Friday, November 22, 162& LANDCt ' Sol li e ' Intention to Apply la Purchase Land In The IJtUtln, .Lend Recording Dt-.con Land Recording DUtrict of Tri umph Creek, end situate In Maple cvutih one halt mile north of the , ii channel of the Takii River and anoiit one UJn ,a,Nort$-ea.Uriy f Visn nnd TaktfHJ&trs. ' " ske notlc that Nell Forbes of Alice Am' B.C.. occupation Miner, Intends tr anplr or Prm Union to purchase the i.V ,wmg described lands: t')mronclng at a post planted one va!i mile north of the Taku m?tr .', i about one mile In a North-tut. ti't direction from the junction of toe o,Ju and Tulsequah Rivera; thence f 30 chains: thence eaat 39 , i, thence North 30 chain; thence w, 20 chain and containing 40 . more -or lev . WEIL FORBES, Miner of Alice Arm, B.C Dited September '83rd. 1829. LAN II ACT . Notice of Intention to Apply to Ignite Land In Prince Rupert Larid Recording p r'.r- of British Columbia, and situ-te between Low Water Mark on the r. -!i Aide and 'Low Water Mark on f ma side of Skeena River opposite M o 28 70 of Canadian National Rail- East of Prince Rupert. Take notice that Northern British r ;mb!a Power Company, Limited of I': i :e Rupert, B.C., occupation Power i duration tntep-lv to apply for a j, , of the following described i "mmenclng at a post planted ISO f.-, - extant, and In a southerly dl-tr ' from centre line of Canadian r. ml Railway. Mile 28,76- East of r :.:e Rupert thenoe South 9 deg. 4j n;in Bast lit chains more or less -i l W M on Bouth bank Skeena thence Easterly along L.W.M. . . aim: thence North 0 deg. 40 mln. Wt-i 114 chain, more or leas to L.W. M. r.n tforth bank of Skeena Riven -r.c: Westerly along L.W.M. t :.j a, more Or leas to point of com mer;cement and containing 19 acre. m ro or lea. NORTHER! BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER OOMPAHT. LIMITED. Per Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 3 1st, 1929. NAVIO.UILK WATERS rROTKCTlOX ACT" ll, 8, C Chapter 118. The Northern British Columbia rswer Company. Limited, of Prince I. .port, hereby Kites notice that it . wider Section 7 of the said Act i P ited with the Minister of PuWle W is it Ottawa, and in the office of District Bftfstrar ot the Land T. itr. ni.trtrt rif TTlTU ftntwrt. St - " .'... nt .h.laerlbed Isnds: I X fluffs. .c , , w r ' c.-e and the plana of a penrer transH o ..jtiin line propowd to oe coosime-tt j toweu over the Skeena Rivet t MU 38.78 Eaat ot Prthce Rupert on : Canadian National Railway, In t u'. of Lot No. tVA. and Lot IS, E; x l Rane 6. Coast District, Brl Columbia. - '.ske notice thsf after the tf : r-.oooi one momo s" 1n; Northern Brltlth Columbia Powet m;a:iy Limited, win, under Section ' ! . :ie asld Act. apply to the Mliya-, Ur of Public Works at hi office 3n i c ity of Ottawa, for approval ot tne t..i t;:o and plans, and (or leare to Mi.'-rti'i the said power tranamlaslon DATED thu 30th dsy of October. AV 1929, THE NORTHERN BRrTISM COUTMB1A POWBR COMPANY LIMITED. By PATMORX It rULTON Solicitors for the Applicant TENDERS SCALED Tenders addreased. to the M.'h'rvlKued at Ottawa and enooraeai oi the eurtlope. "Tender for House- West Ooast Hydroiraphtc Bcrrlce" ill be received up to noon, Nueembtr UJ9, lor the Construction of a U uwboat of principal eunenakma as MIjws - 1 1 VK U overall 100 feet 0 Inches. i-Wh on Main Deck 100 ' 0 " Dr.dtb oter planking. 30 " 0 lirtudiU extreme Jl " 0 tPlli overpunklna . 0 Plans, specifications, forms of con- and schedule of warea may be n-fn nnrt forms of tender nrocured. on application to ot Mar - M the hltW Department f Ot'Kwa. or to the AtenU ot the De-l12o bailment it Vletarls snd Prince RU pert, BC. ot the Chief Inspector ot 'imi :rtcs. Vaneouter. B.C. C a tender must ba baaed strictly "i" ' the Departmental Bpectflcatlona ar. i must be accompanied by an cheque on a chartered Canadian s equal to ten per cent (10) bf " wh ole amount of the tender, which ''"iu wU) be forfeited should the xasful tenderer decline to enter Into "intract prepared by the Depart-" or fall to complete the. work smistuciorlly. Cheques submitted by '"ccasful tenderers will be returned. i nocrs without .cheques will not be ' "tiered. , The Department 'does not bind it-U to accept the lowest or any tender. A. JOHNSTON. Deputy MUllster. Drpartment of Marine Ot