Monday. June 24, 1929. Man in the Moon John Dull not represented in the i , , nail gme although his son are .-ere anil winning, too. ba Jove. A m4h went to. tti. bill game Ik bet on the wrong team Aiiis now he's fully iconvred of the tact Tilings ere not what they seem. I I! i waste cJ gaod edltetlsl met- lh recent canard that the i Walee wa, goln to merry ",ecimh Princess We might get i.mii and some of those fellow ' he ;uth to write something .hnul about i if province Mnr had a little lamb They went 1 1 ee the fame And now the wedding ttar 1 " 1 wonder who's to MameT luring a drink after going to church . i reaching a thirst after rtghteous- , I I Ti;f modern girl I born In a he-1 ' il educated In a college, courted .in automobile, named In a church i Hi a leataurant. spends the i r'wr.r. on the aolf links, the aider-1 -il- at th bridge table, the eve- f asnctng or at uve movies and v ix n slip die she will be bwtesl from i,.- undertakers. All abe need to a 'in')' not a home. A certain blent comMerably ii'-(l at receiving thla note from the nr of a vHleoe in hla diocese: My lird I regret to infosro you of he 'ixiden death of my wife. Can you : -.sibly rend me a substitute over the veek-endt" Jake say he hate to work these ne days Chorus: "Bo do we." " .. water la caMlng u all filling ua out for the day T -' iu forcet the cares that enthral And (r out across the bag bey. Ten Years Ago I ! in Pr'nee Rupert I .. n . . 1 1 1 Q f Hands: Rtreahore only one criminal case on the. Commencing at a post pkaated 300 tV.-h . the aprlng session of the 6 en,,, cottr, Aaalree was opened moriiint! by Mr. Jvksuoe Llament ! . Oranri Jury Johii Bulger. F O Dawson. O. Frtrell. D H. Mefts&. B. H. 2: -imer O H HetsM. Martra CT- : ny A H SliveraKles. T. B. St. A ..(ivir Douglas Buthettoad, J. II. i . .mpnoii and W. W. WratbaU. Mitvnr MrCryrnoat aBneaiiwed at last ' i-tit K KM-etlBg- of ttve eltf eottnaal hu loan ttadar the stotdlers' ' - Hrheme Would soon beoome I Ketchikan osseballers will come here participate In the Dominie Day ..ebratten d l plaer. wttl rt.";? sun. knteBds to ajanlv KTKA..i:0 L The weary raagtstrwte said Can"1 tins be settled out of court?" je' whst ws'i tryrng to do. jro" iu.nor when the f uSHtmao IMerfrred." (hoped IN TIIK MATTl'.R OF TUB -fO.MPANII,vACT" NOTICE 18 HEREBT OIVBN that the tiiidersigned wtll apply to the Registrar . companies Victoria, B.C., after the publication of this Notice for four eeka to change As name to that of "McC;iffery. Gibbons OeUart. Lumted. DATED at Prlnee Rupert. B.C.. thli Slat day of May. A.D.. lift. WiCAl r-EIlY Si QIBBON3. LIMITED. LAND ACt Nollre of Intention to Apply to Lnc Land In the Prince Rupert nd B'n Distrlot of Prince Rupert, and sitMW on tlw South West Onset of Wales Island taring Boston Wos; Tske notice thst The AngV Brtlab rlumbu raeking companf . UmKed. of Vxnouuver. B C . occupation. Ba"11" catumrs. intend! to apply f a w the following described lands: commencing at post planted on the Bmith WeM Coast of Wales Isjsnd op-ponite Boston Mlands; thence NorthJ" . halns; thence East icy ehaUtf; thence South ten chains to High Waier Mark, thence following HUth Water Mark West i.i ataklng post; anJconUlhlng 40 aeres. more or leas. THE ANOIO BRTJISH WA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker," Agent. Dated May 17th, 1929. LAND ACT Notice ef Intention to ApH to Lrae Land In the Prince Rupert tand Reading District of Prmce Hurrt, and altute im the South West cosst M Wales island Busioli Wands. facing Take notice tkatgW rUh Oolum. bla Packing Company Umlted Of Van-couvw. Cn-new. B.C., occupation. Banm mteiHU to apply for a leor the following described land: roresnore. Commencing at a post plan on the South West Cosst of Wales Wand facing the Western eitremltv of Il ton Wands, East forty chains following hlgh water mark: thence South one eha to U water mark; thence West fcrelukUui following low water mark; Ua " Ten to locating poat: and containing acrea, more or less. ANOLO BRITISlI COLUMBIA PACKINGS