PAGE TWO DAILY EDITION The Daily News PRINCE RUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, fey . prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN MaagriHs-BdUf " SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5 00 For lestr period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion 1.40 Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.8C Local readers, per insertion, per line 2" Contract rates a application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone S6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Monday, June 24, 1929 DOCK IS A DANGER The dock which has been allowed to go out of repair on the waterfront is undoubtedly a menace. If it is to remain in its present condition it should be well fenced off. Complaints have been made of this to The Daily News at various times, but never mentioned, as it was thought it was private property and the business of no one but the owners. When it becomes a public menace it is time something was done. INTERESTING FORWARD STEP According to a despatch received Saturday, the Canadian Government has already communicated with the other Dominions suggesting that there should be a closer trade pact. While these Dominions may feel that this was not done until Canada was forced into it by the United aiaies, mey win aiso see mat a tsrtfish preference has for many years been a Canadian policy and that a treaty has been in force with Australia for some time. The proposal is just a natural extension of a settled policy. mere are a gooti many supporters of the present Gov ernment who think there should also be a revision linwnrd of some of the duties on importations from United States, but the difficulty in commencing this is to know when to stop. RELIEVE LABOR CONDITIONS IN GREAT BRITAIN Proposal to Secure Co-operation of Other Parts of the Empire LONDON, June 22. Schemes for development to relieve the Briticn -unemployment problem may reach to the Dominions, it is believed. There is authority for tating that Friday's meeting of the Labor CatMat ministers on unemployment produced proMMl8 far aa inquiry concerning large worka of ireaeral utility and development which may deairlbly be undertaken in any part of the Empire, including the Dominion, as w)l aa the crown colon few. The Dowiaioa. according to the echeme, will be aaked to what extent they will be prepared to jruar-aatee emtiloyment to ItrMiah labor kad manufacturers in such work If the British Government offers certain financial inducements. Inquiries on the matter will reach the Dominions immediately. UNITED STATES IS ADVISED ON TARIFF EFFECT Not fJKATITfllB The grocer who drew a horse in the Calcutta sweep on the English Petty- The Humorist, London. RrftnT. ew AFiHiixTMnyi Miss Margiirc- P F.'.t B A . h he arpc-.nted ti.:;.r cf ir't.-iu -Jurt:!-a a! 0.:r,o Ladle Colin, Wr.j"-. Os. . if?o'.n:-rneai to taeoK tffc r Septem ber. Ules Rfberts 1 a deisis.?r oil iBv Richard RMwrts D O . Totcctt If-rmeriy ol Mottreil and !ew York FAREWELL TO REV. W.ALLEN AT TERRACE rrentslk Made In Rr-cnllln ol Kreflent hertke Mendeml i TERRACE. Jane 24:-A Urje inhering was pr?Ent at a farew!! aoca: 'in Knox United Church nr. Thunxiay i evening to honor ReT and Mrs. Wm I Allan and famll) -ncr tc their de-Iparture from thH dlxtrict R W iRUey presided over the gtber!n I Barly In the ever in Miss Lilian jCnrlaty prarnted Mrs Allan w:-r. a i toeauUful oeuquet of rosea donated by Mrs. Braun frun :;r own garden, i A splendid program had been sr-1 ranged, these taking pan being Address Canon T. J Marsh. Piano 8oloMIa Ann! Allan Vocal Solo Mr C C King Vocal Solo -Rev. A V? Robinson Vors! Sclo- Mrs. Allan Address Rev. A. W Rablnaon. Reittatlon - A Attree j Vocal Solo Rev. Wm Allan. During the program Z T. Kenney. . on behalf of church members and friends, expreesed regret at losing Mr sr.d Mrs. Allen nd family (rem 'he district and ako extended to then the food wish of boat of friends here lor their future success and happiness In then new field of work. As a token of appreciation of their work here he then presented Mr. Allan with iTT 0,1,0 ft" A,Uc wnh nnl- r LHely ti President Will Tnke some hand bag and puroe of money Action to Modify Terms jrd Ulm Annie Allan, for her services Is SnirireMeft at tie church organ, with an ieory I toilet WAfJIIIVlTrtV t m ti. i ilr set. Allan appropriately and feeling- unuea Mates bevenMoent is fully' Retreahmeou were asrvad and informed of Canadian sentiment c,' Jor concerning the tariff, it was said ' ' at the state department Fridav. ' ReptrU of the attitude of the Do-! minion as reflected in the edi-j torial columns of the press are be-; ting continually received here! from the office tf United States Minister Ph Blips at Ottawa. The ! administration is completely coif-1 nizant of Canada's attitude and it has been the subject of discussion I between caibinet members and be-! j tweefl the members and Congress WINNER OF YACHT RACE i NOT DECIDED' JUNEAU. June 22. Neverj ! headed in the entire distance of I he possibility of action beingj the capital to i-apital. Olympia to taken by the president loek'ng tc i Juneau ra the yacht Kloss of I ward a limitation of the tariff on1 Shelton, Washington, was elimi- farm products is discounted here. An average sucar