(i :i ti ti it i I s s I Smiling tribute Smiles-all around tHo table when you bring on home-made cakes or biscuits. Every mouth waters for fresh and wholesome dainties. And every smile is a tribute to your skilful achieve ment. MAGIC BAKING POWDER Mara teld la Canada than o2 an ether broads combined E. W. GELLETT CO. LTD. Toronto Canada U?E GELLE3C FOR ALL CLEANING, LAUNDERING, DISHWASHING Canadian Legion Turns To the West Third Annual Convention at He-gina Marks New Forward Step by Organization REQINA, Sask., Nov. 22: For the first time In Its history, the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League Is this year swinging westward past the geographical centre of the dominion for its annual dominion conven-tldn, to be held In Regirat; from Nov. 23 to 28. This will be the third dominion convention since the QariadMCn Legion oame into being as a result of the efforts of the date Field Marshal Earl Haig during his visit to Canada in 1925. The first was held in Winnipeg, Man in ii7, ana gave the Legion a definite entity as the one great representative ex-service men's organization in Canada. The second, htld in Saint John, N.B, in June, 1928, saw the Legion consolidate Its position. Since then it has expanded to the point where the west matches the east in the number of branches and members. Standing second only to Ontario in branches and membership the province of Saskatchewan Is worthy of the honor of having the 1929 convention held In Its capital city, and the other provinces of the west have also made tremen dous forward strides and contribu ted in no small measure to the upbuilding of the Legion as a national organization. PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMISSION IS AGAIN APPOINTED VICTORIA, Nov. 22. N. H. Llds-ter of New Westminster, Mrs. Margaret Hoyle of Vancouver and John Hosle, librarian of the Provincial library, have been appointed members of the British Columbia Public Libraries Commissi! in for the next three years. WHEN the absent-minded man of the fam ily remembers to remark on the excellence of any dish placed before him, you can be sure it's mighty good. And CLARK'S VEGETABLE SOUP is one thing that does appeal to a man and to most other people, too! Just the goodness of wholesome vegetables, added to broth made from prime beef, seasoned to suit anyone's taste cooked to tempt anyone's appetite. Any grocer can supply you! Injured At Sea ST. JOHN'S, Nfld., Nov. 22. Four members of the crew of the steam- feT Georgian were taken to the hos-i pital when the shin reached port .i 4 today, as a result of Injuries suf- lerea Monday when tne snip was twelve days out from Copenhagen. Stock Exchange Back To Normal NEW YORK, Nov. 22. The stock exchange will resume five-hour trading next Monday but will close Tnursaay, ThanKsgiving uay, ana Friday and Saturday. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy of S. D. Johnston Co.) Bayview, 2V2. Nil. Big Missouri, 67. 70. Cork Province, 5, 6. Cotton Belt, 30, 40. Dunwell, Nil. 7. Duthle, Nil, 50. Oeorge Copper, 2.80, 2.85. Georgia River. 16, Nil. Golconda, 80. 81. Grandvlew, 24, 2414. Independence, Nil, 5. Indian Mines, 3, 5. Inter. Coal Sc Coke, 30, 31. Kootenay Florence, 8V4, 9. Kootenay King, 10, 11. L. & L., 1. Nil. Lakevlew, Nil, 1. Lucky Jim, 8. 9. Mohawk. 2. 2. Morton Woolsey, 2V4, 3Vfe. Marmot River Gold, 21. 27. Marmot Metals, 2, 2Vfe. National Silver, 9. 10. Noble Five, 44, 45. Oregon Copper, 15, 17. Pend Oreille, 3.10, 3.15. Premier, 1.66, 1.68. Porter-Idaho, 30. 35. Reeves Macdonald, 1.07, 1.10, Rufus-Argenta, 10, 10. Ruth-Hope. 20, 24. Silver Crest, 6V4. 6ft. Silverado, 26. Nil. Snowflake, 15Vi, 16. Sunloch, 75, 1.00. Terminus, 1, Nil. Topley Richfield, 5, 6. Toric Mines, Nil, 125. Whitewater, 25, 3ff. lWoodblne. ififc 3,v... Bluebird. 6. 7. "Oeorge" EnterprL Oils DalhousieliO, I.B5".,fT Devenish, 20, ' 22. Fabyan Pete, 8, 8ft. Home... 12,00,. 12.10. . Hargal, .1.08, 1.10. ... . ., Freehold; 78, 85. -United. 77. 