PAGE SIX Wlien Mother's Nemes Are Healthy WHAT n joy arc children to tlie healthy mother! What an irritation llicy are when mother i weak, ncrr ous anj rxcitalilet 'many tthouaamls of womfn -haves founilliealtli and liajpinr-s by usiiiu; Dr. Ciiaee'ii Nerve KcmmI to restore the rub down nervous systrnl that there i no question us to tlie elil-ciencjrf till treatment. Gradually ami naturally the nutritive qualities of the Lloml are increased and the exhausted liervea fed luick to health and vigor. Soon you rest and sleep well, enjoy your meals and realize once more the joy of healthful living. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food The Greatest of Nerve Restoratives KSROORIxH ILWIGHLfvl TREVH GSV yRTTVHQ EZOFVH Solve the Mysterious Message Win a Car ! Ernest Leduc, tlx famous dsreIevfl Birr, left t rJourgrt rling ririd, latu, r ranee, lor lurnnto, C'assss, attempting la hreak the long datsac flrlvx neanL Leduc wis entrusted to deliver s mntr of great imrxrtance to the Canadian I'sbltc but, owing to engine trouble developing, he was forced to lud Bear Ilslifai. Leave nsM to the nearest Radio Broadcasting Stalkm sod transmitted the famous message. The mrs-ssge was m code sad is ha haste he fortot ts trsadatt it. Is the shove picture jros sec him ii adls la nxsaage. Cm " toht iAu JfeiMgef If ym are tortaailt to solve the Mysterious stsatMS ysg have owned the way to Was declared a tint prist winner. The Mvstertsus hlnaaat contains 6 words and ia a mrtiagc of interest to every one In C anada. There are lis maps sad each group of letters warn translalrd 1 mm the cade represents s word the six groups fsna the complete jneaaage -for iiutanc, the third wnnjwu Uuadcut ss TKEVH and thou Id read GIVES. A auE If roa can solve this mnaage yon can win a price. It will Use a littlr patience and wilt prove very interesting besides a prunlaLls war of spending your time. Start by writing the alphabet down from A to Z and number each letter begkaing at Z firtt as Number 1; Y-J; X I; W4; and ao on. Then change the letters fn tbs Mysteriuus W-sr into asmben by finding which number each letter represents. Then you must write down another alphabet nambrring it the right way, A number I ; B-l; C-I; D-4; E-l; and ao on. Cnanir the numbers bach Ists Irttris by finding the lettrr currespund-ing to the number. It yon ran decipher toe meatsgr, send your smwrr with ut delay, you can win a nriu. Follow the simiile rules, be sure of a prise. ANSWEK AT ONCE WIN StZCtAL rnOHtTXESS ruizx TUB BIQGEST LIST OF PRIZES EVER OFFERED Send Ho Money HI FW VW Ym it-mim J Oa Cla IU Oa Oa I l MiMkeiM a a c i a MuAMUN I I BJJ firp I - a I Smm. CmS um rm m we tm T Vl J "aBBna f 1 V- n-o . . lie n J ' a 'V. . PW .M iev I I " TOsrsna. rnri m m n m jtlTti j r-TZJi -HaJL rlVw nck iw m iv n m tVIWI I I JfaM V -S" a ISm, tab n m r it mi - JMF siiiiMMhisH,ca m w is s 1. Writs snnrer Is sen. sad bit. us If ,ons, sUe, of paper only. Vitlte'toat same and ad drew In the Mttom right hand earner, stating whether hfr., Xtrs., rrVflsa. Put snythlng ebw you wish to write on s srpsrsts sheet. Do not send fancy, drawa or typewritten rnttiea. 2. Canlestaats moat be U yssm or over. Emiiloyeet of rhMIis4?obertson Co., friends or relatives of employed or any. ons connected with this company cannot compete. S. Con test ants msy submit as many as thres snswrrs to the puaile, Ibut only ons can ba awanhirlta prise . SiRcrent members of a family mint not compete as only ons prist will be swarded ia a family or house- RULES OF Tim CONTEST! Why We Are Giving Away These Prizes U.OOO.OO Priis Awsrds This modern century requires modern tnrthods of ndvertlting and this is an honest-to-goodness above-board method of advertising at t modern way to quickly atlmulats Interest la the Phillips-Robertson Service scras Canada. If yon send your answer Immediately and are successful in winning at least 100 points for your entry you will receive s Special Promptness Reward. 