August 27, 1919. Wednesday NO MORE KIDNEY ALICE ARM TROUBLE since He Gommenced to Take ‘“Frult-a-tives” 78 Lees Avenue, Orrawa, Ont, e years ago, I began to feel wn and tired, and suffered - uch from Liver and Kidney Alice Arm, August 27.—Events le. Having read of ‘Fruit-a- [which have transpired here dur. | thought I would try them. é t was surprising. [have not had an hour's sickness ice 1 commented using ‘Fruit-a- id know now what I have for a good many years— ened Out at Conference with Messrs. Mobley and Taylor. ie | ing the past few days have done as regards what misunderstand. ing there may have been between the people and the Taylor Engi. the blessing of « healthy neering Company in connection ind clear thinking brain’, with the operation of the railroad, WALTER J. MARRIOTT, |and there is now a feeling that a box, 6 for $2.0, trial size 25e. {it is the intention of the company ers or sent postpaid on jto do everything in their power price by Fruit-a-tives |to advance the interests of the tawa. district. 0000eee F. H. Mobley arrived from Pyince Rupert on Sunday's boat, OW OPEN accompanied by Hon. J. H. King, N Minister of Public Works, and a anttiniiie few hours later A. J. T. Taylor, president of the Taylor Engineer- ing Company, arrived on a special ] boat from Anyox. A meeting was arranged between these gentle- ® e men and members of the Com- mercial Club at which the ques- tions involved were discussed at . length. Dr. King and Mr. Mobley Best in Town acting as arbitrators interpreting —_—_— the law and acts involved. Other Shippers. C econd Avenue, Mr. Taylor, when asked as to whether the railroad would be in ear Empress Theatre a position to handle any ore from the mines aside from that of the Dolly Varden property, stated that aan ames inuch would depend on how the road and equipment stood up un- ont Green 607 1017 Srd Avenue der the tests soon to be made but that if he could possibly see his Dalgarno & Watts way clear in the face of the many BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS complications involved he cer- tainly would help out the pros- cht and Heavy Con pective shippers to the limit of pairs and Alterations his ability. Assurance was also j s Staircase Work and Finishing given that the other questions Estimates Cheerfully Given brought up at the meeting would be adjusted, so far as it lay in his power, to the satisfaction of all concerned, Dr. King and Mr. Mobley offered many Valuable suggestions tend- ing toward a clearer understand- HH. SH LEY ing and the citizens of this dis- BENERAL CONTRACTOR trict feel deeply grateful to them fee and Shop Fraser St both for-the valuable services mouldings and they have rendered the community finish lumber al- at this time. in stock. os cocina gent {0 7 ie Smith's COL. PECK DELIVERED Estin ee Given, A STIRRING ADDRESS PAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. 10K AND CONORETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS Portiand Canal News Tells of Visit of Member to District. COPE OLDE PPOD ODO LOD DOOD . in connection with the visit of wlin All Lieut.-Col. C. W. Peck to Stewart g ey the Portland Cana! News says in rt: THIRD AVENUE ea As soon as he reached Stewart DER NEW MANAGEMENT he made arrangements to get horses and visit the mines of the @ For Healthy Exercise Salmon River section. He and Keep You Fit |Major Hull were accompanied by William Noble of the Big Mis- igar souri. In the short space of time wre ong Tobaccos jhe had to make the trip, the mem- — ——|ber of parliament covered a sur- 9 Second Avenue, West. jhim, in connection with his par- jliamentary duties, to explain in VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail | | ! | Dolly Varden Tangle is Straight- much to clarify the atmosphere THE DAILY NEWS. ———— a Ort re ee cemerene A Ot Ot Oe Os Ot cs pe gt | Daily News Classified Advertising SMART YOUNG MAN WANTED for business office of wholesale merchant. Must have some edge, and have ideas capable ofexpanding with growing busi- ness. Must have knowledge of shorthand. $125 per month to start. Applicants should write to P. O, box 436. tf WANTED—Woman cook. Wages 875 a month, with board and room. Apply to matron, P. R. General Hospital. if WANTED Four to six roomed house, furnished or unfurnish- ed. Apply box 293, Daily News Office. 200 TWO FURNISHED ROOMS want- ed. Apply box 294, Daily News Oe (Mag FOR SALE One 36-foot seine boat, with 16 h. p. Standard en- gine; one 32-foot boat with 12 h.p. Automatic engine; one scow 24 x 70 x 5%; also ten- ton cold storage plant. Apply Wales Island Cannery, via Prince Rupert, B. C. 198 MONEY AT 8 PPR CENT on build. ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W. Nickerson, Secretary. if FOR SALE—One Columbia gram. ophone, with twenty-one rec- ords. Can be seen at Klondike Hotel, 722 Fulton Street. 201 FOR SALE—Old newspapers, ten cents a bundle, Office. 200 WANTED—Small launch. Phone Black 202. tf FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR SALE—Range $25; 2 heaters $10; 2 art square rugs $10; chiffonier $12.50; 4 single bed and mattress $8; 1 double bed, spring and mattress $10; 3 camp chairs, 3 cots and 2 camp tables $10, and other small articies cheap, 452 8th Avenue East. 201 FOR SALE—One three - oven French range for sale. 835 2nd Avenue. Phone 557. 