FACE 1W0 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLRN. fanagins-Edttor Uract rates on application Advertising n4 Circulation Telephone ........98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone .' 86 , Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION -trm Friday, November 22, 192a SAY IT, THEN SIT DOWN. Discussing local public speakers with a visitor to the office yesterday, emphasis was placed on the terrible waste of time in the preliminaries which meant nothing of those who got up to give addresses. This wasted the time of the whole audience, . Even the "Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen" h unnecessary ami tht? long list of plausibilities is unbearable. If a man has a message he should give it in as few words as possible and then sit down. The one unforgivable sin is to apologize for not being prepared. If a person is asked to speak and accepts, he should be prepared. To apologize is to insult.the audience. It is as much as saying that they are not worth the trouble of preparation. , Another difficulty is to know when to stop. Most people, especially preachers . and political speakers, do not knovv when to stop. They keep On talking after their message is" delivered. One would imagine, to hear them, that their speech-was sold by the yard. Brevitycovers a lot of t sins. ,. SALMON 'FISHERMEN It is a good thing to see so much interest taken in the salmon fisheries. Yesterday we published a letter from HE NEVER COULD DIGEST HIS FOOD "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Brought Perfect Heallo What miserable years Mr. Leo Godln ppent when his stomach was all txpsct and he was deathly sick with bilious attacks. As he writes from Montreal, "It seemed to nw that I win altvsys bilious and never digest my fcKi. Finally, an old friend told mo to try "Fruit-a-tiws' Since taking them, I have been so well that I 'want to congratulate you on this wonderful medicine." This is the way it People suffer for years with goes. ndiccction. Bilious Attacks, Pain in the Back, Bladder Trouble. Rheumatism, Headaches and never realire that the CAUSE of these troubles is weakness or poor action of the bowels, kidneys and skin. "Fruit--tives" restores these three great blood Eurif ying agents of the body to normal, ealthy action, sweetens the stomach, makes digestion sound, eaables you to eat ard deep and enjoy life. 2Ac. and 00c. a box at dealers every, where. Oddfellows Now ! Grotto 4 !C. N. R. A 3 the secretary of the salmon fishermen's union objecting to Seal Cove 2 an editorial article and the same day another fisherman jst- Andrew's 2 came in to tell us how we had hit the mark and that all we :m? .. 8 n.::i: Z 1 had said was true. isflfrJr,lc 2 Another person, who is in a position to know, suggests ' Elevator rs 1 L. 0 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 P. one direction 11 simpiy means mat otner companies wish-; posSIBI F WINNER ing f ish wiU have to put m boats of their own in order to j 'N ATIONAu n'OCKEY the fish wantT secure they -m We have everVtSvmDathv with theifikherman. nn mnt- Chicago. Nqy,23. t hA of ter whether he catafesilTalibutalmoiSqr crab. He earns $t Mtpd. in every dollar he gets and the more he gets the better we are 9111"?0 eara 10 buUd u . . ..V - " w nop for fA, this t tMUn will will be ha tri emeni 01 up a win w i.: tir ner season keenly ln- jicacu. c iirc iu ace una IJruJeruus. we give more terested In the game to be played news of interest to fishermen than any other paper any-1 tomorrow against the Maroons of where, because we realize the importance of the industry. SSffiSe reah ofdthenioa! We also realize that often the fisherman is the victim of team conditions beyond his controland has had many lean years. We also believe 'in'drganization in industry of any kind for the protection of those'ingaged therein. In order that such organization .njay succeed, it is necessary that it be wisely led and that it be moderate in its demands and careful in its course of action. To be otherwise invites failure. That is why, when from time to time we heard last summer that the salmon fishermen were using the big club occasionally against individual firms and were concentrating on selling to only one buyer to the exclusion of others, we felt that they were taking the wrong course and one that woujd land them in difficulties. Salmon are in demand and always will be from this time on. This year the trollers have had a good season and everyone is pleased that they have. What we want to see is a succession of, good seasons and the best possible prices for the men who 1 do the work, and this can be brought about, we contend, only by having lots' of competition aniong buyers. If a, firm cannot get fish it is either going to quit buying alto- gcuic, ur ium; umur sieps to see mai it gets a supply. at Original Numbers made faniou& hy Quality 0 No. t Hard Wheat It the world's standard. Thtrt is no "just aa (ood"iubttitutt. The superlative, euality of thli farnout strain nuktt Canada's Ooldtn Wtit tht world's moit famous granary. 