78'-. Sterling Pacific 133, 135. Mercury 76, 78, -r ' n tonfmtt Clark't Vt Stmt ftitttl 0mrmmtl CLA.RKS SOUPS jiiade ut Qmada TOMATO VEGETABLE 07CTAIL CHICKEN PEA GREEN PEA MUTTON BROTH SCOTCH BROTH MOCK TURTLE JULIENNE CELEItY MULLIGATAWNY CONSOMME W.CiiA.RK.lmiufi 31 E,UlU,hmnt, ut MONTREAL, P.Q, ST, REM I, P.Q. oml 1IARROW. JONT,i 1 4 ' tttE DAILT KEW3 PAGE FOUR 1- ers of Crew Had Bad Cold Tickling In throat Coughed All Day Mr. N. IfcAIlinter, Center Lake, B.G, irritei:-"8om time ago I had a very bad rnld, and the tickling In my throat rauaed me to cough all day, and it teemed to get worse at night, and I beo&me quite weak in time. "I decided to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup and the first half bottle tare me relief and when I had finished it my cough wai'all gone." Price, J5e. a bottle; large family rite 60c., at all druggist and dealer. Pot op in a yellow wrapperi tire pin tree the trad mark) manufactured only by The T. MJlburn Co., Ltd, Toronto, Out DIED TODAY IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Annie Hamilton, Tark Avenue, Succumbed In Local Instltu-,.. tion This Morning Mn.' Annie Hamilton, who was taken' to the Prince Rupert General Hospital vesterday by the police at terYieiiTibors on Park Avenue had ' reported that she wa suffering frortt'fits. died in the institution early this morning. ; The late Mrs. Hamilton, who Is i believed to have been about seventy j yeurs oi age ana was oom in uan-ada, had lived in Prince Rupert for ten ytars or more. Several years ago her husband was killed when a coal-laden wharf at the plant of the Canadian Fish tt Cold Storage Co. collapsed. Since then she had lived by herself on Park Avenue. A brother Is understood to live in Salem, Qrecon. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of the 13. C. Undertakers. Employment Is Affected by, M Stock Losses VANC6UVER, Nov. 22: The loss of money to small stock holders as a rauli of the stock market lump Is . largely responsible for the large number of unemployed In Canada today, according to J. H. MeVety, general superintendent of the employment service in British Columbia. This month has been worse than in several years, he said. Letters have been recerH'J me employment omce irommaa looking for work who state that they need employment as a result of losin? their savings In the market. Prince Rupert states that winter emDloyment situation Is serous wih a large amount of surplus labor available. Prince Albert Lads Winners Swine Judging TORONTO Nnv 91 Clnrrtnn and Lindsay Weir have won the Canadian championship in Juvenile 8win GMb woric at the Toronto Royal Fair, brtnflng this honof f". t'e second successive year to the district of Prince Albert. The two boys are Canadian champions in the work as a result of the conclusion yesterday of the Canadian National Railways Judging contests for provincial champion teams in Swine Club work. They omtieted a an Inst five tpnm frnm various other provinces, and were outstanding in their Judging and uemuri iraiions. iney Decome pos setaors for one year, of the W D. Robb Trophy, presented for the past seven years by Vice-President iiGoo, oi me u.Njt. ior annual competition amongst the provincial Swine Club champions. Books Recently Added To Library ophy and religion and sociology imvc uecn rucciiiiy auaea uj me collection In the PrlnrA Piinnr Public Library: ".spiritual voices in Modern Literature," by T. II. Davles. "Religion and Social Justice," by Eddy Shtfrwood. "Conquest of Fear," by Basil King. "Survival" ' .by, Sir James Mar-chant. "Famous TrialPof i lllstory," by Earl Birkenhead. " Communism," by II. J. Laski. "Scientific Approach to Investment Manairpment." bv D CI nn " "War Renunciation," by J. t! onoiwcii. for tha provincial department of public works, who has been snenrllnir thp n.TSt rnunlp nf nrAeVs on thp Oiieen Charlotte Tslanri on official duties, will return to ine city on tne steamer Prince rue i - Four Best Food II 1L J I , November 22 to November 29 Support Home Industry iTu. . i, 11 ; . .- t . Ij it. T f t tar " Eat More rw 111 ill Your Best food rih mlmafflt are JllwaijslMk The nutritive value of Crn Srup I TttmmtA'i by doctor lt' known to be the healthy loud lor everybody. So why not asure Mrendth. ener and Ur9t" by havina Crown llrand (rn Syrup !) t-V your kitchen. It delicious. EDWARDSBURG iLcJ Makers of TtauCII CO. rivin. ' Famous W Products 1 lAyI tZT "CORDIALLY INVITED" "Are you sure your folks know I'm coming home to dinner with you?" "They ought to. They argued with me a whole hour over it." ThVFfa'T)iliiihii AM EMPHATIC COMMENT "Has any one commented on the way you drive?" "Yes, one fellow made a brief remark. Twenty dollars and i costs.' "Union Pacific Magazine. Kind gentleman 'to"1, t VUWIIK ttina fit-in nn an II apple' flTllfi 11 U on I kthe worms, sonny t jDi Little uoy wh- jooi t " fTviinu for themselves. Magazine. Union