COMPANY. LIMITED. W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated May 32nd, J928- Our classified section may bt ol tpecUl Interest to you today. THE DAILY NEWS -PAGE FTVB CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND ; ' THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST) PEOPLE READ, BECAUSE IT.JS EULL OP HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. WANTED ' -- , MARCELLING 50c Mrs Wither 1' , ,7 ....: ,JlleHiteAeejIock.15a W.ivti.Mi tr u,.,.. """-w"lcniHJf. Airs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. ,- (150) WANTI5D Smairt young man with dome experience in gents' fur- nkihmga. Must be reHable. Ap- ply Box 202 Daily New Office. (145) WANTED A smart girl with some experience in general store. Mut have good references . Good wages to the right pertofl. ApaJy Box tOl Daily Newt Office. (146) i LOST LOST Cheque for $60 and $15 in bills. Finder please return to Dally News Office. Rward. (141) BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $85 per month. Phone Gren 216. tf LAMI ACT Not We of Intention to Apply to Imr land In the Queen Chartott Land Dtearlst. Land Recording Otatrtct of Prince Hup- ert. and altuate at an u owned potnt on 1 the estem eitremltv ol the unnamed lake on Zaves Islaod. Take notice that Kuajene M. Simpson land Author Robertson of Massett. B.C.. occupation, caonerymen. Intend to soply " eet south of bWth water at the eitreoilsy 'r& 'ZStf'i .win. to. low water; thence westerly 30 chains; thence south to point of oors- meoteoient. and oonulnang SO sores, more or leas. rUOE.NI HUMPHRM B1MP80N, . AUTHOR ROBERTON . By the Acent. John WlUlam Moorettouae. .Dated June 7th. 1. LAND ACT Ire of Intention to Apply In I. Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District Land KecordUMC District of Prince Rup ert, and attuaae near ruaanwun mm, Orabam Island. Take hotlee that Eueeae H. SlaMon KiknuSna Miertbed lands: fWeshoee. DOmntetMiing si a pom paaam 30 ohatns soutbeasterlv from the N. W oorner of Lot No. 1741. Graham Island: thence west 10 chains: thence north $ ehstns: thence south S chains to point ; of commencement, and containing s aerea. SBors or less. rVOENK HUMPHRY SIMPSON. Henrv White. Atent. Dated Mty llth. IMS. SOMETII1NG NEW IN AUTOMOBILES The Sedan Delivery" Full Line of SEDANS COACHES COMMERCIAL CHASSIS AND 1'Vi TON TRUCKS KAIEN GARAGE Chevrolet Dealers Goodyear Tires Raylieslns Linings HOME GAS BRINGING UP THQttB'S OlrTY FOR RENT On HUNT Two modern iti!.3e. Phone Blaek 440. FOR ItBNT Furnished flat. Apply Muwmllem Grocery (tf) FOR RENT-Four room flat with' bath. Furnished, t'heir 517. If. 'Oil RENT- Miitomobilesl pianos' phonograph arid sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT - furnished house-keeping rooms by the Hay, Week, or month. Phone Red CQ7. tf - F0R RENT Fu ratified, modern four-room flat, Clapp! Block. Apply Westenhaver Bros (tf) FOR RENT Two modern: houses, newly decorated; one well furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC ELECTROTHERAPY You can make no mistake in adopting theae scientific methods, as their ue is now world wide in all cases of disease. Our system of drugless therapy does not leave Vour recovery to . , , ... . . to me certainty 0f the methods adopted. DR. W. C. ASPINALL d and 7 Exchange Block !(;. 211 Phones Blacks 2S1 ' Open Evenings CHIROPRACTlCr Gets results where Other methods fail. ;. Consult It. E.a EYOLFSON , CHIROPRACTOR 68 Third Avenuf Office Telephone Dlue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1924 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Learn Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording Lrmnci oi rnnn nuyr, buu one mile South East of Barttett Point on the South West coast of Wales Is- inl bla Packing CompanJ Limited of Van couver. B.V-, uocupwt-uu, oumvu wm. ners. intends to apply for a lease of the foUowtng denortbed lands: foreshore: rxtrnrrtetioisw st a port planted one Wile South East of Bartlett Point on the South West coast of Wales Island: thence Bast forty chains foUowlng high water mark; theme South West five chains to low water mark; thence West forty chains following low water mark: tbenee Nerth East five chains to Iocs-ttnpaet; and contaHrtnt 20 acres, more ANOLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. W E. Walker." Agent. Dated May 32nd. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Inteatlen to Apply to l.eae Land In the Prlnee Rupee Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate on the South West coast of Wales Is. mUe South East of Bartlett jMrttiatr Take notice that Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C., occupation, Salmon Carriers, Intends to awily for a lease of the lottewtng oencriDea isnos: lurwrnu. Commencing at a post planted on the 1 South West cuast of Wales Wand halt mile South Easv of Banieii t-oini , thenc5wth ESt forty chains follow. ing High water mark: thence South Uaaat ft vat vris LnJi lal lOW Waaler IXlaiXK! thence North West forty chains follow. Ing low water mark: thence North East to locating post; and containing twenty acres, more or leas. ANOLO BRITI8II COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. "W. E. Walker," Agent. Dated May 22nd. 1929. FATHER 7 -J. . . uni l nil rAOORt'S UMCUU- 1 p 1 1 HA.VCMT HA.VEMT SEEN.rW 6E.Er4.HVK FOR for A a U0N5 UOr45 TIME- TIME- HB HB MUST" MUST" BE. BE. NNUTC-'5eVUN "fEARS OUD- OUT WERE AUU AUOKitt? FOR SALE FOR SALE Studebaker coach, mechanically guaranteed. Burria and Go. Ltd. tf VQti QUICK SALE Six-roomHi; house and household furniture. Owner leaving town. Phone Blue 530. (1431 FOR SALE 1920 Chevrolet in good condition, cheap, on easy terms, or will exchange for close-in property. Phone Red 720. (ICS) .MINING MACHINERY FOR SALE Portable Air Compressor Machine Drill and all equipment Drill Steel Blacksmith Tools Camp equipment Machinery is in perfect order, operated only three months. Will sel at sacrifice. For Information, Apply DAILY NEWS OFFICE SUMAIER RESORTS CHEAP HOLIDAY for family by renting two large housekeeping rooms, furnished for housekeeping, by week or month. Opposite depot. Reasonable. Write Box 10, Terrace, B. C. (147) K1TSUMGALLUM lake LODGE Terrace, BVC. 'Spend .YoGr Vacation at KalumtLake Good fishingioating and bathing; beautiful? fccenery; twenty rafles from Terrace. Stage leaven Terrare 9 rj.m. Mondav. Wednes day' arid Satp;rtfa;ij2 etOrn. naifts, . to yr aay . me ior special weekly riles. R. E. DIX. PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea Bathing. Excellent Cusine. Parties can be met at Skitlegate or Port Clements. Wireless for reservations. MRS. RAJOUT Tlell, Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE AT BEAUTIFUL FRANCOIS LAKE For Rent By the Week or Month Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Henkel Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port , , . Clements and Queen Charlotte " ' h, c,,rs anj trucKS from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate, B.C. A Daily News wanUad will bring results. rv r iw. i m. i NO, QRAffPA, rS wrrw HE, BUT ME AlMT M0M& n j i BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods in All-, lined of beauty culture and hajr dressing. Make appointment by phoning Red 133 1 DRESSMAKING . MISS E. S. SMITH Experienced dress and coat maker, Wettenhaver Block Second Avenue. Phone Blue 701. SALVAGE AND TOWING If It's on or under the water we do If PACIFIC SAIA'AGE CO. LIMITEn Fully Equipped Tor Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrpl- Uoos forGharter. Row Boats arid Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerrk, Easthope, Hicks i Rallantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone, Dav or Night,. 