'V' tike "No. 1 Hlrd,-Seagram's 83 hat no "just as good" substitute. Bottled from tht eld tit stocks ct wbitktf lu Cuttda. Tht Govern, meat itrlp telli tht tioty. RYE WHISKEY Thte advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, ttoa wm I We Use Genuine FORD PARTS IN OUK service work, we use only genuine Ford parts. These are identical with those from which your car was assembled at the Ford factory. Our mechanics have been specially trained to service every part of your car. All labor Is charged at a low flat rate and we guaranteed satisfaction. P S. E. Parker Ltd. DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. WE HAVE some particularly good buys In Le,ht Delivery Can. It would pay you to look them over. THE DAItT NEWS . Friday, November 22 ' JACK DEMPSEY AND ! W. WBIGLEY TO BE , BUSINESS PARTNERS . NEW YORK. Nov. 22: BENNY WENDLE LOOKING GOOD Popular Local Bor In Great Form For Bout With Jones One of the features at the boxing show at the Moose Hall next Monday night will be the six two-minute round semi-final bout be-tween Benny Wendle and Ted Jones. Jones, a stranger to local fight fans, weighs around 135, Is about 24 years of ace and has to Only Three Games In Billiard Match Played Last Night 3 2 2 Again last night's Billiard League 2 fixture between the Elks and Cana- 2 dian Legion was only partly played. 2 Elks leading In three games by a 2 score of 70S to 698. The individual 1 1 scores were as follows: ' his credit a ten-round draw with! Nfek Nlek Contlnl, Contlnl. the the fighting Wop at' 11 M TV Jiincr WhlSr Trail last year 'weigh about 140 and in his last a X. K Six Musketeers and Lief " i will be remembered took Erikson Also Winners tn decision from Venables of Uie Last Evening 1 Colombo in ten rounds last spring , ! A great show is expected from Prince Rupert Whist League re- thes two' js. wits last night were as follows: i : St. Andrew's 4: C. N. R. A., 5. Six Musketeers 6; Blevator 3. I. O. O. F. 5; Seal Cove 4-Canadian Legion 2; Lief Erik son 7. League Standing . W. I. O. O. F. 5 C. P. Balagno (Elks) 211; M. Andrews (Canadian Legion) 250. W. Mitchell, 244; O. P. Tinker, 250 W. E.Wllllscroft, 250; R. Young; 198. Games of A. Murray (Canadian Legion) vs. A. A. Easson (Elks) and J. H. Plllsbury vs. Fred Stephens will probably be played tonight. Sport Chat Elks are going to make a determined stand at the Exhibition Hall this evening to win their first Senior League basketball game of the season at the expense of Three-Two Taxi. So far. the Taxi boys have scored two wins nd no losses while the Lodge men '.:ive been defeated twice without a win. Tonight's match Is expected to be a close and tightly contested affair such as all Senior games so far this season have been. In the Intermediate League, High School which Is tied with Big Four for the leadership, will meet the CNR. team which has yet to win a game this year. Tollers and Maple Leafs are now tied n the Ladies' League with one .' in and one loss each and should put up an interesting fight to determine who goes to the top. Suspension ot the Edmonton Oniric waHV hnmnlnn wnmn'i M L. 1 ,1 i . . 1 r . 1 last spring In refusing to obey the edict of the Canadian Basketball Association ; and; traver to British 1 Columbia1, is asked. for. by the B.C. .Basketball Association. The asso-; elation, at ltsi annual' meeting In Vancouver last Saturday, passed a unanimous vote censuring the .Edmonton team for their behavior and asking the Canadian body t to discipline them for their atcs. ;At the same meeting as this re-1 quest was made. Dr. J. A. Gillespie of Vancouver was elected pres- iaent 01 tne B.C. noop ooay wnile Oeorge Winter was re-elected secretary treasurer for his third consecutive term. Colonel Jacob Ruppert and Edward Grant Barrow, holders of the Yankees' purse strings, have de parted irom New York ror a season at French Lick to prepare themselves for the ordeal of signing Babe Ruth to a new contract. The Babe has Just served out a three-year document calling for. $70,000 a season. The colonel, as usual, delegated Comptroller Bar-row to do most of the talking, or nodding, but It was