4. The final swards will be nuds by s committee of thres Toronto gentlemen who hsve no connection with this firm. Their neme will be made known to all contestants. Contestants must scree Is abide by the deciaisa of this committee. The prises wU be awarded according to the number of points gainsd by each entry MS points, or nesrest thereto, will taie the first prise, 111 points will be swarded far the correct solution of punle, 100 points for srlrcting from rillLLII'S ROBr.RTSON Catalogue, of an order for at least SJ .00, and tht balance of 40 points for general appearance, apelling, punctuation and handwriting of the entry. In case of lira duplicate prlies will be swarded. Speciat swarda will bs arnsasH 4rt MnmnlsMi THIS 13 NOT A SALES CONTEST s Note: SpttUt Surprh Avttdi for Promflntti. If you tan Solrt iht PutQtAntwtr at Once Without Any DtUy. Copyright. P.L.0 K2t Pbillips-Robertson Co., Limited, Dept. 1G Toronto 2, Ont 4 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated TIIE DAILY NEWS IHtlTISH LION GROWLS DURING GIBRALTAR MANOEUVRES WOMEN'S INSTITUTE "onored by king TERRACE REORGANIZES Former Prince Rupert Lady J i Secretary With Min. Glggey President The nine sixteen-inch guns of the Rodnty, which, with her sister the Nelson,' are the only two vessels so armed, hrrnjf a broadside duripg manoeuvres of the iiritish fleet off Gibraltar. , .... NEW HOSPITAL BOARD CHOSEN FOR TERRACE ti. llalliwell Heads Organization Wh,Ich is Urged to Reopen Emergency Station TERHACE May 13: A new board of directors was elected for the Terrace Hospital Association ( at the annual meeting of that organization held on Friday evening in C.W.V.A. Hall. These are, Mrs. A, Attree, Mrs. James H . Smith, George" Dover, H. Halliwell, Rev. -A! W. RoLinson and A. McLeod. ' Ret. Wm. Allan' 'presided over the meeting and stated the retiring board had been successful in securing a resident doctor. A drive had been made for funds for the purchase qf an X-Uay unit and as a result $81C.C7 had been raised and was tyelng held in a trust fund, with J. K. Gordon as trustee, until such time as the balance of the money nec essary for the X-Ray is on hand. The association also has about $283 on hand in general funds, but about $300 more is necessa'ry for the machine. Owing to the closing of the t. it . y sattsfftctory eontlltiont for the handliitrT of sick and injured. The necessity for an emergency tUrien WHS stTWSiil ml a recommendation made to the new board to try to obtain recognition by the Compensation Hoard for claims for expense in-urm! in handling aeciden teases localjy before being sent to out-Mde hosiiitals. Following the general meeting the irA' board he!4 a mooting ;ul T)intfJ officers . al ' fol-lowsf ' , t,M, II. JlalliKell. " 8erM:ir'. Geo. Dover. -i Treafunr, A. Melieoil. DistricfNevvs 1 TERRACE isheil the work there at present and moved away. Miss Bertie Doll returned oh Saturday, following a short trip to Prl&ee Rupert. Jacky At lad it able to be nrtiuwl again following his recent accident in which he received a nasty scalp wound. : J. Kerav an old time resident of this district, who at oee time ! lived optosite the i-eaidenee of jll- M. Cory, rtarned to town ,hts taste week from' Wieeonsin whrHr lttMsrM-t number of year, c . .. i . ' Miss Elliott, ,Ultf:dnti deaconess of i'rlnce Rupert. iTrPrlved Ah HaFurday to conduct MrvfIn;tiif1ryilted Church liert.oii flMMdai e,vening during the abpnce of Rev. Wm. Allan i. tv.t. ... . . ' . . 'MWrlflk her stay .here she is a . airs, wm. Aiwn reteivwi urn a( thc parik,Uire. news on Thursday of the death of a- sister, Miss Annie juss Madire Murphy of Van- able, In yancoutrer, couver,' Is a iruest at the home n Orval , , '.. . , of Mr. aHd Mrs. B. W. Maren- Williams, whose recent recovery from a serious attack of . t pneninonlA was followed by ear! trouble -ras tukea to the Prince ' AM, FI'RSII itupert hospital qn Thursday and i ' nuccrssfully operated on for mastoid on Friday. His mother accompanied htm to the hospital. hospital, the Indian grant had! A crowd of. yoOhg people went been cancelled in 1928 but this! to Usk on Saturday night by was to a great extent overcome! apeedi-r -.a ml texlk in the dance by medical fees for ' attendance there, returning on Sunday's on the natives being paid to the (train, doctor by the Indian Department.! Dr. Crummitt addressed the The steam shovel crew, which meetfng aritl urged that an effort has iwen' operating in the gravel . . . .'