Fisheries, Ottawa, October 15, 1S29. PRINCE KUPERT, B.C. L.M ACl Notice of InteriMoti'to Apply to Le.te IjiiiiI t I TAKE NOTICE That L James fttartln ('I M&AMtt nn lntM tA innlt fnf S ie of the following described lands: i' mmenolng at post planted at i water mark and about two nun-Jd and fifty feet BJS. of ahore end "I Now Maasett, D.C. wharf; thence in a Westerly direction and parallel to e wharf to low water mark; thence f "h Westerly to the wharf; thence "or herly along the wharf to high mark; thence along the ahore at M-n water mark to the point ot com-nenceiaent, and containing two acres. mnr or less, Dated at Msasett, B.C.. this Jlat oay of October, 1829, at H.t) A.M. JAMES MARTIN. ?ry a Dally News want-ad. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE CTVB CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Sirs. Sutherland Exnert marrjliin- water waving. Face massage and scalp treatments. Phone 499 i Paints, Wallpaper, Etc SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, PalnU, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 rilONE 22 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Chesterfield Suttee, $170 to $250. with solid walnut mouldings and pillow arms. Dining Room Suites from $125 to $225. Solid oak and walnut. 15 Book Stands and Tables, solid walnut. Splendid gifts. Simmons Beds with felt mattress and coil spring. $27.00 complete. Blankets, pillows, all lines of bedding. Barrymore Carpets, all sizes. Linoleum and linoleum rugs, all sizes. Floor lamps and bridge lamps from $11 DO. Congoleum special, 6x9 rug, $8.40; Vi rug, $750. Terms arranged. Phone 75 LAND ACT Notice of Intention la Apply to Purchase Land tn Prince Rupert Land Recording, District ot British Columbia, and situate on the South Bank of the Skeena River opposite Mile 28.76 of Canadian National Railways, Cast ot Prince RB- 'ke notice that Northern British ! Columbia rower Company, Limited, or Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Power Corporation Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following de ' . , . Coansaeaclng at-a pon blsnted 130 chains distant, and (n a (Southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National RaUwaya, MUe 38.78. East of Prrncc Rupert, on the 8outh bank ot Skeena Rlrer, thenoe South 10 chains; thence West 10 chains; thence North 10 chains; more or less to High Water Mart! thence "Easterly aloKS R.WtM. 10 chains more or leas to point oi commencement, and conUlnlng ' 10 scr more or less NORTHERN BRITISH COLOMBIA POWER COMPANT, LIMITED. Ver: ThamaTD. McLean. A rent. Datedj September 31st, 1929. LAND ACT Notice ef Intention to Apply to Purrbatic Land In the Atlin Land Recording District. aid tt'.uat at West Tatu Arm oi Tagtsb Lake. Take nonce mat i. uo n. -r- ndge, of Ben-ray-Cbree. Atiin, u.u.. occupation, mine owner. Intend? to ap ply lor a purvosse oi iue Huai described lands: . . . Commenemg at post pisntea u rods south of Ben-my-Chree Str. Undine, thence west 40 chains; thence vmth 40 chairs; thence east 40 chstna; thence north fO chains and contslnlng 160 acres, more or leu. OTTO H. PARTRIDGE. Dited: September 9th. 1929. LAND ACT Notice, of Intention fa Apply to Lease Land in trinos Runett Land Recording District of British Columbia, and situ ate on the Bourn usjik m oir River opposite Mile 28.78 on Canadian patkmal Railways, East ot Prince Ru- Take " notice that Northern . British Columbia Power Company, Limited of Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Power Corporation imenw w for a ihm described .an4g I.UU. , . . . , chalna distant and In a l "JJ"' direction from centre line of Canadian National usuwsya, r... nf Prince Rupert, on me south bank of the Bkeena Blver, thence North 8 chains more or lest to Low wsler Mark; thence Westerly alone L.W.M thalna; thenoe Bouth 8 chains, more or less to It W.M tCh7n Easterly along H.W.U. to pomt of commencemrni i9l,oSmSkmsa N" Columbia COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean. Agent. twj Rnirmber Slst. 1829. - r BRINGING UP WANTED WANTED Qirl for general housework;. Phone Blue 691. ( tf ) WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Cha. Edwards, at Wallace's. WANTED Job driving truck or ower worK. rnone Kcd 278. (275) HAVE You & Job for a willing worker rough carpenter, paint-er or