564 P. (I. Box 1M4 FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Room Suites, Chesterfield Suites, Simmons Beds and Bedding, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Range and Kitchen Hardware. We Invite you to call. Mackenzie furniture PHONE 775 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or ex-change any kind or furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block A. L. HENDERSON, Auctioneer and appraiser. Phone Black 411. tf LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Immi Isnd In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recortllng District of Prmre Rap-ert, and ettuste at Arntston Potnt, North Dundas Wand Take notice that Langara FUhtng It Packing Oampany, Limited, of Maaiett, B. C . occupation, canhers. intends to apply for a lease of the follow ing described lands: Foreshore Commenclns at a oust planted at the SU.VKRSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies I I O. MX 120 PHONE 22 . . UtMi ACT -N'tftke f iHtentlen is Apply to Vnum Land in Land Recording faleVTlct of Prtnc Rupert, ad situate toutti-wrst side of Waiea Irtand. Take rmKice that The Canadian Piatt log Company. Limited, of Vancouver. R. Ic. . ecupattn. a Oarporatlnn tncorpor- stad under the lawa of the Province of British Ooltwibla. Intend! to apply fca a lease of the following described lands commencing at a post planted on ar unnamed point n the south-weat ald of Wales Island, opposite Proctor !-landa: thence northerly 5 ehalm: thence weatily 30 chains: thenee southerly 8 chains; thence essterly 20 chains sloni the shore line to the point of com- i???"?"1' confining 0 acre.; i more or less !raB Canadian rismitrjco rm P.'J WW- Trottr' Agent , Dated April 30th, 1929 LANIv-ACl Notice of Intention ta Apply to ' Lease Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the East snore of Portland Canal one mils south-east of Spit Point. Tske notice that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation, Salmon Cannera. Intends to apply for a lease of the foUowlng described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the east shore of Portland Canal one mile south east of Spit Point; thence North ten chains: thence Esst forty chains; thence South ten chains to High Water MarK: tnence roiiowing nign warcr max back to staking post; and containing forty acrea, more or less. THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED Per "W. E. Walker Agent. Dated May 17th. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leslie Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording iDlstrtct of Prince Rupert, and situate r5V i JTiifti-r?4 JMl mu South Esst . of . Bartlett. Point. Tie nSlu?.u,'t,75 AAl0rt)t lumbla . Ltalted.of Packing Company . Cannera, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands.' Commencing st a post planted on the Coast of Wales Usnd half mile South Eaat of Bartlett Point, thence Nortn Esst ten chains; thence Sooth East forty chains; South West tea chains to High water mark; tnence following HlaO Water Msrk to staking posV and cout talnlng forty acrea. more or less. THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per -W. S. Wslker," Agent. Dated May 17th, 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Record In District of Prince Rup- ert. and situate near the mouth of Maa - sett Inlet. Oraham Wand. Tae notice tnat Langara Fishing Pscking Company. Limited, of Mssoett, B.C . occupation, salmon canners. In- trvl ti &nrJv fm & luu h- fAllAui. ilng described lands: Foreshore. Commercing at a post wanted near the southern end of Hidden Island: tbenee northerly 10 chains: thence easterly chain; tbenee southerly 10 chains, following low water: thence westerly to point of commencement, and Kcontslnlne seres more or less. LANOARA FISHINO ft PACKINO CO.. LTD Henry Whits. Acent. Dated May 11th. 1938. . LAND ACT Net Ice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land t ,K. flu -n n CS-.WI. f . rM.4A . Intends to anolr for lease of the owner, w nil Miiiuue trv ea t-v J aw a following described land: nvmmmln. . . .v. v., the south east corner of Lot 2719, Msaor 'rin i.i.nri' ih.n nnnvi in vhstns! thence easterly S chain to low water; thence following low water southerly 10 enaiha; tbenee westerir to point or corn meneement, and containing four acres, more or less. jDated May 13th. 1929. exuemttv of land on Arnlaton Point, ert, and altuate near tne mouth of Na-tbenee westerly 30 chain: thence north- men Harbor, on Mamrredo Wand, er y ehl, to low waier; thehee east- "5 ttoH. AtJthc? Robertson, srlv 20 chains: thenre southerly to .., n r -.m the 1 1 fT whKt's he Fvm A TRACK- 00N' OOVJM I JOCKaY I J THERE? L-y- ' point of romrneneernent. and wnulnlng w 30 acrea, mors or lees LANOARA riSHINO ft PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Its Agent, John William Moorehouee. ; Dated June 7th. 1929. ' Amerloan choooiate factories sm about 309,000 tons Of year. ' vf t f f oovju at" 15 RAC6 Mgf J g lew. im i rts'sn lwl l k""'" "e1" Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. 