-mm 1 S law .a .a v. -a a W! matie to nave the hospital re- pit on the property 01 u. u mc- I Little Willies was present at dinner when the- local parson was invited. All went well until dinner was about to start and the parson bent his head reverently over his plate. Bverylmdy was quiet, when ja little voice piped out: I "It's- all right the meat's hullo fresh." The Mail. Tjy, n Dniy News want-ad. opened in-order to have more 'ntosh at Kitsum Kalum' has fin-, it will bring results SCIONS OF FAMOUS MEN Prince Wllhelm of Prussia, with Louis W. meet on their way to the n w Cascade tunnel. Hill (left), grandson of Jnmes J. Hill, TERRACE. May 13: AT "a directors' meeting hejd, Jast week, la reorganization of the officers j of the Terrace Women's Institute took place. The officers now are: President, Mrs. C. A. Gltrgey. Vice - president, Mrs, George r Dover. , , Secretnfy, Mrt. E. W. Maren-tette. Treasurer, Mrs. R. W. Riley. 'TO TAKE CHARGE TIGER PROPERTY K. C. Pickett Will Direct Uilofia This Season for Utility Mining & Finance Co. E. C. Pickett, well known uiuunver suite inn niniiiiu; man, Saddl General Rnimwrll Bsoth .J head of the ..m Ar nun ueeii noniircj l,v I: Kliifc Oeorgi; w Companion of if,,, , , Hon of his ic 1 1 1 ; cause of hum.w. property jn IL m whicli o r:, LandIrs. Pickett were passenger4 t"md "'-tiy by ti going north aboard the steamer MneyUU. Catala last evening after having f: Peterson, spent the winter In Arizona. Mr. 1 (ineer for the I t I Pickett is to take charge this rnahfe Co. mid t,hL F '-,,- r, summer or development work by uo., wno lias been f.-the Utility Mining & Finance Co. "khI deal of , v'.. on the Tiger propertyv of which he New York in i-nniit. i is the original owner. Bert fifanclng of the Knox, who has been superinten- ir expected in hi- 5 lent at the Tiger, is to go to the north again . A FEW FACTS ABOUT PRINCE RUPERT .... Prince Hubert te: .J. -s- ;- - , The; terminus of the Canadian National Railway, a. find northern Rritish Columbia. The nt-arest point in British Columbia to the Orient. m The centre of the halibut and salmon fishing business, The centre of an extensive mining and lumbering dislrM. Prince Rupert lias: ! , TQne of the finest harlwrs In the world. j. The largest fresh halibut business in the world The largest fish cold storage plant in the world. A large, strictly modern drydock and shipbuilding plant A' (renin elavalnr Isnuo.t In Ihu Allinrfn li-nf I'lKll III e..H... V.V.M..'. Mm U . U , . V .......M ,,, - . pacity of 1,220,000 bushels. A large, modern ocean dock. v-iirw iiiuuriii lumuvr linn, jiiiiiiik uiii pniinl& . - . ... , . n aaa 1 1 r..i e iiu luctury wiin luputuy iiuip-ui ui uu,uv inium Fish reduction plant. side It seven miles from the city. Hallway shops employing about 75 men. Several ship sheds for building and repairing small crsft Provincial government district offices and court house. uominion government iisneries, custom, unu "" Marine department central station. Dominion government wireless stntion. - Canadian National district offices. ' Dominion fisheries experimental station. I. C Packers district offices. Consolidated Mining & Smelting district assay office. t .,' P Hunts Co:, Ltd., modern abattoir. Several docks and wharves used by coasting vessel Numlver of fish houses doing an export business. About twenty salmon canneries in the neighborhood. u-..l rlt,,u u,.nnw nn,l uktn..l.nn.llrv ufnl)lishm(flli ITCirini , iioiiti j nuppi piiipvniiiiui., . . I . In in Ui- Kavers wlnileHnle nniiH iln'rxe a lurirp iiusinrss - irict. , Vine modern retail stores. i j LI-. I i 4 1-1.- eiAi. h in li ux- and Victoria and west to (he Queen Charlolle Islands, Three large oil and gasoline distribution slations Good hotels and restaurants. Pi-incc Rupert has: i Modern high school with first year university classes It1. tir milittr Krlinnl uIlli nvp Ihfrlv Iinrher9. 47, w.y ua uhuiiw aiiii asa,w s.. Seven churches representing the most Imporiam ii...j ..i i.. j i. ..u ii. in iua inwlness sW" I airu Biircin unu iiiuvreic Biucwumn in Well kept gardens and pretty residences Number of clubs and fraternal organisations. Prince Rupert has: No severe cold in winter.' No extreme heat In summer. No mosqultos or other Insect pests. . . ... . . .. .... I knnlinfi ureal opportunities for boating, Ilsning unu - i, 1iVvar llnnlln ... ..iti. .Il.1 irnliiii tlmn tnOSl r" . . v . .himwul r uinri uinnii r ui..n-' Catida. A harbor that never freezes, Sec Pace 7. Thorn nro a lot of small advertise there that make good reading, ,