maple tree produces tma four to eight pounds of sugar. nated from competiUon in the ffnal count when Captain Reed of the yacht announced his engine had tu-ned 1200 revolutions over! the route and gives his boat ft I speed of seven an& one-half knots instead of seven knots at whirii the little 30-footer was rated. The victor wfll not lie deter-! mined until the handicaps havo been figured out. "I1UILD H. C." A Recipe For Fudge tsen ii i ThM U sent In by Mrs. Rose of thu city and we are glad to publish it. It I r faTftrive reetpt. for fudge 1 up white sugar, l etip brown, 1-2 eup Pacific Milk, 1-4 cup golden syrup. Butter aire of walnut, pmeh Mlt, vanilla, 1-3 cup chopped walnuts. Boll until aolt ball stage in cold water, then add butter, salt, vanilla brat until nrlv firm. Pour into buttered plate,! apnnKie with chopped walnuts PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, ILC. THE DAILY NEWS District News TERRACE : M!s Marguerite Martin f St? Proteel ;.cr hoar here, J i Ults. Fanny McLaren, who tin hcl:day;ug at brr bin uere returned on WMneedsy to bar duties In the Pr.nct . Rupee?1 hospital, where ah h :i uadergrsdSute J B Afar shipped his c$erei. Sedan to Hareitob on Ttramktf. : he and MM.. A fa; and sou AiOaMrtnt on Saturday on a uKtof Mf thrown -h Dtalrles and thence CO to hit old heme at PeunerMon. 9nt, TtHf will be sdoompaated on the trip bf Mrs. M. A. Ontf and ilia Mens &Yig. Mr. MM Un Wm. Vndrltp. Jr. returned Terrace oa VTfdn-sdy after steading the see year at Park--!lle Vencwmr letead. TVe pr-ifls of grade alfte Ml ten of 'be teoal high school. have been nti:,7 eaaaUaatioae ddrhag the past wee ceattonti the rlsissg of the rchoo! year with pleast party at Lakte Lake on Thursday I iilihiu De-Swrtanental examinations far grade eaumo commenced on Pi Mat anorning. with Maw PUlebury presldls. I Mts Sstber Moore of VancouTer. who has been htlidaying at her home bet left on Thursday for the n touts south. Tha members of the Lad' Oulld of Knaa UntUtl Church heifS their annual ptoalc to LakH.v lake on Wed- jnesday. Aa MaJojuWc day was apeot I at the .ummer camp of Mr. W. E. I Smith. NEW .iAZKIrON ' Mtas V. L i'fi. and Hint Q A. Miller, graduates from the llateltoa HoTiitAl training achaal lor nwt, m-ere both sufwaful m pawilM reet tlailatarid NtMtea- amlnatlon. Mtoj Jean Buns of New HaaaMoe has wen the Junior matrwulafioti Ttte JaMlee Year meetlnf at t OmfeMCe, danmry of the A 11(1 loan Church lll be held this week la Has- t elten. Parxtpatlnf In the reecnoB-j win oe nianop u. A. nix ot Prince Rupert: Oaaton T. J. Marsh. Terrace: Rural Domm W. Sweetman, j ndako: Rv. T O. Proctor, Ilacei-t:n; Rev. J H Kerr. Bums Lake: Rev. A. W. HoMnaen. ivrrace; Rev. V. 3. Hales. SmlOnrs. and Re. S. SC. Steer. Vanderboof. Dr and Mr. H C. Wrinch enter -tstned at brlttaw last fiimtas nifht for Mist Relplvena Wrlneh PrWe wln-ii'ii were lln W A Oow. Mai Cooper WrliKh. 8. J 'Wlnabjr and H c Hire:. A suetoaaful rose daaee waa held In the Assembly Hall st Hanrltoa last Friday night by the Wotnen'a Auxiliary t cthe Hawltrm Hospital There Hi a large attendance and the affair has been a i ( m rummer ehobraM at OoWmbUn CWleff. Nfw' Br, "TLT" Weumlnater. and alw ch "!" a wiae tar lMt wtek rrc. the b htt atorr wnUafi ftx she Z?tTJ?? - ' " " rvi (SiUeee ah&uat. . Murdoch MciaM , . . uiaaataiiaei ' - . . - . ---- -i bomeiWrn ftim UuDert h. 1 Z.lIL'tMi' ' ht.' i tart n. . their A' yy-si v k -Mammle. do yen like stark - "Yea. deal. im -Wosttd you like to bear ooeT- ' !' -Yea. " dear "tt wont make you cross. wUl It, MnajamuT" 'Of oourse nut inr " Well, there was once a eent bot lr and I broke : llw H THE FORD CAR STEEL BODY Combines Strength with beauty THE high grade steel used In building Ford, car bodies gives maximum driving proteo tion. Deauty of design has been combined with rujsed strength in these all-steel bodies. The , wood parts shown in the diagram are used . only for attaching the interior trim and" roof material. t If this body that of the Tudor Sedan in this Instance mounted on a Model "A" chassis, were, turned over and resting on the roof, it would support the chassis, engine and all With out even bending the narrow window pillars. Such is the strength and high safety factors of Ford engineering. Vision obstruction is reduced to a minimum by the use of narrow steel pillars. Lower rear panels, Including the wheel housing, are made in one piece. This unusual feature on body construction gives additional strength Electrical welding adJs greater rigidity and reduces the possibility of squeak and rattle. Panels and frame Sections are welded or riveted. In assembly of large units where bolts are necessary, strips of anti-squeak material are used between sections. Sound deadening material is also used. Soft roof construction, of heavy padding over galvanized mesh wire, provides aa ad. ditlonal element of quietness. Arrange for your demonstration ride with nearest Ford dealer ,.if .'V the S. E. PARKER LTD. Prince Rupert, B. C. ;1 Jw ,&Le Yourself yJvgN. ij there is no IjpvL Better Test Ford Car Features Clow fUmtt il I. II miUi a sear - -r rafts FM laOxm tlr fuSs- esclstW fs-rslr lWm t ltotUaOlt syoVanfa ,kMk sSorSr HUM mBti ttr ittUm t ranMst Astlrrse sIsm triaASMi Tft prM iralllM lk KWissCU, ax b ' Il ... r ' , J