gathered that tne astute business manager of J 'he Yankees would offer the home-run slugger terms for no more than one season, even if they came a bit higher than the figures Ruth would demand In a two-year document. Ruth has Informed friends that he will ask $85,000 for one year or $75,tXX) a season for two years. Negotiations with Ruth, Barrow ?ald. would not be completed until some time In December. The business mnnairpr hlinsplf n'mtlH i return from French Lick in time I for the Notre Dame-Army game at the Yankee stadium on November 30, but Colonel Ruppert will re-Imaln at the resort until time to depart for Chattanooga, where the minor leagues meet early In Capt-JC. Lowen arrived In the citv on vesterdav afternoon's train 'from Edmonton and will sail on the Princess Norah tomorrow mornlne for Petersburg. Alaska, where she will be stationed In the A service of the Salvation Army. business partnership' for the While here ahr is a guest at the it purpose or sports promotion t 'w-h has been entered Into be- ! tween William Wrlgiey Jun- ior and William Harrison bshiiibmsusb Dcmpsey, better known as ; "Jack" Dempsey, former ' heavyweight champion. News of the new arrangement leak- ecTout yesterday. 'CASE PROCEEDING Evidence for the prosecution in the case of George McRobble, who Is charged with the abduction of the four year old daughter of Mrs. Mary Sims of Seal Cove, was1 taken before Judge F. McB. Young kt "County Court yesu-m nnnn ami ih .... . ...... w. UUC 1111 il.Mrn. .. til- t'lU tui. u 'Jr.. fence testimony will be oresa 1 W. E. Fisher us act,,,, counsel in lh mm : nrnum 1c -,r,r. w":" inn: the accused The Acme Importe SEVENTH ANNUAL 'HI bt-h:;!'"; rs Temptation S.AlLiEi Sale Starts Today, Friday ONCE AGAIN THE ACME IMPORTERS ARE AI$XETO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THEIR GREAT ANNUAL TEMPTATION SALE-BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER! This yearly event is a noted, one in Prince Rupert for the customer- and friends of The Acme Importers. We have been preparing well beforehand and this Temptation Sale is proof of our efforts. Here are some prices that afford men savings they have never received before on such quality merchandise : Suits For Men Overcoats For Men The Season's Chosen Styles Are Here ftwp' 0cTOaU Pfl Men Mn nf of Eer We're proud of our selection! There's nothing in the way of style we do not 1 1 f . IJC!nPl,on have. Fancy weaves, handsome col- Overcoats tailored by fa:" ;-ors, finest wool fabrics. Every gar- makers, embodying all the new foment masterfully tailored. Wonder- tures'for winter attire. Wool falrus fully lined an,d every detail of the in conservative snappy styles. Over-verybest that cah be put into suits coats with two and three buttons, for such high quality and attractive Notched lapels, graceful fit':;., styling. Temptation Q9Q fil models. In fact, the type t ha v.. Salef'Price i mU00. wilUjhoose without further hf-ila- ., f - tionri , C-fO OC ! Temptation 6ale Price ?A7OtJ Suits For Men Here Is One Lot For Rush Sale QLif f c Vrw Man Only 20 in the lot, though, and all in OniTlS TOr Men pure wool tweeds. Sizes 36 and 37 Tooke's Shirts, Arrow Shirts. I tai - only. Temptation Sale Qff Shirts Made of imported F: i '; I Price tJIUstttl broadcloths; in white, rrauve. f i ; , - in stripe patterns and plain r-. Regular values to $3.60. OK Sweaters For Men Ten"'tat"n Sah Price 9 ' Men's Sweaters Jumbo styles with shawl collar and all pure wool. Col- RiiMinre Pnv Mnn KUDDerS T Or Men ors of white, black and fawn. Temptation Sale OQ AC Hundreds of Men's Rubber- nil Price vd.UO gizeS( qrp t Temptation Sale Price 7ec Boys' Armour Clad Suits Z , c , The Greatest, Wearing Suits DOyS OOCKS For Bays Ever Made The famous St Margaret's Sue' - fur Double knees, double seat All pure boys Pure wool, made in Fin . land, wool materials. And some with two In all shades and sizes. KXn pairs of pants. Tempta- Off Qff Temptation 1 Sale Price O.VD tion Sale Price Sh5rt Waisk Boys' Underwear The famous St. Margaret's Brand of IIcrc ,s S?c. lteti Sp ial in Sh,rt Boys' Underwear Pure wool ma- Wa,sts For Koys terial, made in England ; short sleeve, Assorted patterns and in all i knee length. All sizes. Cf Off Temptation Sale Temptation Sale Price , . V03 pricJ l 1 ; rS Boys' Caps Boys' Pants The very latest styles in Boys' Caps Boys' Pants With governor fast n.-rs. in the newest shades and colors. All Did you ever see a price liko 'l is sizes. QtZn Temptation Sale I Q5t ft VO Temptation Sale; Price Pric The Acme Importers Terms: Cash Only THIRD AVENUE Mail Orders Filled At These Prices