glazier? Phone 427. (274) WANTED Ladles' and children's dress-making. Mrs. Ross, 324 Second Avenue, phone Black 53. : (272) HOUSEKEEPER Wants work, hotel, cooking or chamber work. Apply Box 235 Daily News Office. (273) MEN WANTED To take up plastering and brick laying, tile setting and cement finishing. These $9.00 to $12.00 a day trades oner unlimited opportunity. Canada' building boom requires thousands of these tradesmen. Starting wages after a few weeks' training $5.00 to $7.00 per day. Earn while you learn. Mail this ad and your I name and address for further information. The United Building Trades Training School, 460 Hastings Street East. Vancouver. B.C. QUEEN CHARLOTTE-PORT CLEMENTS STAGE Meets all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City to convey passengers to Port Clements, and meets southbound boats at Port Clements to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00, and in proportion to Intermediate paints R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER IIOTI QUEEN CHARLOTTE CI B.CS THE " U9 ELECTRIC BAKERY The Store That Quality Built!" . , EAT ELECTRIC, BREAD t The.iJest There P. O. BOX 416 ittOKE.wOT " - 1 ; PHOTO FINISHING For Fine Photo Work Quick Keturns Careful Finishinf j WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHINGS 1 322 Third Avenue WE FRAME PICTURES H.J.ZUMKEHR CHIMNEY SWEEP General Handy Man New Address at Ued'u Transfer PHONE 204 CLEARING & GRADING Concrete Foundations Tunnels and shafts in diffUult ground a specialty. NELS ROKKJAR, CENTRAL HOTEL AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART, we buy, sen or exenang any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, tratrng, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal IMoek Advertise In the Dally News. FATHER OH, IN) C 112. tall If 1 BV QOUUf THlS 'TS. tJ J j I HSNOV- TU- OROTECT ' 1 MY feCVKME CA-&H WHILE I) V- tvry.ift BROTHER FOR RENT FOR. RENTr-Four room flat with bath, furnished. Phone 547. - , FOR RENT Five-room suite, Summit Apts. Phone Blue 345. (tf) FOR RENT Double or Single housekeeping , rooms. Phone 427. (tf) FOR RENT Nicely furnished flat In Clapp Block, Apply Westen-haver Bros. (tf) FOR RENT Furnished five room bungalow near Hays Creek. Phone Oreen 244. (276) FOR RENT Furnished apartments 2, 4, and 5 rooms. Apply Mussallem Grocery. (tf FOR RENT Renovated 9 -room flat, over Prince Rupert Feed Store, Second Avenue. (273) FOR RENT Automobiles. pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT House, 5 rooms and 'V,n V, nnntlt rnnnllrtn T i .... dry. Newly decorated. Phone Oreen 430. (273) FOR RENT Furnished and un furnished rooms. Suites for lleht housekeeping:. Under new management. Phone Black 69. (272) FOR RENT Clean, well furnish-ed modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. (tf) FOR SALE PIANO For sale. Phone Oreen 405, FOR SALE Nicely furnished five room house. Snap for $700. Ap-ply Messenger, 'Phone 131. (277 FOR SALE Fishing boat "Emblem No. 1." Engine Just overhauled; with complete fishing gear. For particulars apply Lipsett's Store, i (tf) FOR SALE Chesterfield, china cabinet, piano; dining: room suite, bed complete, dressing table. Email tables, etc. Phone, Oreen 405, FOR SALE Seine boat "Canadian GlrL" 45 feet by 12 foot beam. 20 h.p. Frisco Standard engine. Equipped for halibut fishing, j Vessel used for only two sea- sons and in Al condition. Price! $4500. Apply Ward Electric and. Marine Supply Company, Cow! Bay. (tf TWO OF THE BEST View Lots on 'Graham Avenue, Westview, a Double Corner $500. M. M. STEPHENS & CO. LTD. Rentals Loans Real Estate -I FOR SALE Launch, cabin cruiser, 38x9 ft-i 7-8 knots. Sleeps 4. Fully equipped galle, lockers, modern convenience's electric lights. 15 HP. seml-Olesel engine. First class condition. Suitable for patrol, hunting or pleasure. A real hone on the water. Sound, seaworthy and reliable in every way. Will sell for $2,100 or trade for Improved city property. Terms if required. Ask us jor demonstration. II. G. IIELGERSONi LTD. Phone 96 218 Sixth St. I-OUND FOUND 3 lb. canister of plug tobacco. Apply Dally News Office. FOUND Silver Maltese cross brooch with letters W. A. Apply Dally News Office. Advertise In the Dally News. J-T W WALLET The 2AFE AM 'T COT MY TICKETS, TO THE. eORLE,QOB JHQW isl IT Pnlm Sarrk, Inc., tirtft Briuia tiff" !wm4' BOATBUILUERS KIT BOATBTJILDERS, COW BAY P. O. Box 749 Phone Rtd 414 Y. Suehiro, Cow Bay Boatbuilder, P. O. Box 314 SALVAGE AM TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do It." v PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and Oeneral Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Oas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel, in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or Merit 564 P. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC SUNSHINE AND ULTRA VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C. ANALYTE ADJUSTMENT INDICATOR SERVICE 623 Third Avenue "West Blue 85 rhones Red 589 W. C. ASPINALL D.C. Chiropractor and Violet Ray 6 and 7 Exchange. Block Green 241 Tlwmes Black 283 ," ' cr-.-i.'i".'i. liO SPRINGS Made: and' repaired, ior 'any kind of Auto or Trutk. Prompt Service. Satisfaction guar anteed. Star Welding and Repair Works P.O. BOX 764 Prince 'Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT Votlre At-Jntentlon toApply to Leone Land ilBMPrta leewiraperttcLand iReccrdin DUUlctJff iBrtUih .CoTumbla.tfaDd situ ate? on-. The 'North v bank of Skeena rflrer. hear Mile ?8."7S on Canadian national Rauwaya, east oi rrince ku-ptrt. B.C. Take notice that Northern British Power Company. Limited ot Prince Ropert, PC. occupation Power Cor-poartlon tntenda to -apply for a lease of the foUowtng described lands: Commencing at a post planted about SO ft. distant, and In a southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National Railways. MUe 28.76 East ot Prince Rupert, on the north bank of Skeena River thence South 2 chains, mors or less, to Low Water Mark: thence Easterly along L.W.M. S chains: thence North 3 chalna more or less to High Water Mark; thence Westerly along H.W.M. 5 chains, more or less to point ot commencement, and containing one acre, more or leas. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 31st. 1029. MINKKAL ACT Srtllon 28 Notice to Co-Partners' , 1 V' Mineral claims Btar, fland, 'Bella, Aurora, altuated at Lockeport, QueeB Charlotte Islands. Owners Reea Morrison PJJ.C. 871693 O., R. Dunlop and H. H. McCqU. To all concerned, take notice that I. Ross Morrison FJJ.C. 871093 C. having done all the work and paid at! dues on the above Mineral Claims for the year ending Oct. 37th, 1829, without any work done or moneys paid by co-owners. R. Dunlop and II. H. McColi. Intend to apply within a period ot 120 days after first appearance of this notice, to the Mining Recorder, to have the interests of eold co-owners vetted solely In myself. ROSS MORRISON. 351 Per J. L. Barge, Agent. WELL- rLLOUtjT HAVE TO GO eACKMsl'OTtEM-THl It) TOUGH LUCK- Dr Alexander " t, TIIONE 871 HK8NER Itl-OCK DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel 'We Specialize in Pianc and Furniture Moving. Daily News "classified advertisements" bring quick results. 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No . 2 Spruce S&ipJaft,. , $20.00 1x10 No. 2Sprucff8tiipb .:. $22.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to lfS-iSNo. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S'4S,'No . 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER-COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE KUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Itetail Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 42.1 Gardner Diesel Engines PROVED The most satisfactory engine on the market and built in sizes to suit any size of boat. Semi-Diesel Type V T sizes 7h,p. to 300 h.p. Full Diesel Type 1 sizes 64 h.p. to..300 h.p. FULL LINE OF SPARE ENGINE PARTS CARRIED IN STOCK - At Vancouver and Prince Hupcrt We will be pleased to quote you prices and terms. Ward Electric and Marine Supply Co. COW BAY, PRINCE RUPERT, C. C. Furniture for sale. Watch the classified columns. 1 " " :- V I Goldbloom has Just returned from the East and has on display a wonderful selection of furs. Goldbloom Is a keen buyer and can offer his customers prices at least 35 Per Cent Less Than Similar Goods Can Be Purchased Elsewhere! Goldbloom. the Old Reliable, after being in business for twenty years, has not yet had a dissatisfied customer. See Goldbloom First Third Avenue, Next Bank of Montreal LUMBER By George MclVJanus T ( HOLL.V 5MOKE-