIROPRACTOR cm Third Avenue Office Telephone Hlue 85 Residence Telephone Red 5$9 Established 1324 Canada's Leading Tire GOODYEAR SUPERTWIST Sold at Vancouver Prices and Guaranteed KAIEN GARAGE Phone 2 ServiceRight Now" FATHER FOR SALE FOIt SALE One row boat, com-1 plete with oa.rs, first class ,on- ditlon. Apply Stork's HarwareJ) r i rr1 FOR ALE We have several;! choice homes for sale, well sit uated. Apply G. P. Tinker Ltd. Phone 57. tf FOR SALE Snap. Six room mod- em house, ' one and one-half blocks from Post rrr. Office. Apply Airf J 022 Second Ave. 110 FOR SALE Richmond Rooms, very cheap. For information, call at office or phone Black; 09. Write P.O. Box 1603 FOR SALE Snap, ten acre proved ranch, Terrace, close In. 50 fruit trees, two room dwelling, and water. Apply L. II. Kenny, Terrace. 112 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. l Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 "GOVERNMENT UQL'OK ACT" Notlc of Application for Consent to Trnnefer of Beer Ucence. Notice u hnbj given tnt. on tee evtnth dy of June next the under- Hgncd inteaaj lo ppiy vo ine uw!"""""1 Oontfol Board for conoent to trmiler In renpect of premise beln( part of ai building known at Tourlit Hotel aituate at Terrace. B.C.. vpon the land de-j crlbed aa Lota 1 and 2. Block 11 DU-I trlet Lot 389. Uap 872, Prince Rupert Laod Registration OUtrlet. In the Ptot-lnce of Brltlab Columbia, from Urbaiwi uoiuicnni ana nnttua EuiuceDM. llccnseea. to John AUen McDoucaU. of Terrace, BrltUb Columbia, the trana-feree. Dated at Terrace. B.C.. thl SOtb dT of AprU. 1B29. Appncaati nd transferee. , UJSI JOHN t ALLEN ULEN He TJtDOuQ, DOUOALL. LXSV .' Notice of Intention to Apply to LeOMs Land Wale Island. i own na( in uansaj&n risn. log Company. Limited, of VaocoUTer. B. C. 0O8UP atton. a Corporation lnoorpor- ehslns; thence erateriy 90 chain along the shore line to the point of commencement, and containing 10 acre, more or leu. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO.. LTD. Per W. W. Twitter. Agent Dated April 20th. 1939. Letter Ros Collections ' AM. PU Orahain Si Atlln at 9.00 741 1st Ave. tt 8th, St. 9.05 741 Bth At. Si Fulton St 9.10 7.4( Sth Av. Si Thompson Bt. .. 9.18 7.41. Ilth At. Si Sherbrook .... 9.20 7.6U 1 1th Ar Conrad 9.2S 7if eth Are. & Hay Cora Ave... 930 8.00 Sth Ave. A Haya Cot Circle 948 8.08 8th Are. tt Cottcn St 8.00 7.00 8th Are. et Oreen Bt. (Hsptl). 9 40 8.10 6th At. t McBrlds St 9.48 8.18 ProT. OOTt. Building 9 60 8 30 ProT. Uan. vTbarf 9.88 843 O TP. Wharf . 10 00 S4C OXP Station af 10.08 " ilM 2nd At. A 2nd St 10.10 8.40 3rd At. Si Pulton St 10.18 8.43 3rd Atc. Si eth St . 10 20 840 Advertise your wants in the Dally News classified columns. I BEAUTY OPERATOR ill ii I zi' i i , II allilHF 11 II I k- I mai I MISS MARY MACFIE ..Experienced .operator, modern methods in .all Uniis of beauty culture and hair resiing. it-: ' ' . Make appointment by phoning Ilea SS9. SALVAGE ANI TOWING , ... . , - , " It on or under the water we do il PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped fot Dlvtng and jjjiGeneral Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descml- for Charter, Row Boats and Canoes for hire.' Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck. Easthope, Hicks & Rallantyne Engines. Northern C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone, Day of Night.-SC4 ! ' P. O. Box 1561 1 I FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOIl THE HOME i Dining Suitee. Chesterfield I on. n,i. c.!. a ifn.i .w. WH""t ' , .tresses, Kanges, . Linoleum, Klinus. I r., p I MACKENZIE FURNITURE Phone '775 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART, We buy, . sell . or. ex change any kind or furniture! rvMCvi 10 p.. or household goods, .musical in-1 ' lmi- struments, !.' .'' etc. i- r-... Gen iMi4-a. PrlncSrnarte Sp.m. , machinery, - " IT ' erai -repairs... jcratlntfrrtPAokim- and shipping, .Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Blacl. 120 and we will call. GEOnGK J. DAWES. AUCTIONEER Federal Hiock A. L. HENDERSON. Ayctioneer and appraiser. Cash for all goods and furniture. Kmad Block. 124 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES e Monday, May 13 High 3:55 a.m. 21.C ft. 17;14 p,m. 18.1 ft. Low 10:48 a.ml 2.2 ft 23:00 p.m. 85 ft. Tuesday, May 14 High 4:54 n.m. 20.1 ft. 18:31 p.m. 17J ft. Low 11:50 a.m. . 3.4 ft. Wednesday, May 15 High ..... (5:08 a.m. 18 ft. 19:43 j.m. 17.5 ft. I40W 0:08 a.m. 9.3 ft. 12:5G i.m. 4.61 ft. Thursday, May 16 High 7:f2 a.m. 17.G ft. 20:47 p.m. 17.9 ft. Low 1:29 n.m. 9.4 ft. -14:08 p,m. 5 ft. A Beautiful TEA CADDY VVTITH an exquisite sweet pea design " lithographed lo many delicate color, the new 1V28 airtight tea caddy U extremely attractive. It is packed with one pound of the famous fragrant Malkin's Itett blend. The supply It limited. ORDER YOURS NOW! Sold at all Grocery Stores INI W. M. HALKtN CO, LTD. STEAMSHIP HOYEMENTS iFitr Vanciutrr ! Sundays a. Prince Rupert ..ilOp.m. ' Tuesdays a. Catala 330 p.m. Thursdays aa. Prince Oeorge 10 p.m. rrldaya a. Princes Royal 10 p.m. Fridays s. Cardena 12 mldnlcht May 6 as. Princes Allc ......p.m. May 16 as. Princess Louise p.m. May 26 a. Princes) Louise p.f. 1'roni Vancouver ' Sunday as. Catala 4 p.m. Wednesday s. Pr. George 10-30 ajn.j Prtday-a. Princess Royal 4 pja. Tway a, uaraena a.m. Saturday sa. Prince Rupert 1030 pjn. May 11 aa. Princess Louise a.m. May 22 a. Prince Louise a.m. For Naa River I Sunday h. Catala 8 p.m. From Naa River . Tuesday aa. Catala 1130 a.m. For trwar). Premier,, Anjux -and Alice fAri-, i- . . ; Sunday-i-as. CUU, .....,8 Wednesday Ua . ft. paorff ..4 p.m. ! Saturday aa. Prince Ropert. . . 4 fc.m. . . rrum iewur, i-rrmier, injun anuviu - c. Containing llb.net MALKIN'S BEST TEA VANCOVVIt. . C MAIL SCHEDULE nr the East Mondays. Wednesdays, Saturdays, mail closes 10:30 am, irom the Kunt Sunday. Tuesdays and Thursday. Mall due 3130 p.m. T vanromrr via vain Wednesdays and Saturdays. Sundaya 9 pm. Tuesdays 2:30 p.m. - Thursday 9 p.m. Friday 11 p.m. C.P.R. May 8. IS and 28 p.m. t'rlim Vanoiuter . Sunday 4 p.m. Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. Fridays a.m. Saturdays 10:30 a.m. C.P.R. May 11 and 22 a.m. For Htewart. I'rrmler, Aiiyox and Allc Arm Sunday .1 pm , Wadnesdaya ,,3 p.m. Saturday .3p.m. Prom Stewart, Premier. Anyox and Allc Arm Sundays ,7:30 p.m. 'lueiays 11 JO am ..To p.m. J tmmij. 7 pm ffJ&K Klv" lea ........ . .. .. II 10 am nv- :-, rjX-.. Prince Ruper TJ30 p.mJ "Thursday T6M(la iSadaW-am. Catfl. ' . 11 :SO a.m. Tn Viui klrpf lolnt 8U! . . . 1 fcU VMII.C. WSiwaacaj .9 pUi lYom -onrn ?iriMte- isi.nndsi. . ; fii.WfcJSr Prince Charjef -. r,S3n EsjMsi o. Prtac Qtofci. .. .a. Aka ! ?, K? MJ .Prtafi U23 "Pi .a'.m aVri.iil lafcj- T " t P May ts-j. Prtnes'TxKflM"...p.in. May It n. Princess Louise p.m Kif Port Slmiwon and Male Naod Frldaya-aa. Cardena a.m From I'lH't Slmiwon and Wales Island-Friday as. Cardena pm. f CJuren L'harrwt May x 10 ana 30 ....a.m. To ,tlaka Points M4ylland22 .'.'.a.m. From Aluxka Points 'May fi, IS and 23 n- Ti Port Slinpmn and Hale Island Frtdaya -.4j,a.m. From Port SlmpHin and Wale tlsjiuid Friday , mr,T A Daily News want-ad will bring results. EMRARRASSING MOMENTS By George McManus i-' May'rand 18 . ..... 7 p.m. f Frwiitjiirrn t'liarlutte '-VCiUS UWtTN "THE IfA'Tfe tV" K 'MS i ilATTffe .NITIALS ON VOUfc Silf 40 -titM ' I