'rT j .. -IE LAXO RMU3TKY ACT NOTICE Rlt. Certfltaate nt Title No. 817-1 to Lot 20. Bleak 38. Beet Ion , Olty of PrlrVe Rupert. Map 823. . . . Yxltvntf ACI .- l - f tie JTTJZ in the aaM of Oust Carlson baa been Hied In Ihll etflce, notice Is hereby given that . I JoaB t he expiration or one month frotui thektaite, of the flret bubllcatWm neie&t. MMs . irotWonal cerMfleate In lieu of the hU loat Cer tificate, unlera la the meantime raJld wjectten Is made to me In writing. Dated at tke Utnd Registry Office. Prtnre Rupert. B.C. this 29th dsy of May 1919 II. F MAri.r.ou. Registrar. L.tXD ACT NotUe f Intention to Apply to Leae land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. ""n" Keooraing District of Prmce Hup- IffL?1 ne';.,l,e,5uu, or MM" -a a-'S. FHi SS h.. I'M king ComDsny. Limited, of Maisett. fl C MMMItuittrm salMnn Mrtttava tr tends to apply for a lease of the fol'iow- tns described Und: Oanumenehsr at a post Wanted near the northeast corner -of Lot 2259, Graham Island: thence westerly 10 ehsin; thertoe Mrthefty S chains; thence easterly 10 Chains follow! n low water; thence southrrlt S chains to point of commencement, and containing S acres, more or leas . LANOARA PISHINO St PACKINO CO.. LTD. Ilenry White. Atent. Dated May 14th 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaw Land ; In the Prince nupert Land Recording District ol Prince Kupert. and siiuaie one mile South East of Bartlett Point on the coast of Wales Wand. Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company. Limited, ol Vancouver, B.C.. occupation. Balmon Cahners, Intends to apply tor a leaw of the foUowlng described lands: Oommneliiff at a Dost nlsnted one JSsuth East of Bartlett Point on the Itufie Coast of Wales Wand; thence North East fifteen chains; thence East forty chains; thence South West fifteen I chains to high water mark; thence fol- 'ZZt"ZZ,jrj,Z,r:rJr ZZ " ' the anolo British Columbia . PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. . Per "W. E. Walker," Agent, May mh ,M9. LAND ACT Notk e of Intention to Apply to Leane Land In the Prince Rucert Land Record ln I District of Prince Hunert. and situate , one mile South East of Spit Point on ' me cast snore or rorusna canal. Take notice that Anglo British Colum-' bla Pscking Company Limited of Van-'couver, B.C., ocoupatlon, Salmon Oan-ners, fntends to apply for a lease of the foUowlng described lands: foreshore: commencing :ln at at a a post planted one I mUe South East of 8plt Point on the East shore of Portland Oanal; hence East 40 chains follow lnz Hlsh water mark: ithence South B chains to low water ! mark: thence West 40 chains following ' low water mark: thence North 5 chains to locating post; and containing 20 1 acre, more or leas. ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. "W. K. Walker." Agent. Dated May 32nd. 1929. OnVERN'MENT PROPERTY rR SALE TBNDEA8 wUl be received by the undersigned up to Monday. July lath. 1939, tor tfte mrehase of the Provtoelal Police Launch No. 1. now located at Prlnee Rupert, B.C. Particular of Launch are as follow: length 4f " Breadth a- Draft 4' T" 1 "ff ..18 RegsMered te ansae t: 13 ruWHTQ IHI M. r. ITT rrr. I Buffalo BBgine. Boat BMy be InsMoted at Pzlneo Run- ' ert, B.C. . on application to 0etor W. , Splller, B. C police. Prince ffiabert. B.C. ' ne qmvss or any nmr nos neces- earily MceptM. V A. ROLLINS. Purchasing Agent Parllanent Bldgs . , vie ions B.C. June 14th. lr By George McManus ill r ! ,W" i SB