98 detail to his colleagues the re- quirements of this part of British Columbia and, incidentally, to put a greater force behind his argu- ments for betterment of condi- tions from time to time as de- velopment conditions require. “Col. Peck delivered a stirring address before the citizens at an informal! supper at the King Ed- ward Hotel. He referred with great feeling to the men of the north he led in the war and said that all the efficiency of the enemy could not stand against the senti- ment of the Allies. He expressed his pleasure at meeting old friends here. Of his trip up Sal- mon river he declared he marvel- ed at what he saw and predicted 1 greater development for this district. He was proud to repre- sent at Ottawa a district and peo- ple he loved so well—men of the north whese faith overcame all Nature's obstacles. ‘Short speeches were also made by Major Hull and Geo. Frizzell of Prince Rupert, and J. J. Con- nors of Juneau. “Harry P. Gibson, president of the Citizens Association, presided. The meeting closed with three cheers that shook the hotel roof for the distinguished guest of the evening.” The sister of Geo. Edward Boyle is searching for some trace of him. He is aged 35 years, hair red, eyes grey, height 5 ft. 6 in. He originally came from Ottawa, Ontario, was in the Canadian Engineers, C.E. F., discharged iprising amount of ground and intention of proceeding to Van- OM LEE equipped himself with a first- lcouver, B.C. Since then no trace e hand knowledge which will enablejof him has been found. If any ‘information is received notify R. March 3rd, 1919; and stated his LosT LOST Yellow canary. Finder phone 546. Reward. 200 FOR RENT FOR RENT Sewing machines, pianos, Gerhard Heintzman phonographs—Singer Shop, the home of the Gerhard Heintz. man piano. 329 Second Ave. FOR RENT—Oflices—W.J.Alder. FOUND FOUND—Key ring with Yale and post oflice box keys. Apply Daily News office. MISCELLANEOUS SEE McGOWAN, the Gycle man, for new and second-hand bi- cycles, repairs and parts. Easy New Westminster, Prince Rupert, wereld iui TH EMPLOYERS THE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF CANADA has been created to grade the various classes of workers—trained and un- trained—-and to place the best in the country at your disposal, through a system of Employment offices from Coast to Coast. THE PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS SECTION exists to place you in touch with Professional, Business and Technical THE INFORMATION AND SERVICE BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF SOLDIERS’ CIVIL RE-ESTABLISHMENT has a representative in each of these offices to render whatever special services may be required in the employment of the RETURNED SOLDIER ] 2 geisgresesie # 10 Baker Street 162 Victoria Ave. 246 Victoria Se. aoe Block oyal Bank . Baker St. Board of Trade Bide tford Block, Main Street P. O. Drawer 1674 First St. W. ve terms. All kinds of light re- pair work, Second Avenue, near McBride. Phore Blue 424. THE NORTON—The place for a shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp treatment. 210 Fourth Street Open 10 a.m. or by appoint. ment. Phone 493, tf FARMS FOR SALE C. P. R. FARM LAND — Choice farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al- berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now they are going fast. For free booklet and full information write H. G. Loughran, General Land Prince a See ALBERT @® McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the Building Line We handle t Spruce Co.’s Lumber C. Mill’s Fir Cement Plaster Shingles Laths agent, 744 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B.C. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVisSlVN— DISTRICT OF QUBEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William Traeger, of Anyoa, B. C., occupation machinist, intends to apply for permission to prospect for coal and petroleum on the following de scribed lands om the west coast of Graham island, in the vicinity of West river; con meneing @t & post planted at the soutt east corner of C.L. 10312; thence west 30 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains t& point of commencement. WILLIAM TRAEGER, Per Austin Brown, Agent. awed May 18, 1919. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTI\A- TION ACT Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. David H. Hays SS NOTARY PUBLIC London & Lancashire Guarantee & Accident Co. General Real Estate!Agent Fidelity-Phenix Fire insurance Co. Cor. Second Avenue and Second Street. — and — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ADALINE EDITH KILBURN, DEL} wi INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that in Order of His Honour F. McB. Young, made the 24th day of July, A.D. 1919, 1 was appointed Administrator of the, estate of Adaline Edith Kilburn, deceased, and ail parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or before the ist day of September, 1919, and all parties in debted to the eState are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. N. W. M. Police, Prince Rupert. Dated this 30th day of July, 1919 J. H. McMULLIN, OMelal Administrator The Smeeton Tea Rooms 309 SECOND AVENUE The Business Man’s Restauran’ REAL HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH Home Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. peheral Contractors and . f oF * ‘ ‘ b a | Gene Byrnes Says:—“It's a Great Life If You Don’t Weaken. Prince Rest B.C. ar = sind eet? — P.O, Box 725 'D BETTER LEAVE A ee) A wire — "Sees ano tne) sc noes FEW eS Ss) THREE J NEEDS A PAIR OF ee HAS BEEN : reg ; sme SHOES AND SOME BEGGING ME FOR A > Mel Prince Rupert FUROPEAN PLAN 50 per day and up. FIRST-cLass CAFE A La Carte. $n OOOO TIMBER SALE x 1810. id te ‘ers will be received by the | Se Hot Later than noon on | — STOCKINGS AND > — — ANIS RAC QLET conpiember 1919, for the | Feet Of Spruce tems Ay cut’ 2,- "THE GAS MAN SAID a J - | ue onan eae | “TO-DAY \S “THE LAST arhou = onnanott Inlet, DAXY— OTHERWISE - OFF GOES THE ons ) ayy jon W be allowed for re-| AND __— ee t the Chief Forest pert, ‘Bj District Forester, | TIMBER SALE x 1805 7 | : ; > of ian4. Will be » } u ‘Selved Dy the Me or, of op 4otat noon on! Xieoe '* for the! : \ Hy to cut 46,. | f . lock and Cedar ‘ Mi — » Bay, Mas. | “tee et® will b And District owed for pe. | : ‘he Chie? Poreat.| bert, 5 ‘Iriet Porester EVERYT ey oe b// i ) FEEL LIKE A CRIMINAL ime | PASS THAT a oe + ee rc Page 5 ~